Six candidates initiate their campaigns today for governor of Baja California including a casino/racetrack owner and the 1991 Miss Universe
Today – Sunday April 4th – officially marks the day that candidates for seeking public office in Baja California may begin to promote their campaigns and hold public events seeking the support of voters in this state that occupies the northern half of the Baja California Peninsula, at one second after midnight.
In Mexico, political campaigns are publicly funded and are tightly controlled, restricting them to only a few months for campaigning.
Compacting the political activity into such a small window of time also creates an environment where little else seems to be going on so don’t be surprised to see non stop campaign posters plastered everywhere on top of non-stop commercials on radio, TV and social media.
The statewide election will be held on Sunday June 6th and voters will have to choose the next governor from six candidates who made the ballot, including a few interesting personalities.

Among the candidates running for governor of the state, four have confirmed that they will initiate their campaign activities in Mexicali – the state capital – this Sunday, April 4th.
The first to kickoff their campaign will be the candidate of the “Va X BC” coalition, made up of the PAN, PRI and PRD political parties – Guadalupe Jones Garay.
The former Miss Universe from 1991 is a political newcomer and scheduled a campaign event to be held in the early morning hours today, just seconds after midnight at the Plaza de los Tres Poderes of the Civic Center, where attendees were recommended to wear face masks and following safety measures and protocols.
Jones has additional events scheduled throughout the day in Tecate, Tijuana, Rosarito Beach and finishing up the day at an event in Ensenada.

The former mayor and flamboyant owner of the Caliente Race Track and Casino in Tijuana – Jorge Hank Rhon – is running as the candidate for governor for the Encuentro Solidario Party (PES) and wiimill launch his campaign this morning at 9:00 AM at Campo Verde in Los Algodones.
Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda – the current mayor of Mexicali and candidate of the “Together We Will Make History” coalition, will start her campaign at 9:00 AM at the Baja California Park in San Quintín before heading to events scheduled in Ensenada and Tijuana.
Marina del Pilar is from the Morena political party and was swept into office in Mexicali back in 2018 when Morena won most of the elections across Mexico in what was seen as the country turning making a loud statement in turning away from the “politics as usual” from the past.

Jaime Bonilla – the current governor of Baja California who was won office by drafting in the slipstream of the 2018 election, has fallen somewhat out of favor in the public eye in recent months, failing to fulfill his promise to investigate and prosecute the former governor – Francisco Vega de Lamadrid – for theft and corruption.
The former governor who is popularly known as “Kiko Vega was widely reported to have been involved in multiple acts of corruption and in spite of his own wife publicly admitting to the theft of nearly 7 million pesos, no charges have been filed.
The candidate from Morena is representing a coalition made up of mostly left leaning political factions and in spite of the current view of the Bonilla administration, is currently viewed as a slight favorite to win against what is seen as a divided field of moderates and right leaning political coalitions.

Assuming no unexpected political fireworks in the coming weeks, the remaining candidates on the ballot are seen to be running for who can come in fourth place behind the more favored candidates.
However with this group of candidates and the politically charged times we are living in, we shouldn’t count anybody or anything out…