Let me introduce myself and this forum…
My name is Ron “Gomez” Hoff and I have lived and worked in Latin America for a significant portion of my adult life and for the last 20+ years here in Mexico, where I would meet the love of my life – Cristina. We would marry and eventually move from the Rosarito Beach area down to a very small and remote fishing community outside of San Quintin called La Chorera, fronting San Martin Island.
Here we would build our forever home where we live completely off-grid and where I first started Talk Baja back in 2008, beginning as a simple, stand alone discussion group / forum for a small collection of my like-minded friends to share stories, pictures and experiences of a common love we all shared – the mystical and amazing Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico!
Much to my surprise, our “small group of friends” quickly grew but I will never forget the support and participation of several of those founding group members and I fondly remember some of their forum “handles” like martycortez, dennis, bajaguy, longlegsinlapaz, gruñon, msterieus, durrellrobert, j.p., bigwoo, soulpatch, docrey, churro, larry, tjsue, pauldavidmena, wessongroup, sargentodiaz, rts551, bobh, blowhole, beachbum, cdn_johnny, bwall and others.
And my own handle that some of you may remember – “bajagringo”.
In 2013 I moved the forum to Facebook and our Talk Baja group today has well over 100 thousand members with over one million visits each month, representing the largest online discussion group-forum for the Baja California Peninsula.
Our online community has evolved into a large and culturally diverse group of members including a broad mix of Americans / Gringo’s, Mexicans, Canadians and more – some born here, many others here visiting as tourists and thousands of folks living down here south of the border as Expats; either retired or working full or part time.
The growth of our Talk Baja community has lead to the branching off and creation of several dozen additional Baja themed groups and pages under our brand, covering topics such as weather, road conditions, sportfishing, border crossing information, crime / safety and other topics relating to regional information, attracting over 600,000 total members, followers and subscribers.
And still growing!
That growth however, has created its own unique set of challenges – largely related to the extremely high volume of activity making it difficult to follow topics – so a decision was made in late 2020 to begin researching the development of a new platform that could provide a discussion forum format for our entire Talk Baja community, where our members and followers could find any and all of their favorite group topics under one virtual roof with a filtered discussion feed that would enable them to only follow those topics and discussions of interest without having to wade through all of the “clutter” from other topics and discussion they may not necessarily want to see.
It was a formidable task with many return trips back to the drawing board, but by early fall of 2021 we began to see the framework of a solid new platform taking form and announced an official launch of this new platform in early 2022.
We are honored and humbled by the continued growth of this amazing online community that is Talk Baja and we hope that you find this new tool useful and enjoyable to use. Please feel free to reach out to us via the contact form with any questions or to share any comments or suggestions.
Welcome to our online Baja community!
Ron & Cristina