Cristina and I awoke as we do most mornings here at our home we built on the beach at La Chorera, with the calls of seagulls and “Tita” – one of our calico cats we rescued, sitting patiently on my chest, waiting for me to fetch her breakfast.
I had gone into town several days ago to stock up on supplies and was saddened to think that this would not be a typical Easter celebration.
We will likely celebrate this day alone here with a modest meal but in reality, with an abundance of joy and appreciation in our hearts. Here in our “lockdown life”, I am not thinking of what we will miss out on today but of all that we do have and should be so thankful for.
Cristina and I are truly blessed in so many ways; having met by chance in a cooking class in Tijuana so long ago. Today we are quickly approaching 15 years of marriage after surviving a brutal attack that very nearly cost us our lives, yet we are here; stronger than ever and bonded together by a forever growing love for each other and shared faith in our creator.
No matter what be your personal beliefs, today is a day of renewal and I ask that we all look deep inside ourselves, not focusing on what we don’t have today or what we can’t do, but instead on all that we DO have to be thankful for.
100 years from now, COVID will be just a historic anecdote of our time here and you and I will be long gone from this life on earth.
But the love, support, friendship and kindness extended to us from so many of you here in this Talk Baja community, will still remain.
Happy Easter…

#HappyEaster #Quarantine #COVID19 #StayHome #Coronavirus