Early reports indicate that a 9-1-1 call came in at 01:35 AM last Wednesday, 27th when the homicide was first reported in the Ocotillos Campo, at an address located on Del Mar and 4th Streets.
The victim, Allen Wayne Cutting, aged 80 and a U.S. citizen, was a part-time resident of Baja California, Mexico and originally from Arizona.
He was known to have also had a residence in the San Luis Gonzaga area.
The evidence so far indicates that the homicide appears to have been a vehicle theft gone wrong, when the victim went outside of the Ocotillos residence shortly after midnight, responding to suspicious noises.
According to one source, Allen was hit at least twice, with two .223 caliber rounds found at the site, indicating he was likely shot with an AR-15 rifle.

Ruth Ann, the victim’s wife and 73 years old, said they both heard noises in the patio after midnight when her husband got up and went outside see what was going on. Moments later she heard gunfire.
When she went went outside to check on her husband, she found him alive but mortally wounded. Looking around, she didn’t see her husband’s assailants but did realize that their while and blue, 1972 VW Kombi van was missing.
The van was reportedly recovered just a few hours later, abandoned and out of gas.
Friends remember Allen as a very positive, upbeat soul who loved Baja and was always willing to lend a helping hand.
This heinous attack comes on the heels of an armed car jacking in the region near Gonzaga as well as other expat murders in Bahia de Los Angeles and south of San Quintin in the last couple of years as well as the case of Mary Ann Humfreville, an expat resident who was taken in the middle of the night from her home in Bahia de Los Angeles in December of 2020.
To date she has not been found and the case remains unresolved.
Agents from the Municipal Police as well as the State Attorney General’s Office are investigating the robbery-murder from last Wednesday and are asking for the public to call 9-1-1 if they should learn of any tips that could help them catch those involved.
Sad to read of this incident. Still I feel safer In Baja than in most public settings in the U S these days.
“TIMES” are getting very bad in BCN!