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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    February 21, 2022 at 2:43 pm

    Very nice. What was the vibe with security like right now? A coworker was down there in 2019 and left their motorhome parked and went into Mulege on their motorcycle for dinner and some shopping. When they came back their rig had been broken into and they took a few things including a camera and a notebook computer. Based on the way everything got overturned it looks like they were very fast – in and out.

    Other campers down the beach a ways were in the water and reported seeing two guys around their rig but by the time they reached shore were already gone so they didn’t think much of it. Two days later their campsite was ripped off as well.

    Do you see any police presence at all?

    I’m curious because my girlfriend and her sister want to head down there in April.

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