Reply To: La Paz Clinic

  • boe4fun

    May 11, 2022 at 5:00 pm

    Our clinic was founded in 2004, we hold clinics each spring and fall for two weeks each. Our volunteers this past clinic were:

    Top row left to right-
    Jim Thompson-technical support, Zenon Labudda-tech support, Garth Knapp-CPO (certified prosthetist orthotist by the American Board for Certification in Prosthetics and Orthotics), Beatriz Alverde-Unger-translator, Louise Farrow-RPT (Registered Physical Therapist), Doug Pinkley- CPO, Numa Arce-physical therapist and tech support, Christian Santuario-tech support.
    Bottom row, left to right:
    Paul Boe CPO(e)-emeritus status, Brad Farrow CPO(e), Dr. Robert Haining (specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation).

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