Reply To: Driving down from California to Cabo/La Paz & Cabo Pulmo.

  • bajabill

    May 2, 2022 at 7:39 pm

    If it’s your first time driving it, plan to do it in 2 and a half days from the border to La Paz. That pace will take a lot of the stress off and allow you to drive a bit slower (which also saves you gas) and you can stop more often to stretch your legs, sightsee, etc.

    For your first trip driving down I would head down the Transpeninsular and plan on overnighting in Cataviña. The Hotel Mission Santa Maria there is awesome and you will really get to experience what the Baja desert is like at night. Trust me – you’ll love it!

    The next morning I would leave by 7:00 AM and then just pick a big semi heading south and stay 100 yards behind. That way you will have plenty of warning of any problems ahead and those drivers know the road like the back of their hands including when you need to brake and when you can speed up. Stop for lunch in Vizcaino and you would have no problem with that pace of reaching Loreto by 5:00PM max.

    Enjoy a nice evening in Loreto – another beautiful town – and you’ll be in good shape to reach La Paz around mid day or so, based on how early you leave Loreto.

    Enjoy your trip and share your trip report here with us when you get back!

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