Reply To: 5 Million Pesos: Average price of a home today in Tijuana

  • JuanSoler

    July 16, 2022 at 9:32 am

    Five million pesos – 250K USD – does seem too high for Tijuana but as the developer mentioned, Tijuana also has a lot of home priced much higher. Think about all those neighborhoods in the city where the business owners and wealthy live. Where all the Americans coming down to rent in Tijuana while commuting to work in San Diego live. The homes you see in the colonias are probably selling for less than 5 million pesos but still much higher than the Infonavit max loan amount. Either way, workers still cannot afford to buy a home today, something they were able to do until recently. All you needed before was to have 3 years on the job, your employer matching your Infonavit deduction and then purchase from an Infonavit approved development.

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