Reply To: Baja’s EXTREME water problems – Mad Max 2022?

  • tom-lindsay

    July 2, 2022 at 8:37 am

    I agree. With the water pressure being what it is right now, even a small leak can turn into hundreds of gallons overnight. People are so careless with their water, wasting hundreds of gallons each day. And if you multiply that by the approx 15 million homes in California, that’s billions of gallons wasted every day in California alone! We took out all of our lawns and have gradually evolved our outdoor areas into predominantly outdoor living (with shade) and our gardens to more desert like landscaping with low water needs. With those changes alone we figure that we cut our water consumption in half with other conservation moves we are today consuming less than 30% of the water we used to use just 10 years ago. We also feel like our home has gotten much bigger with the increased living areas and enjoy using it much more. Unfortunately, there is us and only one other home on our block that has made such a serious effort, with most just doing the bare minimum. People still aren’t taking this seriously and they probably won’t until they have no water.

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