Culture and Flavors of Baja Mexico
The blending of the pre and post-Columbian histories of this peninsula have created a rich and... View more
Stuffed jalapeños
Stuffed jalapeños
When I was in grade school/junior high I would go down to Ensenada with my Dad to fish the half day boats, this was in the latter 1950’s to early ‘60’s. He’d always go to a mercado across and down the street from Hussong’s and buy these de-seeded jalapeño peppers stuffed with various meats. They were quartered then stitched back together with a burlap type of thread. They came in cans, about quart, half gallon, or gallon, and since they were without seeds they weren’t as hot (although throughout the years my tastes have changed and I now prefer the variety with seeds, but I won’t cross the line over to habaneros!). Anyway, has anyone come across something like this? If so, where to find? Gracias amigos, Paul Boe.
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