My wife and I fell in love with Todos Santos, BCS about 15 years ago. While we haven’t fallen out of love with the area yet, property costs have skyrocketed as we count down the months until both of us retire (end of 2025, tentatively), and we’re suddenly scrambling to figure out what that means in terms of how much we can really afford and where. In other words, just how much gold is needed to sustain us in our golden years?
We had a recent reality check when a house we stayed at in Pescadero back in 2016 – for $440 per night – just listed for $2.6 million dollars. It’s massive – with 3 private bedrooms, a caretaker’s cottage, a pool and outdoor kitchen/bar – and it’s also located in the shadow of the Modern Elder Academy. Overdevelopment has plagued the area since COVID lockdowns encouraged expats to relocate and work remotely. Instead of a rustic beach getaway, it’s now a second home with high-speed internet and two-car garage. The impact on the water supply has been profound, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to unring the bell, so to speak.
So we’re slowly considering other part of Baja, such as Buenavista on the East Cape, but we feel like we’re starting from scratch again – except that we’re now in our mid-60s. On the other hand, the high temperature today on Cape Cod was a less-than-balmy 35 degrees. ❄