Reply To: Proposal to expand firearm access for civilians

  • BajaGringo

    July 16, 2022 at 12:32 pm

    I have always owned a gun and I suppose I define “gun nuts” as those who want absolutely no control or oversight to their purchase and believe its their constitutional right to possess any type or size of weapon; 50 caliber sniper rifle, machine gun, hand grenade launchers and probably a cruise missile if they could figure out how to set up and control its rail launcher from their back yard bunker.

    Life events have shown me how valuable it can be to have a firearm at your reach when things go south but I do believe there should be a registration system and mandatory background checks first. However .38 caliber is simply too small as per the current limit here in Mexico, especially when most perps are carrying a 9mm.

    Many want to use their arguments against guns from the U.S. down here in Mexico and they simply don’t apply. It’s a completely different ball game down here with a completely different set of rules and players.

    Most Mexicans fully understand that and many American fail to, at their own peril.

    I know first hand.

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