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Reply To: Baja Book Collection FOR SALE
Numbers 1 – 31; 1963 – 1993
Originally compiled by Jackie M. Dooley, 1991
Edited, updated, and reformatted by Norman K. Christie, 1999
* = scanned/digitized by Norman Christie
This index lists the papers from the 31 meetings of the Baja California Symposium, sponsored annually by the binational Asociacion Cultural de las Californias (Cultural Association of the Californias). The first symposium was held at El Alisal, the historic Charles F. Lummis House in Los Angeles, CA in 1963, and 1993 marked the 31st and last symposium, in El Centro, CA.
The citation for each paper includes author(s), title, and language(s) in which the paper was published. “Not Published” indicates that a paper was given orally at the Symposium, but no text was published. Each entry is assigned a unique number based on the number of the symposium at which it was presented, followed by an item number for the particular paper. A Subject Index follows the bibliography and is keyed to these numbers.
In some cases, papers listed in the table of contents and/or published in the proceedings were not orally presented. More detailed information is sometimes provided in the proceedings of that specific year, or, in the bibliography of symposia 1 – 14 compiled by Glen Dawson and Edwin Carpenter (entry# 15.1). The present bibliography was updated from Jackie Dooley’s work, partially based on Glen Dawson’s comprehensive set of proceedings, so it is hoped that this represents a complete a listing. It is inevitable, however, that some presentations are missing, since not all proceedings were issued in bound form, thus possibly rendering some papers fugitive. Some impromptu talks, films, slide shows, traditionally welcomed at the symposia, never appeared on the pre-printed table of contents, and so memory may be lost. If any reader of this Cumulative Index knows of papers not herein recorded, it would be appreciated if a copy could be sent to Norm Christie (see addresses at end)
Revised: 21 December, 2000)
I. Los Angeles, CA; 11 May, 1963
Proceedings not formally published.
1.1. Aschmann, Homer: Historical Sources For a Contact Ethnography of Baja California.
(presented at 1963 Symposium, but published in California Historical Society Quarterly, June 1965, and in reprints.
II. San Diego, CA; 9 May, 1964.
Panel Discussion; Not Published.
III. Mexicali, BC; 24 April, 1965.
3.1. Phillips, Richard P.: Terremotos y el Valle Imperial (Spanish)
3.2. Cruetz, E.: Precision Tools of San Dieguito Man. (English and Spanish).
3.3. Alvarez Valadez, Guillermo: Notes on the Colorado River in Lower California. (Eng and Sp)
3.4 Zavala Abascal, Antonio: Las Misiones Dominicas, el Turismo y Leyenda Negra de Tijuana y de Baja California. (Spanish)
3.5 Martinez, Pablo L.: English Translation of Introduction to “Guia Familiar de Baja California”.
3.6 Davis, Emma Lou: Early Indians of Baja California. (Not Published).
IV. Costa Mesa, CA; 23 April, 1966.
4.1 Smith, Lloyd M.: Cirio, Cardon, Torote, and Datilillo: Strange Plants of the Vizcaino Desert of Central Baja California. (English and Spanish).
4.2 Mercado Sanchez, Pedro:An Historical Review of the Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas. (English)
4.3 Servin, Manuel P.: The Mexican-American in California. (English)
4.4 Owen, Roger C.: The Social Evolution of Northern California Indian Bands. (English).
V. Tijuana, BC; 29 April, 1967.
5.1 Raitt, Helen et al: [Short Articles on the History, Function, and Organization of the Asociacion Cultural de las Californias and its Symposia.] (English and Spanish)
5.2 Vega, Juan: The Mexican Geographic and Statistics Society, and its Branches in Baja California. (English and Spanish)
5.3 Aschmann, Homer: Historical Accounts and Archaeological Discoveries: Working Together, Two Scholarly Disciplines Enlarge Our Understanding of the Extinct Indians of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
5.4 Robles Garibay, Guillermo: Sketch of the Necessities of Electric Energy in the State of Baja California and the Form in Which They Are Satisfied by the C.F.E. (Comision Federal de Electricidad). (English and Spanish).
5.5 Ortega C., Guillermo: Missional Patronage of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
5.6 Castillo Escobar, Ricardo: Cave Paintings of Baja California. (English and Spanish)
5.7 Conklin, Deane T.: Tijuana: Genesis and Early History. (English and Spanish).
VI. San Bernardino, CA; 20 April, 1968.
6.1 Simpson, Ruth D.: Early Man in the American Southwest. (English and Spanish).
6.2 Walther Meade, Adalberto: Old Main Towns of the Northern Part of the Frontier of Lower California, and Their Significance. (English and Spanish).
6.3 Valenzuela, Jose G.: The Boundary Line Between Mexico and the United States. (Eng & Sp).
6.4 Ayala, Ruben: Our Debt to Baja California. (Not Published).
6.5 Hicks, Sam: Prehistoric Caves of Baja California. (Not Published).
VII. Tecate, BC, and San Diego, CA; 26, 27 April, 1969.
7.1 Walther Meade, Adalberto: The Northern District of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
7.2 Carter, Annetta: Some Historical and distributional Aspects of the Flora of the Sierra de la Giganta , BCS, Mexico. (English and Spanish).
7.3 Penalosa, Victor M.: Tecate, Su Origen. (Spanish).
7.4 Smith, Cornelia S.: The Saga of Abbe Chappe: A French Astronomer in Baja California, 1769. (English and Spanish).
7.5 Valenzuela, Jose G.: Statistical Data About the Peninsula of Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
7.6 Phillips, Richard P.: Scientific Investigations in Baja California, Past and Present. (Eng & Sp).
7.7 Grijalva Ortiz, Nicolas: School of Marine Sciences, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. (English and Spanish).
7.8 Hendrix, William O.: Guillermo Andrade and Land Development on the Mexican Colorado River Delta, 1874-1905. (English and Spanish).
7.9 Lopez Lopez, Raul: A Visit to the Sites of the Missions of the State of Baja California. (E&S).
7.10 Lindsay, George E.: Natural Resources of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
VIII. Ensenada, BC; 9 May, 1970.
8.1 Henderson, David: Scammon’s Lagoon: Focus in the Desert. (English and Spanish).
8.2 Guerrero Olvera, Vicente: Hydrology as a Basis for the Study of Hydraulic Utilities in Baja California. (English and Spanish).
8.3 Mathes, W. Michael: Sebastian Vizcaino and the California Peninsula. (English and Spanish).
20. Nishikawa, Katsuo: Fisheries and Oceanography Development in Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
21. Mathes, W. Michael: In Memoriam: Erle Stanley Gardner, 1890-1970. (English).
IX. Santa Ana, CA; 9 May, 1971.
9.1 Nash, Robert A.: The Chinese Fishing Industry in Baja California. (Eng and Sp). (Also published in: Bulletin of Chinese Historical Society of America, v.8, #9; November, 1973).
9.2 Leon-Portilla, Miguel: The Historical Archives of Baja California Sur: Their Antecedents and Recent Creation. (English and Spanish).
9.3 Ibarra Hernandez, Ruffo: The Development of Railroads in Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
9.4 Grant, Campbell: Petroglyphs and Rock Paintings of Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
9.5 Perez Siliceo, Emilio: Weather Modification in Mexico and the Ensenada Project. (Eng & Sp).
X. Mexicali, BC; 29-30 April, 1972.
10.1 Burton, Erlinda: Prehistoric Cultures of Imperial Valley. (English).
10.2 Nunis, Doyce B.: Baja California, 1848-1868, Years of Toil and Strife. (Eng and Sp).
10.3 Panian, Henry: Juarez and the Leese Concession in Baja California. (English and Spanish).
10.4 Licona Elizondo, Sergio and Madrid Felix, Quintin: Rehabilitation Works of Colorado Irrigation district, Mexicali, BC and San Luis R.C., Sonora. (English and Spanish).
XI. Corona del Mar, CA; 5 May, 1973.
11.1 Jimenez Moreno, Wigberto: The Language and Indigenous Culture of Baja California. (E&S).
11.2 Alvarez de Williams, Anita: The Cucapa Indians of the Colorado River Delta. (Eng & Sp).
11.3 Leon-Portilla, Miguel: The Contribution of Miguel del Barco (1706-1790) to the History of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
11.4 Ramos Galvan, Miguel: The State of Baja California: Its Infrastructure of Public Works, Its Present Economy, and Its Future Development. (English and Spanish)
11.5 Logan, Richard F.: A Plea for Planning in Baja California. English and Spanish).
XII. La Paz, BCS; 27-28 April, 1974.
12.1 Mathes, W. Michael: The Missions of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
12.2 Pinera Ramirez, David: Urbano Ulises Lassepas and His Mission in Baja California,
83. (English and Spanish).
117. Trasvina Taylor, Armando: The Literature of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
118. Castro Agundez, Jesus: The Transpeninsular Highway. (English and Spanish).
119. Carballo Lucero, Javier: Possibilities for Transforming the Territory of Baja California Sur into a State. (English and Spanish).
120. Leon-Portilla, Miguel: Indian Place Names of Baja California Sur. [Published separately in “Masterkey” (Southwest Museum, L.A.) Jan-Mar, 1977.] English.
XIII. Riverside, CA; 26-27 April, 1975.
13.1 Moran, Reid: The Plant Life of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
13.2 Toncini, Carlos: La Casa de los Ninos, a Distinctive Orphanage in the City of La Paz, BCS. (English and Spanish).
13.3 Alonso, Jose M. The Mexican National Astronomical Observatory’s New Site in San Pedro Martir, Baja Calif: Its Present State and Future Development. (English and Spanish).
13.4 Arnold, Brigham: The Earliest Traces of Man in the Two Californias. (Eng and Sp).
13.5 Uriarte de Lang, Maria Teresa: Funeral Customs of the Baja California Indians. (Eng & Sp).
13.6 Crosby, Harry: Convention and Variation in the Great Mural Rock Paintings of Prehistoric Baja California. (English and Spanish).
XIV. Tecate, BC; 1-2 May, 1976.
14.1 Michelson, Ralph: The Territoriality of Native Americans in Baja California: Two Views; The Natives’ and Ours. (Not presented or published).
14.2 Pinera Ramirez, David: The Beginnings of Civil Colonization in Baja California. (E & Sp).
14.3 Navarro Cuevas, Gabriel: The New Colorado River-Tijuana Aqueduct. (English & Spanish).
14.4 Hedges, Ken Rock Art of the Northernmost Part of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
14.5 Castro Agundez, Jesus: The New State of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
14.6 Swingle, John: Roadside Shrines of Baja California. (Not Published).
XV. San Diego, CA; 7-8 May, 1977.
15.1 Dawson, Glen & Carpenter, Edwin: The Baja California Symposiums, 1963-1976. (Eng & Sp).
15.2 Romano Pacheco, Arturo: Some Cranial Traits of the Pericu Indians. (English and Spanish).
15.3 Pompa y Padilla, Jose Antonio: Dental Traits of the Pericu. English and Spanish).
15.4 Hernandez Gomez, David Eduardo: Six Little-known Prehistoric Sites in the Municipio of Mulege. (English and Spanish).
15.5 Michelson, Ralph: The Territoriality of the Native Americans in the Northern Highlands of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
15.6 Gilmore, Raymond M.: Wildlife and People in Baja California. (English & Spanish).
XVI. La Paz and San Jose del Cabo, BCS; 27-28 May, 1978.
16.1 Mathes, W. Michael: Yenecamu: Historical Highlites of Cabo San Lucas, 1535-1822. (E & S).
16.2 Massey, Lee: The Mystery of San Luis Gonzaga [BCS]. (English and Spanish).
16.3 Cota Sandoval, Andres: Condition of the Missions of Baja Following the Departure of the Franciscans, 1773. (English and Spanish).
16.4 Kemble, John H.: The Sea Otter Trade in Baja California. (English and Spanish).
16.5 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: The Magdalena Plain: From the Time of the Jesuits to the Development of the Santo Domingo Valley. (English and Spanish). *
16.6 Palacios Aviles, Raul: Evolution of Agriculture in the Southern California Desert. (Eng & Sp).
XVII. Ensenada, BC; 28-29 April, 1979.
17.1 Olguin Hermida, Jorge: The Founding of Ensenada. (English and Spanish).
17.2 Martinez, Fabio A.: A Study of the Economy and Ecology of Cedros and San Benito Islands. (English and Spanish).
17.3 Castro Agundez, Jesus: Interns in Rural Schools of Baja California Sur. (Engl & Span).
17.4 Robertson, Tomas A.: Baja California and Its Missions. (Not Published).
17.5 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Attempts at Colonization of California: Landing of Pilot Fortun Jimenez de Bertandona, Establishment of Port of Santa Cruz (La Paz) by Captain Hernan Cortez Pizarro. (English and Spanish).
73. Gonzalez Mora, Romulo: The Whaling Industry and the New Oil Industry of the Jojoba. (E&S)
74. Ritter, Eric W. The Archaeology of South-Central Baja California. (English & Spanish).
XVIII. Loreto, BCS; 23-24 May, 1980.
18.1 Cortes Verdugo, Mario: Baja California and Federalism. (English and Spanish).
18.2 Carter, Annetta: The Vegetation of the Sierra de la Giganta, BCS: Its Scientific and Potential Economic Importance. (English and Spanish).
18.3 Vargas Aguiar, Mario: Monograph of the Municipality of Mulege. (English and Spanish).
18.4 Mathes, W. Michael: Concho-San Dionisio-Loreto: Historical Vignettes of the Capital, 1684-1829. (English and Spanish).
18.5 Pinera Ramirez, David: Some Aspects of the Urban History of Baja California Through the Public Property Registry. (English and Spanish).
18.6 Castro Agundez, Jesus: San Luis Gonzaga, Nowadays. (English and Spanish).
18.7 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Education in Old California. (English and Spanish)
18.8 Payen Nunez, Carlos: Anuiti: Antecedentes; Mision de San Jose del Cabo; Rebelion e Identidad Pericu; Los Gobiernos; El Estado, El IV Municipio. (English and Spanish).
XIX. Los Angeles, CA; 16-17 May, 1981.
19.1 Minnich, Richard A.: Burning in Northwest Baja California. (English and Spanish).
19.2 Kvammen, Lorna J.: Demographic Pressures and Agricultural Development in the Guadalupe Valley, Baja California. (English and Spanish).
19.3 Rodriguez C., Fernando J.: Baja California: Its Coast and Highlands Along the Sea of Cortez. (English and Spanish).
19.4 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Legislative Basis of the Archivo Historico “Pablo L. Martinez” of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
19.5 Coulter, Alicia: Summary on the Museum of Man, Nature, and Culture of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
19.6 Kirchner, John A.: Mineral Railways of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
XX. Tecate, BC; 22-23 May, 1982
20.1 Kennedy, Laura Cummings: Special homage to the Late Tomas Robertson. (Not Published).
20.2 Crosby, Harry: Manuel del Ocio, California’s First Millionaire. (English and Spanish).
20.3 Walther Meade. Adalberto: The Partido Norte of Baja California. (Spanish).
20.4 Ramirez Lopez, Jorge: Historical Data Concerning Tecate. (Spanish).
20.5 Robertson, Michael Wilken: Tradition and Change Among the Paipai of Baja. (Eng & Span).
20.6 Rodriguez C., Fernando J.: Macahue, A Desert Enigma. (Not Published).
20.7 Reyes, Mario: The Flora of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
20.8 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: Tecate, California, or “Tecatito”.(English) (also, reprint).
XXI. La Paz, BCS; 27-29 May, 1983.
21.1 Mathes, W. Michael: San Bruno, First Mission and Fort in the Californias, 1683. (Eng & Sp).
21.2 Hutton, Marjorie M.: Economic Development and Urbanization in Valle de San Quintin. (E&S).
21.3 Kirchner, John A.: Gypsum and Manganese in Baja California Sur: Isla San Marcos and Mina Lucifer. (English and Spanish).
21.4 Kennedy, Laura C: A Magical Mystery Tour of Tijuana’s Rickety Buses by Night.(Eng & Sp)
21.5 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Pichilingue: Una Concesion Norteamericana en Sudcalifornia. (Sp)
21.6 Walther Meade, Adalberto: California, el Nombre.
XXII. Glendale, CA; 5 May, 1984.
22.1 Mercade, Jose A. et al: The Baja California field Studies Program of Glendale community College: A Roundtable Presentation. (English).
22.2 Kennedy, Laura C: A Magical Mystery Tour of Tijuana’s Rickety Buses by Night. (English).
22.3 Aschmann, Homer: In Memoriam: Howard E. Gulick. (English).
22.4 Mathes, W. Michael: In Memoriam: Jesus Castro Agundez. (English).
22.5 Dice, James: The Vegetation of Cedros Island. (English).
22.6 Banks, Thomas J.: The Endangered Deer of Cedros Island. (English).
22.7 Smith, Ronald: Form and Feeling: Deer versus Rabbit in the Cave Paintings of the “Great Mural” Region of the Sierra de San Francisco. (English).
22.8 Strand, Carl L.: An Historical and Geological Approach to Determining the Source and Magnitude of the February 23, 1892 Northern Baja California Earthquake. (English).
22.9 Strange, Bill: Book Talk for Beginning Baja California Adventurers. (English).
XXIII. San Felipe, BC; 1-2 June, 1985.
23.1 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: Alarcon and the Californias. (English and Spanish).
23.2 Alvarez de Williams, Anita: Indian Wheat. (English and Spanish).
23.3 Resendiz Sanchez, Antonio: Marine Sea Turtles of the Gulf of California. (English & Spanish). ©
23.4 Walther Meade, Adalberto: San Felipe, Outpost on the Gulf of California. (Eng & Sp).
23.5 Banks, Thomas J.: Rock Art Survey and Site-Surface Mapping in the Bahia de Los Angeles Area, Baja California. (English and Spanish).
23.6 Apodaca Chavira, Irma: Observation of the Passage of Venus Through the Disc of the Sun by Francisco Diaz Covarrubias, 1874. (English and Spanish).
23.7 Barrett, Ellen C., edited by Marie Northrup: 103 Years of Consuls, Vice Consuls, Agents and Commercial Agents Representing the united States in Baja California, 1855-1958. (English).
23.8 Northrup, Marie E.: A Tribute to the Late Ellen C. Barrett. (English and Spanish).
23.9 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Franciscans in Baja California: A Chronology. (Eng & Span).
23.10 In Memoriam: Helen C. Smith. (Not Published).
23.11 In Memoriam: Wigberto Jimenez Moreno. (Not Published).
XXIV. San Jose del Cabo, BCS; 15-18 May, 1986.
24.1 Cunningham, Richard: Native Watercraft of the Baja California Sphere. (English).
24.2 Alvarez de Williams, Anita: Juan de Ugarte. (English).
24.3 McIntosh, Beverly Childs: Birds and Consag Rock. (English).
24.4 Kirchner, John A.: Railroad Without Rails: the Unfulfilled Railway concessions of Baja California. (English).
24.5 James, Gary J.: The Cedros Island Gold Mine. (English).
24.6 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: Norteamericanos and Baja California. (English).
XXV. Redlands, CA; 16 May, 1987.
25.1 Tiscareno, Froylan: Del Barco’s “Historia Natural y Cronica: a Translator’s Perspective. (Eng)
25.2 Chaput, Donald: Mining and the Birth of Ensenada. (English).
25.3 Mason, William: Ensenada, 1882-1900. (English).
25.4 Proffitt, Ted: The Tijuana Aircraft Industry of the 1920’s. (English).
25.5 Zarate Loperena, David: Jatnil, Great Chief of the Kamiai. (Not Presented or Published).
XXVI. Bahia de los Angeles, BC; 7-8 May, 1988.
26.1 Aschmann, Homer: Historical Notes on Bahia de los Angeles. (English).
26.2 Meyer, Greg: The Seabirds of Bahia de los Angeles. (English).
26.3 Breese, Dawn: Marine Mammals of the Canal de Ballenas, Gulf of California. (English).
26.4 Wheelock, Walt: Manuel Ocio: Baja’s First Tycoon. (English).
26.5 Ewing, Eve: Rock Art of the Greater Bahia de los Angeles Region of Baja Calif. (English).
26.6 Resendiz Sanchez, Antonio: Marine Turtles in Captivity. (English and Spanish).
26.7 Murphy, Eileen: TV and Bahia de los Angeles. (English).
26.8 Ceballos Corona, Enrique, and Anthony Povilitis: A Report on the Mule Deer of Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico, 1 February-6 March, 1985. (English and Spanish).
26.9 Zarate Loperena, David: Semblanza del Soldado de Cuera. (Spanish).
26.10 Dooley, Jackie M.: The Baja California Collection at the University of California, San Diego, Library. (English).
26.11 Chaput, Donald: Bahia de los Angeles as a Mining Center. (English).
26.12 Mercade, Jose A.: In Memoriam: Arnulfo Ocana Bernal, 1915-1986. (English).
26.13 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: In Memoriam: Helen Ritchey Ellsberg, 1910-1988. (English).
26.14 Ortiz Figueroa, Jesus: La Tenencia de la Tierra en Tijuana Segun Fuentes Documentales, 1880-1900. (Spanish).
26.15 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Las Colonias Militares de la Frontera. (Spanish).
26.16 Sandez de Gutierrez, Graciela: Baja California: la Cornucopia de la Abundancia. (Spanish).
XXVII. El Sauzal de Rodriguez (Ensenada) y El Valle de Guadalupe, BC; 17-18 June, 1989.
27.1 Mason, William: The Founding of the Real del Castillo. (English and Spanish).
27.2 Walther Meade, Adalberto: The Village of Real del Castillo in the Valley of San Raphael. (E&S)
27.3 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Ensenada, Capital of Baja California, 1882-1914. (Eng & Span).
27.4 Ortiz Figueroa, Jesus: Bandits and “Rurales” in Baja California. (English & Spanish).
27.5 Wheelock, Walt: Changing of the Guard: From Franciscans to Dominicans, 1773. (Eng & Sp). ©
27.6 Mathes, W. Michael: Last Mission of the Californias: Mission of Guadalupe, from founding to Annihilation. (English & Spanish).
27.7 Gonzalez Encinas, Clemente: La Firma de Cantu: Historia de Camino Nacional. (Spanish).
27.8 McKeown, John S., et al: A Fossil Dicotyledonous Wood from the Miocene Comondu Formation of Baja California Sur. (English)
27.9 Maggiano, Ron: “In Every Way Clean, Desirable Citizens”: the Russian Colony of the Santa Maria Valley. (English).
27.10 Wheelock, Walt: Old Myths Die Hard. (English).
27.11 Chaput, Donald: Governor Jorge Ryerson. (English).
XXVIII. Rosarito, BC; 2-3 June, 1990.
28.1 Mason, William: Maneadero. (English).
28.2 Fetterman, Ysabel Peabody: Vignettes of Baja California. (English).
28.3 Vinton, Robert C.: Leave the Pavement Behind. (English).
28.4 Von Werlhof, Jay: An Earthen Art Site in Northern Baja California. (English).
28.5 Zarate Loperena, David: Testimonios de Santo Tomas: la Muerte del Padre Eudaldo Surroca en 1803. (Spanish).
28.6 Gonzalez Encinas, Clemente: El Gobernador Esteban Cantu Jimenes y su Obra de Gobierno, 1915-1920. (Spanish).
28.7 Kennedy, Laura Cummings: A Comparison of Tijuana’s Cholo Slang and Los Angeles Black Teenage English. (English and Spanish).
28.8 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Rancho el Rosarito de Machado en el Siglo XIX. (Spanish).
XXIX. Mexicali, BC; 1-2 June, 1991.
Beige binder:
29.1 Crosby, Harry: The Role of Padre Kino and Sonoran Missions in the Development of Jesuit California. (English).
29.2 Mathes, W. Michael: Peninsular Incunabula: the First Baja California Imprints. (Eng & Sp).
29.3 Walther Meade, Adalberto: The Mexicali Valley of Today. English and Spanish).
29.4 Dawson, Glen: In Memoriam: Annetta Carter. (English).
29.5 McIntosh, Beverly Childs: The Juan Batista de Anza Trail, Past, Present, and Future, Baja to Riverside, California. (English).
29.6 Iglesias Serafin, Federico: Monument 204: San Luis Rio Colorado. (Spanish).
Spiral bound:
29.7 Romero Navarette, Lourdes: The Mexicali Region During the Colonial Era. (Spanish).
29.8 Padilla Corona, Antonio: Antecedents to the First Traces of Urbanization of Mexicali. (Sp).
29.9 Pinera Ramirez, David: The Burgeoning of Mexicali in the context of Mexico’s Northern Frontier. (Spanish).
29.10 Samaniego Lopez, Marco Antonio: Reciprocal Migration of Mexican and U.S. Workers During Prohibition, 1920-1933: The Case of Baja California and California. (Spanish).
XXX. Santa Rosalia, BCS; 6-7 June, 1992.
30.1 Dooley, Jackie M.: Index to the Proceedings of the Baja California Symposium, Numbers 1-29 (1963-1991).
30.2 Cota Sandoval, Jose Andres: Santa Rosalia: Regional History Focusing on Social and Political Development. (English and Spanish).
30.3 Kirchner, John: A Tale of Two Locomotives: Boleo No.7 and I.I.D. No.151. (English).
30.4 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: The 1918 Report by Engineers Lopez and Espinosa on the Compania El Boleo. (Spanish).
30.5 Daily, Marla: The Santa Cruz Island, CA-Tepic, Nayarit Connection. (English).
30.6 Padilla Corona, Antonio: The Urban Origin of Santa Rosalia. (Spanish).
30.7 Vinton, Bob: The Other Side of the Rainbow Sea: Exploring the Eastern Side of Bahia Concepcion. (English
30.8 Mathes, W. Michael: Medicine in the Jesuit Missions of Baja California. (English & Spanish).
30.9 Wilken Robertson, Michael: Mr. Utt and the Trout (Slide show, Not Published).
30.10 Merritt, Dan: The Need to Protect the Willard-Gonzaga Bay Estuary, Gulf of California. (Eng).
XXXI. El Centro (Imperial county), CA; 5-6 June, 1993.
31.1 Bogdan, Steve: Imperial Irrigation District (I.I.D.) No.151. (English)
31.2 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Los Grupos Etnicos de Baja California. Un Enfoque General.
(The Groups Indigenous to Baja California; Proposal for the Study of their Ethnohistory. (Span).
31.3 Crosby, Harry: The Role of the Rio Colorado in the Long Dispute over California’s Geographic Form (excerpt from his book, Antigua California). (English).
31.4 Porretta, Phil: Locating the Site of Mission Bicuner.
31.5 Polich, John: George Chaffey and His Critics; Bringing of Water to the Colorado River Delta. (English)
31.6 Jacobson, Eric: Harriman and Roosevelt; the Great Colorado River Flood of 1905-07. (English).
31.7 Padilla Corona, Antonio: Tijuana y Tia-Juana. Pasado Utopico y Realidad Presente.
Tijuana and Tia Juana; Utopian Past and Present Reality. (Spanish).
31.8 Samaniego Lopez, Marco Antonio: Las Dificultades del Primer Gobernador Nativo de Baja California. (Difficulties Faced by the First Native-Born Governor of California). (Spanish).
31.9 Chamberlin, Gene: A Historical Landmarks Tour of Imperial County. (English)
31.10 Sanchez Ramirez, Oscar: Colonia Lerdo: Pioneer Settlement of the Mexicali Valley. (Sp).
31.11 Kerig, Dorothy Pierson: Notes on the Ethnic Chinese in Mexicali’s Population. (English).
31.12 Hendricks, W.O.: Imperial Valley Townsite Names. (English).
31.13 Hann, Carol: The Old Plank Road Across the Sand Hills. (Video, Not published).
31.14 Wilken-Robertson, Michael: Two short Videos on the Pai Pai. (Not Published).