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  • BajaGringo

    March 10, 2023 at 2:32 pm


    Publications Relating to BAJA CALIFORNIA

    In the collection of Norman K. Christie

    OCCASIONAL PAPERS Revised: 1 April, 2001

    #35 West American Mollusks of the Genus Conus – II. G. Dallas Hanna; 1963.

    #37 New Birds from Cerralvo Island, Baja Calif, Mex. Richard C. Banks; 1963.

    #86 The Sefton Foundation Orca Expedition to the Gulf of Calif; Mar-Apr, 1953.

    General Account. Paul H. Arnaud, Jr.; 18 Sept, 1970.

    #115 Diplocentrid Scorpions from B.C.S., Mex (Scorpionida: Diplocentridae). Stanley C. Williams; 1975.

    #130 Agaves of Baja California. Howard S. Gentry; 28 Dec, 1978.

    #135 Scorpions of Baja Calif, Mex, and Adjacent Islands. S.C. Williams, 1980.

    #137 Paleobiogeography and Genetic Differentiation of the Baja Calif Herpetofauna. Robert Murphy; 1983.

    PROCEEDINGS Revised: 4 January, 2014

    V 3, 1867: Notice of the Occurrence of a Tungstate of Lime and Copper in Lower California. J. D. Whitney. x ©

    Volume II, 1889 (Hard-bound Volume) (by page # ). Map and Plates at rear.

    Petrographical Notes from Baja Calif, Mexico. Waldemar Lindgren.

    20. Descriptions of the Nests and Eggs of Some Lower Calif Birds, with a Description of the Young Plumage

    of Geothlypsis beldingi. Walter E. Bryant.

    25. Provisional Descriptions of Proposed New Mammals from Calif and Lower Calif. Walter E. Bryant.

    73. New Birds from Lower California. Alfred W. Anthony.

    83. General Ornithological Notes :

    Nesting Habits of the California Brown Pelican.

    Occurrence of Phaethon oethereus and Capture of cophagus carolinus in Lower Calif.

    117. A Collection of Plants from Baja California. Townshend S. Brandegee.

    118. Contributions to North American Euphorbiaceae. C. F. Millspaugh, M.D.

    A Collection of Euphorbiaceous Plants made by Brandegee in 1889, on the

    Mainland of Lower Calif, and the Adjacent Islands of Magdalena and Santa Margarita.

    210. Grasses of Lower California. George Vasey.

    231. Fungi Collected by T.S. Brandegee in Lower California, in 1889.

    237. A Catalog of the Birds of Lower California. Walter E. Bryant.

    Volume III, 1890: Notes on the Geology and Petrography of Baja California, Mexico. Waldemar Lindgren; 1890. reprint.

    10:4 Description of a New Lizard (Dipsosaurus dorsalis lucasensis) from Lower California. John Van Denburgh; 1920.

    11:4 A List of Amphibians and Reptiles of the Peninsula of Lower California, with Notes on the Species in

    the Collection of the Academy. John Van Denburgh & Joseph Slevin; 1921.

    11:6 Preliminary diagnoses of New Species of Reptiles from Islands in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.

    John Van Denburgh & Joseph Slevin; 1921.

    11:17 Preliminary diagnoses of More New Species of Reptiles from Islands in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.

    John Van Denburgh & Joseph Slevin; 1921.

    12:6 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. General Account. Joseph R. Slevin; 1923.

    12:7 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bees (I). T.D.A. Cockerell; 1923.

    12:8 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. New Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies).

    M.C. Van Duzee; 1923.

    12:9 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Geometrid Moths. W.S.Wright; 1923.

    12:10 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Tineid Moths. Annette F. Braun; 1923.

    12:11 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Hemiptera (true bugs). Edward P. Van Duzee; 1923.

    12:12 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Tenebrionidae. Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr.; 1923.

    12:13 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bombyliidae (Bee Flies). Frank R. Cole; 1923.

    12:14 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Cocciddae (Scale Insects). G.F. Ferris & J.B.Kelly; 1923.

    12:15 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Dermaptera (earwigs) and Orthoptera (roaches, mantids,

    crickets, grasshoppers). Morgan Hebard; 1923.

    12:16 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. A revision of the genus Anisembia, with a description of

    a new species from the Gulf of Calif. Joseph C. Chamberlin; 1923.

    12:17 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. New and Little-known Pseudoscorpions, principally from

    the Islands and Adjacent Shores of the Gulf of Calif. Joseph C. Chamberlin; 1923.

    12:18 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Chilopods (centipedes) and Diplopods (millipedes)

    from Islands in the Gulf of Calif. Ralph V. Chamberlin; 1923.

    12:19 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Melyridae (lesser flower beetles). F.E.Baisdell; 1923.

    12:20 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Noctuidae (Moths):

    A new subspecies of Escaria clauda Grote. Wm Barnes & F.H.Benjamin; 1923.

    12:21 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Anthomyidae and Lonchaeidae (kelp flies and allies)

    J.R. Malloch; 1923.

    12:22 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bembicini (digger Wasps). Charles L. Fox; 1923.

    12:23 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Observations on Surface Distribution of Marine Diatoms

    of Lower Calif in 1921. W.E. Allen; 1923.

    12:24 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Birds. Joseph Malliard; 1923.

    12:25 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Diptera (houseflies, mosquitoes, gnats) from the Islands

    and Adjacent Shores of the Gulf of Calif. Frank R. Cole; 1923.

    12:26 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Land and Freshwater Molluscs. G. Dallas Hanna; 1923.

    12:27 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bees (II). T.D.A. Cockerell; 1924.

    12:28 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Spider fauna of the Shores and Islands of the

    Gulf of California. Ralph V. Chamberlin; 1924.

    12:29 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Marine Algae. Wm A. Setchell & Nat L. Gardner; 1924.

    12:30 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. The Botany ( Vascular Plants ). Ivan M. Johnston; 1924.

    12:31 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. A New Mouse (Peromyscus slevini) from the Gulf

    of California. Joseph Malliard; 1924.

    13:1 Preliminary diagnoses of Four New Snakes from Lower Calif, Mex. Van Denburgh & Slevin, 1923.

    13:20 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Chrysididae from Lower Calif. Leland H. Taylor. 1924.

    13:21 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bees (III). Grace Sandhouse & T.D.A. Cockerell; 1924.

    13:23 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Crustacea (Brachyura) (crabs). Mary Rathbun; 1924.

    13:24 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Crustacea [Macrura (crayfish) and Anomura].

    Waldo L. Schmitt; 1924.

    13:25 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Opisthobranchiate Mollusca. Frank M. MacFarland; 1924.

    14:1 Pectins from the Tertiary of Lower California. Leo G. Hertlein. 1925.

    14:4 A new Species of Mollusk (Dentalium hannai) from Lower Calif, with notes on other forms. Fred Baker; 1925.

    14:9 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Phalangida. Ralph V. Chamberlin; 1925

    15-1 Expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, in 1925. General Report by G. Dallas Hanna. March, 1926

    15:6 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Mollusca, family Triforidae. Fred Baker; 1926.

    15:7 Expedition to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, in 1922. Eric K. Jordan; 1926

    No. 4. Molluscan fauna of the Pleistocene of San Quintin Bay, Lower California.

    15:14 Expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands, Mex. In 1925. Eric Jordan; 1926.

    VII: Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the Tertiary of Cedros Island and Adjacent Parts of Lower Calif.

    16:5 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Marine Mollusca, order Opisthobranchiata.

    Baker & Hanna, 1927.

    16:6 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Geology and Paleontology. Hanna & Hertlein; 1927.

    16:13 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Chrysomelidae [Coleoptera (Beetles)]. H.C.Fall; 1927.

    16:19 Paleontology of the Miocene of Lower Calif. Leo Hertlein & Eric Jordan; 1927.

    16:22 Descriptions of Two New Species of Fishes from off Cape San Lucas, Lower Calif. Evermann & Clark; 1928.

    17:7 Some Pyramidellidae from the Gulf of California. Fred Baker & Dallas Hanna; 1928.

    18:14 Studies in the Flora or Lower Calif and Adjacent Islands. Alice Eastwood; 1929.

    19:4 Some Rissoid Mollusca from the Gulf of Calif. Fred Baker, D. Hanna & A. Strong; 1930.

    19:5 Some Mollusca, family Epitoniidae, from the Gulf of Calif. Baker, Hanna & Strong; 1930.

    19:9 Killfish of San Ignacio, and the Stickleback of San Ramon, Lower Calif. George Myers; 1930.

    23:1 Cretaceous Geology of Lower California. Frank Anderson & Dallas Hanna; 1935. (2 copies)

    23:15 Mollusca of families Cerithiopsidae, Cerithiidae, and Cyclostrematidae from the Gulf of Calif and

    Adjacent Waters. Baker, Hanna & Strong; 1938.

    23:41 Odonate (dragonflies) Collections of the CAS from Baja Calif and Tepic, Mexico of 1889-1894.

    Philip P. Calvert; 1947.

    Volume 24: Contributions Toward a Knowledge of the Insect Fauna of Lower California.

    24:1 Introductory Account. A.E. Michelbacher & E.S. Ross; 1942.

    24:2 Coleoptera (order comprising beetles): Cerambycidae (Beetles). Gorton Linsley; 1942.

    24:3 Coleoptera: Buprestidae (wood-boring beetles of a metallic luster). Edwin C. Van Dyke; 1942.

    24:4 Neuroptera (ant lions, lacewings, alderflies): Myrmeleonidae. Nathan Banks; 1942.

    24:5 Symphyla. A.E. Michelbacher; 1942.

    24:6 Diptera: Culicidae (Mosquitos). Thomas G. Aitken; 1942.

    24:7 Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae. Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr. 1943.

    24:8 Lepidoptera (butterflies): Rhopalocera. Frederick H. Rindge; 1948.

    24:9 Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants): Eumeninae. Richard M. Bohart; 1948.

    24:10 Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae (dung beetles, June bugs). Lawrence W. Saylor; 1948.

    24:11 Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Limnebiidae. Hugh B. Leech; 1948.

    24:12 Coleoptera: Cleridae. William F. Barr; 1950.

    Index and Errata to Volume 24 (XXIV)

    27:3 Tricoptera of Lower California. Herbert H. Ross; 1951.

    29:8 A New Fish, Chaetodon falcifer, from Guadalupe Island, Baja Calif, with Notes on Related Species.

    Carl L. Hubbs; 1958.

    30:1 Investigations in the Natural History of Baja Calif. Ira Wiggins; 1960.

    30:3 Large Terebras (Mollusca) from the Eastern Pacific. G. Dallas Hanna & Leo G. Hertlein; 1961.

    30:5 Preliminary Report on Hesperiidae of Baja Calif. [Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths]. Don MacNeill; 1962.

    30:6 A History of Explorations for Vertebrates on Cerralvo Island, Baja Calif. Richard c. Banks; 1962. (2)

    30:7 Midwinter Reconnaissance of the Herpetofauna of the Cape Region of Baja Calif. Leviton & Banta; 1964.

    30:8 Genus Alvordia (Compositae) of Baja Calif, Mexico. Annetta Carter; 1964.

    30:9 A Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Collections from Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja Calif. Myra A. Keen; 1964.

    30:10 Bats from Islands in the Gulf of Calif. Robert T. Orr & Richard c. Banks; 1964.

    30:11 Sea of Cortez Expedition of the CAS June 20 – July 4, 1964. George E. Lindsay; 1964.

    30:12 New Species of Plants from Baja Calif. Ira L. Wiggins; 1965.

    30:14 Pliocene Fossils from Rancho El Refugio, Baja Calif, and Cerralvo Island, Mexico. Geo. Hertlein; 1966.

    30:15 Fossil Diatoms from southern Baja Calif. Hanna & Brigger; 1966.

    30:16 The Gulf Islands Expedition of 1966. George Lindsay; 1966.

    30:17 Shallow Water Foraminifera from Cape San Lucas, Lower Calif. Clifford Church; 1968.

    30:18 Diguet – Mabille Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Baja Calif. Dallas Hanna & Allyn Smith; 1968.

    30:19 Three Late Cenozoic Molluscan Faunules from Baja Calif, with a Note on

    Diatomite from West of San Felipe. Leo G. Hertlein; 1968.

    33:12 Geology of the Islas Revillagigedo, Mexico; Part 2: Geology and Petrography of Isla San Benedicto

    Adrian F. Richards; 1966.

    33:13 Speciation and Systematics of the Gekkonid Lizard genus Phyllodactylus of the Islands of the

    Gulf of Calif. James R. Dixon; 1966.

    35:14 Diplocentrid Scorpions from B.C.S., Mexico. Herbert L. Stahnke; 1968.

    36:11 Observations on the Vizcaino Desert and its Biota. Ira C. Wiggins; 1969.

    36:17 Pleistocene Invertebrates from NW Baja Calif. James W. Valentine; 1969

    37:8 Scorpion Fauna of Baja Calif; Eleven New Species of Vejovis (Scorpionida Vejovidae). Stan Williams; 1970.

    37:12 New Scorpions of the eusthenura group of Vejovis from Baja Calif. Stanley C. Williams; 1970.

    40:4 A New Genus and Species of eublepharine Gekko (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Baja Cal. Robt Murphy; 1974.

    40:5 Two New Blind Snakes (Serpentes Leptotyphlopidae) from Baja Calif, With a Contribution to the

    Biogeography of Peninsular and Insular Herpetofauna. Robert W. Murphy; 1975.

    40:6 Rockfishes, genus Sebastes (Scorpaenidae), of the Gulf of Calif, Including Three New Species, With a

    Discussion of their Origin. LoChai Chen; 1975.

    44:7 Acanthogilia, A New Genus of Polemoniaceae (Phlox family of Plants) from Baja Calif. Day & Moran; 1986.

    46:1 Ecogeographic Analysis of the Herpetofauna of the Sierra San Pedro Martir region, Baja Calif, with a

    Contribution to the Biogeography of Baja Calif. Herpetofauna. Hartwell H. Welch; 1988.

    47:4 Land Mollusca of Baja California, Mexico. Smith, Miller, Chritensen & Roth; 1990.


New Report


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