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  • BajaGringo

    March 10, 2023 at 2:25 pm

    BAJA BOOKS in the Library of Norman K. Christie Revised: 19 Jan, 2022

    §= printed pdf x = Copy (Xerox?) © = scanned to computer

    BOOK Titles:

    ABA Field List of the Birds of Baja Calif. Kurt Radamaker. 1992.

    Aboriginal Population of Northwestern Mexico. Carl Sauer; UC Press, 1935.

    Across the Wire (Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border) Luis Alberto Urrea. 1993.

    Adventure Guide to Baja California. Wilbur H. Morrison. 2nd edition, 1993.

    Adventures in Baja. Mike McMahan. 1983.

    Adventures of a Gringo in Baja California. Ford Barton. 1977. Autographed

    Adventures of Stickeen in Lower California. John F. Janes, 1874. ed by Anna M.Hager, 1972. Dawson’s #28. El Triunfo.

    Adventure to Land’s End; The Wonders of Baja Calif. Paul Fischer. 1975.

    Los Afanes de un historiador; Homenaje a David Pinera Ramirez. Aide Grijalva, UABC. 1999.

    The Agaves of Baja Calif. Howard S.Gentry. California Academy of Sciences Occasional Paper#130,1978.

    El Agua de Loreto. Sergio Morales Polo. 2007. Booklet describing sources, data, and recommendations for Loreto’s supply.

    Air & Fire. Rupert Thomson. 1994. Fiction set in Santa Rosalia, BCS.

    Airports of Baja California. Arnold Senterfitt. 17th Ed 1987, and 4th ed w map 1967.

    Alfonsina – A Baja Legend. Maureen & Danny Motola. 2003. Biography, and Bahia Gonzaga.

    Algas Comunes del Golfo deCalifornia. M.D.Readdie, M.Ranelletti, R.M.McCourt. 2006. Bilingual. see “Common Seaweeds”.

    Almost an Island; Travels in Baja Calif. Bruce Berger. 1998.

    Amphibians and Reptiles from Lower California. Jean M. Linsdale; Univ Calif Publications in Zoology v38#6, 1932.

    Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California. Ron H. McPeak. 2000.

    Angler’s Guide to Baja Calif. Tom Miller, 1987.

    Angling Baja (fly fishing). Scott Sadil. 1996. Autographed.

    Anita – The El Rosario Legend. Marton Barron E. 2002. Bi-lingual. Autographed (Dona Ana Gross-Espinosa)

    Anthopomorphic Data Pertaining to an Atypical Human Skeleton from Northern Baja Calif.

    Rose A. Tyson; San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Tech Notes #14. 1975.

    Antigua California. Harry W. Crosby. 1994.

    La Antigua California Prehispanica: la vida costera en el Conchalito. Rosales-Lopez y Fujita. INAH, 2000.

    Antología de la Arqueología de Baja California. INAH. 1999.

    Anza Conquers the Desert. Richard F. Pourade. Copley Book. 1971.

    Apostalic Life of Fernando Consag. Francisco Zevallos/Manuel Servin. 1968. Dawsons#15.

    Archaeological Studies of Mesoamerican Obsidian. T.R. Hester(Editor),1978 (Doesn’t pertain directly to Baja).

    An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northeastern Baja Calif and Southeastern Calif. Adan Treganza, reprinted

    from American Antiquity, vol 8, #2, October, 1942.

    An Archaeological Study of South-Central Baja Calif. E.W.Ritter(U.C.Davis PhD). 1979.

    Arqueología de la Sierra de San Francisco. Gutierrez y Hyland. INAH, 2002.

    Arqueología en Baja California. Alfonso Alvarado Bravo. 1999. (Spanish)

    Arrowheads & Stone Artifacts. C.G.Yeager. 1986.

    Arte Rupestre Baja California Sur; La Sierra de San Francisco, El Canon de Santa Teresa. INAH/SALVAT. 1994.

    Atlas of Coastal Ecosystems in the Western Gulf of California. Markes Johnson & Jorge Ledesma. 2009.

    Aurora-Princesa Mines (Alamo area, Baja). Geological Rept by C.F.Toleman; 1921. Downloaded excerpts; 2001 proposal. ©

    Automobiling Desert Trails-II, Lower Calif. Auto Club of S. Calif, 1927. Reprint.

    Jose Joaquin Arrillaga; Diary of His Surveys of the Frontier, 1796. Tiscareno and Robinson,1969. Dawson. B.C. Series# 17.

    Assault on Baja. Elizabeth Washburn., 1965/66.

    Las Aves de ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.). The Birds of ESSA Field Guide 2000. Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to

    The birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.

    Backcountry Pilot, Flying Adventures with Ike Russell, ed by Thomas Bowen. 2002 / 2010.+

    Backroad Baja. Patti and Tom Higginbotham. 1996. (Central Baja).

    Back from Bahia de los Muertos. Jane S. Fredricks. 1972. fiction.

    Bahia; Ensenada and its Bay. Thaddeus Brenton. 1961.

    Bahia de Los Angeles. Ed by Jose Mercade. Glendale Comm College Ed Res Series#1

    Bahia de Los Angeles – Geology. A Thesis by Francis J. Murphy, 1985.

    Baja (fiction): Jack Jones, 1982.

    Baja. Doug Richmond, 1970. (motorcycles).

    The Baja Adventure Book. Walt Peterson, 1st(1987), 2nd(1992), 3rd(1998) editions.

    Baja Adventures by Land, Air, Sea. Marvin & Aletha Patchen, 1981.

    Baja Almanac (Norte). Map book. Undated. Scale, Latitudes and longitudes incorrect. Some roads and airstrips obsolete.

    Baja Boater’s Guide; Volume II – Sea of Cortez. Jack Williams. 1988.

    The Baja Book III. Tom Miller & Carol Hoffman, 1987.

    Baja Book IV. Ginger Potter. 1996.

    Baja By Air. Allen & Phyllis Ellis, 1967.

    Baja California. AAA Road guide. 2001

    Baja California. Ralph Hancock, 1953.

    Baja California (Time/Life Books). Wm W. Johnson, 1972, rev 1977.

    Baja California. Lisa & Sven-Olof Lindblad. 1987. Fantastic photos.

    Baja California Adventures. Froylan Tiscareño. 2013

    Baja Calif Al Dia (“Lower Calif Up To Date”) Aurelio de Vivanco. 1924. a photographic Baja encyclopedia. Bilingual.

    Baja Calif (Bibliography) 1535-1956 (1957)and Vol II 1535-1964 (1967). Ellen C. Barrett.

    Baja California Bibliography, 1965-66, a supplement by Katharine M.Silvera. 1968.

    Baja California; Comentarios Politicos. Braulio Maldonado. 3rd edition, 1960.(Spanish)

    Baja California – desde el principio. Geología histórica. Cuautémoc Leon Diez. 1995. (Spanish; Geologic history and paleontology)

    Baja Calif Diver’s Guide. Michael & Lauren Farley, 1984.

    Baja California and the Geography of Hope. Joseph Wood Krutch. 2 copies: large format (1967) and regular (1969).

    Baja California Geology: Field Guides & Papers- SDSU/ GSA, San Diego, 1979. Abbott, P.L. & Gastil, G. See Index #16.

    Baja Calif Guidebook. W. Wheelock & H. Gulick. 5th Edition of “Lower Calif Guidebook” 1980.

    Baja California Ilustrada. J.R.Southworth, 2nd ed 1989 (1st ed 1899). Bilingual.

    Baja Calif in Anthropological Theory: Desert Adaptation, Cul-de-sac, Frontier, Border. John A. Price. 1968.

    Original mimeograph bound in folder.

    Baja California Islands Flora & Vertebrate Fauna Bibliography. Mary F. Compana. 1997. (on internet)

    Baja California – Land of Missions. David K. 2016.

    Baja Calif, The Last New Frontier. Willis Tilton, 1971.

    Baja Calif; Lonely Planet guidebook. 1994. 5th ed, 2001.

    Baja Calif. Mexico. Cliff Cross. 1972 and 1974 editions. Great Maps!

    Baja California, Mexico. Fielding Guidebook by Jack & Patty Williams. 1997.

    Baja California and its Missions. Tomas Robertson, 1978.

    Baja California Missions – In the Footsteps of the Padres. David Burckhalter. 2013

    Baja California Mission Trail; Loreto to El Rosario. Manuscripts by Howard Gulick. 1954, 59.

    Baja California Monografia Estatal (Spanish); Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 1992.

    Baja California Overland. L. Burr Belden. 1st edition, hardbound,1965;

    Revised Edition, soft cover, 1967 and 4th ed, paperback, 1975

    Baja California Plant Field Guide. Norman C. Roberts. 1975 (1st ed) hardback, 1989 paperback.

    Baja California, Reseña Geográfica y Estadística. León Diguet, Paris, 1912. Spanish.

    Baja California, Reseña Histórica del Territorio (Sur) y de su Flora. Maximino Martinez. 1947. BCS, emphasizes plants.

    Baja California Road Log. Fred Hoctor & Instant Mex Auto Insurance Svc. 1991. Descriptive mileage log and town maps.

    Also, 7th edition, 1997.

    Baja California Sur Monografia Estatal; Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 1992. (Spanish)

    Baja California Sur; How and Where. 2002. Pictorial Guidebook, National Geographic size/format.

    Baja California, A Travel Survival Kit. Scott Wayne, 1988.

    Baja California; Vanished Missions, Lost Treasures. Choral Pepper, revised 1975.

    Baja California, Where Beauty Meets the Beasts. (Engl & Span) The Maritime Center, Norwalk, CT; 1993?

    Baja Calif; Yearbook for Las Californias Baja y Alta Magazine, 1963. many interesting articles. (English)

    Baja California; 1533 – 1950 – A Biblio-History. Don Meadows. 1951.

    Baja California Sur – La Primera de las Californias. 4th ed, 2006. Photos by Claude Vogel Thetion. Autographed

    Baja Calif Coastal Landscapes Revealed. Markes Johnson. 2021

    Baja Campfire Tales. Walt and Michael Peterson. 2001.

    The Baja Catch. Neil Kelly & Gene Kira, 3rd edition, 1997/2001.

    Baja Cruising Guide. Terry Harper. 1981.

    Baja Cruising Notes; Pacific Coast and Sea of Cortez. Vern Jones. 1972.

    Baja Dreaming. Rod Kulbach. 2009. Autographed.

    The Baja Feeling. Ben Hunter, 1978.

    Baja Fever. Greg Niemann. 1999.

    A Baja Geologic Road Log. Downloaded from Describes Mexicali to Puertocitos in 9 parts.

    Baja Haha. Fred Hoctor, 1984

    Baja Handbook. James T. Crow, 1970.

    The Baja Highway (Geology & Biology). John Minch & Thomas Leslie, 1991.

    Baja Journey; Reveries of a Sea Kayaker. Robin Carey. 1989.

    Baja: Land of Lost Missions. Marquis McDonald & Glenn Oster, 1968.

    Baja On The Fly. Nick Curcione. 1997. Fly-fishing in Baja.

    Baja Road Log. Walt Wheelock, 1987.

    Baja Sea Guide(“Vol II”), Lewis & Ebeling. 1971. Detailed mariners’ guide; good maps/photos.

    Baja’s Hidden Gold – Treasure along the Mission Trail. Herman Hill / Roger Silliman. 2nd Edition, 2014± .

    The Baja Survivor’s Guide. edited by Lee Moore. 1st ed, 2004. 2nd ed, 2005.

    Baja Traveler. Monty Navarre, first edition, 1974; revised edition 1988. Interesting aerial photos of towns and airstrips.

    Bancroft’s Works: Vol XV (North Mexican States), 1884; & Vol XVI (N. Mexican States and Texas),1889. Hubert H. Bancroft.

    Beaches of Baja. Walt Wheelock, 1968. First ed, hardback autographed #60/123.

    Beachcombing for Japanese Glass Floats. Amos L. Wood. paperback, 3rd ed; 1975.

    Beachcombing the Pacific. Amos L. Wood. 1987.

    Best Stories of Baja; Coyotes, Cactus, Mosquitos and Mud. Larry Stanton. 1998. fiction.

    Between Pacific Tides. Ed Ricketts & Jack Calvin (Rev by Hedgpeth). 3rd ed,1975.

    Bibliografia de Baja Calif (Primer Tomo). Ing. P. Trujillo G., 1967.

    Bibliografia Entomologica de Baja Calif. Ing P. Trujillo G. 1967.

    Bicycling Baja. Bonnie Wong. 1988.

    Biker’s Guide to Baja. Joe Parkhurst. 1980. off-road motorcycling.

    Bilingual Dictionary of Mexican Spanish. Bernard H. Hamel. 1996.

    Biological Investigations in Mexico. Ed.A.Goldman. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115.

    Describes biological expedition of Edward Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6). Fantastic!

    Birding in Baja California Sur. Kaia Thomson / Janice Kinne. 2014.

    Birds of Baja-101. John Spencer. 2008

    Birds of the Baja Calif Peninsula: Status, Distribution, Taxonomy. Erickson & Howell, eds, ABA monograph #3. 2001.

    Birds of the Cape Region of Lower Calif. Wm Brewster, Bull of Museum of Comparative Zoology,

    Harvard College, Vol XLI, #1, Sept. 1902.

    The Birds of ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.) Field Guide [Las Aves de ESSA]. 2000.

    Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to the birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.

    Birds of Sonora and the Sea of Cortez (including Barranca del Cobre). A checklist by Cachor Taylor. 1986.

    The Black Pearl. Scot O’Dell. 1967. fiction

    Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadística. 1927, 1928.

    The Boojum and its Home. Robert R. Humphrey. 1974/79.

    Bouncing Down to Baja. Bill & Orv Wortman, 1954.

    Brand Book: #2, #4 (See titles of articles in Christie’s Index #13)

    A Brief History of the Land of Calafia: The Californias, 1533-1795. W. Michael Mathes. 1974 & 1977 eds

    A Burial Cave in Baja Calif (Bahia de Los Angeles). Massey & Osborne, 1961.

    Univ of Calif Press, Anthropological Records Vol 16, No. 8.

    Butterflies of Baja Calif. John Brown, Herman Real, & David Faulkner. 1992. (2 copies).

    By Path and Trail. W. R. Dean Harris. 1908

    Byroads of Baja. Walt Wheelock, 1971. Hardback. Autographed.

    California – A History of Upper and Lower California from Their First Discovery to the Present. Alexander Forbes; 1839/2006.

    California in 1792; The Expedition of Jose Longinos Martinez. Translated by Lesley B.Simpson, 1938.

    The California Coast: See “Documents from the Sutro Collection”. G.B.Griffin 1891/Donald C.Butler. 1969. Bilingual.

    California Quail. Calkins, Hagelin, Lott; Birds of North America #473. 1999. reprint.

    The Californios. Leland Foerster. 2003. Autographed.

    The Call to California. J. Copley, R. Pourade, Harry Crosby. 1968. Special edition copy # 115; autographed.

    The Camino Real and the Missions of Baja. Miguel Leon Portilla et al. 2008. Bilingual, accordian-pleated screenfold 18”x12”.

    Caminos de Baja California – Geologia y Biologia. . John Minch, Jorge Ledesma, et al. 2003. Autographed.

    Camp and Camino in Lower California. Arthur W. North, 1910.

    Camping and Climbing in Baja. J.W. Robinson. 1968 1st ed, hardbk, autographed #22/105.

    Canon de los Artistas. Austin Deuel, 1985.

    The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. W. Michael Mathes. Manuscript, Univ S.F.

    The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. W. Michael Mathes. 1969. Dawson’s #18.

    Cartografia y Cronicas de la Antigua California. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1989, 1st ed. Autographed.

    Carta Geologica de la Baja Calif. Text and Map by Teodoro Flores, Instituto Geologico de Mexico #1. 1931.

    Annetta Carter’s 1947 Baja Expedition: a manuscript; 71 pages plus biographies. (unpublished ?)

    Catalogo de los Marinos de Baja California Sur (Fish ID book). Jose De la Cruz Aguero. 1997.

    Cattle Brands of Baja Calif Sur. W.Michael Mathes. 1978. Dawson #40.

    Cave Paintings of Baja Calif. Harry W. Crosby. revised ed, 1984. enlarged edition 1997.

    The Central Desert of Baja California: Demography and Ecology. Homer Aschmann, 1959.

    Same as above : hardcover reprint of Aschmann by Hugh Manessier. 1967.

    Charles Russell Orcutt. Helen DuShane. 1971. Dawson’s #23.

    Climber’s Guide to Valle Azteca, Baja Calif. Randy Vogel (autographed) . 1995 (near La Mision, south of TJ)

    Cochimi & Proto-Yuman: Lexical and Syntactic Evidence for a New Language Family in Lower Calif. Maricio J. Mixco;

    University of Utah Anthropological Papers #101. 1978.

    The Cocopa. E. W. Gifford. U.C. Pubs in Amer Arch & Ethn, V 31,#5. 1933.

    The Coins of the Republic of Mexico 1823-1905 and Empire of Maximilian.Dr.G.W.Vogt.1976.

    Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California. Rich C. Brusca, 1973

    Common Seaweeds of the Gulf of California. M.D.Readdie, M.Ranelletti, R.M.McCourt. 2006. Bilingual.

    Congreso Geologico Internacional, excursion A-7. 1956. Detailed field trip notes and maps of BCS from La Paz to Vizcaino.

    The Conquistador in California: 1535. W.Michael Mathes (autographed). Re Cortez. Dawson’s #31.

    Conservation of the Islands in a Desert Sea. Management proposal, 1985. Spencer Beebe, Nature Conservancy.

    The Constanso Narrative of the Portola Expedition. Ray Brandes, 1970.

    Los Coronados Islands. Helen Ellsberg. 1970.

    Creatures of Baja California. Jaffarian. A photo essay.

    The Cruise of the Cow. Max Miller. 1st ed; 1951.

    Cruising Guide to the Middle Gulf, Sea of Cortez. Gerry Cunningham. 1994.

    Cruising the Pacific Coast; Mexico to Alaska. Carolyn and Jack West. 1970.

    Cruising the Sea of Cortez. Spencer Murray; 1st ed 1963, & 2nd revised ed 1967.

    Dawson’s Bookstore: Baja California Travel Series: Index to the first 50 volumes. 1991. Dawson’s #50.

    Dawson’s Bookshop Catalogue 522: Baja California. Nov, 1993.

    Delfina Cuero. Florence C. Shipek.1991.

    Description of a New Species of Killifish, Lucania Browni, from a Hot Spring in Lower California.

    D.S.Jordan & R.E.Richardson, #1572, Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, vXXXIII, p319-321. 1907.

    Description of Lands in Lower Calif, for sale by the International Co; Patent title. July, 1887. x ©

    A Description of the Southernmost Part of California and its Inhabitants. Capt.G.Shelvocke, from his “A Voyage Around the

    World by Way of the South Sea, 1719-1722”.Pamphlet reprinted as “Pacific Adventures#2 by Book Club of Calif,1940.

    A Desert Country Near the Sea. Ann Zwinger, 1983.

    Desert Islands of Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. Stewart Aitchison. 2010

    Desert Life / Vida Desértica; A Vocabulary. 1998. Eng/Span Dictionary of Flora, Fauna, Geology, measurement, etc.

    The Desert Year. Joseph Wood Krutch, 1951-52, printed 1956.

    Diary from Baja California. John Brandi. 1977. 15-page Poetic prose/essay, soft bound.

    Diary of James D. Hawkes (Baja, Aug-Oct, 1849). from Quarterly of Society of Calif Pioneers; V6#2, 1929.

    Diccionario Escolar de Bolsillo Baja California Norte.(aka Enciclopedico BCN) 1956/1984.

    Discovering the Geology of Baja California. Markes E. Johnson. 2002. Punta Chivato area, Baja Calif Sur.

    Distributional Summation of the Ornithology of Lower Calif. Grinnel, 1928: See: Ornithology of Lower Calif.

    Diving & Snorkeling Baja California. Walt Peterson / Lonely Planet. 1999.

    Diving Mexico’s Baja Calif. Michael & Lauren Farley, 1978.

    Doctora in Mexico (Life of Dr. Katherine Neel Dale). Olive Floyd. 1944.

    Documentos Para la Historia de la BajaCalif. Notas preliminaries de Jorge Flores D. 1940. ©

    (8 page excerpt from Papeles Historicos Mexicanos 2.). Info on location of missions.

    Documentos Para la Historia de Tijuana. David P. Ramirez/Antonio P. Corona, UABC. 1995.

    Documents from the Sutro Collection. Translated and edited by G.B.Griffin, Historical Soc of So.Calif, vol II#1, 1891.

    Also, Reprint 1969 “The California Coast” with additional notes and corrected translations. Donald C. Cutter

    The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs. Univ of Calif. pub. 1935. (hardbound)

    Dona Anita of El Rosario. Helen Ellsberg, 1974. La Siesta Press. Autographed. & 1993 Reprint. (See also “Reflections”)

    The Drawings of Ignacio Tirsch. Doyce B. Nunis, 1972. Dawson’s Baja Cal Travel Series # 27.

    Economic Geology, Mexico. G.S.A. Geology of North America, Vol P-3. Includes:

    Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, p.23.

    Baja Calif Peninsula Metallogenic Province, p.177.

    Structure/Stratigraphy of Monterey Fm, San Hilario Area, BCS, p.179.

    Geol and Mineral Deposits of El Boleo Copper Mine, Santa Rosalía, p.195.

    The Edge of the Sea of Cortez – Tidewalkers’ Guide to the Upper Gulf of Calif. 2nd ed:, 2017? Marilyn Malone & Betty Hupp

    El Triunfo de la Cruz; The First Ship Built in the Californias. Theodore H. Hittell, 1880. C.H.S.#38.

    Enchanted Vagabonds. Dana Lamb & June Cleveland. 1938. A 16,000 mile trip in a small boat around Baja to the Panama Canal.

    Enchiladas, Rice, and Beans. Short Stories by Daniel Reveles. 1994.

    Enciclopedico Baja Calif Norte(aka: Diccionario Escolar de Bosillo B.C.N.). 1956/84.

    Erendira Iron Mines. Report by Cotton & Western Mining Inc. 2008. Near San Vicente. In white binder.

    English Privateers at Cabo San Lucas. Thomas S. Andrews, 1979. Dawson Series #41.

    Escapades of Captain Baja. D.E. “Butch” Bucciarelli. 2001

    Espinosa’s Guide to Baja. Rik Espinosa. 1989.

    Ethnology and Linguistics of Baja C. Miguel del Barco; trans by Tiscareno. Dawson #44. 1981.

    Ethnology of the Baja Calif Indians (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.5). Ed by W.Michael Mathes, 1992.

    Evocaciones del Olvido (Reminders of a Forgotten Past) (Cave art, Cabo region) Anibal Lopez Espinoza. 2013. bilingual.

    Expediciones a California Durante los Siglos XVI y XVII. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval.(undated)

    Expediciones del Coronel Esteban Cantu al Puerto de San Felipe. Dr. Ernesto Sosa Rocha. Great photos.

    An Expedition to the Guaycura Nation in the Californias. James Arraj. 2002. Central BCS.

    Explorations in Lower Calif. J. Ross Browne, 1952 reprint of 1868 Harpers.

    “ “ “ Xerox copy from original Harper’s Magazines.

    “ “ “ . Updated version of Browne (1866) by Murray (1966). 2 copies.

    Explorers of the Baja and California Coasts. Edited by Dr. J.A. Moriarity, Cabrillo Historical Assn. 1978.

    Exploring Baja by RV. Walt & Michael Peterson. 1st edition, 1996.

    Field Guide to North American Birds: Western Region. Audubon Society. 1977.

    Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes of North America. Wm. N. Eschmeyer, 1983. Peterson guide.

    A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico. 2nd ed. Ernest P. Edwards. 1989.

    Filibusters of 1890. Edited by Anna Marie Hager. 1968. Dawsons #14.

    First from Gulf to Pacific – Kino Atondo Expedition. Edited by W. Michael Mathes, 1969. Dawson’s #16.

    Fishes of California and Western Mexico. Drs W.E.Burgess & H.R. Axelrod. 1984. (Pac Marine Fishes #8)

    Fishes of the Pacific Coast. Gar Goodson, 1988.

    The Flight of the Least Petrel. Griffing Bancroft, 1932.

    Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 1992. Large format field guide to plants (in Spanish). WWF.

    Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 2015. Luz, Cadena, Leon, Benet.

    Flora of Baja Calif. Tina Kasbeer. 1971.

    Flora of Baja Calif. Ira C. Wiggins. Stanford Press. 1980.

    Flying to Mexico. Government of Mexico. Undated; late 1994?. Rules, airports, etc.

    The Forgotten Peninsula. Joseph Wood Krutch, 1961.

    Fodor’s Baja (P.Vallarta, Mazatlan, Manzanillo, Copper Canyon). 1987.

    Foraging Along the Pacific Coast, Mexico to Puget Sound. Pete Howorth.1986. Cooking Strange Foods.

    Forgotten Waters. Randolph Leigh, 1941.

    From Velicata to San Diego. Lupita Barbosa E. & Martin Barron E. 1984.

    Gemstone and Mineral Data Book. John Sinkankas. 1972. paperback. Mineral ID & cleaning, Lapidary, chemicals, etc.

    Geographic & Hydrographic Descriptions….Kingdom of Calif. Nicolas de Cardona, 1634; Trans by Mathes. Dawson’s #35.

    Geologia De Mexico, Tomo II: Baja Calif. E. Lopez Ramos, 3rd ed, 1982.

    Geologic Adventures in Northern Baja California. Gary Jacobson (NAGT-FWS). 1991. Geology and Field Guide.

    Geologic Investigations in Baja Calif. Editors: Abbot, Sangines, & Rendina. South Coast Geological Society. 1993. (Index #21)

    Geologic Reconnaissance in Baja Calif. N.H. Darton. Reprint from Journal of Geology, Vol XXIX, #8; Nov, 1921.

    Geology and Manganese Deposits of Lucifer District (Santa Rosalía) BCS, Mexico. USGS Bull 960-F. 1949. Wilson & Veytia.

    Geology and Mineral Deposits of Boleo Copper District, Baja Calif, Mex. USGS Prof Paper 273. 1955.

    (Notes on) Geology and Natural History of Lower Calif. George P. Merrill. 1895. 2 editions:

    Reprint by Acoma Books, 1971. Reprints by Shorey Books, 1967. Scan.

    Geology and Oil Possibilities, Baja Calif. GSA Memoir 31,by Jack Beal, 1948. Map pocket.

    Geology of Baja California; a Bibliography of holdings in the Love Library, CSU-SD. John Ambriano. Fall, 1972.

    Geology of Baja California: a Bibliography. Mary E. Harris, San Diego St. Univ. Revised, 1991.

    Geology of Cedros Island. Frank H. Kilmer. 1984. Autographed.

    Geology of the Santa Rosalía Quadrangle (SW of Punta Prieta), Baja Calif. MSc thesis by Don Fife; San Diego State College, 1968.

    Geology of West-Central Baja Calif Sur (SW of Mulegé), Mexico. McLean, Hausback, and Knapp.

    USGS Bull 1579 (1987) and Map MF-1700 (1985).

    Geology Terms in English and Spanish. Henry Aurand. 1999. (emphasizes Mexican Spanish)

    Geomorphic Study of the Cape Region of Baja California. Edwin H.Hammond. 1954.

    Univ of Calif Publications in Geography Vol 10, #2 (soft cover reprint).

    Girl of the Sea of Cortez. Peter Benchley; 1982.

    Glory Days of Baja. Larry Stanton (autographed). 1996. Hunting and Fishing.

    Gobierno del Distrito Norte de la Baja California; Memoria Administrativa, 1924-1927.

    God and Mr. Gomez. Jack Smith, 1st ed, 1974. (1974/1997 paperback in Loreto)

    The Gold Fields of Lower Calif. Bascom A. Stephens. 1889. (Xerox copy)

    el Golfo de California, Mar Nacional. Maria Luisa Garza. 1976.

    Good Morning, Tecate. June Nay Summers.

    Green Iguanas and other Iguanids. John Coborn. 1994. Taxonomy, Care, ID,etc. Paperback.

    The Grinning Gargoyle Spills the Beans (and Other Yarns of Baja Calif) J.P. Smith Jr. 1997. autographed.

    Los Grupos Autoctonos de Baja Calif (Indian Tribes of Baja) by Comite Pro-etnias de Baja Calif. 1997.

    Guia Familiar de Baja California (Vital Statistics of Baja) Pablo L. Martinez (autographed), 1965. Bilingual Genealogy of Baja.

    Guia Touristica Baja California Sur. Official visitors’ guide. 2002. Bilingual.

    A Guide to the Desert and Sea of Baja Calif. (Bay of L.A.) Greg Meyer. 1992. paperback.

    Guide to Marine Invertebrates; Alaska to Baja. Daniel W. Gotshall. 1994.

    Guide to the Natural History of Bahia de Los Angeles – PartI, Geology. FrancisJ. Murphy. 1985 x

    Clemente Guillen Diaries, 1719-1721. Michael Mathes, ed. Treks from Loreto to Bahia Magdalena, and La Paz 1979. Dawson #42.

    The Gulf of California – Biodiversity and Conservation. Ed by Richard C. Brusca.

    Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of Gulf of Calif. Richard C. Brusca, 1973.

    Hardly Any Fences (Baja in 1933-1959). J.W. Hilton. 1977. Dawson #38. Autographed.

    Herpetology of Lower California, collected papers. John Van Denburgh, Soc for Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. 1978.

    Hidden Heart of Baja. Earl Stanley Gardner, 1962. autographed.

    Historical Geography of the Transportation Routes in Baja Calif from 1533 to 1920. Univ of Calif MA Thesis by

    Arthur R. Falconer, 1971. Manuscript.

    Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1969. (pre-publication, typed monograph, autographed.)

    Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1972. Autographed booklet.

    Historical Notes on Lower Calif. Manuel Rojo, 1879. Transl by P.O.Gericke, 1972. Dawson #26

    A Historical Summary of Baja California. A.S. Taylor, 1971. Socio-Technical Books.

    History of (Lower) California. F.X. Clavigero, 1789. Translated by Lake and Gray, 1937. Stanford Press.

    Reprint Manessier Publ Co, 1971.

    A History of Lower California. Pablo L. Martinez, 1960.

    History of the Lower California Iron Ores. L.J. Webb, 1952.

    Homenaje a Bill Hendricks y La Asociacion Cultural de las Californias. 1992.

    Hongos Conocidos de Baja California. Nahara Ayala y Carlos Ochoa; UABC. 1998. Mushrooms of Baja (in Spanish)

    Host with the Big Hat. Erle Stanley Gardner. 1969.

    Hovering Over Baja. Erle Stanley Gardner, 1st ed, 1961. (2 copies)

    How Indians Used Desert Plants. James W. Cornett. 2002

    Hunting the Desert Whale. Erle Stanley Gardner; 1960. (2 copies)

    Indian Art and History. Clement Meighan, 1969. Rock Paintings of Baja. Dawson’s # 13.

    Indian Place Names of Baja Calif Sur. Miguel Leon-Portilla. SW Museum Leaflet #38; 1977.

    Indian Uprising in Lower Calif, 1734-1737. Father Sigismundo Taraval, translated by M.E. Wilbur, 1931.

    Published by Quivira Society; copy #9 of 660.

    Informe on the New Province of California. Piccolo, F.M., S.J. 1702. Transl by Hammond, 1967. Dawson#10.

    Inglés para Latinos. Segundo Nivel. Wm Harvey, Barron’s. 1999.

    In Mexican Waters. George H. Banning; 1925.

    Insects of Baja. A collection of scientific papers provided mainly by Wm Clark. Largely coleoptera & hymenoptera. Blue binder.

    Into a Desert Place. Graham Mackintosh; 1988/90.

    Island Biogeography in the Sea of Cortez. edited by Ted Case, Martin Cody, Exequiel Ezcurra. 2002

    Island of the Angels. Leonard Wibberley. 1965. fiction.

    Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.

    Islas del Golfo de California. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1988.

    It’s a Long Road to Comondú. Everett G. Jackson. 1987.

    Jesuit Gold of Lower California; Tale of Don Fernando X.R. Moncado. Tom Tomson. 1983.

    Jesuit Relations – Baja California, 1716 – 1762. Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. 1984. Dawson’s #47.

    Jewish Refuge and Homeland-Baja Calif. Norton B. Stern, 1973 Dawson’s # 32

    Jose Velasquez’ Saga of a Borderland Soldier. Ron L. Ives, 1984.

    Journal of the Ocean Bird (Scammon’s notes). David A. Henderson. 1970. Dawson’s # 21.

    The Journey of the Flame. Antonio de Fierro Blanco. Translated 1933.

    “ “ “ “ “ . Walter Nordhoff (same as above, 1955 ed)

    Journey of James H. Bull in Baja Calif, 1843-44. Ed. by D.B. Nunis, 1965. Dawson’s#1.

    Journey With a Baja Burro. Graham MacKintosh, 2001. Autographed.

    Kaigai Ibun. Zumwinkle and Kawai, 1970. Dawson’s Book Shop Baja C. series #20.

    Kayaking the Vermilion Sea; 800 Miles Down the Baja. Jonathan Waterman. 1995.

    Keep it Moving (Baja by Canoe). Valerie Fons. 1986.

    The Kiliwa Indians of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs III, U.C. Press. 1939.

    Kiliwa Texts. Mauricxo J. Mixco. Univ of Utah Anthropological Papers, #107, 1983.

    The King’s Highway in Baja California. Harry Crosby, 1974. 2 copies: one copy cased, the other with dust jacket.

    King of the Moon, a novel of Baja Calif. Gene Kira. 1997.

    Kino’s Plan for the Development of Pimeria Alta.. Trans by Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. 1961.

    La Baja California. Excerpted from “History of Lower California” in “An Illustrated History of Southern California. 1890. ©

    Land of Chamise and Pines. Richard A.Minnich & Ernesto F. Vizcaino. U.C. Press, 1998. Botany vol. 80.

    Land of Shorter Shadows. Erle Stanley Gardner, 1948.

    Land Where Time Stands Still. Max Miller, 1943.

    Last of the Californios. Harry Crosby, 1981.. Also in Spanish, “Los Ultimos Californios”, 2010.

    Late Pleistocene & Recent Changes in Land Form, Climate, & Archaeology in Central Baja Calif.;

    Prehistoric Land & Man in Lower Calif. Brigham A. Arnold. U. Calif Geogr V.10#4, 1957. (Laguna Chapala area)

    Letter of Luis Jayme, O.F.M. 17 October, 1772. Transl by M. Geiger. Dawson’s #22, 1970.

    The Letters of Jacob Baegert, 1749-1761. Translated by Elsbeth Schulz-Bischof. Intro& edit by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. Dawson #45.

    The Log from the Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck, 1951 &1971 paperback ed).

    Long Walk to Mulegé. Howard Hale. 1980. Paperback.

    Loreto; Some Relevant Facts….. Sergio Morales Polo. 2nd ed, 1997. 28-page paperback., vol I of “This is Loreto” series.

    Loreto, Baja California; First Mission and Capital of Spanish Calif. Ann & Don O’Neil. 2001. autographed.

    Loreto, Capital de las Californias. reproduction of maps by Juan Maria de Salvatierra, notes by Leon-Portilla.. 1997. (Sp)

    Loreto – Future of the 1st Capital of the Californias. Paul Ganster, Oscar Arizpe & Antonina Ivanova. 2007. Bilingual.

    Loreto’s Key Role in the Early History of the Californias. Dr. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1997 . 22-page keepsake.

    Loreto: Madre y Cuna de las Californias. 20-page pamphlet by Armando Trasviña Taylor. Undated.

    Lost Cabos…the way it was. Robt E. Jackson. 2002.

    The “Lost Mission” of Baja Calif. monograph by Howard Gulick, approx 1955-6. xerox copy of his file.

    The Lost Treasures of Baja Calif. Padre James D. Francez. 1996. 1st ed., signed.

    Los Ultimos Californios; Harry Crosby; 2010.

    Lower California. B.F. Elliott (approx 1917). Original + Xerox(Loreto) of Walt Wheelock (La Siesta Press) reprint.

    Lower California and its Natural Resources. Ed W. Nelson; Natl Academy of Sciences, Vol XVI, First Memoir 1922. 1966 reprint.

    Lower California Frontier. Articles from San Diego Union, 1870. ed by F.C.Shipek, 1965. Dawson’s Book Shop, #2.

    Lower Calif Guidebook (4th ed w revisions). Gerhard & Gulick, 1970. (5th ed renamed Baja Calif Guidebook; 1975.

    Lower Calif Up To Date (“Baja Calif Al Dia”) Aurelio de Vivanco. 1924. a photographic Baja encyclopedia. Bilingual.The Magdalena Plain: From the Time of the Jesuits to the Development of the Santo Domingo Valley ©

    Eugene Keith Chamberlin, Ph. D. in XVI Symposium, 1978.

    The Magnificent Peninsula. Jack Williams, 6th edition, 1998.

    Malarrimo Beach; Graveyard of Ships and Baja Bugs. monograph by Froylán Tiscareño. 1976. ©

    Mammals of the SW US and NW Mexico. E. Lendell Cockrum & Yar Petryszyn.

    Managing the Not-Quite-Historical Resources of Isla Angel de la Guarda in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.

    T.Bowen, G.Danemann, C.Shepard, in New Mexico Historical Review, V-89#2, Spring, 2014.

    Manganese Deposits of Mexico. Trask & Rodriguez. 1948. USGS Bulletin 954-F. Complete original.

    The Man Who Captured Sunshine. Katherine Ainsworth. 1978. Biography of John W. Hilton (Baja artist and explorer)

    Mapas, Planos y Diseños de Baja Calif, siglos XVIII y XIX. Sayra Selene Enciso Lizárraga. 2006. Old Maps.

    Mapping Ensenada (Ensenada a través de Los Mapas ). Carlos Lazcano Sahagún. 2003. Bilingual. Baja historical maps

    Maps of Baja California. Gerhard & Gulick. 1962 (from their “Lower Calif Guidebook”). paperback pamphlet.

    Marine Animals of Baja California. Daniel W. Gotshall; 1982.

    Marine Geology of the Gulf of California. Ed by van Andel & Shor, 1964. AAPG Memoir #3 . ( Loreto: missing 3 charts)

    Marine Geology of the Gulf of Calif. AAPG Memoir #3; Ed by van Andel & Shor. 1964. Vol 1= text; vol 2 = 7 maps.

    Marine Mammals of California. Robt. T. Orr; Univ of Calif Press, 1972.

    The Marine Mammals of the NW Coast of North America. Charles M. Scammon. 1968 Dover reprint of 1874 original.

    Marine Mammals of the North-western Coast of North America and the American Whale Fishery.

    Charles M. Scammon, 1874. Manessier facsimile edition; 1969.

    The Marine Shells of the West Coast of California (4 Vols). Ida S. Oldroyd. 1924

    The Maritime History of Baja California. Edward W. Vernon. 2009

    Marooned, With Very Little Beer. Graham Mackintosh. 2008. Autographed.

    Meling Ranch: see ”Where the Old West Never Died”, and “Memories of Baja’s Meling Ranch”.

    Memoria Administrativa del Gobierno del Distrito Norte de la Baja Calif; 1924-27. Mexicali, 1928.

    Memoria Loretana. Sergio Morales Polo. Vol II of “Este es Loreto” series. 1999. a historical calendar. (Spanish)

    Memories of Mexico (Baja). Thomas Robertson, Mike Wilken Robertson, Rae Wilken. 1984.

    Memories of Baja’s Meling Ranch. Ruth V. Held. 1995.

    Mexican Birds. (Peterson Field Guide #20) Roger T. Peterson and Ed L. Chalif. 1973.

    Mexican Slang, plus Graffiti. M.F.Joanes-Reid, C. Lopez, L. Robinson. 2000.

    Mexican Vistas. James Safley, 1952.

    Mexican West Coast and Lower California; A Commercial and Industrial Survey.

    Bell and Mackenzie in U.S. Dept of Commerce S.A.Series#220, 1923.

    The Mexican War in Baja California (Memorandum of Capt H.W. Halleck 1846-48). D.B.Nunis,1977. Dawson B.C.series #39.

    Mexico: Its Peasants And Its Priests; Or, Adventures And Historical Researches In Mexico And Its Silver Mines During Parts of the

    Years 1851-52-53-54, With An Expose Of The Fabulous Character of The Story of The Conquest of Mexico By Cortez. Robert A. Wilson. 1856 Appendix D refers to mining in the Californias. (x) ©

    Mexico’s Diamond in the Rough. O.W.Timberman, 1959. autographed.

    Mexico’s Magic Square (Ensenada-Mexicali). Erle Stanley Gardner. 1968.

    The Mighty Cortez Fish Trap. Jerry Klink. 1974.

    Mineros, Misioneros y Rancheros de la Antigua California. Jorge Luis Amao Manriquez. INAH, 1997.

    The Miners’ Own Book: California Mining. Published by Hutchings & Tosenfield, San Francisco, 1858. ©

    Mining in Baja California; monograph of an interview of Juan Manuel Cullingford L. by Walt Wheelock, 1978.

    Minuta del I Concurso de Cocina Regional Sudcalifornia(Traditional Baja Recipes). 1986.

    Miraculous Air. C. M. Mayo. 2002. (“Journey of 1000 miles through Baja California, the other Mexico”)

    Las Misiones Antiguas; The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. Edward W. Vernon. 2002. autographed. (English)

    Las Misiones d Baja California (Mission of Baja Calif) 1683-1849. An Historical-Photographic Survey.

    Dr. W.Michael Mathes. 1977. Bilingual.

    Missions and Missionaries of Calif. Vol I; Lower Calif. Fr. Z. Engelhardt. 2nd Ed, 1929.

    The Missions and Missionaries of Baja California. Francis J. Weber. 1968. Dawson’s #11.

    The Mission of San Javier. Sergio Morales Polo. 2007. vol III of “This is Loreto” collection series. Booklet. (English)

    Modest Fortunes; Mining in Northern Baja California. Chaput, Mason, Loperena;

    Natural History Museum of LA County; BC Travel Series #51. 1992.

    Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California. CRM/SECOFI #M-22e. 1999. 1000copies.

    Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplified Geology;

    C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts

    Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California Sur. CRM/SECOFI #M-20e. 1999. 1000copies.

    Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplified Geology;

    C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts

    The Mother of California. A.W. North. 1908. First Edition, with fold-out map.

    Mulegé (Manual de Mulegé). Kerry Otterstrom, 1992. 160 pages of history, photos, maps and current facts about Mulege.

    Mulege, Mexico (You Decide Travel Guide): Brett Wyatt; 2005. cave art p.89.

    Mulegé un Pueblo Heróico; la Defensa de la Soberanía Nacional, 1846-1848. José Andrés Cota Sandoval. 2002.

    The Mysterious West. Brad Williams and Choral Pepper. 1967. Tales and Legends of the SW, including Baja.

    National Parks of NW Mexico. (Baja, Copper Canyon, etc) Richard D. Fisher. 1988.

    A Natural and Civil History of California (2 Vols). Miguel Venegas. 1759. Original, and 1966 reprint.

    Natural and Human History of Baja Calif.(from Jesuit manuscript). Homer Aschmann. 1966. Dawson#7.

    The Natural History of Baja Calif. Miguel del Barco, 1760? Transl by F. Tiscareno. 1980. Dawson #43.

    Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978

    A Natural History Guide to Baja California. Kathleen J. Dickey. 1983.

    Natural History Guide to the Pacific Coast and North Central Baja and Adjacent Islands. Dennis Bostic, 1975. Great Bibliography

    Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortez. Bryan Gates. 1993.

    Naval Sketches of the War in California. Wm H. Meyers (1846-47). Text by D.W. Knox & Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1939.

    New Baja Handbook for the Off-Pavement Motorist. J.T. Crow, 1973.

    Noroeste Minero; La minería en Sonora, Baja Cal, BCS, durante el porfiriato. Romero G., Heath, Rivas H. 2002

    Notes on the Geology and Petrography of Baja California, Mex. Waldemar Lindgren, USGS.

    Extract from Proc. Calif Acad Sci, 2nd Series, Vol III; April, 1890.

    Observations in Lower California. Johann Baegert, 1771; Translation 1979.(2)

    Offbeat Baja. Jim Hunter. 1977.

    Off-Road Handbook. Dick Cepek . 1983.

    Off the Beaten Track in Baja. Erle Stanley Gardner. 1967.

    Off-Trail Adventures in Baja California. Markes Johnson. 2014. Autographed.

    101 Ways to Explore Baja. Reyna Jaime Felix & Giovanni Simeone.

    Opciones de Desarrollo (Development) en El Oasis de los Comondú. Alba E. Gámez. 2013.

    Operación Minera en Marcha. Gobierno del Estado de B.C.S. 1982/84

    Origin of the Boleo Copper Deposit; Santa Rosalía, Lower Calif. Marcel Touwaide, Economic Geology Vol.XXV #2, 1930.

    Ornithology of Lower Calif. Joseph Grinnel. UC Pubs in Zoology, vol 32#1. 1928. Distributional Summation. hardbound.

    The Other Side; Journeys in Baja Calif. Judy Goldstein Botello. 1998.

    El Otro Mexico; Biografia de Baja Calif. Fernando Jordan. 1980/89. (in Spanish)

    The Out Trail. Mary Roberts Rinehart; 1923/27.

    Pacific Coast Fishes. Wm. N. Eschmeyer, 1983 and 1984. A Peterson guide.

    Pacific Coast Geology of Northern Baja Calif & Adjacent Alta Calif.AAPG/SEPM/S2016EG. 1970.

    For list of road logs, maps and 20 papers, see Index #15.

    Paisaje Urbano y Personajes en Baja Calif Sur. Elizabeth Acosta Mendia. 2005. Mini-bios of BCS people. (sp)

    Paleoecology and Taphonomy of Recent to Pleistocene Intertidal Deposits, Gulf of California.

    Paleontological Society Special Publ # 2, ed by Karl Flessa. 1987. See list of 14 papers, Index #18

    Palm Canyons of Baja California. Randall Henderson. 1971.

    Paradise to Leeward. Wesley A. Bush. 1954. signed by L. Burr Belden.

    Patterns in the Ocean. Andrew Bakun. 1996. Fisheries/Physical Oceanography; includes Baja.

    The Pearl. John Steinbeck. 1945/1974 paperback.

    The Pearl Hunters in the Gulf of Calif, 1668. W. Michael Mathes. Dawson’s #4.

    Peces del Golfo de California. (Spanish version of Gulf of Calif Fishwatcher’s Guide) Thomson & McKibbin. 1978.

    Peninsular California. Charles Nordhoff. 1888.

    The Peninsular California Missions. Msgr.Francis Weber. 1979.

    Los Petroglifos de la Baja California. Jorge Engerrand; Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Historia, Etnologia.. 1912.

    El Picacho Del Diablo; the Conquest of Lower Calif’s highest Peak, 1932 & 1937. Norman Clyde. 1975. Dawson’s #36.

    Picacho del Diablo; a collection of Maps and Papers (in a green report folder)

    Reports by Jim Rickard, Paul Wilson, and map by Jerry Schad

    Pictorial Record of Baja Calif Mission sites. Manuscript by Howard Gulick, 1954? No photos.

    Pilot Down, Presumed Dead. M.Phleger. 1963. Fictional account of Baja pilot.

    Pinturas Rupestres y Petroglifos de Baja California Sur (Primera Parte). D.E.H. Gomez (undated, but reported as 1972)

    Pirates in Baja California. Peter Gerhard, 1963.

    Pirates of the Pacific. Peter Gerhard. (orig: Pirates of West Coast of New Spain, 1960) 1990 reprint.

    Plant Life of a Desert Archipelago. R.S.Felger & B.T.Wilder. 2012.

    Plant Records of an Expedition to Lower California. Edward A. Goldman, 1916, in:

    Smithsonian Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium.

    The Pleistocene Fauna of Magdelena Bay, Lower California. Eric K. Jordan in Contributions from Dept of Geology,

    Stanford University, Volume 1, #4, November, 1936.

    Pliocene Carbonates and Related Facies Flanking the Gulf of California, Baja Calif. GSA Sp Paper 318. Johnson & Ledesma, 1997.

    Las Posibilidades Petroliferas en la Costa Occidental de la Baja Calif. Santillan y Barrera. 1930. (xerox of book)

    The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular Calif. Ed by Gordon Gastil & R. Miller; in:

    G.S.A. Special Paper #279. 1993. See index #20 for locales, maps and papers.

    Predatory Behavior of some Shore Fishes in the Gulf of California. Edmund Hobson,

    USDI Fish and Wildlife Research Report #73. 1968.

    Prehistoric Rock Paintings of Baja Calif. Clement W. Meighan.

    Reprinted from American Antiquity, Vol 31, No 3, Part 1; January, 1966.

    Prehistory of Baja California – Advances in Archaeology of the Peninsula. Eds: Don Laylander & Jerry D. Moore. 2006

    Primeros Pobladores de la Baja California. Anita Άlvarez de Williams. 2004. Anthropology.

    Proclamation; Santo Tomas, Baja California; January, 1852.

    Quest of the Lost Santa Isabel. T. W. Crawford. 1964. (fiction)

    Rambling Through Baja Calif with Pen and Brush. Anthony Quartuccio. 1984/2007.

    Recent Discoveries of Gold at Santa Clara, Lower Calif. British Foreign Office , Misc Series, Mexico #136. 1889. ©

    Recognition on Space Photographs of Structural Elements of Baja California. Warren Hamilton. USGS PP#718. 1971.

    Reconnaissance Geologic Map (with explanatory pamphlet) of Loreto and part of San Javier Quadrangles,

    Baja California Sur. USGS map MF-2000. McLean, 1988.

    Reconnaissance Geology of the Concepcion Bay Area, Baja Calif, Mex. Carew McFall, Stanford Univ. 1968.

    Reconnaissance Geology of the State of Baja Calif. G.S.A. Memoir #140. Gastil, Phillips, Allison, 1975.

    Reef Fishes of the Sea of Cortez. Don Thompson, Lloyd Findley, and Alex Kerstitch. 1979. Revised version: 2000, U. Texas Press.

    Reflections. A history and autobiography of “Mama” (Dona Anita) Espinosa. 1994.

    Remedios Caseros Naturales; Herbas Curativas. J. Ernesto Alvarado

    Reptiles and Amphibians of North America. Alan Leviton. undated, but 1975 or earlier.

    Reptilian Fauna of Sand Dune Areas of the Vizcaino Desert, and of NW Lower Calif. Walter Mosauer,

    Univ of Michigan Museum of Zoology Occasional Paper #329, March, 1936.

    The Republic of Lower California, 1853 – 1854. edited by Arthur Woodward. 1966. Dawson’s #6.

    Resources of the Pacific Slope. J. Ross Browne, 1869. Includes “A Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration

    of Lower California” (177 pages).

    Revolutionaries (1913) in the Puebla (San Ignacio): Edith González Cruz. Excerpt from “Constitutionalist Revolution in

    Central Baja Calif”, from: Antolologia de Historia Regional, translated and abridged by Jane B. Ames.

    Riding With the Vaqueros of Baja California. Sam Whitehead.2003. Photo essay, spiral bound..

    Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 1998 (2 copies)

    Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 2nd Ed, 2017

    The Rockfishes of the NE Pacific. Love, Yoklavich & Thorsteinson, U.C. Press, 2002.

    Rockhounding in Baja. W.R.C. Shedenhelm, 1980.

    Rough Riding. Dick Cepek & Walt Wheelock. La Siesta Press. 1968. Off-roading in Baja.

    Royal Officer in Baja Calif. 1768-1770; Joaqin Velazquez de Leon. I.W.Engstrand, 1976. Dawson #37.

    The Rush of 89. The Baja California Gold Fever, and Capt J. Friend’s Letters from the Santa Clara Mines.

    R.E.Lingenfelter, 1967. Dawson Books series #8.

    The Russian Colony of Guadalupe; Molokans in Mexico. George Mohoff (signed). 1993

    Las Rutas de la Luz; El Paisaje de Baja Calif. 1995.(Art & photography of Baja Calif; Sp text)

    Sailing Directions for the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. U.S. Navy, H.O.#84. 1937.

    Juan Maria de Salvatierra, S.J.(Selected letters about Baja). E.J.Burrus.1971.Dawsons #25

    San Quentin Division; International Company of Mexico. Land Promotion. Col. D. K. Allen. 1887. (copy) ©

    San Vicente Basin, from Santo Tomas Valley South to S. Ramon Bay. Col. D.K. Allen. 1887. Land Promotion. xerox copy.

    San Vicente Ferrer; Historia de un Pueblo, 1780-1980. Martin Barron E. Copy # 284.

    Santo Domingo. Henry M. Brown. English 1993. Span 1994. History and personalities of the area around Mision Sta Domingo,

    including Hamilton Ranch, Meling Ranch, Valladares Mine. Together in binder.

    Scheelite Deposits in the Northern Part of the Sierra de Juarez, Northern Territory Lower Calif, Mexico. Fries & Schmitter;

    Geological Survey Bull #946-C. 1945. 40 miles ENE of Ensenada. (Also in Spanish; see: “Yacimientos de Scheelita.”)

    Scorpions. Dr. Herbert L. Stahnke, Arizona State Univ. Revised ed 1959.

    Scorpion Man; Exploring the World of Scorpions. Gary Polis, L. Pringle. 1994. (50% Baja)

    Sea Guide, Volume II: Baja California: see “Baja Sea Guide”.

    Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck and E. F. Ricketts. 1941/1989.

    The Sea of Cortez. Ray Cannon, 1966. Autographed

    Sea of Cortez Cruising Guide; Vol 2 “Middle Gulf”. Gerry Cunningham. 2003.

    Sea of Cortez Guide. Dix Brow. 1982/87.

    Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates. Alex Kerstitch; 1989.; & 2nd edition, 2007

    Searching for Steinbeck’s Sea of Cortez. Andromeda Romano-Lax. 2002.

    Sea Shells of Tropical West America; Marine Mollusks from Lower Calif to Colombia. A. Myra Keen, Stanford U. 1958/60.

    Seasonal Precipitation Regimes in Baja Calif. J.R. Hastings & R. M. Turner; reprint from Geografiska Annaler, 1965. Weather.

    Seaweeds of the Pacific Coast. Jennifer & Jeff Mondragon. 2003.

    Seven Rock Art Sites in Baja Calif. C.W. Meighan & V.L.Pontoni. Ballena Press, 1978.

    Shelling in the Sea of Cortez. Paul E. Violette. 1964.

    Sierra de la Laguna de Baja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish).

    Sierra de San Pedro Martir; III Semana de la Exploracion y la Historia. En Homenaje a Belester Bernaldez Garza. Sept, 1991. Sierra, Sea and Desert; El Vizcaino, Baja Calif. Patricio Robles Gil & Bruce Berger. 1998

    The Silver Dons. Richard F. Pourade. 1963/65. A Copley book.

    Site and Culture at San Fernando de Velicata. Sauer & Meigs,1927. UC Press, Vol 2, # 9: Lower Calif Studies.

    Six Days on a Mule. M.B. Cole. 1928. Re visit to mine on Isla Santa Margarita.

    Six Months in the Gold Mines (upper and lower Calif) 1847-49. E. Gould Buffum. 1850. Univ Microfilms reprint. Partly Baja ©

    Sketches of a Journey on the 2 Oceans; Interior of America, and War in Lower Calif. Abbe Alric(1866) Nunis1971. Dawson #24.

    A Sojourn in Baja California, 1915. U.S. Grant. Reprint from So.Cal.Quarterly, Vol.XLV #2; June, 1963.

    Solo Below; A Guidebook to Lower California. Don A. Hugh. 1958. Softback.

    Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.16: The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. Ed by Robt Jackson. 1991

    Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.5: Ethnology of the Baja California Indians. Ed by W.Michael Mathes, 1992.

    Spanish for Gringos. Wm C. Harvey. 2nd ed, 1999.

    The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.16) Ed by Robt Jackson. 1991.

    Spirit Jumpers; Russian Molokans of Baja Calif. Therese Muranaka. San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Tech Notes#21,1988.copy.

    Sportsmen’s Guide, Detailed Maps Lower California & Gulf. Late 1950s. Small-scale maps showing topography and Bathymetry

    Sunset Travel Guide to Baja Calif. 1971.

    Tecate: see Baja Symposium XX.

    Tecate: An Industrial Town on the Mexican Border. UCLA Ethnographic Field School. !967.

    Tectonic Decapitation of a Pliocene Mega-Delta on Isla del Carmen in the Gulf of California: And a River Ran Through It.

    Johnson, M.E. et al, Journal of Geology, 2016, V 124, pp 55 – 74. Reprint.

    Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Circum-Pacific Region; 1985: 4 papers published by Circum-Pacific Council for Energy

    and Mineral Resources (bound xerox):

    1. Terranes of Peninsular Calif and Adjacent Sonora. Gordon Gastil

    2. Tectonostrat Terranes of Vizcaino Peninsula, Cedros and San Benito Islands, Baja Calif. David L. Kimbrough.

    3. The Mexican Thrust Belt. Maria Fernanda Campa U.

    4. Stratigraphy and Tectonic Significance of Mesozoic Tectonostrat Terranes of Vizcaino Peninsula, BCS. T.E.Moore.

    Telling Our Way to the Sea. Aaron Hirsh. 2013.

    Terms Used in Geophysical Exploration; English – to – Spanish Glossary. R.L. Sheriff, SSC. 1973.

    There it is: Baja. Mike McMahan. 2nd ed, 1974.

    Think you know Baja. Bernie Swaim. 2006.

    This is Loreto: Volume 1, “Loreto” Sergio Morales Polo. 1997.

    Three Wheels to Baja. Jane S. Fredricks. 1973. (autographed) fiction.

    Through Baja by RV. Bette Ames & Wilma Knox. 1975.

    Los Tiburones: Necesitan de Nosotros. Articles relating to depletion of Sharks, and their conservation. Sp, in rept cover.

    Tidal Flat Sedimentation on the Colorado River Delta, NW Gulf of California. R.W. Thompson; G.S.A. Memoir 107, 1968.

    Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez. Wesley M. Farmer. 1989.

    Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez III (a field guide). Wesley M. Farmer, 1990.

    “Tierra Perfecta” Lower California. A land promotion booklet from 1887. (copy) ©

    Tijuana Bullfights. Larry Jones & Roger Wrenn. 1969.

    Time Line of Events in San Ignacio (BCS). Jane B. Ames. May, 2014.

    The Todos Santos Book. Lee Moore, 1st ed (1994); and Lee Moore & Janet Howey, 5th edition (2000).

    The Todos Antos Cookbook. Lee Moore. 2006. Inscribed.

    To Loreto With Love. Jeannine & Beto Perez. 2005.

    To Santa Rosalía; Further and Back. H.D.Huycke. (Mariners Museum, Newport News, VA). 1970

    Towns of Baja Calif. David Goldbaum. 1971 reprint of 1918/19 original, annotated by Wm. O. Hendricks.

    Tradition vitivinícola de los Comondú (Winemaking in the Comondus) Gutierrez, et al. 2016. Bilingual.

    Trails and Tales of Baja. Pel Carter, 1967.

    Trails of the Sierra Madre. Eugen Boudreau. 1973.

    Travelers Among the Cucapa. Anita Alvarez de Williams. Dawson #34. 1975.

    Travels in the Interior of Mexico (Baja, Sea of Cortez) 1825-1828. Lt. R.W.H. Hardy, R.N. 1977 reprint.

    El Triunfo; El Rostro de la Soledad. Armando Trasviña Taylor. 2004.

    The Trout of the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Lower Calif. John O. Snyder. UC Pubs in Zoology V21,#17. 1926.

    Unforgettable Sea of Cortez; Baja’s Golden Age 1947-77; Life and Writings of Ray Cannon. Gene Kira. 1999.

    El Urbanismo y el Patrimonio Arquitectonico de Santa Rosalía. José Andrés Cota Sandoval. 2001. (1000 copies printed)

    The USS Albatross in Lower Californian Seas, 1911. Bound collection of articles from Am Mus of Nat Hist, 1912–1925. See Index.

    The Vagabundos. Frank Bonham. 1st ed, 1969. (fiction)

    Vermilion Sea; A Naturalist’s Journey in Baja California. John Janovy, Jr. 1992.

    Vintage Baja; Adventures of a Gringa in Lower California. Marion Smothers. 1993.

    Vizcaino and the Spanish Expansion in the Pacific Ocean. W.Michael Mathes. 1968.

    Wasatchian (early Eocene) Mammals and other Vertebrates from Baja Calif: The Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra Fauna.

    Michael J. Novacek et al; Bulletin of the Am Mus of Natural History #208. 1991. (near Punta Prieta and Rosarito)

    Western Birds. Audubon Handbook. John Farrand, Jr. 1988.

    Western Reptiles and Amphibians. Peterson Field Guide. Robert C. Stebbins. 1985.

    Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Eastern North Pacific; A Guide to Their Identification in the Water.

    (NUC TP 282). Leatherwood, Evans & Rice. 1972.

    Where the Old West Never Died. Paul Sanford, 1968. Story of Meling Ranch. autographed

    Wildlife of Mexico (Mammals & Game birds). A.S.Leopold. UC Press 1959/72. (has Skull details.)

    Wind . Water . Sun. A Solo Kayak Journey Along Baja’s Desert Coastline. Ed Darack. (Autographed). 1998.

    Wines of Baja California. Ralph Amey. 2003.

    Wintering on the Cortez. John C. Nelson. 1999. Paperback. Autographed.

    With Steinbeck in the Sea of Cortez. by Sparky Enea, told to Audry Lynch. 1991.

    Wordsworth English-Spanish, Spanish-English Dictionary. 1991/96.

    World Crops derived from the Indians. E.F. Walker; SW Museum leaflet#17, 1967. (in Baja)

    World of the California Gray Whale (paperback). Tom Miller, 1975. All whales.

    Xantus; The Letters of John Xantus. Ann Zwinger, 1986. Dawson’s # 48.

    Yacimientos de Scheelita en el Parte Norte de la Sierra de Juarez, Distrito Norte de Baja Calif.

    Fries & Schmitter. Boletin#2. 1945. (also in English: see Geological Survey Bull #946-C)

    Yesterday’s Land, A Baja Calif Adventure. L. Wibberley, 1961.

    Yo Soy Mulegé. Armando Taylor, 1991.

    Zaca Venture. Wm Beebe. 1938. (cruise around Baja peninsula)

    Zapata. John Steinbeck. 1975/1993

    Zoisite from Lower Calif. Oliver C. Farrington in Field Columbian Museum pub 112; geol series v3#4, p55, 1906.

    1940 E.W. Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California (G.S.A. Memoir 43). 1950.

    50 Hikes in the Cape
    Region, Baja Sur. Carl Dreisbach. 2007


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