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Baja Book Collection FOR SALE
Antiquarian Booksellers since 1905
Volumes in the Collection of Norman K. Christie
1. Journey of James H. Bull, Baja California, October 1843 to January,1844.
Edited by Doyce Nunis, Jr. $30.00
2. Lower California Frontier: Articles from the San Diego Union, 1870. Edited by Florence Shipek. $30.00
4. The Pearl Hunters in the Gulf of California 1668. By Fr. Juan Cavallero Carranco.
Translated by W. Michael Mathes. $36.00
5. Wenceslaus Linck’s Diary of His 1766 Expedition to Northern Baja California.
Translated, edited by Ernest Burrus, S.J. $50.00
6. The Republic of Lower California 1753-1754 in the words of its state papers, and eyewitnesses.
By Arthur Woodward. $36.00
7. The Natural & Human History of Baja California, from manuscripts by Jesuit missionaries.
Translated and edited by Homer Aschmann. $50.00
8. The Rush of ‘89: The Baja California Gold Fever. By Richard Lingenfelter. $30.00
10. Informe on the New Province of California, 1702. By Francisco Maria Piccolo.
Translated and edited by George Hammond. $30.00
11. The Missions and Missionaries of Baja California: An Historical Perspective. By Francis J. Weber. $50.00
12. The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero, a Diegueno Indian, as told to Florence C. Shipek. $36.00
13. Indian Art and History: The Testimony of Prehispanic Rock Paintings. By Clement W. Meighan. $200.00
14. The Filibusters of 1890. Edited by Anna Marie Hager. $30.00
15. The Apostolic Life of Fernando Consag, explorer of Lower California.
By Francisco Zevallos. Translated and annotated by Manuel Servin. $36.00
16. First from the Gulf to the Pacific: The Diary of the Kino-Atondo Peninsular Expedition, 1684-1685.
By W. Michael Mathes. $50.00
17. Jose Joaquin Arillaga’s Diary of his Surveys of the Frontier, 1796.
Translated by Froylan Tiscareno, edited by John Robinson. $30.00
18. The Capture of the Santa Ana, Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587.
Translated and edited by W. Michael Mathes. $50.00
20. Kaigai Ibun. Translated by Richard Zumwinkle, assisted by Tadanobu Kawai. $30.00
21. Journal Aboard the Bark Ocean Bird on a Whaling Voyage to Scammon’s Lagoon, Winter of 1858-1859.
By Charles Scammon $50.00
22. Letter of Luis Jayme, O.F.M., San Diego, October 17, 1772.
Translated and edited by Maynard Geiger, O.F.M. $30.00
23. The Baja California Travels of Charles Russell Orcutt. By Helen DuShane. $36.00
24. Sketches of a Journey on the Two Oceans and to the Interior of America. By the Abbe Henry-J. A. Alric.
Edited by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. $30.00
25. Selected Letters About Lower California. By Juan Maria de Salvatierra, S.J.
Translated and annotated by Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. $75.00
26. Historical Notes on Lower California, with some relative to Upper California. By Manuel C. Rojo. $75.00
27. The Drawings of lgnacio Tirsch, a Jesuit Missionary in Baja California.
Narrative by Doyce Nunis, Jr. $30.00
28. The Adventure of Stickeen in Lower California, 1874. By John F. Janes.
Edited by Anna Marie Hager. $36.00
31. The Conquistador in California, 1535: The Voyage of Fernando Cortes to Baja California.
Translated and edited by W. Michael Mathes. $50.00
32. Baja California: Jewish Refuge and Homeland. By Norton Stern. $30.00
34. Travelers Among the Cucapa. By Anita Alvarez de Wiliams. $30.00
35. Geographic and Hydrographic Descriptions of…the Kingdom of California (1632).
By Nicolas de Cardona. Translated and edited by W. Michael Mathes. $18.00
36. El Picacho del Diablo. By Norman Clyde. Ed. by John Robinson. $50.00
37. Royal Officer in Baja California 1768 – 1770: Joaquin Velazquez de Leon. By Iris Engstrand. $50.00
38. Hardly Any Fences. By John W. Hilton. $30.00
39. The Mexican War in Baja California. The Memorandum of Captain Henry W. Halleck.
Introduced and edited by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. $24.00
40. Cattle Brands of Baja California Sur. By W Michael Mathes $18.00
41. English Privateers at Cabo San Lucas. Descriptive accounts by Edward Cooke and Woodes Rogers et al.
Edited by Thomas F. Andrews. $36.00
42. Clemente Guillen, Explorer of the South, 1719 -1721.
Translated and edited by W. Michael Mathes. $18.00
43. The Natural History of Baja California. By Miguel del Barco, S.J.
Translated by Froylan Tiscareno. Introduction by Miguel Leon-Portilla. $50.00
44. Ethnology and Linguistics of Baja California. By Miguel del Barco, S.J.
Translated by Froylan Tiscareno. Introduction by Miguel Leon-Portilla. $30.00
45. The Letters of Jacob Baegert, 1749-1761. Translated by Elsbeth Schulz-Bischof.
Introduced and edited by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. $36.00
47. Jesuit Relations, Baja California, 1716-1762.
Translated and edited with an introduction by Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. $60.00
48. Xantus, The Letters of John Xantus to Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1859-1861.
Introduction, notes and illustrations by Ann H. Zwinger. $60.00
49. Baja California Railways. By John A. Kirchner. $30.00
50. Baja California Travels Series, General Index, Volumes 1 – 49. By Anna Marie and Everett Gordon Hager,
compiled and edited by Eligio Moises Coronado. Introduction by W. Michael Mathes. $50.00
51. Modest Fortures, Mining in Northern Baja California. By Donald Chaput, William M. Mason and
David Zarate Loperena. Published by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. $75.00
Index to Articles Relating to Baja California In Rock Art Papers
Published by the San Diego Museum of Man
Volume 8, 1991 Page #
A Summit Path Geoglyph from El Marmol, Northern Baja.
Eve Ewing & Marvin Patchen 9
Cueva Espiritu (near San Borjitas). James R. Spring 17
Baja California Rock Art: Problems, Progress, and Prospects. Eric Ritter 21
Volume 9, 1992
Description of Diguet’s Site 12, BCS, Mexico (SW of Mulegé). Hans Bertsch 1
Cueva Flechas: A Shamanic Initiation Site in Baja Calif. Eve Ewing 5
Volume 10
Cañon Santa Isabel (northern Baja). Anita Alvarez de Williams 67
Animation in the Aboriginal Murals of Baja Calif. Elanie A. Moore 71
A Petroglyph complex of the Sierra de San Francisco Uplands, Baja Calif.
Eric W. Ritter 81
In the Shadows of the Moon (History and Preservation of Rock Art)
Lic. Jorge Luis Amao Manriquez 103
A Covenant With Nature: The Great South Gallery of Cueva Pintada. Eve Ewing 107
Volume 11
Piedras Pintas (near Mulegé): A Trinary Petroglyph Site of Major Importance.
O. Winston (Bud) Hampton 1
Social Issues Regarding the Rock Art of Arroyo del Tordillo, Central Baja Calif
(west of Bahia Coyote). Eric W. Ritter 9
Enhancing the Spacial Aspects of Rock Art Recordings and Drawings.
Elanie A. Moore 65
Volume 12
A Riddle at Serpiente: Reading as a Child Might Read. William C. Strange 1
Explaining Regional Differentiation in Central Baja California Rock Art.
Eric W. Ritter 9
Volume 17
An Examination of Probable “Cultural contact” Rock Art Sites in Southern California
And Northern Baja California. Jeffrey F. LeFave 33
Partial list of Maps in the Christie Collection Rev: 5 Jan, 2023
Bahia Agua Verde. Fropm survey of USS Ranger, 1881
Bahia de Los Angeles. Musemof Natural History and Culture (undated)
Baja Calif. AAA. 1962
Baja California Accomodations. AAA, 1976
Baja Calif Tourist Map. Secretaria de Turismo. 1990±
Baja Almanac (Norte) 1997
Baja California Almanac. 2003
Baja California Almanac. 2009
Cedros Island. Thomas Banks, in PCAS Quaqrterly, 1978
Central Desert of Baja Calikfornia. FromHomer Ashmann’s book.
Chapala – Punta Prieta Area (3 maps) Brigham Arnold. 1957
Charty of the Peninsula of Lower California. Capt. C.M. Scammon, U.S.R.M.
Ensenada & Baja California Mapa Turismo. 1996
Lower California; Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Military Intelligence Division; U.S. General Staff. 1:600,000 1920
Magdalena Bay. Arthur W. North, in Sunset Magazine, 1908.
Mexico. Texaco Oil Co. June, 1951
Mexico & Baja Calif. Richfield Oil Co. 1964
Natural and Civil History of California map. Miguel Venegas. 1758
NW Mexico and Southern Baja. Journal of Royal Geographic Society, London. 1860
Oil and Gas Exploration Wells in Baja California. Petroconsultants. 1991
Palm Canyons of Baja California. Randal Henderson. 1971
Parque Nacional San Pedro Martir, including Picacho del Diablo. Centra Publications. 1988
Peninsular California-Limits of the International Company. Nordhoff. 1888
Picacho del Diablo – Climbing Routes. (detail) Jerry Schad. 1988
OMG, that collection is HUGE and much of it should probably go to a University or some other institution that will properly catalog it and care for it.
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