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Baja Book Collection FOR SALE
Baja Book Collection FOR SALE
Posted by Rockman on February 6, 2023 at 10:57 pmBaja Book Collection FOR SALE
The largest collection in the world of Baja books, journals, periodicals, theses and maps – more than 2000 titles, plus hundreds of digital references scanned from various libraries. The collection includes hundreds of scientific papers, journals, reprints and theses on anthropology, archaeology, exploration, flora and fauna, geology, maps/bathymetry, and history.
Potential buyers can receive an inventory by email: normanc@olypen.com . I am accepting bids.
I might also consider donating the collection to an established library, museum, or university.
Visitors are welcome to view the collection, in Port Hadlock, WA.
The photo shows less than half of the collection.
This discussion was modified 2 years ago by
BajaGringo. Reason: Moved to correct forum
amandae replied 1 year, 11 months ago 6 Members · 45 Replies -
This discussion was modified 2 years ago by
45 Replies
It might help to upload the list of titles here in the thread. Let me know if you need any help with that.
Ron is correct. Google will pick up the title names and a lot more people will see your ad.
Sounds like something that you invested a lot of yourself into. Curious why you want to sell it?
To help our members see what is actually included in this very impressive collection of books magazines, articles, maps, papers and more being offered by @Rockman, I will break it down by area in the following posts…
BAJA BOOKS in the Library of Norman K. Christie Revised: 19 Jan, 2022
§= printed pdf x = Copy (Xerox?) © = scanned to computer
BOOK Titles:ABA Field List of the Birds of Baja Calif. Kurt Radamaker. 1992.
Aboriginal Population of Northwestern Mexico. Carl Sauer; UC Press, 1935.
Across the Wire (Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border) Luis Alberto Urrea. 1993.
Adventure Guide to Baja California. Wilbur H. Morrison. 2nd edition, 1993.
Adventures in Baja. Mike McMahan. 1983.
Adventures of a Gringo in Baja California. Ford Barton. 1977. Autographed
Adventures of Stickeen in Lower California. John F. Janes, 1874. ed by Anna M.Hager, 1972. Dawson’s #28. El Triunfo.
Adventure to Land’s End; The Wonders of Baja Calif. Paul Fischer. 1975.
Los Afanes de un historiador; Homenaje a David Pinera Ramirez. Aide Grijalva, UABC. 1999.
The Agaves of Baja Calif. Howard S.Gentry. California Academy of Sciences Occasional Paper#130,1978.
El Agua de Loreto. Sergio Morales Polo. 2007. Booklet describing sources, data, and recommendations for Loreto’s supply.
Air & Fire. Rupert Thomson. 1994. Fiction set in Santa Rosalia, BCS.
Airports of Baja California. Arnold Senterfitt. 17th Ed 1987, and 4th ed w map 1967.
Alfonsina – A Baja Legend. Maureen & Danny Motola. 2003. Biography, and Bahia Gonzaga.
Algas Comunes del Golfo deCalifornia. M.D.Readdie, M.Ranelletti, R.M.McCourt. 2006. Bilingual. see “Common Seaweeds”.
Almost an Island; Travels in Baja Calif. Bruce Berger. 1998.
Amphibians and Reptiles from Lower California. Jean M. Linsdale; Univ Calif Publications in Zoology v38#6, 1932.
Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California. Ron H. McPeak. 2000.
Angler’s Guide to Baja Calif. Tom Miller, 1987.
Angling Baja (fly fishing). Scott Sadil. 1996. Autographed.
Anita – The El Rosario Legend. Marton Barron E. 2002. Bi-lingual. Autographed (Dona Ana Gross-Espinosa)
Anthopomorphic Data Pertaining to an Atypical Human Skeleton from Northern Baja Calif.
Rose A. Tyson; San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Tech Notes #14. 1975.
Antigua California. Harry W. Crosby. 1994.
La Antigua California Prehispanica: la vida costera en el Conchalito. Rosales-Lopez y Fujita. INAH, 2000.
Antología de la Arqueología de Baja California. INAH. 1999.
Anza Conquers the Desert. Richard F. Pourade. Copley Book. 1971.
Apostalic Life of Fernando Consag. Francisco Zevallos/Manuel Servin. 1968. Dawsons#15.
Archaeological Studies of Mesoamerican Obsidian. T.R. Hester(Editor),1978 (Doesn’t pertain directly to Baja).
An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northeastern Baja Calif and Southeastern Calif. Adan Treganza, reprinted
from American Antiquity, vol 8, #2, October, 1942.
An Archaeological Study of South-Central Baja Calif. E.W.Ritter(U.C.Davis PhD). 1979.
Arqueología de la Sierra de San Francisco. Gutierrez y Hyland. INAH, 2002.
Arqueología en Baja California. Alfonso Alvarado Bravo. 1999. (Spanish)
Arrowheads & Stone Artifacts. C.G.Yeager. 1986.
Arte Rupestre Baja California Sur; La Sierra de San Francisco, El Canon de Santa Teresa. INAH/SALVAT. 1994.
Atlas of Coastal Ecosystems in the Western Gulf of California. Markes Johnson & Jorge Ledesma. 2009.
Aurora-Princesa Mines (Alamo area, Baja). Geological Rept by C.F.Toleman; 1921. Downloaded excerpts; 2001 proposal. ©
Automobiling Desert Trails-II, Lower Calif. Auto Club of S. Calif, 1927. Reprint.
Jose Joaquin Arrillaga; Diary of His Surveys of the Frontier, 1796. Tiscareno and Robinson,1969. Dawson. B.C. Series# 17.
Assault on Baja. Elizabeth Washburn., 1965/66.
Las Aves de ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.). The Birds of ESSA Field Guide 2000. Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to
The birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.
Backcountry Pilot, Flying Adventures with Ike Russell, ed by Thomas Bowen. 2002 / 2010.+
Backroad Baja. Patti and Tom Higginbotham. 1996. (Central Baja).
Back from Bahia de los Muertos. Jane S. Fredricks. 1972. fiction.
Bahia; Ensenada and its Bay. Thaddeus Brenton. 1961.
Bahia de Los Angeles. Ed by Jose Mercade. Glendale Comm College Ed Res Series#1
Bahia de Los Angeles – Geology. A Thesis by Francis J. Murphy, 1985.
Baja (fiction): Jack Jones, 1982.
Baja. Doug Richmond, 1970. (motorcycles).
The Baja Adventure Book. Walt Peterson, 1st(1987), 2nd(1992), 3rd(1998) editions.
Baja Adventures by Land, Air, Sea. Marvin & Aletha Patchen, 1981.
Baja Almanac (Norte). Map book. Undated. Scale, Latitudes and longitudes incorrect. Some roads and airstrips obsolete.
Baja Boater’s Guide; Volume II – Sea of Cortez. Jack Williams. 1988.
The Baja Book III. Tom Miller & Carol Hoffman, 1987.
Baja Book IV. Ginger Potter. 1996.
Baja By Air. Allen & Phyllis Ellis, 1967.
Baja California. AAA Road guide. 2001
Baja California. Ralph Hancock, 1953.
Baja California (Time/Life Books). Wm W. Johnson, 1972, rev 1977.
Baja California. Lisa & Sven-Olof Lindblad. 1987. Fantastic photos.
Baja California Adventures. Froylan Tiscareño. 2013
Baja Calif Al Dia (“Lower Calif Up To Date”) Aurelio de Vivanco. 1924. a photographic Baja encyclopedia. Bilingual.
Baja Calif (Bibliography) 1535-1956 (1957)and Vol II 1535-1964 (1967). Ellen C. Barrett.
Baja California Bibliography, 1965-66, a supplement by Katharine M.Silvera. 1968.
Baja California; Comentarios Politicos. Braulio Maldonado. 3rd edition, 1960.(Spanish)
Baja California – desde el principio. Geología histórica. Cuautémoc Leon Diez. 1995. (Spanish; Geologic history and paleontology)
Baja Calif Diver’s Guide. Michael & Lauren Farley, 1984.
Baja California and the Geography of Hope. Joseph Wood Krutch. 2 copies: large format (1967) and regular (1969).
Baja California Geology: Field Guides & Papers- SDSU/ GSA, San Diego, 1979. Abbott, P.L. & Gastil, G. See Index #16.
Baja Calif Guidebook. W. Wheelock & H. Gulick. 5th Edition of “Lower Calif Guidebook” 1980.
Baja California Ilustrada. J.R.Southworth, 2nd ed 1989 (1st ed 1899). Bilingual.
Baja Calif in Anthropological Theory: Desert Adaptation, Cul-de-sac, Frontier, Border. John A. Price. 1968.
Original mimeograph bound in folder.
Baja California Islands Flora & Vertebrate Fauna Bibliography. Mary F. Compana. 1997. (on internet)
Baja California – Land of Missions. David K. 2016.
Baja Calif, The Last New Frontier. Willis Tilton, 1971.
Baja Calif; Lonely Planet guidebook. 1994. 5th ed, 2001.
Baja Calif. Mexico. Cliff Cross. 1972 and 1974 editions. Great Maps!
Baja California, Mexico. Fielding Guidebook by Jack & Patty Williams. 1997.
Baja California and its Missions. Tomas Robertson, 1978.
Baja California Missions – In the Footsteps of the Padres. David Burckhalter. 2013
Baja California Mission Trail; Loreto to El Rosario. Manuscripts by Howard Gulick. 1954, 59.
Baja California Monografia Estatal (Spanish); Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 1992.
Baja California Overland. L. Burr Belden. 1st edition, hardbound,1965;
Revised Edition, soft cover, 1967 and 4th ed, paperback, 1975
Baja California Plant Field Guide. Norman C. Roberts. 1975 (1st ed) hardback, 1989 paperback.
Baja California, Reseña Geográfica y Estadística. León Diguet, Paris, 1912. Spanish.
Baja California, Reseña Histórica del Territorio (Sur) y de su Flora. Maximino Martinez. 1947. BCS, emphasizes plants.
Baja California Road Log. Fred Hoctor & Instant Mex Auto Insurance Svc. 1991. Descriptive mileage log and town maps.
Also, 7th edition, 1997.
Baja California Sur Monografia Estatal; Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 1992. (Spanish)
Baja California Sur; How and Where. 2002. Pictorial Guidebook, National Geographic size/format.
Baja California, A Travel Survival Kit. Scott Wayne, 1988.
Baja California; Vanished Missions, Lost Treasures. Choral Pepper, revised 1975.
Baja California, Where Beauty Meets the Beasts. (Engl & Span) The Maritime Center, Norwalk, CT; 1993?
Baja Calif; Yearbook for Las Californias Baja y Alta Magazine, 1963. many interesting articles. (English)
Baja California; 1533 – 1950 – A Biblio-History. Don Meadows. 1951.
Baja California Sur – La Primera de las Californias. 4th ed, 2006. Photos by Claude Vogel Thetion. Autographed
Baja Calif Coastal Landscapes Revealed. Markes Johnson. 2021
Baja Campfire Tales. Walt and Michael Peterson. 2001.
The Baja Catch. Neil Kelly & Gene Kira, 3rd edition, 1997/2001.
Baja Cruising Guide. Terry Harper. 1981.
Baja Cruising Notes; Pacific Coast and Sea of Cortez. Vern Jones. 1972.
Baja Dreaming. Rod Kulbach. 2009. Autographed.
The Baja Feeling. Ben Hunter, 1978.
Baja Fever. Greg Niemann. 1999.
A Baja Geologic Road Log. Downloaded from elchineroconcepts.com. Describes Mexicali to Puertocitos in 9 parts.
Baja Haha. Fred Hoctor, 1984
Baja Handbook. James T. Crow, 1970.
The Baja Highway (Geology & Biology). John Minch & Thomas Leslie, 1991.
Baja Journey; Reveries of a Sea Kayaker. Robin Carey. 1989.
Baja: Land of Lost Missions. Marquis McDonald & Glenn Oster, 1968.
Baja On The Fly. Nick Curcione. 1997. Fly-fishing in Baja.
Baja Road Log. Walt Wheelock, 1987.
Baja Sea Guide(“Vol II”), Lewis & Ebeling. 1971. Detailed mariners’ guide; good maps/photos.
Baja’s Hidden Gold – Treasure along the Mission Trail. Herman Hill / Roger Silliman. 2nd Edition, 2014± .
The Baja Survivor’s Guide. edited by Lee Moore. 1st ed, 2004. 2nd ed, 2005.
Baja Traveler. Monty Navarre, first edition, 1974; revised edition 1988. Interesting aerial photos of towns and airstrips.
Bancroft’s Works: Vol XV (North Mexican States), 1884; & Vol XVI (N. Mexican States and Texas),1889. Hubert H. Bancroft.
Beaches of Baja. Walt Wheelock, 1968. First ed, hardback autographed #60/123.
Beachcombing for Japanese Glass Floats. Amos L. Wood. paperback, 3rd ed; 1975.
Beachcombing the Pacific. Amos L. Wood. 1987.
Best Stories of Baja; Coyotes, Cactus, Mosquitos and Mud. Larry Stanton. 1998. fiction.
Between Pacific Tides. Ed Ricketts & Jack Calvin (Rev by Hedgpeth). 3rd ed,1975.
Bibliografia de Baja Calif (Primer Tomo). Ing. P. Trujillo G., 1967.
Bibliografia Entomologica de Baja Calif. Ing P. Trujillo G. 1967.
Bicycling Baja. Bonnie Wong. 1988.
Biker’s Guide to Baja. Joe Parkhurst. 1980. off-road motorcycling.
Bilingual Dictionary of Mexican Spanish. Bernard H. Hamel. 1996.
Biological Investigations in Mexico. Ed.A.Goldman. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115.
Describes biological expedition of Edward Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6). Fantastic!
Birding in Baja California Sur. Kaia Thomson / Janice Kinne. 2014.
Birds of Baja-101. John Spencer. 2008
Birds of the Baja Calif Peninsula: Status, Distribution, Taxonomy. Erickson & Howell, eds, ABA monograph #3. 2001.
Birds of the Cape Region of Lower Calif. Wm Brewster, Bull of Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Harvard College, Vol XLI, #1, Sept. 1902.
The Birds of ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.) Field Guide [Las Aves de ESSA]. 2000.
Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to the birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.
Birds of Sonora and the Sea of Cortez (including Barranca del Cobre). A checklist by Cachor Taylor. 1986.
The Black Pearl. Scot O’Dell. 1967. fiction
Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadística. 1927, 1928.
The Boojum and its Home. Robert R. Humphrey. 1974/79.
Bouncing Down to Baja. Bill & Orv Wortman, 1954.
Brand Book: #2, #4 (See titles of articles in Christie’s Index #13)
A Brief History of the Land of Calafia: The Californias, 1533-1795. W. Michael Mathes. 1974 & 1977 eds
A Burial Cave in Baja Calif (Bahia de Los Angeles). Massey & Osborne, 1961.
Univ of Calif Press, Anthropological Records Vol 16, No. 8.
Butterflies of Baja Calif. John Brown, Herman Real, & David Faulkner. 1992. (2 copies).
By Path and Trail. W. R. Dean Harris. 1908
Byroads of Baja. Walt Wheelock, 1971. Hardback. Autographed.
California – A History of Upper and Lower California from Their First Discovery to the Present. Alexander Forbes; 1839/2006.
California in 1792; The Expedition of Jose Longinos Martinez. Translated by Lesley B.Simpson, 1938.
The California Coast: See “Documents from the Sutro Collection”. G.B.Griffin 1891/Donald C.Butler. 1969. Bilingual.
California Quail. Calkins, Hagelin, Lott; Birds of North America #473. 1999. reprint.
The Californios. Leland Foerster. 2003. Autographed.
The Call to California. J. Copley, R. Pourade, Harry Crosby. 1968. Special edition copy # 115; autographed.
The Camino Real and the Missions of Baja. Miguel Leon Portilla et al. 2008. Bilingual, accordian-pleated screenfold 18”x12”.
Caminos de Baja California – Geologia y Biologia. . John Minch, Jorge Ledesma, et al. 2003. Autographed.
Camp and Camino in Lower California. Arthur W. North, 1910.
Camping and Climbing in Baja. J.W. Robinson. 1968 1st ed, hardbk, autographed #22/105.
Canon de los Artistas. Austin Deuel, 1985.
The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. W. Michael Mathes. Manuscript, Univ S.F.
The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. W. Michael Mathes. 1969. Dawson’s #18.
Cartografia y Cronicas de la Antigua California. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1989, 1st ed. Autographed.
Carta Geologica de la Baja Calif. Text and Map by Teodoro Flores, Instituto Geologico de Mexico #1. 1931.
Annetta Carter’s 1947 Baja Expedition: a manuscript; 71 pages plus biographies. (unpublished ?)
Catalogo de los Marinos de Baja California Sur (Fish ID book). Jose De la Cruz Aguero. 1997.
Cattle Brands of Baja Calif Sur. W.Michael Mathes. 1978. Dawson #40.
Cave Paintings of Baja Calif. Harry W. Crosby. revised ed, 1984. enlarged edition 1997.
The Central Desert of Baja California: Demography and Ecology. Homer Aschmann, 1959.
Same as above : hardcover reprint of Aschmann by Hugh Manessier. 1967.
Charles Russell Orcutt. Helen DuShane. 1971. Dawson’s #23.
Climber’s Guide to Valle Azteca, Baja Calif. Randy Vogel (autographed) . 1995 (near La Mision, south of TJ)
Cochimi & Proto-Yuman: Lexical and Syntactic Evidence for a New Language Family in Lower Calif. Maricio J. Mixco;
University of Utah Anthropological Papers #101. 1978.
The Cocopa. E. W. Gifford. U.C. Pubs in Amer Arch & Ethn, V 31,#5. 1933.
The Coins of the Republic of Mexico 1823-1905 and Empire of Maximilian.Dr.G.W.Vogt.1976.
Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California. Rich C. Brusca, 1973
Common Seaweeds of the Gulf of California. M.D.Readdie, M.Ranelletti, R.M.McCourt. 2006. Bilingual.
Congreso Geologico Internacional, excursion A-7. 1956. Detailed field trip notes and maps of BCS from La Paz to Vizcaino.
The Conquistador in California: 1535. W.Michael Mathes (autographed). Re Cortez. Dawson’s #31.
Conservation of the Islands in a Desert Sea. Management proposal, 1985. Spencer Beebe, Nature Conservancy.
The Constanso Narrative of the Portola Expedition. Ray Brandes, 1970.
Los Coronados Islands. Helen Ellsberg. 1970.
Creatures of Baja California. Jaffarian. A photo essay.
The Cruise of the Cow. Max Miller. 1st ed; 1951.
Cruising Guide to the Middle Gulf, Sea of Cortez. Gerry Cunningham. 1994.
Cruising the Pacific Coast; Mexico to Alaska. Carolyn and Jack West. 1970.
Cruising the Sea of Cortez. Spencer Murray; 1st ed 1963, & 2nd revised ed 1967.
Dawson’s Bookstore: Baja California Travel Series: Index to the first 50 volumes. 1991. Dawson’s #50.
Dawson’s Bookshop Catalogue 522: Baja California. Nov, 1993.
Delfina Cuero. Florence C. Shipek.1991.
Description of a New Species of Killifish, Lucania Browni, from a Hot Spring in Lower California.
D.S.Jordan & R.E.Richardson, #1572, Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, vXXXIII, p319-321. 1907.
Description of Lands in Lower Calif, for sale by the International Co; Patent title. July, 1887. x ©
A Description of the Southernmost Part of California and its Inhabitants. Capt.G.Shelvocke, from his “A Voyage Around the
World by Way of the South Sea, 1719-1722”.Pamphlet reprinted as “Pacific Adventures#2 by Book Club of Calif,1940.
A Desert Country Near the Sea. Ann Zwinger, 1983.
Desert Islands of Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. Stewart Aitchison. 2010
Desert Life / Vida Desértica; A Vocabulary. 1998. Eng/Span Dictionary of Flora, Fauna, Geology, measurement, etc.
The Desert Year. Joseph Wood Krutch, 1951-52, printed 1956.
Diary from Baja California. John Brandi. 1977. 15-page Poetic prose/essay, soft bound.
Diary of James D. Hawkes (Baja, Aug-Oct, 1849). from Quarterly of Society of Calif Pioneers; V6#2, 1929.
Diccionario Escolar de Bolsillo Baja California Norte.(aka Enciclopedico BCN) 1956/1984.
Discovering the Geology of Baja California. Markes E. Johnson. 2002. Punta Chivato area, Baja Calif Sur.
Distributional Summation of the Ornithology of Lower Calif. Grinnel, 1928: See: Ornithology of Lower Calif.
Diving & Snorkeling Baja California. Walt Peterson / Lonely Planet. 1999.
Diving Mexico’s Baja Calif. Michael & Lauren Farley, 1978.
Doctora in Mexico (Life of Dr. Katherine Neel Dale). Olive Floyd. 1944.
Documentos Para la Historia de la BajaCalif. Notas preliminaries de Jorge Flores D. 1940. ©
(8 page excerpt from Papeles Historicos Mexicanos 2.). Info on location of missions.
Documentos Para la Historia de Tijuana. David P. Ramirez/Antonio P. Corona, UABC. 1995.
Documents from the Sutro Collection. Translated and edited by G.B.Griffin, Historical Soc of So.Calif, vol II#1, 1891.
Also, Reprint 1969 “The California Coast” with additional notes and corrected translations. Donald C. Cutter
The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs. Univ of Calif. pub. 1935. (hardbound)
Dona Anita of El Rosario. Helen Ellsberg, 1974. La Siesta Press. Autographed. & 1993 Reprint. (See also “Reflections”)
The Drawings of Ignacio Tirsch. Doyce B. Nunis, 1972. Dawson’s Baja Cal Travel Series # 27.
Economic Geology, Mexico. G.S.A. Geology of North America, Vol P-3. Includes:
Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, p.23.
Baja Calif Peninsula Metallogenic Province, p.177.
Structure/Stratigraphy of Monterey Fm, San Hilario Area, BCS, p.179.
Geol and Mineral Deposits of El Boleo Copper Mine, Santa Rosalía, p.195.
The Edge of the Sea of Cortez – Tidewalkers’ Guide to the Upper Gulf of Calif. 2nd ed:, 2017? Marilyn Malone & Betty Hupp
El Triunfo de la Cruz; The First Ship Built in the Californias. Theodore H. Hittell, 1880. C.H.S.#38.
Enchanted Vagabonds. Dana Lamb & June Cleveland. 1938. A 16,000 mile trip in a small boat around Baja to the Panama Canal.
Enchiladas, Rice, and Beans. Short Stories by Daniel Reveles. 1994.
Enciclopedico Baja Calif Norte(aka: Diccionario Escolar de Bosillo B.C.N.). 1956/84.
Erendira Iron Mines. Report by Cotton & Western Mining Inc. 2008. Near San Vicente. In white binder.
English Privateers at Cabo San Lucas. Thomas S. Andrews, 1979. Dawson Series #41.
Escapades of Captain Baja. D.E. “Butch” Bucciarelli. 2001
Espinosa’s Guide to Baja. Rik Espinosa. 1989.
Ethnology and Linguistics of Baja C. Miguel del Barco; trans by Tiscareno. Dawson #44. 1981.
Ethnology of the Baja Calif Indians (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.5). Ed by W.Michael Mathes, 1992.
Evocaciones del Olvido (Reminders of a Forgotten Past) (Cave art, Cabo region) Anibal Lopez Espinoza. 2013. bilingual.
Expediciones a California Durante los Siglos XVI y XVII. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval.(undated)
Expediciones del Coronel Esteban Cantu al Puerto de San Felipe. Dr. Ernesto Sosa Rocha. Great photos.
An Expedition to the Guaycura Nation in the Californias. James Arraj. 2002. Central BCS.
Explorations in Lower Calif. J. Ross Browne, 1952 reprint of 1868 Harpers.
“ “ “ Xerox copy from original Harper’s Magazines.
“ “ “ . Updated version of Browne (1866) by Murray (1966). 2 copies.
Explorers of the Baja and California Coasts. Edited by Dr. J.A. Moriarity, Cabrillo Historical Assn. 1978.
Exploring Baja by RV. Walt & Michael Peterson. 1st edition, 1996.
Field Guide to North American Birds: Western Region. Audubon Society. 1977.
Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes of North America. Wm. N. Eschmeyer, 1983. Peterson guide.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico. 2nd ed. Ernest P. Edwards. 1989.
Filibusters of 1890. Edited by Anna Marie Hager. 1968. Dawsons #14.
First from Gulf to Pacific – Kino Atondo Expedition. Edited by W. Michael Mathes, 1969. Dawson’s #16.
Fishes of California and Western Mexico. Drs W.E.Burgess & H.R. Axelrod. 1984. (Pac Marine Fishes #8)
Fishes of the Pacific Coast. Gar Goodson, 1988.
The Flight of the Least Petrel. Griffing Bancroft, 1932.
Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 1992. Large format field guide to plants (in Spanish). WWF.
Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 2015. Luz, Cadena, Leon, Benet.
Flora of Baja Calif. Tina Kasbeer. 1971.
Flora of Baja Calif. Ira C. Wiggins. Stanford Press. 1980.
Flying to Mexico. Government of Mexico. Undated; late 1994?. Rules, airports, etc.
The Forgotten Peninsula. Joseph Wood Krutch, 1961.
Fodor’s Baja (P.Vallarta, Mazatlan, Manzanillo, Copper Canyon). 1987.
Foraging Along the Pacific Coast, Mexico to Puget Sound. Pete Howorth.1986. Cooking Strange Foods.
Forgotten Waters. Randolph Leigh, 1941.
From Velicata to San Diego. Lupita Barbosa E. & Martin Barron E. 1984.
Gemstone and Mineral Data Book. John Sinkankas. 1972. paperback. Mineral ID & cleaning, Lapidary, chemicals, etc.
Geographic & Hydrographic Descriptions….Kingdom of Calif. Nicolas de Cardona, 1634; Trans by Mathes. Dawson’s #35.
Geologia De Mexico, Tomo II: Baja Calif. E. Lopez Ramos, 3rd ed, 1982.
Geologic Adventures in Northern Baja California. Gary Jacobson (NAGT-FWS). 1991. Geology and Field Guide.
Geologic Investigations in Baja Calif. Editors: Abbot, Sangines, & Rendina. South Coast Geological Society. 1993. (Index #21)
Geologic Reconnaissance in Baja Calif. N.H. Darton. Reprint from Journal of Geology, Vol XXIX, #8; Nov, 1921.
Geology and Manganese Deposits of Lucifer District (Santa Rosalía) BCS, Mexico. USGS Bull 960-F. 1949. Wilson & Veytia.
Geology and Mineral Deposits of Boleo Copper District, Baja Calif, Mex. USGS Prof Paper 273. 1955.
(Notes on) Geology and Natural History of Lower Calif. George P. Merrill. 1895. 2 editions:
Reprint by Acoma Books, 1971. Reprints by Shorey Books, 1967. Scan.
Geology and Oil Possibilities, Baja Calif. GSA Memoir 31,by Jack Beal, 1948. Map pocket.
Geology of Baja California; a Bibliography of holdings in the Love Library, CSU-SD. John Ambriano. Fall, 1972.
Geology of Baja California: a Bibliography. Mary E. Harris, San Diego St. Univ. Revised, 1991.
Geology of Cedros Island. Frank H. Kilmer. 1984. Autographed.
Geology of the Santa Rosalía Quadrangle (SW of Punta Prieta), Baja Calif. MSc thesis by Don Fife; San Diego State College, 1968.
Geology of West-Central Baja Calif Sur (SW of Mulegé), Mexico. McLean, Hausback, and Knapp.
USGS Bull 1579 (1987) and Map MF-1700 (1985).
Geology Terms in English and Spanish. Henry Aurand. 1999. (emphasizes Mexican Spanish)
Geomorphic Study of the Cape Region of Baja California. Edwin H.Hammond. 1954.
Univ of Calif Publications in Geography Vol 10, #2 (soft cover reprint).
Girl of the Sea of Cortez. Peter Benchley; 1982.
Glory Days of Baja. Larry Stanton (autographed). 1996. Hunting and Fishing.
Gobierno del Distrito Norte de la Baja California; Memoria Administrativa, 1924-1927.
God and Mr. Gomez. Jack Smith, 1st ed, 1974. (1974/1997 paperback in Loreto)
The Gold Fields of Lower Calif. Bascom A. Stephens. 1889. (Xerox copy)
el Golfo de California, Mar Nacional. Maria Luisa Garza. 1976.
Good Morning, Tecate. June Nay Summers.
Green Iguanas and other Iguanids. John Coborn. 1994. Taxonomy, Care, ID,etc. Paperback.
The Grinning Gargoyle Spills the Beans (and Other Yarns of Baja Calif) J.P. Smith Jr. 1997. autographed.
Los Grupos Autoctonos de Baja Calif (Indian Tribes of Baja) by Comite Pro-etnias de Baja Calif. 1997.
Guia Familiar de Baja California (Vital Statistics of Baja) Pablo L. Martinez (autographed), 1965. Bilingual Genealogy of Baja.
Guia Touristica Baja California Sur. Official visitors’ guide. 2002. Bilingual.
A Guide to the Desert and Sea of Baja Calif. (Bay of L.A.) Greg Meyer. 1992. paperback.
Guide to Marine Invertebrates; Alaska to Baja. Daniel W. Gotshall. 1994.
Guide to the Natural History of Bahia de Los Angeles – PartI, Geology. FrancisJ. Murphy. 1985 x
Clemente Guillen Diaries, 1719-1721. Michael Mathes, ed. Treks from Loreto to Bahia Magdalena, and La Paz 1979. Dawson #42.
The Gulf of California – Biodiversity and Conservation. Ed by Richard C. Brusca.
Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of Gulf of Calif. Richard C. Brusca, 1973.
Hardly Any Fences (Baja in 1933-1959). J.W. Hilton. 1977. Dawson #38. Autographed.
Herpetology of Lower California, collected papers. John Van Denburgh, Soc for Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. 1978.
Hidden Heart of Baja. Earl Stanley Gardner, 1962. autographed.
Historical Geography of the Transportation Routes in Baja Calif from 1533 to 1920. Univ of Calif MA Thesis by
Arthur R. Falconer, 1971. Manuscript.
Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1969. (pre-publication, typed monograph, autographed.)
Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1972. Autographed booklet.
Historical Notes on Lower Calif. Manuel Rojo, 1879. Transl by P.O.Gericke, 1972. Dawson #26
A Historical Summary of Baja California. A.S. Taylor, 1971. Socio-Technical Books.
History of (Lower) California. F.X. Clavigero, 1789. Translated by Lake and Gray, 1937. Stanford Press.
Reprint Manessier Publ Co, 1971.
A History of Lower California. Pablo L. Martinez, 1960.
History of the Lower California Iron Ores. L.J. Webb, 1952.
Homenaje a Bill Hendricks y La Asociacion Cultural de las Californias. 1992.
Hongos Conocidos de Baja California. Nahara Ayala y Carlos Ochoa; UABC. 1998. Mushrooms of Baja (in Spanish)
Host with the Big Hat. Erle Stanley Gardner. 1969.
Hovering Over Baja. Erle Stanley Gardner, 1st ed, 1961. (2 copies)
How Indians Used Desert Plants. James W. Cornett. 2002
Hunting the Desert Whale. Erle Stanley Gardner; 1960. (2 copies)
Indian Art and History. Clement Meighan, 1969. Rock Paintings of Baja. Dawson’s # 13.
Indian Place Names of Baja Calif Sur. Miguel Leon-Portilla. SW Museum Leaflet #38; 1977.
Indian Uprising in Lower Calif, 1734-1737. Father Sigismundo Taraval, translated by M.E. Wilbur, 1931.
Published by Quivira Society; copy #9 of 660.
Informe on the New Province of California. Piccolo, F.M., S.J. 1702. Transl by Hammond, 1967. Dawson#10.
Inglés para Latinos. Segundo Nivel. Wm Harvey, Barron’s. 1999.
In Mexican Waters. George H. Banning; 1925.
Insects of Baja. A collection of scientific papers provided mainly by Wm Clark. Largely coleoptera & hymenoptera. Blue binder.
Into a Desert Place. Graham Mackintosh; 1988/90.
Island Biogeography in the Sea of Cortez. edited by Ted Case, Martin Cody, Exequiel Ezcurra. 2002
Island of the Angels. Leonard Wibberley. 1965. fiction.
Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.
Islas del Golfo de California. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1988.
It’s a Long Road to Comondú. Everett G. Jackson. 1987.
Jesuit Gold of Lower California; Tale of Don Fernando X.R. Moncado. Tom Tomson. 1983.
Jesuit Relations – Baja California, 1716 – 1762. Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. 1984. Dawson’s #47.
Jewish Refuge and Homeland-Baja Calif. Norton B. Stern, 1973 Dawson’s # 32
Jose Velasquez’ Saga of a Borderland Soldier. Ron L. Ives, 1984.
Journal of the Ocean Bird (Scammon’s notes). David A. Henderson. 1970. Dawson’s # 21.
The Journey of the Flame. Antonio de Fierro Blanco. Translated 1933.
“ “ “ “ “ . Walter Nordhoff (same as above, 1955 ed)
Journey of James H. Bull in Baja Calif, 1843-44. Ed. by D.B. Nunis, 1965. Dawson’s#1.
Journey With a Baja Burro. Graham MacKintosh, 2001. Autographed.
Kaigai Ibun. Zumwinkle and Kawai, 1970. Dawson’s Book Shop Baja C. series #20.
Kayaking the Vermilion Sea; 800 Miles Down the Baja. Jonathan Waterman. 1995.
Keep it Moving (Baja by Canoe). Valerie Fons. 1986.
The Kiliwa Indians of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs III, U.C. Press. 1939.
Kiliwa Texts. Mauricxo J. Mixco. Univ of Utah Anthropological Papers, #107, 1983.
The King’s Highway in Baja California. Harry Crosby, 1974. 2 copies: one copy cased, the other with dust jacket.
King of the Moon, a novel of Baja Calif. Gene Kira. 1997.
Kino’s Plan for the Development of Pimeria Alta.. Trans by Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. 1961.
La Baja California. Excerpted from “History of Lower California” in “An Illustrated History of Southern California. 1890. ©
Land of Chamise and Pines. Richard A.Minnich & Ernesto F. Vizcaino. U.C. Press, 1998. Botany vol. 80.
Land of Shorter Shadows. Erle Stanley Gardner, 1948.
Land Where Time Stands Still. Max Miller, 1943.
Last of the Californios. Harry Crosby, 1981.. Also in Spanish, “Los Ultimos Californios”, 2010.
Late Pleistocene & Recent Changes in Land Form, Climate, & Archaeology in Central Baja Calif.;
Prehistoric Land & Man in Lower Calif. Brigham A. Arnold. U. Calif Geogr V.10#4, 1957. (Laguna Chapala area)
Letter of Luis Jayme, O.F.M. 17 October, 1772. Transl by M. Geiger. Dawson’s #22, 1970.
The Letters of Jacob Baegert, 1749-1761. Translated by Elsbeth Schulz-Bischof. Intro& edit by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. Dawson #45.
The Log from the Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck, 1951 &1971 paperback ed).
Long Walk to Mulegé. Howard Hale. 1980. Paperback.
Loreto; Some Relevant Facts….. Sergio Morales Polo. 2nd ed, 1997. 28-page paperback., vol I of “This is Loreto” series.
Loreto, Baja California; First Mission and Capital of Spanish Calif. Ann & Don O’Neil. 2001. autographed.
Loreto, Capital de las Californias. reproduction of maps by Juan Maria de Salvatierra, notes by Leon-Portilla.. 1997. (Sp)
Loreto – Future of the 1st Capital of the Californias. Paul Ganster, Oscar Arizpe & Antonina Ivanova. 2007. Bilingual.
Loreto’s Key Role in the Early History of the Californias. Dr. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1997 . 22-page keepsake.
Loreto: Madre y Cuna de las Californias. 20-page pamphlet by Armando Trasviña Taylor. Undated.
Lost Cabos…the way it was. Robt E. Jackson. 2002.
The “Lost Mission” of Baja Calif. monograph by Howard Gulick, approx 1955-6. xerox copy of his file.
The Lost Treasures of Baja Calif. Padre James D. Francez. 1996. 1st ed., signed.
Los Ultimos Californios; Harry Crosby; 2010.
Lower California. B.F. Elliott (approx 1917). Original + Xerox(Loreto) of Walt Wheelock (La Siesta Press) reprint.
Lower California and its Natural Resources. Ed W. Nelson; Natl Academy of Sciences, Vol XVI, First Memoir 1922. 1966 reprint.
Lower California Frontier. Articles from San Diego Union, 1870. ed by F.C.Shipek, 1965. Dawson’s Book Shop, #2.
Lower Calif Guidebook (4th ed w revisions). Gerhard & Gulick, 1970. (5th ed renamed Baja Calif Guidebook; 1975.
Lower Calif Up To Date (“Baja Calif Al Dia”) Aurelio de Vivanco. 1924. a photographic Baja encyclopedia. Bilingual.The Magdalena Plain: From the Time of the Jesuits to the Development of the Santo Domingo Valley ©
Eugene Keith Chamberlin, Ph. D. in XVI Symposium, 1978.
The Magnificent Peninsula. Jack Williams, 6th edition, 1998.
Malarrimo Beach; Graveyard of Ships and Baja Bugs. monograph by Froylán Tiscareño. 1976. ©
Mammals of the SW US and NW Mexico. E. Lendell Cockrum & Yar Petryszyn.
Managing the Not-Quite-Historical Resources of Isla Angel de la Guarda in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.
T.Bowen, G.Danemann, C.Shepard, in New Mexico Historical Review, V-89#2, Spring, 2014.
Manganese Deposits of Mexico. Trask & Rodriguez. 1948. USGS Bulletin 954-F. Complete original.
The Man Who Captured Sunshine. Katherine Ainsworth. 1978. Biography of John W. Hilton (Baja artist and explorer)
Mapas, Planos y Diseños de Baja Calif, siglos XVIII y XIX. Sayra Selene Enciso Lizárraga. 2006. Old Maps.
Mapping Ensenada (Ensenada a través de Los Mapas ). Carlos Lazcano Sahagún. 2003. Bilingual. Baja historical maps
Maps of Baja California. Gerhard & Gulick. 1962 (from their “Lower Calif Guidebook”). paperback pamphlet.
Marine Animals of Baja California. Daniel W. Gotshall; 1982.
Marine Geology of the Gulf of California. Ed by van Andel & Shor, 1964. AAPG Memoir #3 . ( Loreto: missing 3 charts)
Marine Geology of the Gulf of Calif. AAPG Memoir #3; Ed by van Andel & Shor. 1964. Vol 1= text; vol 2 = 7 maps.
Marine Mammals of California. Robt. T. Orr; Univ of Calif Press, 1972.
The Marine Mammals of the NW Coast of North America. Charles M. Scammon. 1968 Dover reprint of 1874 original.
Marine Mammals of the North-western Coast of North America and the American Whale Fishery.
Charles M. Scammon, 1874. Manessier facsimile edition; 1969.
The Marine Shells of the West Coast of California (4 Vols). Ida S. Oldroyd. 1924
The Maritime History of Baja California. Edward W. Vernon. 2009
Marooned, With Very Little Beer. Graham Mackintosh. 2008. Autographed.
Meling Ranch: see ”Where the Old West Never Died”, and “Memories of Baja’s Meling Ranch”.
Memoria Administrativa del Gobierno del Distrito Norte de la Baja Calif; 1924-27. Mexicali, 1928.
Memoria Loretana. Sergio Morales Polo. Vol II of “Este es Loreto” series. 1999. a historical calendar. (Spanish)
Memories of Mexico (Baja). Thomas Robertson, Mike Wilken Robertson, Rae Wilken. 1984.
Memories of Baja’s Meling Ranch. Ruth V. Held. 1995.
Mexican Birds. (Peterson Field Guide #20) Roger T. Peterson and Ed L. Chalif. 1973.
Mexican Slang, plus Graffiti. M.F.Joanes-Reid, C. Lopez, L. Robinson. 2000.
Mexican Vistas. James Safley, 1952.
Mexican West Coast and Lower California; A Commercial and Industrial Survey.
Bell and Mackenzie in U.S. Dept of Commerce S.A.Series#220, 1923.
The Mexican War in Baja California (Memorandum of Capt H.W. Halleck 1846-48). D.B.Nunis,1977. Dawson B.C.series #39.
Mexico: Its Peasants And Its Priests; Or, Adventures And Historical Researches In Mexico And Its Silver Mines During Parts of the
Years 1851-52-53-54, With An Expose Of The Fabulous Character of The Story of The Conquest of Mexico By Cortez. Robert A. Wilson. 1856 Appendix D refers to mining in the Californias. (x) ©
Mexico’s Diamond in the Rough. O.W.Timberman, 1959. autographed.
Mexico’s Magic Square (Ensenada-Mexicali). Erle Stanley Gardner. 1968.
The Mighty Cortez Fish Trap. Jerry Klink. 1974.
Mineros, Misioneros y Rancheros de la Antigua California. Jorge Luis Amao Manriquez. INAH, 1997.
The Miners’ Own Book: California Mining. Published by Hutchings & Tosenfield, San Francisco, 1858. ©
Mining in Baja California; monograph of an interview of Juan Manuel Cullingford L. by Walt Wheelock, 1978.
Minuta del I Concurso de Cocina Regional Sudcalifornia(Traditional Baja Recipes). 1986.
Miraculous Air. C. M. Mayo. 2002. (“Journey of 1000 miles through Baja California, the other Mexico”)
Las Misiones Antiguas; The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. Edward W. Vernon. 2002. autographed. (English)
Las Misiones d Baja California (Mission of Baja Calif) 1683-1849. An Historical-Photographic Survey.
Dr. W.Michael Mathes. 1977. Bilingual.
Missions and Missionaries of Calif. Vol I; Lower Calif. Fr. Z. Engelhardt. 2nd Ed, 1929.
The Missions and Missionaries of Baja California. Francis J. Weber. 1968. Dawson’s #11.
The Mission of San Javier. Sergio Morales Polo. 2007. vol III of “This is Loreto” collection series. Booklet. (English)
Modest Fortunes; Mining in Northern Baja California. Chaput, Mason, Loperena;
Natural History Museum of LA County; BC Travel Series #51. 1992.
Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California. CRM/SECOFI #M-22e. 1999. 1000copies.
Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplified Geology;
C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts
Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California Sur. CRM/SECOFI #M-20e. 1999. 1000copies.
Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplified Geology;
C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts
The Mother of California. A.W. North. 1908. First Edition, with fold-out map.
Mulegé (Manual de Mulegé). Kerry Otterstrom, 1992. 160 pages of history, photos, maps and current facts about Mulege.
Mulege, Mexico (You Decide Travel Guide): Brett Wyatt; 2005. cave art p.89.
Mulegé un Pueblo Heróico; la Defensa de la Soberanía Nacional, 1846-1848. José Andrés Cota Sandoval. 2002.
The Mysterious West. Brad Williams and Choral Pepper. 1967. Tales and Legends of the SW, including Baja.
National Parks of NW Mexico. (Baja, Copper Canyon, etc) Richard D. Fisher. 1988.
A Natural and Civil History of California (2 Vols). Miguel Venegas. 1759. Original, and 1966 reprint.
Natural and Human History of Baja Calif.(from Jesuit manuscript). Homer Aschmann. 1966. Dawson#7.
The Natural History of Baja Calif. Miguel del Barco, 1760? Transl by F. Tiscareno. 1980. Dawson #43.
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
A Natural History Guide to Baja California. Kathleen J. Dickey. 1983.
Natural History Guide to the Pacific Coast and North Central Baja and Adjacent Islands. Dennis Bostic, 1975. Great Bibliography
Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortez. Bryan Gates. 1993.
Naval Sketches of the War in California. Wm H. Meyers (1846-47). Text by D.W. Knox & Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1939.
New Baja Handbook for the Off-Pavement Motorist. J.T. Crow, 1973.
Noroeste Minero; La minería en Sonora, Baja Cal, BCS, durante el porfiriato. Romero G., Heath, Rivas H. 2002
Notes on the Geology and Petrography of Baja California, Mex. Waldemar Lindgren, USGS.
Extract from Proc. Calif Acad Sci, 2nd Series, Vol III; April, 1890.
Observations in Lower California. Johann Baegert, 1771; Translation 1979.(2)
Offbeat Baja. Jim Hunter. 1977.
Off-Road Handbook. Dick Cepek . 1983.
Off the Beaten Track in Baja. Erle Stanley Gardner. 1967.
Off-Trail Adventures in Baja California. Markes Johnson. 2014. Autographed.
101 Ways to Explore Baja. Reyna Jaime Felix & Giovanni Simeone.
Opciones de Desarrollo (Development) en El Oasis de los Comondú. Alba E. Gámez. 2013.
Operación Minera en Marcha. Gobierno del Estado de B.C.S. 1982/84
Origin of the Boleo Copper Deposit; Santa Rosalía, Lower Calif. Marcel Touwaide, Economic Geology Vol.XXV #2, 1930.
Ornithology of Lower Calif. Joseph Grinnel. UC Pubs in Zoology, vol 32#1. 1928. Distributional Summation. hardbound.
The Other Side; Journeys in Baja Calif. Judy Goldstein Botello. 1998.
El Otro Mexico; Biografia de Baja Calif. Fernando Jordan. 1980/89. (in Spanish)
The Out Trail. Mary Roberts Rinehart; 1923/27.
Pacific Coast Fishes. Wm. N. Eschmeyer, 1983 and 1984. A Peterson guide.
Pacific Coast Geology of Northern Baja Calif & Adjacent Alta Calif.AAPG/SEPM/S2016EG. 1970.
For list of road logs, maps and 20 papers, see Index #15.
Paisaje Urbano y Personajes en Baja Calif Sur. Elizabeth Acosta Mendia. 2005. Mini-bios of BCS people. (sp)
Paleoecology and Taphonomy of Recent to Pleistocene Intertidal Deposits, Gulf of California.
Paleontological Society Special Publ # 2, ed by Karl Flessa. 1987. See list of 14 papers, Index #18
Palm Canyons of Baja California. Randall Henderson. 1971.
Paradise to Leeward. Wesley A. Bush. 1954. signed by L. Burr Belden.
Patterns in the Ocean. Andrew Bakun. 1996. Fisheries/Physical Oceanography; includes Baja.
The Pearl. John Steinbeck. 1945/1974 paperback.
The Pearl Hunters in the Gulf of Calif, 1668. W. Michael Mathes. Dawson’s #4.
Peces del Golfo de California. (Spanish version of Gulf of Calif Fishwatcher’s Guide) Thomson & McKibbin. 1978.
Peninsular California. Charles Nordhoff. 1888.
The Peninsular California Missions. Msgr.Francis Weber. 1979.
Los Petroglifos de la Baja California. Jorge Engerrand; Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Historia, Etnologia.. 1912.
El Picacho Del Diablo; the Conquest of Lower Calif’s highest Peak, 1932 & 1937. Norman Clyde. 1975. Dawson’s #36.
Picacho del Diablo; a collection of Maps and Papers (in a green report folder)
Reports by Jim Rickard, Paul Wilson, and map by Jerry Schad
Pictorial Record of Baja Calif Mission sites. Manuscript by Howard Gulick, 1954? No photos.
Pilot Down, Presumed Dead. M.Phleger. 1963. Fictional account of Baja pilot.
Pinturas Rupestres y Petroglifos de Baja California Sur (Primera Parte). D.E.H. Gomez (undated, but reported as 1972)
Pirates in Baja California. Peter Gerhard, 1963.
Pirates of the Pacific. Peter Gerhard. (orig: Pirates of West Coast of New Spain, 1960) 1990 reprint.
Plant Life of a Desert Archipelago. R.S.Felger & B.T.Wilder. 2012.
Plant Records of an Expedition to Lower California. Edward A. Goldman, 1916, in:
Smithsonian Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium.
The Pleistocene Fauna of Magdelena Bay, Lower California. Eric K. Jordan in Contributions from Dept of Geology,
Stanford University, Volume 1, #4, November, 1936.
Pliocene Carbonates and Related Facies Flanking the Gulf of California, Baja Calif. GSA Sp Paper 318. Johnson & Ledesma, 1997.
Las Posibilidades Petroliferas en la Costa Occidental de la Baja Calif. Santillan y Barrera. 1930. (xerox of book)
The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular Calif. Ed by Gordon Gastil & R. Miller; in:
G.S.A. Special Paper #279. 1993. See index #20 for locales, maps and papers.
Predatory Behavior of some Shore Fishes in the Gulf of California. Edmund Hobson,
USDI Fish and Wildlife Research Report #73. 1968.
Prehistoric Rock Paintings of Baja Calif. Clement W. Meighan.
Reprinted from American Antiquity, Vol 31, No 3, Part 1; January, 1966.
Prehistory of Baja California – Advances in Archaeology of the Peninsula. Eds: Don Laylander & Jerry D. Moore. 2006
Primeros Pobladores de la Baja California. Anita Άlvarez de Williams. 2004. Anthropology.
Proclamation; Santo Tomas, Baja California; January, 1852.
Quest of the Lost Santa Isabel. T. W. Crawford. 1964. (fiction)
Rambling Through Baja Calif with Pen and Brush. Anthony Quartuccio. 1984/2007.
Recent Discoveries of Gold at Santa Clara, Lower Calif. British Foreign Office , Misc Series, Mexico #136. 1889. ©
Recognition on Space Photographs of Structural Elements of Baja California. Warren Hamilton. USGS PP#718. 1971.
Reconnaissance Geologic Map (with explanatory pamphlet) of Loreto and part of San Javier Quadrangles,
Baja California Sur. USGS map MF-2000. McLean, 1988.
Reconnaissance Geology of the Concepcion Bay Area, Baja Calif, Mex. Carew McFall, Stanford Univ. 1968.
Reconnaissance Geology of the State of Baja Calif. G.S.A. Memoir #140. Gastil, Phillips, Allison, 1975.
Reef Fishes of the Sea of Cortez. Don Thompson, Lloyd Findley, and Alex Kerstitch. 1979. Revised version: 2000, U. Texas Press.
Reflections. A history and autobiography of “Mama” (Dona Anita) Espinosa. 1994.
Remedios Caseros Naturales; Herbas Curativas. J. Ernesto Alvarado
Reptiles and Amphibians of North America. Alan Leviton. undated, but 1975 or earlier.
Reptilian Fauna of Sand Dune Areas of the Vizcaino Desert, and of NW Lower Calif. Walter Mosauer,
Univ of Michigan Museum of Zoology Occasional Paper #329, March, 1936.
The Republic of Lower California, 1853 – 1854. edited by Arthur Woodward. 1966. Dawson’s #6.
Resources of the Pacific Slope. J. Ross Browne, 1869. Includes “A Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration
of Lower California” (177 pages).
Revolutionaries (1913) in the Puebla (San Ignacio): Edith González Cruz. Excerpt from “Constitutionalist Revolution in
Central Baja Calif”, from: Antolologia de Historia Regional, translated and abridged by Jane B. Ames.
Riding With the Vaqueros of Baja California. Sam Whitehead.2003. Photo essay, spiral bound..
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 1998 (2 copies)
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 2nd Ed, 2017
The Rockfishes of the NE Pacific. Love, Yoklavich & Thorsteinson, U.C. Press, 2002.
Rockhounding in Baja. W.R.C. Shedenhelm, 1980.
Rough Riding. Dick Cepek & Walt Wheelock. La Siesta Press. 1968. Off-roading in Baja.
Royal Officer in Baja Calif. 1768-1770; Joaqin Velazquez de Leon. I.W.Engstrand, 1976. Dawson #37.
The Rush of 89. The Baja California Gold Fever, and Capt J. Friend’s Letters from the Santa Clara Mines.
R.E.Lingenfelter, 1967. Dawson Books series #8.
The Russian Colony of Guadalupe; Molokans in Mexico. George Mohoff (signed). 1993
Las Rutas de la Luz; El Paisaje de Baja Calif. 1995.(Art & photography of Baja Calif; Sp text)
Sailing Directions for the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. U.S. Navy, H.O.#84. 1937.
Juan Maria de Salvatierra, S.J.(Selected letters about Baja). E.J.Burrus.1971.Dawsons #25
San Quentin Division; International Company of Mexico. Land Promotion. Col. D. K. Allen. 1887. (copy) ©
San Vicente Basin, from Santo Tomas Valley South to S. Ramon Bay. Col. D.K. Allen. 1887. Land Promotion. xerox copy.
San Vicente Ferrer; Historia de un Pueblo, 1780-1980. Martin Barron E. Copy # 284.
Santo Domingo. Henry M. Brown. English 1993. Span 1994. History and personalities of the area around Mision Sta Domingo,
including Hamilton Ranch, Meling Ranch, Valladares Mine. Together in binder.
Scheelite Deposits in the Northern Part of the Sierra de Juarez, Northern Territory Lower Calif, Mexico. Fries & Schmitter;
Geological Survey Bull #946-C. 1945. 40 miles ENE of Ensenada. (Also in Spanish; see: “Yacimientos de Scheelita.”)
Scorpions. Dr. Herbert L. Stahnke, Arizona State Univ. Revised ed 1959.
Scorpion Man; Exploring the World of Scorpions. Gary Polis, L. Pringle. 1994. (50% Baja)
Sea Guide, Volume II: Baja California: see “Baja Sea Guide”.
Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck and E. F. Ricketts. 1941/1989.
The Sea of Cortez. Ray Cannon, 1966. Autographed
Sea of Cortez Cruising Guide; Vol 2 “Middle Gulf”. Gerry Cunningham. 2003.
Sea of Cortez Guide. Dix Brow. 1982/87.
Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates. Alex Kerstitch; 1989.; & 2nd edition, 2007
Searching for Steinbeck’s Sea of Cortez. Andromeda Romano-Lax. 2002.
Sea Shells of Tropical West America; Marine Mollusks from Lower Calif to Colombia. A. Myra Keen, Stanford U. 1958/60.
Seasonal Precipitation Regimes in Baja Calif. J.R. Hastings & R. M. Turner; reprint from Geografiska Annaler, 1965. Weather.
Seaweeds of the Pacific Coast. Jennifer & Jeff Mondragon. 2003.
Seven Rock Art Sites in Baja Calif. C.W. Meighan & V.L.Pontoni. Ballena Press, 1978.
Shelling in the Sea of Cortez. Paul E. Violette. 1964.
Sierra de la Laguna de Baja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish).
Sierra de San Pedro Martir; III Semana de la Exploracion y la Historia. En Homenaje a Belester Bernaldez Garza. Sept, 1991. Sierra, Sea and Desert; El Vizcaino, Baja Calif. Patricio Robles Gil & Bruce Berger. 1998
The Silver Dons. Richard F. Pourade. 1963/65. A Copley book.
Site and Culture at San Fernando de Velicata. Sauer & Meigs,1927. UC Press, Vol 2, # 9: Lower Calif Studies.
Six Days on a Mule. M.B. Cole. 1928. Re visit to mine on Isla Santa Margarita.
Six Months in the Gold Mines (upper and lower Calif) 1847-49. E. Gould Buffum. 1850. Univ Microfilms reprint. Partly Baja ©
Sketches of a Journey on the 2 Oceans; Interior of America, and War in Lower Calif. Abbe Alric(1866) Nunis1971. Dawson #24.
A Sojourn in Baja California, 1915. U.S. Grant. Reprint from So.Cal.Quarterly, Vol.XLV #2; June, 1963.
Solo Below; A Guidebook to Lower California. Don A. Hugh. 1958. Softback.
Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.16: The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. Ed by Robt Jackson. 1991
Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.5: Ethnology of the Baja California Indians. Ed by W.Michael Mathes, 1992.
Spanish for Gringos. Wm C. Harvey. 2nd ed, 1999.
The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.16) Ed by Robt Jackson. 1991.
Spirit Jumpers; Russian Molokans of Baja Calif. Therese Muranaka. San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Tech Notes#21,1988.copy.
Sportsmen’s Guide, Detailed Maps Lower California & Gulf. Late 1950s. Small-scale maps showing topography and Bathymetry
Sunset Travel Guide to Baja Calif. 1971.
Tecate: see Baja Symposium XX.
Tecate: An Industrial Town on the Mexican Border. UCLA Ethnographic Field School. !967.
Tectonic Decapitation of a Pliocene Mega-Delta on Isla del Carmen in the Gulf of California: And a River Ran Through It.
Johnson, M.E. et al, Journal of Geology, 2016, V 124, pp 55 – 74. Reprint.
Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Circum-Pacific Region; 1985: 4 papers published by Circum-Pacific Council for Energy
and Mineral Resources (bound xerox):
1. Terranes of Peninsular Calif and Adjacent Sonora. Gordon Gastil
2. Tectonostrat Terranes of Vizcaino Peninsula, Cedros and San Benito Islands, Baja Calif. David L. Kimbrough.
3. The Mexican Thrust Belt. Maria Fernanda Campa U.
4. Stratigraphy and Tectonic Significance of Mesozoic Tectonostrat Terranes of Vizcaino Peninsula, BCS. T.E.Moore.
Telling Our Way to the Sea. Aaron Hirsh. 2013.
Terms Used in Geophysical Exploration; English – to – Spanish Glossary. R.L. Sheriff, SSC. 1973.
There it is: Baja. Mike McMahan. 2nd ed, 1974.
Think you know Baja. Bernie Swaim. 2006.
This is Loreto: Volume 1, “Loreto” Sergio Morales Polo. 1997.
Three Wheels to Baja. Jane S. Fredricks. 1973. (autographed) fiction.
Through Baja by RV. Bette Ames & Wilma Knox. 1975.
Los Tiburones: Necesitan de Nosotros. Articles relating to depletion of Sharks, and their conservation. Sp, in rept cover.
Tidal Flat Sedimentation on the Colorado River Delta, NW Gulf of California. R.W. Thompson; G.S.A. Memoir 107, 1968.
Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez. Wesley M. Farmer. 1989.
Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez III (a field guide). Wesley M. Farmer, 1990.
“Tierra Perfecta” Lower California. A land promotion booklet from 1887. (copy) ©
Tijuana Bullfights. Larry Jones & Roger Wrenn. 1969.
Time Line of Events in San Ignacio (BCS). Jane B. Ames. May, 2014.
The Todos Santos Book. Lee Moore, 1st ed (1994); and Lee Moore & Janet Howey, 5th edition (2000).
The Todos Antos Cookbook. Lee Moore. 2006. Inscribed.
To Loreto With Love. Jeannine & Beto Perez. 2005.
To Santa Rosalía; Further and Back. H.D.Huycke. (Mariners Museum, Newport News, VA). 1970
Towns of Baja Calif. David Goldbaum. 1971 reprint of 1918/19 original, annotated by Wm. O. Hendricks.
Tradition vitivinícola de los Comondú (Winemaking in the Comondus) Gutierrez, et al. 2016. Bilingual.
Trails and Tales of Baja. Pel Carter, 1967.
Trails of the Sierra Madre. Eugen Boudreau. 1973.
Travelers Among the Cucapa. Anita Alvarez de Williams. Dawson #34. 1975.
Travels in the Interior of Mexico (Baja, Sea of Cortez) 1825-1828. Lt. R.W.H. Hardy, R.N. 1977 reprint.
El Triunfo; El Rostro de la Soledad. Armando Trasviña Taylor. 2004.
The Trout of the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Lower Calif. John O. Snyder. UC Pubs in Zoology V21,#17. 1926.
Unforgettable Sea of Cortez; Baja’s Golden Age 1947-77; Life and Writings of Ray Cannon. Gene Kira. 1999.
El Urbanismo y el Patrimonio Arquitectonico de Santa Rosalía. José Andrés Cota Sandoval. 2001. (1000 copies printed)
The USS Albatross in Lower Californian Seas, 1911. Bound collection of articles from Am Mus of Nat Hist, 1912–1925. See Index.
The Vagabundos. Frank Bonham. 1st ed, 1969. (fiction)
Vermilion Sea; A Naturalist’s Journey in Baja California. John Janovy, Jr. 1992.
Vintage Baja; Adventures of a Gringa in Lower California. Marion Smothers. 1993.
Vizcaino and the Spanish Expansion in the Pacific Ocean. W.Michael Mathes. 1968.
Wasatchian (early Eocene) Mammals and other Vertebrates from Baja Calif: The Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra Fauna.
Michael J. Novacek et al; Bulletin of the Am Mus of Natural History #208. 1991. (near Punta Prieta and Rosarito)
Western Birds. Audubon Handbook. John Farrand, Jr. 1988.
Western Reptiles and Amphibians. Peterson Field Guide. Robert C. Stebbins. 1985.
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Eastern North Pacific; A Guide to Their Identification in the Water.
(NUC TP 282). Leatherwood, Evans & Rice. 1972.
Where the Old West Never Died. Paul Sanford, 1968. Story of Meling Ranch. autographed
Wildlife of Mexico (Mammals & Game birds). A.S.Leopold. UC Press 1959/72. (has Skull details.)
Wind . Water . Sun. A Solo Kayak Journey Along Baja’s Desert Coastline. Ed Darack. (Autographed). 1998.
Wines of Baja California. Ralph Amey. 2003.
Wintering on the Cortez. John C. Nelson. 1999. Paperback. Autographed.
With Steinbeck in the Sea of Cortez. by Sparky Enea, told to Audry Lynch. 1991.
Wordsworth English-Spanish, Spanish-English Dictionary. 1991/96.
World Crops derived from the Indians. E.F. Walker; SW Museum leaflet#17, 1967. (in Baja)
World of the California Gray Whale (paperback). Tom Miller, 1975. All whales.
Xantus; The Letters of John Xantus. Ann Zwinger, 1986. Dawson’s # 48.
Yacimientos de Scheelita en el Parte Norte de la Sierra de Juarez, Distrito Norte de Baja Calif.
Fries & Schmitter. Boletin#2. 1945. (also in English: see Geological Survey Bull #946-C)
Yesterday’s Land, A Baja Calif Adventure. L. Wibberley, 1961.
Yo Soy Mulegé. Armando Taylor, 1991.
Zaca Venture. Wm Beebe. 1938. (cruise around Baja peninsula)
Zapata. John Steinbeck. 1975/1993
Zoisite from Lower Calif. Oliver C. Farrington in Field Columbian Museum pub 112; geol series v3#4, p55, 1906.
1940 E.W. Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California (G.S.A. Memoir 43). 1950.
50 Hikes in the Cape
Region, Baja Sur. Carl Dreisbach. 2007——————————————————————————–
Authors Index:
Abbott and Gastil, editors: Baja Calif Geology, Field Guide and Papers. 1979 (partial xerox only)
Abbot, Sangines, & Rendina, eds. Geologic Investigations in Baja Calif. South Coast Geological Society. 1993.
Ainsworth, Katherine: The Man Who Captured Sunshine. 1978. Biography of John W. Hilton (Baja artist and explorer)
Aitchison, Stewart: Desert Islands of Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. . 2010
Allison, Edwin C.: See Gastil, G.R.
Alvarez de Williams, Anita: Travelers Among the Cucapa. Dawson #34. 1975.
Ames, Bette & Knox, Wilma: Through Baja by RV. 1975.
Amey, Ralph: Wines of Baja California. 2003.
Andrews, Thomas S.: English Privateers at Cabo San Lucas. 1979. Dawson Baja Series #41.
Arnold, Brigham A. Late Pleistocene and Recent Changes in Land Forms, Climate and
Archaeology in Central Baja California. U.C. Press, 1957. (Laguna Chapala area)
Aschmann, Homer: The Central Desert of Baja California: Demography and Ecology. 1959.
: Natural and Human History of Baja Calif.(from Jesuit manuscript). 1966. Dawson #7.
: Desert Genocide. In “El Museo”, published by San Diego Museum Assn, June, 1953. Vol.1, #4.
Automobile Club of Southern Calif: Log of Baja Calif, Mexico. 1962, 1965, 1966, 1991, 2001.
: Guide to Baja Calif del Norte 1968, 1970, 1972.
: Guide to Baja Calif del Sur: 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972.
Baegert, Johann Jakob: Observations in Lower Calif. 1771. Translated 1979.
Bakun, Andrew: Patterns in the Ocean. 1996. Fisheries/Physical Oceanography; includes Baja. (CIBNOR)
Bancroft, Griffing: The Flight of the Least Petrel. 1932.
Banning, George H.: In Mexican Waters. 1925.
del Barco, Miguel: The Natural History of Baja Calif. Transl by Tiscareno, 1980. Dawson #43.
: Ethnology and Linguistics of Baja C. trans by Tiscareno. 1981. Dawson #44.
Barrett, Ellen C.: Baja Calif(Bibliography) 1535-1956 (1957) and Vol II 1535-1964(1967).
Barton, Ford: Adventures of a Gringo in Baja California. 1977. Autographed.
Beal, Jack: Geol Soc of America Mem#31: Geol & Oil Potential, Baja Calif. 1948.
Beebe, William: Zaca Venture. 1938. (cruise around Baja peninsula)
Belden, L.Burr: Baja California Overland. 1965 and 1967 editions.
Belt, Don: Baja Calif, Mexico’s Land Apart. National Geographic, Dec 1989.
Benchley, Peter: Girl of the Sea of Cortez, 1982. (paperback).
Berger, Bruce: Almost an Island; Travels in Baja Calif. 1998.
Berger, Bruce & Gil, Patricio Robles:Sierra, Sea and Desert; El Vizcaino, Baja Calif. 1998
Bonham, Frank: The Vagabundos. 1st ed, 1969. (fiction).
Bostic, Dennis: Natural History Guide to Pac Cst. & N.Central Baja. 1975.
Botello, Judy Godstein: The Other Side, Travels in Baja Calif. 1998.
Boudreau, Eugene: Trails of the Sierra Madre.1973.
Brandes, Ray: The Constanso Narrative of the Portola Expedition(1769) 1970.
Brandi, John: Diary from Baja California. 1977. 15-page Poetic prose/essay, soft bound.
Brenton, Thaddeus: Bahia; Ensenada and its Bay. 1961.
Brow, Dix: Sea of Cortez Guide. 1982/87.
Brown, Henry M. Santo Domingo. English 1993. Span 1994. History and personalities.
Brown, John W., Faulkner, David K. & Real, Herman G.: Butterflies of Baja Calif. 1992.
Browne, J.Ross: Explorations in Lower California. Harper’s,1868. Reprinted 1952.
: Explorations in Lower Calif. Photocopy of original Harper’s mag.
: Resources of the Pacific Slope. 1869. Includes “A Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration ofLower California”
Browne (1866) and Murray (1966): Explorations in Lower Calif.
Brusca, Richard C.: Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of Calif. 1973
Bucciarelli, D.E. “Butch”: Escapades of Captain Baja. 2001
Buffum, E. Gould: Six Months in the Gold Mines (upper and lower Calif) 1847-49. 1850. reprint.
Burrus, Ernest J., S.J.: Juan Maria de Salvatierra, S.J.(Selected letters about Baja). 1971. Dawson’s #25 .
: Jesuit Relations – Baja California, 1716 – 1762. 1984. Dawson’s #47.
Bush, Wesley A.: Paradise to Leeward. 1954.
Campana, Mary F.: Baja California Islands Flora & Vertebrate Fauna Bibliography. 1997. (on internet)
Cannon, Ray: the Sea of Cortez. 1966.
Carey, Robin: Baja Journey; Reveries of a Sea Kayaker. 1989.
Carter, Annetta M: 1947 Baja Expedition: a manuscript; 71 pages, + biographies. (unpublished).
Carter, Pel: Trails and Tales of Baja. 1967.
de Cardona, Nicolas: Geographic & Hydrographic Descriptions….Kingdom of Calif. 1634. Transl by Mathes, 1974. Dawsons#35.
Chamberlin, E.K.: Joseph P. Hale and the Orchilla Era in Baja Calif. 1976 in Westerners Brand Book#4.
: Tecate, Calif or “Tecatito”. E. Clampus Vitus, 1980. Reissue Baja Symposium XX, 1982.
: Land and Life in …Baja Calif: 1964 Lecture notes, UCLA: Plants, History, Geology, etc.
Chaput, Mason, Loperena: Modest Fortunes (BC Travel Series #51). 1992.
Clavigero, F.X.: History of (Lower) California. 1789. Translated by Lake & Gray, 1937.
Clyde, Norman: El Picacho Del Diablo; the Conquest of Lower Calif’s highest Peak, 1932 & 1937. 1975. Dawson’s #36.
Cole, M. B.: Six Days on a Mule. 1928. Re visit to mine on Isla Santa Margarita.
Copley, James; with Crosby, H. & Pourade, R.: The Call to California. 1968. #115.
Cornett, James W. How Indians Used Desert Plants. 2002
Crawford, Thelmar Wyche: Quest of the Lost Santa Isabel. 1964. (fiction)
Crosby, Harry: : Antigua California. 1994.
: The King’s Highway in Baja California. 1974. (2 copies)
: Last of the Californios. 1981. Special Edition copy #491.
“Los Ultimos Californios”, 2010, in Spanish
: The Call to California (with J. Copley & R. Pourade) 1968. #115.
: Cave Paintings of Baja California. revised ed, 1984. and 1997.
: Doomed to Fail; Gaspar de Portola’s First Calif Appointees. 1989.
: Portrait of Paloma (novel) , 2001
Winter 1977; vXXIII #1: El Camino Real in Baja Calif: Loreto to San Diego
Spring, 1976; vXXII #2: El Camino Real in Baja Calif; Comments on “Problems of the Serra Route
Cross, Cliff: Baja California. Mexico. 1974 edition.
Crow, James T.: Baja Handbook for the Motorist in Lower California. 1970.
: New Baja Handbook for the Off-Pavement Motorist. 1973.
Cunningham, Gerry: Cruising Guide to the Middle Gulf, Sea of Cortez. 1994.
: Sea of Cortez Cruising Guide; Vol 2 “Middle Gulf”. 2003.
Cutter, Donald C.: The California Coast; Documents from the Sutro Collection. 1969. (Bilingual).
Darack, Ed: Wind . Water . Sun. A Solo Kayak Journey Along Baja’s Desert Coastline. (Autographed) 1998.
Darton, N.H.: Geologic Recon in Baja California. Extract Journal of Geology, 1921.
Deuel, Austin: Canon de los Artistas. 1985.
Dickey, Kathleen Johnson: A Natural History Guide to Baja California. 1983.
Diguet, Leon: Baja California, Resena Geografica y Estadistica. Paris, 1912.
DuShane, Helen: Charles Russell Orcutt. 1971. Dawson’s #23.
Edwards, Ernest P: A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico. 2nd ed. 1989.
Elliott, Ben F.: Lower California. (approx 1920). Xerox of Wheelock reprint.
Ellis, Allen & Phyllis: Baja By Air. 1967.
Ellsberg, Helen: Los Coronados Islands. 1970.
: Dona Anita of El Rosario. 1974.
Engelhardt, Fr. Zephyrin: Missions and Missionaries of Calif. Vol I, Lower Calif. 2nd Ed,1929.
Engerrand; Jorge: Los Petroglifos de la Baja California. Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Historia, Etnologia.. 1912.
Engstrand, Iris W.: Royal Officer in Baja Calif 1768-1770. Dawson’s Baja Series #37, 1976.
Espinosa, Rik: Espinosa’s Guide to Baja California.. 1989.
Farley, Michael & Lauren: Diving Mexico’s Baja Calif. 1978.
: Baja California Diver’s Guide. 1984.
Farmer, Wesley M.: Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez (a field guide). 1990.
Fierro Blanco, Antonio de (aka Walter Nordhoff): The Journey of the Flame. Translated 1933.
Fischer, Paul: Adventure to Land’s End; The Wonders of Baja California. 1975.
Fisher, Richard D.: National Parks of NW Mexico. Sunracer Publications, 1988.
Flessa, Karl: Paleoecology and Taphonomy of Recent to Pleistocene Intertidal Deposits, Gulf of Calif. 1987.
Flores, Teodoro: Carta Geologica de la Baja California. 1931.
Floyd, Olive: Doctora in Mexico (life of Dr. Katherine Neel Dale). 1944.
Flynn, Clinton J.: Post-Batholithic Geology of the La Gloria-Presa Rodriguez Area, Baja Calif. G.S.A. Bull; June 1970.
Fons, Valerie: Keep It Moving (Baja by Canoe). 1986.
Forbes, Alexander: California–A History of Upper and Lower Calif from Their First Discovery to the Present. 1839/2006reprint.
Francez, Padre James D.: The Lost Treasures of Baja Calif. 1996.
Fredricks, Jane S.: Three Wheels to Baja. 1973. (autographed)
: Back from Bahia de los Muertos. 1972. fiction.
Gardner, Erle Stanley: Hidden Heart of Baja. 1st Ed, 1962.
: Host with the Big Hat. 1969.
: Hovering Over Baja. 1st ed, 1961.
: Hunting the Desert Whale. 1960.
: Land of Shorter Shadows. 1948.
: Mexico’s Magic Square (Ensenada-Mexicali). 1968.
: Off the Beaten Track in Baja. 1st ed, 1967.
Garza Ramirez, Maria Luisa: el Golfo de California, Mar Nacional. 1976.
Gastil, R.Gordon; Phillips, Richard P.; & Allison, Edwin C.: Reconnaissance Geology of
the State of Baja California. G.S.A. Memoir #140. 1975.
Gates, Brian R.: Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortes. 1993.
Gentry, Howard Scott: The Agaves of Baja Calif. Calif.Academy of Sciences #130; 1978.
Gerhard, Peter: Pirates in Baja California. 1963.
: The “Lost Mission” of Baja Calif. UC Press, 1958.
: Pirates of the Pacific. (orig: Pirates of West Coast of New Spain,1960) 1990 reprint.
Baja Calif in the Mexican War, 1846-1848. Pacific Historical Review, Vol 14,, #4, Dec 1945.
Gonzalez, Last Dominican in Baja Calif. Pacific Historical Review, Vol XXII, #2, May, 1953Gabriel ©
Gerhard, Peter & Gulick, Howard: Lower Calif Guidebook (4th ed w rev), 1970.
: Maps of Baja Calif. 1962. Paperback pamphlet.
Gifford, E.W.: The Cocopa. U.C. Pubs in Amer Arch & Ethn, V 31,#5. 1933.
Gifford, E.W. & Lowie, R.H.: Notes on the Akwa’ala Indians of Lower Calif. 1928.
Gil, Patricio Robles & Berger, Bruce:Sierra, Sea and Desert; El Vizcaino, Baja Calif. 1998
Goldbaum, David: Towns of Baja Calif. 1971 reprint of 1918/19 original, annotated by Wm. O. Hendricks.
Goldman, Edward Alphonso: Biological Investigations in Mexico. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115.
Describes biological expedition of Edward Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6). Fantastic!
Gomez, David E.H.: Pinturas Rupestres y Petroglifos de BCS (Primera Parte).
Gotshall, Daniel W.: Marine Animals of Baja California. 1982.
Guide to Marine Invertebrates; Alaska to Baja. 1994.
Grant, U.S. IV: A Sojourn in Baja California, 1915. Reprint from Southern Calif Quarterly, Vol.XLV #2; June, 1963.
Gulick, Howard E.: The “Lost Mission” of Baja Calif. author’s monograph and notes; 1955-6.
: “Pictorial Record of Baja Calif Mission Sites”,
and “Baja Calif Mission Trail-Loreto to El Rosario” Manuscripts from 1954 & 1959.
Hale, Howard: Long Walk to Mulegé. 1980.
Halleck, Capt Henry W.: The Mexican War in Baja California 1846-48. 1977.
Hammond, Edwin H.: A Geomorphic Study of the Cape Region of Baja California. UCPress. 1954.
Hancock, Ralph: Baja California. 1953.
Hardy, Lt. R.W.H.: Travels in the Interior of Mexico (Baja…) 1825-1828. 1977.
Harper, Terry: Baja Cruising Guide. 1981.
Harris, Mary Eliz: Geology of Baja California: a Bibliography. S.D.S.U., Revised 1991.
Held, Ruth V.: Memories of Baja’s Meling Ranch. 1995.
Henderson, David A.: Journal of the Ocean Bird (Scammon’s notes). 1970. Dawson #21.
Henderson, Randall: Palm Canyons of Baja Calif. 1971.
Hendricks, Wm. O.: annotated reprint of David Goldbaum’s “Towns of Baja California.”
Higginbotham, Patti and Tom: Backroad Baja. 1996.
Hilton, John W.: Hardly any Fences. 1977. Dawson’s #38. Autographed.
Hittell, Theodore H.: El Triunfo de la Cruz; the First Ship Built in Californias. 1880.
Hoctor, Fred: Baja Haha. 1984.
Howorth, Peter: Foraging Along the Pacific Coast, Mexico to Puget Sd. 1986. Strange Food
Humphrey, Robert R.: The Boojum and its Home. 1974/79.
Hunter, Ben: The Baja Feeling. 1978.
Hunter, Jim: Offbeat Baja. 1977. autographed
Huycke, Harold D. To Santa Rosalía; Further and Back. 1970.
Ives, Ronald L.: Jose Velasquez; Saga of a Borderland Soldier. 1984.
Jackson, Everett G.: It’s a Long Road to Comondú. 1987.
Jackson, Robt E.: Lost Cabos…the way it was. 2002.
Janovy, John Jr.: Vermilion Sea; A Naturalist’s Journey in Baja Calif. 1992.
Johnson, Markes E: Discovering the Geology of Baja California. 2002. Punta Chivato area, Baja Calif Sur.
Johnson, Markes & Ledesma, Jorge: Atlas of Coastal Ecosystems in the Western Gulf of California. 2009.
Pliocene Carbonates and Related Facies Flanking the Gulf of California, Baja Calif. GSA Sp Paper 318, 1997
Johnson, Wm W.: Baja Calif (Time/Life Books). 1972.
Jones, Jack: Baja (fiction).1982.
Jones, Vern: Baja Cruising Notes; Pacific Coast and Sea of Cortez. 1972.
Jones, Larry & Wrenn, Roger: Tijuana Bullfights. 1969.
Jordan, Eric K.: The Pleistocene Fauna of Magdelena Bay, Lower California. in Contributions from Dept of Geology,
Stanford University, Volume 1, #4, November, 1936.
Kasbeer, Tina: Flora of Baja California. 1971.
Keen, A. Myra : Sea Shells of Tropical West America; Marine Mollusks from Lower Calif to Colombia. 1958/60.
Kelly, Neil & Kira, Gene: The Baja Catch. 3rd ed, 1997/2001.
Kerstitch, Alex: Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates. 1989. & 2nd Edition, 2007.
Kerstitch, Thomson and Findley: Reef Fishes of the Sea of Cortez. 1979. Revised: 2000, UTx Press.
Kira, Gene: King of the Moon; a novel of Baja Calif. 1997.
:Unforgettable Sea of Cortez; Baja’s Golden Age 1947-77; Life and Writings of Ray Cannon. 1999.
Klink, Jerry: The Mighty Cortez Fish Trap. 1974.
Knox, Capt.D.W. & Roosevelt, F.D.: Naval Sketches of the War in California (by Wm H.Meyers, 1847-8). 1939.
Krutch, Joseph Wood: Baja California and the Geography of Hope. 1969. 3 copies.
: The Desert Year. 1951-52; printed in 1956.
: The Forgotten Peninsula. 1961.
: The Grand Canyon. 1957.
: The Voice of the Desert. 1955.
Rod Kulbach: Baja Dreaming. 2009. Autographed.
Lamb, Dana, & June Cleveland: Enchanted Vagabonds. 1938.
Leatherwood,S ,W.Evans, D.Rice: Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises of E.North Pacific.
Leigh, Randolph: Forgotten Waters. 1941.
Leon-Portilla, Dr. Miguel: Cartografia y Cronicas de la Antigua California. . 1989. autographed.
Loreto’s Key Role in the Early History of the Californias. 1997 . 22-page keepsake.
Leopold, A. Starker: Wildlife of Mexico(Mammals & Game birds). UCPress 1959/72. Skull details.
Leslie, Thomas, and Minch, John: The Baja Highway. 1991.
Lewis, Leland R., & Ebeling, Peter E.: Sea Guide; Vol II, Baja California. 1971.
Lindblad, Lisa & Sven-Olof. Baja California. 1987. Fantastic photos.
Lindgren, Waldemar (USGS): Notes on Geology & Petrography of Baja Calif. April, 1890. Proc Calif Acdy Sci vol 3,reprint.
Lindsay, Geo.E.: Sea of Cortez Expedition of Cal Academy of Sciences, 1964.
Lingenfelter, Richard E. The Rush of 89. 1967, Dawson Books #8.
Linsdale, Jean M.: Amphibians and Reptiles from Lower California. Univ Calif Publications in Zoology v38#6, 1932.
Lizárraga, Sayra Selene Enciso: Mapas, Planos y Diseños de Baja Calif, siglos XVIII y XIX. 2006. Old Maps.
Lowie, R.H.: See Gifford & Lowie.
Lynch, Audry: With Steinbeck in the Sea of Cortez (Sparky Enea). 1991.
Mackintosh, Graham: Into a Desert Place. 1988/90. Autographed.
Journey With a Baja Burro. 2001. Autographed.
Marooned, With Very Little Beer. 2008. Autographed.
Maldonado, Braulio. Baja California; Comentarios Politicos. 3rd edition.1960. (Spanish)
Martinez, Maximino: Baja California, Reseña Histórica del Territorio (Sur) y de su Flora. 1947. BCS, emphasizes plants.
Martinez, Pablo L. A History of Lower California. 1960.
: Guia Familiar de Baja California (Vital Statistics of Baja) (autographed), 1965. Bilingual Genealogical Bible of Baja.
Massey, W.C. and Osborne, C.M.: A Burial Cave in Baja California. 1961.
Mathes, Wm Michael: Biographical Note on Isidro de Atondo y Antillon; Admiral of the Californias
Calif Hist Soc Quarterly vXLVII, # 3, Sept, 1969. Reprint. Autographed.
: The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, Nov.1587. Manuscript, Univ of SF. & Dawson#18.
: Cattle Brands of Baja Calif Sur. 1978. Dawson #40.
: Clemente Guillen Diaries. 1979. Dawson’s #42.
: The Conquistador in California
: A Brief History of the Land of Calafia: The Californias, 1533 -1795. U. of S.F. 1974.
: Ethnology of the Baja Calif. Indians (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.5). Ed by Mathes, 1992.
: Geographic & Hydrographic Descriptions….Kingdom of Calif. Nicolas de Cardona, 1634.
Translated by Mathes, 1974. Dawson’s #35.
: Las Misiones d Baja Calif. U.of S.F., 1977.
: The Pearl Hunters in the Gulf of Calif, 1668. Dawson’s #4.
: Obras Californianas del Padre Miguel Venegas, S.J. Supplement. UABCS, 1978
Mayo, C. M.: Miraculous Air. 2002. (“Journey of 1000 miles through Baja California, the other Mexico”)
McDonald, Marquis: Baja: Land of Lost Missions. 1968.
McLean, Hugh: Recon Geologic Map of Loreto and part of San Javier Quads, Baja Calif Sur. USGS Map MF-2000. 1988.
McLean, H., Hausback, B.P., & Knapp, J.H.: Geology of West-Central Baja Calif Sur. (SW of Mulegé).
USGS Bull 1579 (1987) and Map MF 1799 (1985).
McMahan, Mike: Adventures in Baja. 1983.
: There It Is: Baja. 2nd ed 1974.
McPeak, Ron H.: Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California. 2000.
Meighan, Clement W.: Prehistoric Rock Paintings in Baja California. 1966.
: Seven Rock Art Sites in Baja California. 1978.
Meigs, Peveril: The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower Calif. U of Calif. 1935.
: The Kiliwa Indians of Lower Calif. U.C.Press, 1939.
Merrill, George P.: Geology and Natural History of Lower California. (1895). reprints: 1967, 1971.
Meyer, Greg: A Guide to the Desert and Sea of Baja California. 1992. (Bay of L.A.)
Meyers, Wm H.: Naval Sketches of the War in Calif(1847-48). Text by Knox and Roosevelt, 1939.
Miller, Max: The Cruise of the Cow. 1st ed; 1951.
: Land where Time Stands Still. 1943.
Miller, Tom: Angler’s Guide to Baja California. 1984.
: World of the California Gray Whale (paperback). 1975. All whales.
Miller, Tom & Hoffman, Carol: Baja Book III. 1987.
Minch, John, Edwin and Jason: Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. 1998
Minch, John, and Leslie, Thomas: The Baja Highway. 1991.
Minnich, Richard A. & Vizcaino, Ernesto F.: Land of Camise and Pines. U.C.Press, Botany vol.80; 1998.
Mixco, Mauricio J.: Kiliwa Texts. Univ of Utah Anthropological Papers, #107, 1983.
Mohoff, George: The Russian Colony of Guadalupe; Molokans in Mexico. (signed). 1993
Moore, Lee: The Todos Santos Book. 1st ed (1994) and 5th ed (2000) with Janet Howey.
(edited by): The Baja Survivor’s Guide. 2004, and 2005. Inscribed.
The Todos Santos Cookbook. 2006. Inscribed.
Morrison, Wilbur H.: Adventure Guide to Baja California. 1990.
Murray, Spencer: Cruising the Sea of Cortez.
: Powerboating Down Mexico’s West Coast; with Ralph Poole. 1965.
Navarre, Monty: Baja Traveler. 1974.
Niemann, Greg: Baja Fever. 1999.
Nelson, Ed W.: Lower California and its Natural Resources. 1922. 1966 reprint.
Nelso, John C.: Wintering on the Cortez. 1999.
Nordhoff, Charles: Peninsular California. 1888.
Nordhoff, Walter: Journey of the Flame (pseudonym: Fierro Blanco) 1955.
North, Arthur W.: The Mother of California. 1908. First Edition.
: Camp and Camino in Lower California. 1910.
Nunis, Doyce B. : Journey of James H. Bull; Baja California 1843-44. (Dawson’s #1)
: The Mexican War in Baja Calif (Memorandum of Capt Henry W. Halleck 1846-48). 1977 . (Dawson’s #39
: Sketches of a Journey on the 2 Oceans… & Civil War in Lower Calif. (Abbe Alric (1866). 1971 (Dawson #24)
: The Drawings of Ignacio Tirsch. 1972. DawsonsBaja Cal Travel Series # 27.
O’Dell, Scott: The Black Pearl. 1967.
Oldroyd, Ida S. (Stanford U.): Marine Shells of West Coast of North America. 1924. (4 volumes)
O’Neil; Ann & Don: Loreto, Baja California; First Mission and Capital of Spanish Calif. 2001.
Orr, Robt. T.: Marine Mammals of California. Univ of Calif Press, 1972.
Otterstrom, Kerry : Mulege (Manual de Mulege). 1992. 160 pages of history, photos, maps and current facts about Mulege.
Patchen, Marvin & Aletha: Baja Adventures by Land, Sea, Air. 1981.
Pepper, Choral: Baja California; Vanished Missions, Lost Treasures. Revised 1975.
: The Mysterious West (with Brad Williams) 1967.
Peterson, Roger T. and Chalif, Edward L. Mexican Birds (Peterson Field Guide #20) 1973.
Peterson, Walt: The Baja Adventure Book. 1987 and 1994.
: Diving & Snorkeling Baja California. Lonely Planet. 1999.
Peterson, Walt and Michael; Baja Campfire Tales. 2001
Phillips, Richard P.: see Gastil, R.G.
Phleger, Marjorie: Pilot Down, Presumed Dead. 1963.
Piccolo, F.M., S.J.: Informe on the New Province of Calif. 1702. Transl by Hammond, 1967. Dawson #10.
Radamaker, Kurt: ABA Field List of the Birds of Baja Calif. 1992.
Ramos, E. Lopez: Geologia De Mexico, Tomo II; Baja California. 3rd ed, 1982.
Reveles, Daniel: Enchiladas, Rice, and Beans. (short stories) 1994.
Richmond, Doug: Baja. 1970. (motorcycles).
Ricketts, Ed and Calvin, J: Between Pacific Tides. 3rd ed Revised by J.Hedgpeth, 1952.
Ricketts, E. F., and Steinbeck, John: Sea of Cortez. 1941/1989.
Rinehart, Mary Roberts: The Out Trail. 1922/27.
Ritter, Eric W.: An Archaeological Study of South-Central Baja California. 1979.
Roberts, Norman C. Baja California Plant Field Guide. 1975 (1st ed) hardback, 1989 paperback.
Robertson, Tomas: Historical Notes on Baja California. 1969. (monograph)
: Baja California and its Missions. 1978.
Robinson, John W: Camping and Climbing in Baja. 1971.
Rocha, Dr. Ernesto Sosa: Expediciones del Coronel Esteban Cantu al Puerto de San Felipe. Great photos.
Rojo, Manuel C.: Historical Notes on Lower Calif.(Ca 1840) 1879. Transl by P.O.Gericke, 1972. Dawson #26
Romano-Lax, Andromeda: Searching for Steinbeck’s Sea of Cortez. 2002
Sanford, Paul: Where the Old West Never Died (Story of the Meling Ranch). 1968.
Sadil, Scott: Angling Baja (fly fishing). 1996. Autographed.
Sauer, Carl: Aboriginal Population of Northwestern Mexico. 1935.
Sauer, Carl & Meigs, Peveril: Site and Culture at San Fernando de Velicata.1927.
Safley, James C: Mexican Vistas. 1952.
Scammon, Chas M.:The Marine Mammals of the NW Coast of North America. 2 reprints of 1874 original.
: see “Journal of the Ocean Bird”.
Senterfitt, Arnold D: Airports of Baja California. 4th ed, 1967. 17th Ed, 1987.
Shedenhelm, W.R.C.: Rockhounding in Baja. 1980.
Shelvocke, Capt. George: see: A Description….1719-1722.
Shipek, Florence C.: Lower California Frontier (Articles from SanDiego Union 1870).
: Delfina Cuero. 1991.
Silvera, Katherine M.: Baja California. Bibliography, 1965-66. 1968.
Simpson, Leslie B.: Calif in 1792; Expedition of Jose Longinos Martinez. Huntington Library, 1938.
Sinkankas, John: Gemstone and Mineral Data Book. 1972. paperback. Mineral ID & cleaning, Lapidary, chemicals, etc.
Smith, Jack: God and Mr. Gomez. 1st ed, 1974.
Smith, J.P. Jr.: The Grinning Gargoyle Spills the Beans (and Other Yarns of Baja Calif). 1997.
Smothers, Marion: Vintage Baja; Adventures of a Gringa in Lower Calif. 1993.
Southworth, J.R.: Baja California Ilustrada. 2nd ed, 1989 (1st ed 1899).
Stanton, Larry: Glory Days of Baja. (autographed). 1996. Hunting and Fishing.
Stebbins, Robert C.: Western Reptiles and Amphibians. 1985. Peterson Field Guide.
Steinbeck, John: The Log from the Sea of Cortez. 1971, 1976 paperback eds.
: The Pearl. 1945/1975 paperback.
: Zapata. 1975/1993 paperback
Steinbeck, John, and Ricketts, E. F.: Sea of Cortez. 1941/1989.
Stephens, Bascom A.: The Gold Fields of Lower California. 1889. (xerox copy)
Summers, June Nay: Good Morning, Tecate.
Swaim, Bernie: Think you know Baja. 2006.
Taraval, Father Sigismundo; Indian Uprising in Lower Calif, 1734-1737. Translated by M.E.Wilbur, 1931.
Taylor, Alex S.: A Historical Summary of Baja California. 1971. Edited by Walt wheelock.
Taylor, Armando Trasviña: Yo Soy Mulegé. 1991.
: Loreto: Madre y Cuna de las Californias. 20-page pamphlet. Undated.
: El Triumph; El Rostro de la Soledad. 2004.
Taylor, Cachor: Birds of Sonora and the Sea of Cortez (including Barranca del Cobre). A checklist. 1986.
Thetion Vogel, Claude : Baja California Sur – La Primera de las Californias. 4th ed, 2006. Photography. Autographed
Thomson, Donald A., with Kerstitch and Findley: Reef Fishes of the Sea of Cortez. 1979.
Tilton, Willis: Baja California, the Last New Frontier. 1971. autographed.
Timberman, O.W.: Mexico’s Diamond in the Rough. 1959. autographed.
Tiscareño, Froylán. Malarrimo Beach, Graveyard of Ships and Baja Bugs. monograph, 1976. ©
Bahia de Los Angeles Trip. 1962 ©
Baja California Adventures. 2013
Tomson, Tom: Jesuit Gold of Lower California; Tale of Don Fernando X.R.Moncado. 1983.
Touwaide, Marcel E.: Origin of the Boleo Copper Deposit. 1930.
Trasvina Taylor, Armando: Loreto: Madre y Cuna de las Californias. 20-page pamphlet. Undated.
Trujillo G., Ing P.: Bibliografia de Baja Calif, primer tomo. 1967.
: Bibliografia Entomologica de Baja Calif. 1967.
Tyson, Rose A: Anthopomorphic Data Pertaining to an Atypical Human Skeleton from Northern Baja Calif.
Urrea, Luis Alberto: Across the Wire(Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border). 1993.
Van Denburgh, John: Herpetology of Lower California, collected papers. Soc for Study of Amphib and Reptiles. 1978.
Venegas, Miguel: Natural & Civil History of California (2 Vols). 1759 (original !)
Vernon, Edward W.: Las Misiones Antiguas; The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. 2002. autographed.
The Maritime History of Baja California. 2009
Violette, Paul E.: Shelling in the Sea of Cortez. 1964.
de Vivanco, Aurelio: Baja Calif Al Dia (Lower Calif Up To Date). 1924.
Washburn, Elizabeth: Assault on Baja. 1965/66.
Wayne, Scott: Baja California, A Travel Survival Kit. 1988.
Weber, Mnsgnr Francis J.: The Missions and Missionaries of Baja California. 1968. Dawson’s #11.
: The Peninsular California Missions. 1979. (autographed)
Webb, L.J.: History of the Lower California Iron Ores. 1952.
West, Carolyn and Jack: Cruising the Pacific Coast; Mexico to Alaska. 1970.
Wheelock, Walt: Byroads of Baja. 1971.
: Baja Road Log. 1987.
: Beaches of Baja. 1972.
: Monographs : (bound together in report cover; 2 copies) See Christie Index #23.
Wheelock, Walt & Cepek Dick: Rough Riding. La Siesta Press. 1968 Off-roading in Baja.
Wheelock, Walt & Gulick, Howard: Baja Calif Guidebook, 5th ed, 1975.
Wibberley, Leonard: Yesterday’s Land, a Baja Adventure. 1961.
: Island of the Angels. 1965. fiction.
Wiggins, Ira L.: Flora of Baja California. 1980.
Wilken, Rae: Memories of Mexico (part II is Baja). 1984. Stories of Tomas Robertson.
Williams, Jack: The Magnificent Peninsula. 1986.
: Baja Boater’s Guide, Vol II – Sea of Cortez. 1988.
Williams, Jack & Patty: Baja Calif, Mexico. Fielding guidebook; 1997.
Williams, Brad & Pepper, Choral. The Mysterious West. 1967. Some Baja stories.
Wilson, I.F. &Rocha, V.S.: Geology and Mineral Deposits of Boleo Copper District, Baja California (near Santa Rosalía).
USGS Prof Paper 273. 1955.
Wilson,I.F. & Veytia,M.: Geology and Manganese Deposits of Lucifer District, Baja Calif, Mexico. USGS Bull 960F. 1949.
Wood, Amos L.: Beachcombing for Japanese Glass Floats. 3rd ed, 1975.
: Beachcombing the Pacific. 1987.
Woodward, Arthur (ed): The Republic of Lower California, 1853 – 1854. 1966. Dawson’s #6.
Wortman, Bill & Orv: Bouncing Down to Baja. 1954.
Zwinger, Ann: A Desert Country Near the Sea. 1983
: Xantus; The Letters of John Xantus. 1986. Dawson’s # 48.
X = Xerox copy only © = scanned into computer
AAA / ACSC, Automobile Club of Southern California:
Log of Baja California, Mexico. 1962, 1965, 1966. Road log and guide.
Baja California del Norte. 1968, 1970, 1972. Road logs and guidebook.
Baja California del Sur. 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972. Road logs and guidebook.
Baja California. 1991, 2001. Road log, Guidebook, accommodations.
American Anthropologist
Vol 10#2 The Native Tribes of Lower California. Arthur W. North. 1908
American Antiquity:
v 8, #2, Oct,1942: An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northeastern Baja Calif and SE Calif. Adan Treganza reprint.
V 31 #3, Jan 1966: Prehistoric Rock Paintings in Baja California. Clement W. Meighan. Softbound reprint.
V 61#4, p 718: Valle Del Azufre (Obsidian Site). Steven Shackley et al. . downloaded abstract with maps and photos.
American Museum of Natural History, NY: See Norm’s Index # 26 for titles of Bulletins, Novitates, and Books.
American Naturalist: (University of Chicago)
Baja Calif: A peninsula for rodents, but not for reptiles: R.L.Seib. 1980, Vol.115
A.A.P.G. (American Assn of Petroleum Geologists): Bulletins, Memoirs, and Other Publications:
Geologic History of No. Mexico & its Bearing on Petroleum Exploration. L.B.Kellum. V28,#3, Mar,1944.
Hydrothermally derived Petroleum: Examples from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of Calif, and Escanaba Trough,
NE Pacific Ocean. Kvenvolden & Simoneit. V.74,#3; Mar, 1990.
Implications for Organic Maturation Studies….Rapid Increase/Stabilization of Vitrinite Reflectance: Cerro Prieto
Geothermal System, Mexico. Charles E. Barker. V.75#12; Dec, 1991.
Lower Cretaceous Pre-Batholithic Rocks of Northern Baja Calif. Silver, Stehli, & Allen. V47#12, 1963.
Marine Geology of Baja Calif Continental Borderland, Mexico. L.J.Doyle & D.S.Gorsline, June, 1977.
Memoir #3: Marine Geology of the Gulf of Calif. Ed by van Andel & Shor. 1964. Vol 1= text; vol 2 = 7 maps.
Pacific Coast Geology of Northern Baja Calif and Adjacent Alta Calif. AAPG/SEPM/SEG. 1970.
For list of road logs, maps and 20 papers, see Christie Index #15.
Geology of Peninsular California. AAPG, SEPM, SEG, edited by G. Gastil and J. Lillegraven; 1974. See Index #22.
Miocene and Cretaceous Depositional Environments, Northwestern Baja Calif. Pacific Sect.AAPG vol 54.
Edited by John Minch and James Ashby, 1984. 7 papers relating to northern and northwestern Baja.
Arizona and the West
Navigation Methods of Eusebio Francisco Kino, S.J. Ronald L. Ives. Vol. II, No. 3, Autumn 1960, pp. 213-43 ©
Arizona Highways:
Jan, 1959: Cactus issue.
Jan, 1960: Abojo Del Mar de Cortez (diving / fish)
March, 1960: Paintings by John Hilton.
Jan, 1989: Beneath the Sea of Cortez. Alex Kerstitch. Diving.
Arizona History, Journal of:
Autumn, 2009: Wells in the Desert; Retracing the Mexican War trails of Kearney and Cooke through Baja Calif.
Tom Jonas
#19; Enero-Junio 1998. contains “El yacimiento de obsidiana Valle de Azufre, Baja Calif Sur” ©
Arqueología Mexicana:
Vol XI#62, July-Aug 2003: Special issue, “La Peninsula de Baja California”.
Auka (journal of Culturas Nativas de Baja Calif) (CUNA)
Vol.1, #1; July-Oct, 1993.
Vol.1, #2; Oct-Dec, 1993. #3;Jan-Mar, 1994.(later numbers, name changed to CUNA; see under)
Baja California Symposia: see Christie’s separate cumulative index (#4a) and subject index (#4b):
I, Los Angeles, 1963. Proceedings not published, but see Aschmann paper in Calif Hist Soc Quarterly.
III; Mexicali, 1965: 1 paper only: Precision Tools of San Dieguito Man. Creutz.
IV; Costa Mesa, 1966. In original envelop.
V; Tijuana, 1967.
VI; San Bernardino 1968: one paper only: Old Main Towns of the N part of the Frontier of Lower Calif. Meade.
VII; Tecate, 1969: 5 out of 10 papers only.
VIII; Ensenada, 1970. 3 papers only.
IX; Santa Ana, 1971 (Ferrocarriles en BC, only)
XI; Corona del Mar, 1973.
XII; La Paz, 1974.
XIII; Riverside, 1975. “The Lower Californian” Vol 1, #2. Newspaper of the Lower Calif Co,
Nov. 10, 1870. Reprinted for Baja California Symposium XIII, 1975.
XIV; Tecate, 1976.
XV; San Diego, 1977.
XVI; La Paz, 1978.
XVII; Ensenada, 1979.
XVIII; Loreto, 1980.
XIX; Los Angeles, 1981.
XX; Tecate, 1982. with addendum: “Tecate, Calif or Tecatito” E.K.Chamberlin, E.ClampusVitus.
XXI; La Paz, 1983.
XXII; Glendale, 1984.
XXIII; San Felipe, 1985.
XXIV; San Jose del Cabo, 1986.
XXV; Redlands, 1987.
XXVI; Bahia de Los Angeles, 1988.
XXVII; El Sauzal, 1989.
XXVIII; Rosarito, 1990.
XXIX; Mexicali, 1991. Spanish text (spiral), and English (beige) different papers.
XXX; Santa Rosalía, 1992. 2 copies. Contains Index I – XXX.
XXXI; El Centro, 1993.
Baja California Bulletin:
Special Edition, 1974: David Kier’s Roadguide; Flying Sams; Jesuit Missions.
Baja California magazine: (refer to cumulative index by Norm Christie for individual articles)
Vol XV, #2; Mar-Apr, 1987. Vol XV, #3; May-June, 1987. Vol XV, #6; Dec., 1987 see “Baja Traveler”.
Baja Explorer magazine: (refer to cumulative index of articles, by Norm Christie)
11 July, 1991: Eclipse of the Millennium. Includes “Astronomy in Old Baja Calif” by W. Michael Mathes.
Vol 1, #1; Sept-Oct, 1991. Vol 1, #2; Nov-Dec, 1991.
Vol 2, #1; Jan-Feb, 1992. Vol 2, #2; Mar-Apr, 1992. Vol 2, #3; May-June, 1992.
Vol 2, #4; July-Aug, 1992. Vol 2, #5; Sept-Oct, 1992. Vol 2, #6; Nov-Dec, 1992.
Baja Life Magazine (See Cumulative Index #2 by Norm christie for Subject Articles)
Baja Sun (Newspaper): articles:
King of Baja’s Crags (Borrego; desert bighorn sheep). Sept, 1992.
Jail With No Bars (Mulegé). October, 1992.
Trinidad, “The Trinity” (Rock Art). Kerry Otterstrom, October, 1992.
Purisima & San Isidro (WNW of Loreto). Dec, 1992.
Baja Times (Newspaper): articles:
Rugged Cedros Island. Patricia V.de Gibb.; Oct, 1989.
Legendary Lost Mission. Lincoln Bates; April, 1992.
Mission of Santa Gertrudes la Magna. Greg Niemann. April, 1992.
Laguna Hanson. Bruce F. Barber; October, 1992.
Eiffel’s Iron Church (in Santa Rosalía). Helen Call; Aug. 1993.
Sea Lions of Cedros. Charles W. Sasser, in Baja Times; October, 1994.
Baja Traveler magazine: (see Cumulative Index #2 by Norm Christie for article titles).
Vol 1, #1; Winter, 1988. Vol 2, #1; Spring, 1989. ( v & # transposed). Vol 1, #3; Summer, 1989.
Vol 2, #3; Fall, 1989.
Vol 3, #1; Winter, 1990. Vol 3, #2; Spring, 1990.
see “Baja Explorer”.
Cactus and Succulent Journal:
Midget Mammillarias (Cactus) of Baja California. George E. Lindsay. Vol XXXII, #6, Nov-Dec, 1960.
The Genus Lophocereus. (cactus) George Lindsay (Calif Academy of Sciences) Vol XXV#6, 1963.
Dudleya Pachyphytum of Cedros Island, Mexico. R.Moran & M. . Vol 53, 1981.
Productivity Pattern in a Baja Population of Yucca Schidigera. Comanor & Clark.
California Academy of Sciences: Proceedings: (boxed set) (see also “Pacific Discovery”)
* See separate index #3 by Norm Christie for complete list of articles*
Vol II, 1889: (hard-bound book)
New Birds from Lower Calif. Alfred W. Anthony.
A Collection of Plants from Baja Calif, 1889. Townshend S. Brandegee.
Descriptions of Nests and Eggs……Geothlipis Beldingi. Walter E. Bryant.
Provisional Descriptions of Supposed New Mammals from Calif & Lower Calif. W.E. Bryant.
General Ornithological Notes. Edited by Walter E. Bryant
A Catalogue of Birds of Lower California. Walter E. Bryant.
Fungi Collected by T.S.Brandegee in Lower Calif in 1889. H.W.Harkness.
Petrographical Notes from (northern) Baja California. Waldemar Lindgren.
Contributions to North American (Lower Calif) Euphorbiacae. C. F. Millspaugh.
California Anthropology; Journal of: (in binder cover)
Vol 2 #2, Winter, 1975: “Some New Observations Relative to the Indigenous Inhabitants of La Paz, BCS”
by W. Michael Mathes. (xerox).
Vol 3 #1, Summer, 1976: “Some Paipai Accounts of Food Gathering” by Judith Joel. (xerox).
Vol 3 #2, Winter, 1976: “Grasset de Saint Sauveur and the Indians of Baja Calif.”, by A. B. Elsasser. (xerox)
California Coast and Ocean:
Summer, 1996: La Cuenca del Rio Tijuana.(bi-national watershed environmental report) Jim King.
California Geographer:
Geography of the Sierras Juarez and San Pedro Martir; Baja Calif. David Henderson. Vol 1, 1960. (xerox copy)
California Geology magazine:
Plate Tectonics and the Gulf of California Region. Nancy Schmidt, Nov, 1990.
California Historical Society Quarterly: (aka “California History”)
( See Christie’s Index to Baja articles #24. )
California Mining Journal: See”International California Mining Journal”
Calypso Log (of the Cousteau Society) and Dolphin Log:
Saving Mexico’s Vanishing Vaquita. Calypso Log, Cousteau Society; Aug, 1992.
Spider Island. Dolphin Log, Jan, 1996.
Catholic historical Review: Catholic University of America.
The Jesuits in Baja California. Charles E. Chapman. Vol VI #1, April, 1920.
C.F.E. (see “Geotermia”)
Ciguatan (Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas del Estado de Baja Calif.)
#5, Julio 1986.
Vol IX#5: Catalog of Birds Collected by W. W. Brown, Jr, in Middle Lower California. J.E.Thayer & O.Bangs. Reprint.
CUNA (ex Auka) Native Cultures Institute of Baja Calif.
Vol 1, #4; April-Sept 94. Vol 2, #1; Oct94-Apr95, #2; April-Sept 95, #3, Oct95-Mar96, #4, Apr-Sept 96.
Vol 3; #1, Oct 96-March 97; #2, Apr-Sept 97; #3, Oct97-Mar98; #4, Apr-Sept98.
Vol 4; #1, Oct98-Mar99; #2, Apr-Sept99; #3, Nov99-Mar00. #4, Apr00-Sept00
Vol 5; #1, Oct 00-Apr 01; #2, Apr-Sept 2001; #3, Oct01-Mar02; #4, Apr-Oct 2002
CUNA Symposia: 8 October, 1994: Baja California Indigena.
12 Oct, 1996: Water Quality in the Kumiai Communities of Baja Calif, and
Building a Kumeyaay Environmental Strategy: a Border 21 Project.
15 Nov, 1997: Theme: Impact of Mission Period on Native People of Baja Calif. 11 papers.
Desert Magazine: See Cumulative index #7 by Norm Christie.
Desert Plant Life:
Desert Islands of Baja Calif. Reid Moran & George Lindsay. Reprint Dec 1949.
San Benito Islands. Reid Moran & George Lindsay. Reprint, Oct, 1951.
Discover Baja newsletter : clipped or xeroxed articles:
A Blast from the Depths (volcanic eruption near Socorro Island). Lynn Mitchell. May, 1993.
Coastal Horned Lizard. Dr. Hans Bertsch. Fall, 2001.
Exploring Mission San Fernando Velicata. April Althouse. Summer, 2001
Fishing Baja’s Islas Encantadas. Neil Kelly. March, 1995.
Highlights of Highway 3 (Ensenada – Tecate). Graham Mackintosh. March, 1995.
Historic San Fernando. Graham Macintosh. Nov, 1995.
In Search of a Lost Mission. David Kier. Fall 2009 (N. of Sta Getrudes – possibly Santa Agueda ?) ©
A Journey to San Javier. Carolina Shepard Espinoza. March, 1995.
Osprey – the Fish Hawk. Lynn Mitchell. July, 1992.
Ospreys In Baja. Gustavo D. Danemann. Sept-Oct, 1996.
Shipwrecks and Coyotes ( Sand Island, Scammon’s Lagoon). Peter Jensen. Fall, 2004.
Turtle Bay; A hot Weather Haven. Kelly & Kira; July-Aug, 1993.
Dolphin Log (Cousteau Society kids’ magazine) : See Calypso Log.
Economic Geology:
Origin of the Boleo Copper Deposit, Lower Calif, Mexico. Marcel E.Touwaide. vXXV #2; 1930.
Dikes and Veins of the Alamo Gold District, Lower Calif. Robt S. Moehlman; v30#7, Nov.1935.
Manganese on Punta Concepcion, Baja Calif, Mexico. James A. Noble . v45 #8, Dec, 1950. x ©
Geology and Ore Deposits of Baja Calif. Edward Wisser. v49#1, Jan.1954.
Origin of the “Manto” Copper Deposits in Lower Calif, Mexico. Hironao Nishihara. V52 #8, Dec, 1957. Boleo area.
Geologic Setting and Origin of the Lucifer Manganese Deposit, B.C.S., Mex. Daniel A. Freiberg. v78#5, Aug. 1983.
Mobility and distribution of Heavy Metals During the Formation of First Cycle Red Beds (San Felipe Area).
R.A.Zielinski, S. Bloch, T.R.Walker. v78#8, Dec, 1983.
Evergreen Review:
‘Lower’ California. Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Vol 6, #24; May-June, 1962. ©
Explorer News:
Volcanic Island in the Sea of Cortez (San Luis). C.Leon, 1989.
Four Wheeler magazine: (In looseleaf)
February, 1963: Special Baja Issue. (Xerox)
October, 1963: Baja’s Sierra Juarez Canyons (part 1). Roger K. Mitchell. Northern Laguna Salada area. (Xerox)
November, 1963: (part 2) wanted. Not in collection.
May, 1964: Hunting Baja’s Giant Fossil Ammonites. Roger K. Mitchell. (clipped article)
October, 1964: Mexico’s Petrified Wood Bonanza. R. K. Mitchell. Rockhounding in NW Sonora. (Xerox)
November, 1964: Baja Travel Tips. (Xerox)
September, 1967: Punta Cabras, Baja Beauty Spot. Jerry Holiday.
: Record Run (Baja 1000). Edward Orr.
January, 1973: Baja 1000 (pt II). Ensenada 300.
February, 1973: Baja 1000 (pt III). Bill Sanders. Working in a Baja Pit Crew. Rick Odemar.
Annual #1: 1974: BAJA Highway One.
July, 1976: Fiesta in Baja-land. Wm Worthy
Gateway Magazine (Relates to San Felipe and the Sea of Cortez) (Succeeded by “San Felipe” magazine):
Feb, 1991; April, 1991; May, 1991; June, 1991; July, 1991; August, 1991. Sold to Wm clark, July, 2014
Gems and Minerals (Jewelry Making) (See Cumulative Index #1 of Rockhound magazines by Norm Christie):
Nov, 1981: Gems and Minerals of Mexico. Part 1. Kenneth and Doris Castro. orig + xerox.
Dec, 1981: Gems and Minerals of Mexico: Part 2. orig + xerox.
Geographical Review:
Settlements in Baja Calif: 1768-1930. Geo.F.Deasy & Peter Gerhard. Vol34, pp 574-586. 1944.
G.S.A. (Geological Society of America) publications:
Neotectonics and Plio-Quaternary Volcanism of Santa Rosalía Area, B.C.S.
Baja California Geology: Field Guides & Papers- SDSU/ GSA, San Diego, 1979. Abbott, P.L. & Gastil,G. See Index #16.
Field Trip Log & 5 papers from GSA “Geology of NW Mexico and S.Arizona”,1981.
Geochemistry and Ecology of Salt Pans at Guerrero Negro, B.C. Field Trip Guide & Paper
by Holser, Javor, & Pierre; GSA Geology of NW Mexico & S.Arizona,1981.
Centennial Continent/Ocean Transect #14: H-1 La Paz to Saltillo; GSA, 1990,
The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular Calif. Ed by Gordon Gastil & R. Miller;
in G.S.A.Special Paper #279. 1993. See index #20 for locales, papers and maps.
Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of Calif and its Margins. Umhoefer, et al, in GSA Today, Aug, 1996. ©
G.S.A. Bulletin: (in black looseleaf binder)
v5, 1894: Geological Sketch of Lower California. S.F.Emmons and G.P.Merrill (x)
v49, Sep 1938: Geological Reconnaissance Across Sierra San Pedro Martir, B.C. Woodford & Harriss.
v71, Apr 1960: Agua Blanca Fault – A Major Transverse Structure of North Baja Calif. C.R.Allen, L.T.Silver, F.G.Stehli.
v76, Jun 1965: Tectonics, Bathymetry, and Geomagnetism of the Southern Continental Borderland, West of Baja Calif, Mexico.
Dale C. Krause.
v77, Aug 1966: Coastal Sand Dunes of Guerrero Negro, Baja C, Mexico. D.L.Inman, G.C.Ewing, and J.B.Corliss.
v79, 1968: Geology and Structure of the Tip of Baja Calif. Normark & Curay ; p. 1589-1600 + 2 FoldMaps (1 in Color)
v81, Jun 1970: Post- Batholithic Geology of the La Gloria-Presa Rodriguez Area, Baja Calif.(south of Tijuana).Clinton J. Flynn
v , Aug 1985: Mesozoic Paleomagnetism and Northward Translation of the Baja Calif Peninsula. Jon T. Hagstrum et al.
v101, Sep 1989: Chronology of Early Eocene Marine and Terrestrial Strata. Baja Calif, Mexico. Flynn, et al.
Sep 1989: Late Cenozoic Basin and Range Structure in Western Mexico, Adjacent to the Gulf of Calif. C.D.Henry.
v , Jul 1990: Lithology and Biostratigraphy of Franciscan-like Chert… in West-central Baja. Richard L. Sedlock.
v , Jul 1990: A Submarine-Fan Valley-Levee Complex in UK Rosario fm: Implication for Turbidite Facies Models.
Wm Morris & C.Busby.
v , Jan, 1992: The P-T-t History of Blocks in Serpentine-matrix melange, West-central Baja. Suzanne Baldwin & T.M.Harrison.
v. 107# 9, Sept 1995; The Cerro Mencenares volcanic center. Bigioggero, et al. ; p. 1108-1122 ©
v 114#7, July, 2002: Evolution of the Margin of the gulf of California near Loreto. Umhoefer, et al. pp849-868. §
#27, 1999: Active Tectonics of the Loreto area, Baja Calif Sur. Mayer & Vincent. pp 243-255. X
Geotermia (and other C.F.E. publications) :
Reconocimiento Geologico de la Zona Geotermica Saquicismunde-Volcan San Juan, B.C.S. C.F.E, Nov, 1986. d(bound Xerox, map)
Geologia y Evaluacion Geotermica de la Zona Bahia Concepcion, B.C.S. V10 #3, 1994. (SE of Bahia Concepcion) ©
Cerro Prieto Geothermal Area: (Cerro Prieto = CP)
Statistics of Electric Generation & Steam Production for 17 Years of Operation of CP Geothermal Project. CFE, 1991. (Spanish)
Metallic Scaling in Well M-198 (CP Geothermal Field, Mexico). CFE, 1991. (Spanish).
Present State of the Geothermal Exploration at Laguna Salada, B.C. Geotermia V8#3, 1992. Arellano & Venegas. Sp; Engl abstr.
Analysis of Two Catalogs of Seismicity at Cerro Prieto, 1988-95, Relationship With Reinjection.
Hubert Fabriol. V 12, #3, 1997. (Spanish, English abstract).
Tres Virgenes Volcano and Geothermal Area: (Las Tres virgenes = LTV)
Estudio Geologico a Semi Detalle de la Zona Geotermica, LTV. C.F.E., Jan, 1984.
Integracion de Estudios Tres Virgenes, B.C.S. C.F.E., August, 1989.
Propuesta de Perforacion en la Zona Geotermica de LTV, B.C.S. C.F.E., October, 1989.
Litologia, Mineralogia y Geotermometria del Pozo LV-2, LTV, BCS. Geothermia V6#2,1990.
Geothermal Resources Council; Transactions:
Geochemical Evidence of a Thermal Component in Groundwater of San Juan Londo Valley, BCS. Vol. 12, Oct 1988. ©
Main Features of the Tres Virgenes I Geothermal Field.. Volume 22, September 1998 ©
Vegetation Restoration during Geothermal Perforation (Tres Virgenes). Vol 21, Sept/Oct, 1997 ©
Great Basin Naturalist
Algal Composition of Microbiotic Crusts from the Central Desert of Baja Calif. Valerie R. Flechtner, et al. Vol.58#4, Oct, 1998.
Gringo Gazette [edited by Junio (Snow) Castro, in San Felipe]. See Cumulative Index #6 by Norm Christie.
Collection given to Wm H. Clark, Univ. of Idaho, July, 2014.
Harper’s Monthly magazine:
Dec, 1868; #223: includes: Eplorations in “Lower Calif”, part 3.
the High Country:
#8, Spring 1969: “The Longest Chain” (Baja Missions) Sam Hicks; “Benevolence in Baja” (volunteer Dentist) Robert de Roos. #27, 28, 29, 1974: “Flight into Antiquity” (Story of discovery of Gardner’s Caves) Sam Hicks. ©
Herpetologica: (quarterly journal of The Herpetologists’ League)
San Felipe Road – Snake Hunter’s Disappointment. Joseph R. Slevin. Vol. 7, 1951. ©
Hiking :
Baja’s Tajo Canyon. Bob Vinton.
Hispanic American Historical Review:
Baja California After Walker: The Zerman Enterprise. Eugene K. Chamberlin in VXXXIV#2, May, 1954. Reprint.
Huntington Library Quarterly:
Bandini’s Account of Wm Walker’s Invasion of Lower Calif. Vol.VII#2; Feb, 1944. (in envelope)
Instituto Geologico de Mexico publications:
Las Posibilidades Petroliferas en la Costa Occidental de la Baja Calif. Santillan y Barrera. 1930.
Carta Geologica de la Baja California. Teodoro Flores. 1931. Text only. (Spanish).
Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia ( INAH )
Santa Rosalia, Origen e identidad de un Pueblo; 119 Aniversario. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval. 1992.
Sitios Turísticos con interes Histórico en el Municipio de Mulegé. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval. 1992.
Antología de la Arqueología de Baja California. INAH. 1999.
International California Mining Journal: (formerly, “California Mining Journal”)
Nov, 1985: Mines in Northern Baja. Edgar B. Heylmun. P.24.
Nov, 1990: Placer Gold in Southern Baja. Edgar B. Heylmun. P.23.
June, 1992: Santa Clara Placers, Baja. Edgar B. Heylmun. P.39.
April, 1995: Placer Gold in Baja California. Edgar B. Heylmun. P.15.
Nov., 2000 Gold in Northern Baja California. Edgar B. Heylmun. P.44.
International Newsletter on RockArt
The First RockArt Datings in Lower Calif. Fullola, J.M et al; , 1994; 9:1-4 ©
Island Arc
Geology, ore deposits and hydrothermal venting in Bahía Concepción, BCS. Antoni Camprubi et al,. 2008, 17, 6–25 ©
Jan/Feb 1987: Sea of Cortez: Mexico’s Habitat Extraordinaire. Henry Genthe. pp 56-65.
Feb, 1996: Beachcombing the Desert. Alison Deming and George H. Huey. (Espiritu Santo, Partida, & San Francisco) pp 90-101.
Journal of America’s Military Past
Strange Little War: American Foreign Legionaires in Baja Calif, 1911. C.H. Marcoux. Vol.XXVI, #1; 1999 ©
Journal of Arid Environments
Scorpions of desert oases in the southern Baja California Peninsula. M.L. Jimenez, C. Palacios. 74 (2010) 70–74 ©
Journal of Coastal Research:
May, 2006: Sequestration of Carbonate Shell Material in Coastal Dunes on the Gulf of California.
Paul A. Skudder, David Backus, David Goodwin, Markes Johnson.
Jul., 2006, Vol. 22, No. 4: The San Nicolas Formation: A Proto-Gulf Extensional-Related New Lithostratigraphic Unit at
Bahia San Nicolas, B.C.S. Jorge Ledesma-Vázquez, Ana Carreño , Francisca Staines-Urias, and Markes Johnson ©
January 2012: Several articles on BCS Rhodoliths.
Journal of Geology: (Univ of Chicago)
Geologic Reconnaissance in Baja Calif. N.H.Darton. Vol XXIX, #8; Nov, 1921. orig & reprint.
Tectonic Decapitation of a Pliocene Mega-Delta on Isla del Carmen…: And a River Ran Through It. Markes Johnson;
Vol 124, 2016. Reprint.
Journal of Idaho Acadamy of Science
Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976: (green cover)
Central Desert of Baja Calif. Robert D. Bratz.
Cacti of the Central Desert of Baja Cal. Blom & Bratz
Insects as Decomposers in the Central Desert , Baja Ca. D.Ward
Home Range and Diet of (lizard) Uta stansburiana elegans in the Central Desert of Baja Calif. Farley & Clark
Ecological Associations of Scorpions and Yucca Spp in Baja Cal Norte. Frolich & Clark
Myrmecophila (flowering plant) with Notes on the Ant Hosts (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Graves & Clark.
Spotted Corsair (bug) biting Human. Ralston & Clark.
Microscopic Anatomy of the Desert Shrew…. Ostrin & Clark, Vol.46#1, June, 2010.
Journal of Marine Research :
A Further Study of Upwelling and Associated Vegetation Along Pacific Baja Calif Mexico. E.Yale Dawson;
1951, pp39-58 (missing pp51-56).
Journal of Paleontology (The Paleontological Society)
New Crabs from the Eocene of B.C.S…..Fossil Decapods (north of La Paz). Schweitzer et al; Suppl to V76#6, Nov.2002
Journal of San Diego History: (Boxed): See detailed index of articles by Norm Christie in the “Index” section.
Journal of the Southwest
The mining boom in Baja California from 1850 to 1890 and the emergence of Tijuana as a border community. ©
Taylor, Lawrence D. V43, Dec 2001
Journal of Vulcanology
Geochemical Survey of Medium Temperature Geothermal Rseources from Baja Cal. & Sonora. Barragan, et al, 2001. ©pdf
Journal of the West:
Baja California and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Ken M. Johnson. Vol XI, #2; April, 1972. ©
Lapidary Journal: See Cumulative Index #1 (to Baja Rockhounding articles), by Norm Christie
Leaflets in Malacology
V1#19; Dec 1960: Notices of new Eastern Pacific Molusca – IV. S. Stillman Berry.
Look Magazine
8 Sept, 1970: “Baja Experienced”. Paul Fusco.
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History: (in looseleaf binder, “LACMNH”)
See Index #28 “Contributions in Science” and “Terra” articles:
Masterkey; Southwest Museum :
Vol XXI, #4; July, 1947: How to Build a California Adobe (pt 3) M.R.Harrington.
V XXIII, #1; Jan, 1949: A Stirrup Pot from Lower Calif. Geo. W. Brainard.
V XXIII, #3; May, 1949: Fish Traps in Lower California. F.W.Hodge.
V XXIII, #4; July,1949: Borrowed from the Enemy. Words from Spanish & Indian Sources. Lummis.
V XXIV, #1; Jan-Feb, 1950: Bows and Arrows (Pt 1). Clarence Ellsworth (Not specifically Baja)
V XXIV, #2; Mar-Apr, 1950: Bows and Arrows (Pt 2).
Vol 37, #1; Jan-Mar, 1963: A Petroglyph and Dwelling Site in BC. C.E.Rozaire. (orig & xerox)
V 38, #1; Jan-Mar, 1964: Some Coastal Sites in Baja Calif. C.E.Rozaire. (xerox).
V 38, #2; Apr-Jun 1964: California as an Island. Geo.F. Carter.
Vl 41, #2; Apr-Jun, 1967: Pecked Metates of Baja Calif. Ralph C.Michelsen.
V 45, #3; July-Sept 1971: Ancient Man in Baja California. Emma Lou Davis.
V 51, #1; Jan, 1977: Indian Place Names of B.C.S. M.Leon-Portilla.
: A Cartographic Pictograph Site in B.C.S. W.M.Mathes.
V 60, #4; Winter 1987: The Paipai Potters of Baja Calif: A Living Tradition. Michael Wilken.
Southwest Museum Leaflets: #38, 1977: Indian Place Names of Baja Calif Sur. Miguel Leon Portillo, ©
MD :
Flying Samaritans. Feb, 1963.
Mexico West newsletter : (most issues are in binder and are not separately listed here)
Punta Canoas to Santa Rosalillita. Richard “Doc” Schoenen; V5,#5; Dec, 1979.
Rambling around El Rosario. Vic Cook. V6,#1; April, 1980.
Puerto Chale…Give it a Go. Jerry Klink. V6,#3; Aug, 1980.
Beers of Mexico. Tom & Shirley Miller. V7,#3, Aug, 1981.
Jaws III – Almost. Donald Dickson. V7,#4; Oct, 1981.
A New Clinic for Santa Ines. Tom Miller. Approx Nov, 1981.
The Way to El Volcan. (from David Kier’s “Kier’s Baja Calif.Roadguide”, 1974). Nov, 1982.
Malarrimo and Vizcaino Desert. Tom Miller. April, 1985.
The Copper Canyon. Shirley Miller. April, 1985.
Copper Canyon by Auto. Walt Wheelock. June, 1985.
Santiago’s Zoo. Shirley Miller. Feb, 1987.
Baja Moonstones. Cathi Borthwick. May, 1987.
San Borjitas Cave Paintings. Elaine Morrall. June, 1987.
Basket Girls of El Triunfo. Tom Miller. March, 1990.
Cave Paintings of San Borja. Adam Kaye. Sept, 1990.
Guadalupe Canyon Hot Springs. Nov, 1991.
A Trip to Mission San Borja? Brady T.Wood. March, 1991. See also June, 1991 and July, 1992.
Mineralogical Record: See Cumulative Index #1 to Baja Rockhounding articles, by Norm Christie
v29#1; Jan/Feb 1998: Baja California, Mexico; Special Issue.
National Geographic magazine: (in looseleaf binder)
May, 1911: Lower California, Mexico, a Land of Desert and Drought. E.W.Nelson.
Oct, 1919: A Mexican Land of Caanan.
Nov, 1922: Adventuring Down the West Coast of Mexico. Herbert Corey.
July, 1923: A Cruise Among Desert Islands (mainly islands on west coast of Baja).
Sept, 1941: Cruise of the Kinkajou. & Birds and Beasts of Mexico’s Desert Islands.
Aug, 1942: Baja California Wakes Up.
Feb, 1951: Sea Birds of Isla Raza.
July, 1956: Hunting the Heartbeat of a Whale (Scammon’s Lagoon).
Mar, 1971: The California Gray Whale Comes Back.
Oct, 1972: Baja California’s Rugged Outback. & Roughest Roadrace; The Mexican 1000.
Nov, 1980: Baja’s Murals of Mystery.
Dec, 1989: Baja California, Mexico’s Land Apart.
Sept, 1990: Track of Manila Galleons.
April, 2001: Isla San Luis; “Will Baja Blow Its Top?”.
National Geographic Traveler: Nov/Dec 2008: Is Baja on the Block ? pp 136-146.
National Geographic News: Baja California Rock Art Dated to 7,500 Years Ago. John Roach, July, 2003. ©
National Wildlife : bimonthly journal of the National Wildlife Federation.
Dec/Jan 2005: Curious Case of the Cannibal Squid. Michael Tennesen/Brian Skerry. Humboldt Squid in the Sea of Cortez.
Natural History magazine
Nov, 1947; v.LVI #9: Slaughter in Lower California. Lewis W. Walker. US hunters causing extinction of borrego and antelope. © Oct.94: Cardon and the Night Visitors. Theodore H. Fleming.
Jan.95: Attack of the Sea Tiger. (a nudibranch in Sea of Cortez).
Oct, 2011; Vol. 119#9: Mission Fruit. Magnaghi, Russell M. ©
Natural History Museum of L. A. County: (in looseleaf binder, “LACMNH”)
See Index #28 “Contributions in Science” and “Terra” articles:
Natural Resources Journal:
Vol.16, July, 1976: Seabirds in the Gulf of Calif: A Vulnerable International Resource. Anderson, et al.
Vol.448, July, 2007: Variations in styles of Rifting in the Gulf of Calif. Axen, et al X
Noticia de la California (Museo de Historia de Ensenada) (in Spanish) See Cumulative Index #9.
Nautilus: a non-profit journal published by a non-profit organization, The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum. http://www.shellmuseum.org/nautilus.html
Age Relations & Zoogeographic Implications of Late Pleistocene Marine Invertibrate Fossils from Turtle Bay. 1981
Ocean Realm
Tragedy in the Gulf; Shark Fishery in the Sea of Cortez. L.Brown, C.Jaffe. Apr, 1995. (xerox)
Outing magazine:
Hunting sheep and Antelope in Lower California. Vol.XXXIX,#5; February, 1902. ©
Overland Monthly (San Francisco)
Vol. IV, March, 1870: On the Lower California coast. Capt. C.W. Scammon (whalers, mining) ©
Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly; (see index #10 by Norm Christie for descriptions of individual papers)
Pacific Discovery: (California Academy of Sciences) See Cumulative Index #3 for complete list of Baja-related articles.
The Christie collection contains 29 issues; virtually every issue containing Baja references from 1948-1991. In file box
Pacific Flyer
Airborne with the Flying Samaritans. Dec, 1995.
Pacific Historical Review (Univ of Calif Press)
Vol 2, #2, June 1933: Republic of Lower California, 1853-1854. Rufus Kay Wyllys. ©
Vol 14,, #4, Dec 1945. Baja California in the Mexican War, 1846-48. Peter Gerhard. ©
Vol XX, #1, Feb 1951. Mexican Colonization versus American Interests in Lower Calif. E.K.Chamberlin.
Reprint by San Diego Historical Society.
Vol XXII, #2, May, 1953: Gabriel Gonzalez, Last Dominican in Baja Calif. Peter Gerhard ©
Vol XXIV, #4, Nov.1955: The Japanese Scare at Magdalena Bay. Eugene K. Chamberlin. Reprint. ©
Vol XXXII, #1, Feb.1963: Nicholas Trist and Baja California. Eugene K. Chamberlin. (reprint)
PALAIOS: (Bi-monthly journal of the Society of Sedimentary Geology)
V.29, 460-466, 2014: Stromatolitic Mats From an Uplifted Pleistocene Lagoon at Punta Chivato on the Gulf of California.
D.H.Backus & M.E. Johnson.
Pan-Pacific Entomologist:
Contents of a Nest of Desert Ant (Pheidole Grallipes) in Baja. Wm H. Clark et al. in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, V.62#2. Apr. 1986.
Late Holocene Sonoran Desert Arthropod Remains from a Packrat Midden, Catavina, BC. Clark & Sankey; Oct 1999.
Prolixocupes lobiceps on Baja Pen: First record of Archostemata (Coleoptera) and Cupedidae. Kavanaugh & Clark, V.88#4, 2012
Popular Science:
Quest for the Boojum. Stuart F. Brown. July, 1995. HMMWV (Humvee) traverse of Baja.
Powerboat Quarterly:
We Conquered Baja by Outboard. Farney & Foglino. Winter, 1959. Humor and Adventure circumnavigating Baja in a 17’boat.
Rock and Gem: (805) 644-3824, x10. See Cumulative #1, “Rockhound Magazine” Index by Norm Christie.
Rock Art Papers: See Index #30.
San Diego Magazine:
The Exploration of Baja California. James R. Moriarty . Pt 1: Dec, 1968, Pt 2:Jan 1969. Reprint.
San Diego Society of Natural History; See separate Cumulative Index #5, Transactions, Occasional Papers and Memoirs.
The Christie collection contains about 80 of these reprints; virtually all that relate to Baja California. (Stored in blue file box )
San Felipe Magazine (successor to “Gateway” magazine):
October, 1991. Sold to Wm clark, July, 2014
Science (American Assn for the advancement of Science):
V 153 #3742, 16 Sept 1966: Fossil Mammals from BC; New Evidence of Early Tertiary Migrations. W.J.Morris. ©
V 155 #3769, 24 March 1967: Baja Calif: Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs. W.J.Morris. ©
Science News
A Fossil Bonanza in the Baja. 19 Oct, 1974 ©
Sedimentary Geology
Beach sands from Baja California Peninsula. Arturo Carranza-Edwards, et al. 119 (1998) 263–274 ©
Sea of Cortez Review: (annual anthology of writing inspired by Baja) #2, 1999; #3, 2000;
Smithsonian Institution:
Annual Report, 1863-64. Includes “An Account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the California Peninsula” part 1 of 2,
Translated and prefaced by Charles Rau from Jacob Baegert. (original leather-bound)
An Account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the California Peninsula, part 2 of 2, Translated by Charles Rau from Jacob Baegert.
copied from Smithsonian Annual Report for 1865. (Xerox copy of Parts 1 and 2 bound in green report folder) ©
Catalog of a Collection of Birds from Southernmost Lower Calif. L. Belding, in Proceedings, Vol.5, 1882. (extract)
The Onyx Marbles. George Merrill. Annual Report for 1893. pp.539-585. Published 1895.
Plant Records of an Expedition to Lower Calif. E.A.Goldman in U.S.Natl Herbarium V16#14. 1916.
Fossil Decapod Crustaceans from Mexico. M.J.Rathbun. Smithsonian #2851; V78,Art 8. 1930.
Biological Investigations in Mexico.Edward A.Goldman in Misc Collections Vol 115. 1951.
Smithsonian Magazine:
Fickle Desert Blooms. Diana Kappel-Smith. March, 1995.
In the Company of Cannibals that Sting…and Glow(Scorpions). John F. Ross, April, 1996.
Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology
Chronology, Context & Select Rock Art Sites in Central Baja Calif. Ritter, et al; Volume 25 (2011). Dating. ©
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Minerologists ( S.E.P.M.):(see individual indexes)
Pacific Coast Geology of Northern Baja Calif and Adjacent Alta Calif. AAPG/SEPM/SEG. 1970.
For list of road logs, maps and 20 papers, see Index #15.
Geology of Peninsular California. AAPG, SEPM, SEG, edited by G. Gastil and J. Lillegraven; 1974. Index #22.
Geologic Studies in Baja Calif. SEPM, 1989. Edited by Pat Abbott. See Index #19 for titles of papers..
Geology of the Baja Calif Peninsula. Virgil Frizzell, editor. SEPM. 1984. See index #17 for list of 23 papers.
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
Vol 76, #2; Aug 1977: Reconnaissance Geology of Cedros Island, Baja Calif. Frank H. .Kilmer . pp 91-98 Reprint.
Bulletin , Southern Calif. Academy of Sciences (at L.A. County Museum of Natural History)
Mass Mortality of the Reef Coral Pocillopora on the South Coast of B.C.S. V89#1, 1990. ©
Southwest Museum: see Masterkey :
Southwest Aviation Report:
Scammon’s Lagoon (Flying) David L. McKenzie & Gloria Johnson. March, 1995.
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology :
Tribes and Languages of Baja Calif. Wm C. Massey. Vol 5, #2; Summer, 1949.
Southwestern Naturalist
Herpetofauna associated with Palm Oases….Northern Baja. H.H. Welch, Jr, et al. Vol.55#4, Dec, 2010
Late Holocene Plants, Cataviña, Baja Calif. Julia T. Sankey, et al. Vol.46#1, March, 2001.
Observations of Ants……Barrel Cactus in Baja Calif. Blom & Clark. Vol.25#2, May, 1980 (reprint)
Sunset magazine :
The Story of Magdalena Bay. Arthur W.North, in Sunset Magazine, V.XX, #5, 1908. ©
Loreto – below the border discovery. November, 1952 (Pacific Monthly) ©
Jojoba is a Desert Toughie. together with “the Supreme Bean”; New West magazine, June, 1978.
Eye to Eye with Orca in the Sea of Cortez. Mathew Jaffe, March, 1993.
Systematic Zoology: ( for titles of specific papers, see N.K.C. Index #25, available free by internet. )
Symposium, 1960: The Biogeography of B.C. and Adjacent Seas, Part I, Geologic History. Part II, Marine Biotas. Part III, Terrestrial and Fresh-water Biotas.
Tebiwa (Idaho State University Museum periodical)
Aboriginal Containers of Baja Calif, Mexico: A Search for Origins. v 13,#2, 1971. pp41. Donald Tuohy. xerox copy in folder.
Adventuring into Baja California. M. E. Edwards. Vol XXXIII, June, 1919. pages 5-11, 44. great photos. Copy. ©
Travel Holiday:
Shell Game. Neal Matthews; March, 1997. (Sea Shelling, La Paz to Bahia Concepcion)
Treasure World magazine:
Missing – 5,000,000 Pesos. Aaron St. Thomas in Treasure World; Oct/Nov 1973. ( BCS ) ©
True Treasure :
Lost Gold Mine of the Padres. Edwards Hay. Vol 8,#4, March-April 1974. (Sonora)
University of California Publications:
Lower California Studies: I. Site and Culture at San Fernando de Velicata. Sauer& Meigs; Geography Vol.2,#9; Sept.1927.
II. The Russian Colony of Guadalupe Valley. Oscar Schmieder; Geography Vol.2#14; Oct 10, 1928. (both of above are xerox copies, missing plates.)
Notes on the Akwa’ala Indians of Lower California. E.W.Gifford & R.H.Lowie. Berkeley; 1928.
The Cocopa. UCPub in American Arch & Ethn, V31,#5. E.W.Gifford. 1933.
Aboriginal Population of Northwestern Mexico. Carl Sauer; UC Press, 1935.
The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs. 1935. (hardbound)
The Kiliwa Indians of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs III, U.C.Press, Ibero-Americana #15. 1939.
Pontinus Vaughani; a New Scorpaenid Fish from Baja Calif. Barnhart & Hubbs. Scripps V5#5,1946.
The Trout of the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Lower Calif. John O. Snyder. UC Pubs in Zoology V21,#17. 1926.
The “Lost” Mission of Baja Calif. Peter Gerhard. Reprinted from Western Folklore Vol XVII, #2 (U.Cal Press) April, 1958.
The Castaldi Collection from Central and Southern Baja Calif. Wm C. Massey. in Contributions
of the U.C. Archaeological Research Facility, #2, Mar, 1966.
Mountain Tribes of Northern Baja Calif. Wm D. Hohenthal. Thesis, UC Berkeley, 1951.
Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Revista :
Bioestratigrafia Basada en Radiolarios del Triasico en el Noroeste de la Peninsula de Vizcaino, BCS.
V.M.Davila-Alcocer y E.A.Pessagno. Vol 6, #2; 1986.
Reconocimiento Geologico de las Islas Espiritu Santo y La Partida, BCS. J.J.Aranda-Gomez y J.A.Perez-Venzor. Vol 6, #2, 1986.
The El Cien Formation, Strata of Oligocene and Early Miocene Age in BCS. S. Applegate. V 6,#2, 1986.
University of Michigan: Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology
Reptilian Fauna of Sand Dune Areas of the Vizcaino Desert and of NW Lower Calif. Walter Mosauer, 1936. #329. (2)
University of Utah: Anthropological Papers:
Cochimi and Proto-Yuman: Lexical and Syntactic Evidence for a New Language Family in Lower Calif.
Mauricio J. Mixco. #101; 1978.
U.S. Dept of Agriculture; Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium:
Vol.1 #5, Sept, 1892: List of Plants Collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in 1890 on Carmen Island. J.N.Rose.
U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S) publications : Orders: (888)275-8747; http://usgs-georef.cos.com/
USGS computer search for its Baja references. Sept, 1991.
Geology And Mineral Resources Of The Loreto-San Javier Area of Northern Baja California Sur, Mexico-Results of
Reconnaissance Field Mapping. Hugh Mclean. Excerpted from: USGS Circular 1103-A, 1994. (Word doc)
Geology and Neogene History of the Pacific Continental Margin of Baja Calif Sur. W.R.Normark et al,
from: Geol & Resource Potential of the Cont Marg of West North America & Adjacent Ocean Basins. USGS, 1987.
Magmatic Evolution of the Gulf of California Rift. Michael Sawlan, USGS. (xerox copy)
Nonfuel Mineral Resources in the US-Mexico Border Region (includes Baja Norte). USGS Cir#1098, 1993.
U.S. Geological survey (U.S.G.S.) Bulletins :
Geology of West-Central Baja Calif Sur. H.McKean et al, USGS Bull 1579. West of Mulegé. Includes good map.
Manganese Deposits of Mexico (Baja part only) Bull. 954-F, Parker Trask & Jose Rodriguez C. 1948. ©
U. S. National Museum: See “Smithsonian”.
Veliger (a quarterly of the California Malacozoology Society)
V 5 #1, July, 1962: Checklist of Mollusks for Puertocitos, Baja Calif. Helen DuShane. reprint .
V 9 #3, Jan. 1967: West American Species of Lucapinella. (limpet) James H. McLean. Reprint.
V10 #3, Jan. 1968: A Checklist of Intertidal Mollusks for Bahia Willard and the SW Portion of Bahia San Luis Gonzaga, Baja
Calif, Mex. Helen DuShane and Gale Sphon. Reprint.
V17 #4, April, 1975: The Genus Seila in the Eastern Pacific (Mollusca : Gastropoda.). Helen DuShane & Bertram Draper.
Vogue (inc Vanity Fair)
Adventure in Lower California. J. B. Clark. Nov.1, 1956. (xZCXerox copy) re: Mission San Borja.
Westerners (Brand Books): (See :Brand Book” index, #13)
Western Folklore
The “Lost Mission” of Baja California. Peter Gerhard, in Vol.XVII, #2, April, 1958. Reprint.
Western Gazette magazine :
Malarrimo Beach, Beachcombers Paradise. Mike McMahan; Western Gazette, 1974. ©
Western Outdoor News:
Gulf Gold. Ray Cannon. Feb, 1960. Bahia Gonzaga – midriff.
Western Treasures magazine :
Baja Beachcombing. Mike McMahan,Frank Alvarado, Ray Haller. Feb/Mar, 1964.
Westways (Auto Club of Southern Calif) magazine :
As the Guayule Ball Bounces (synthetic rubber plant). Irvin Ashkenazy. Sept 1977?
From Russia to Baja. Karen Kenyon; Westways, Jan.1989.
“Built on Faith” (Baja’s surviving missions). Leland Foerster. Dec, 1996.
Zoological Society of San Diego; Bulletins:
#11, 1934. Annotated List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Southern Border of Calif. L.M.Klauber.
Misc. Articles, original source unknown: Revised: 13 Dec, 1999.
(If any reader can identify the source or these articles, please inform Norm Christie)
Evolution of Late Cenozoic Basaltic Magmatism in Salton Trough. D.Jacobs(Unocal) & C.Herzig, UCRiverside.
Malarrimo Report. Furtado, 1975.
Publications relating to Baja California in the Library of Norman K. Christie
Biography; (In Progress)
Birds; ornithology
Coins; paper money, numismatics
Cruising and Flying Books and Guides
Boats, Cruising, Harbors, Sailing, Shipwrecks
Flying, Airstrips, Regulations
Diving; Scuba, Snorkeling, Dive Sites
Exploration, Travel, Trip Reports; Under construction
Fauna; Animals, Insects, Land Mammals, Reptiles
Fish; Fishing, Marine Invertibrates, Marine Mammals
Flora; Plants, Agriculture
Geography: Towns, Islands, areas, Travel narratives (in Progress)
Geology; Caves, Hot Springs and Geothermal, Minerals, Mining
History; (In progress)
Indians; Archaeology, Artifacts, Cave Painting, Early Man, Ethnology, Rock Art
Land, Real Estate, Promotions
Missions; Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Diaries
Natural History (General, Non-Specific to flora, fauna, geology etc. (in progress)
Paleontology; Fossils, Dinosaurs
Spanish Language.
Towns and Districts
Treasure; Beachcombing, Pirates, Shipwrecks, Treasure Hunting
X = copy, Xerox, download
© = Scanned into computer
Page revised: 26 Dec, 2010
BIBLIOGRAPHIES: Revised: 22 March, 2009
Baja Calif (Bibliography) 1535-1956 (1957) and Vol II 1535-1964 (1967). Ellen C. Barrett.
Baja California Bibliography, 1965-66, a supplement by Katharine M.Silvera. 1968.
Baja California Islands Flora & Vertebrate Fauna Bibliography. Mary F. Compana. 1997. (on internet)
Baja California; 1533 – 1950 – A Biblio-History. Don Meadows. 1951.
Bibliografia de Baja Calif (Primer Tomo). Ing. P. Trujillo G., 1967.
Bibliografia Entomologica de Baja Calif. Ing P. Trujillo G. 1967.
Books and Papers Relating to Baja Calif Donated to the Sherman Library by Joseph Szep in 1992.
California Academy of Sciences; list of publications pertaining to Baja Calif. Norm Christie, 2000. ©
Dawson’s Bookshop Catalogue 522: Baja California. Nov, 1993.
Geology of Baja California; a Bibliography of holdings in the Love Library, CSU-SD. John Ambriano. Fall, 1972.
Geology of Baja California: a Bibliography. Mary E.Harris, San Diego St. U., Revised, 1991.
List of papers presented in the 31 Baja California Symposia, 1963 – 1993. Norman K. Christie, 1999. ©
San Diego Society of Natural History; list of publications relating to Baja Calif. Norm Christie, 2000. ©
Baja Books in the Library of Norman K. Christie: constantly revised. ©
BIOGRAPHY: ( ): Under Construction; Revised: 16 May, 2008
Los Afanes de un historiador; Homenaje a David Pinera Ramirez. Aide Grijalva, UABC. 1999.
Alfonsina – A Baja Legend. Maureen & Danny Motola. 2003. Biography, and Bahia Gonzaga.
Anita – The El Rosario Legend. Marton Barron E. 2002. Bi-lingual. Autographed (Dona Ana Gross-Espinosa)
Dawson’s Bookstore: Baja California Travel Series: Index to the first 50 volumes. 1991. Dawson’s #50.
Delfina Cuero. Florence C. Shipek.1991.
Diary of James D. Hawkes (Baja, Aug-Oct, 1849). from Quarterly of Society of Calif Pioneers; V6#2, 1929.
Expediciones del Coronel Esteban Cantu al Puerto de San Felipe. Dr. Ernesto Sosa Rocha. Great photos.
Guia Familiar de Baja California (Vital Statistics of Baja) Pablo L. Martinez (autographed), 1965. Bilingual Genealogy of Baja.
Homenaje a Bill Hendricks y La Asociacion Cultural de las Californias. 1992.
Loreto, Baja California; First Mission and Capital of Spanish Calif. Ann & Don O’Neil. 2001. autographed.
Details the Families of Loreto
Antonio Melendrez, Nemesis of William Walker in Baja Calif. J.M.Clark. Quarterly of Calif historical soc, vol XII #4, Dec, 1933
Memories of Mexico (Baja). Thomas Robertson, Mike Wilken Robertson, Rae Wilken. 1984. Family stories.
Capt. Francisco Munoz (Air Baja pilot). Obit, in Discover Baja, page 12, Spring 2006.
Nicholas Trist and Baja California. Eugene K. Chamberlin. Pacific Historical Review, Vol XXXII,#1, Feb.1963: (reprint)
Obras Californianas del Padre Miguel Venegas, S.J. Supplement. W. Michael Mathes; UABCS, 1978
Paisaje Urbano y Personajes en Baja Calif Sur. Elizabeth Acosta Mendia. 2005. Mini-bios of BCS people. (sp)
Zapata. John Steinbeck. 1975/1993
BIRDS: (Ornithology): Revised: 12 July, 2017
ABA Field List of the Birds of Baja Calif. Kurt Radamaker. 1992.
Baja Bird Checklist 2013 – BCP NAB .pdf ©
Baja Quail. Gary Kramer in Baja Life magazine, Vol 1#3, p50. 1995.
Biological Investigations in Mexico. Ed.A.Goldman. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115. Describes biological expedition of
Edward Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6). Great!
Birding in Baja California Sur. Kaia Thomson / Janice Kinne. 2014.
Birds Collected in Lower California. Charles H. Townsend. Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vXLVIII, art I, March, 1923.
Birds of Baja-101. John Spencer. 2008
Birds of the Baja Calif Peninsula: Status, Distribution, Taxonomy. Erickson & Howell, eds, ABA monograph #3. 2001.
Birds of the Cape Region of Lower Calif. Wm Brewster, Bull of Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Harvard College, Vol XLI, #1, Sept. 1902.
The Birds of ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.) Field Guide [Las Aves de ESSA]. 2000. Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to
The birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.
Birds of Sonora and the Sea of Cortez (includes Copper Canyon). Checklist by C. Taylor. 1986.
Proceedings of the Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol II, 1889 (soft-bound book):
New Birds from Lower Calif. Alfred W. Anthony.
Descriptions of Nests & Eggs….Geothlypis beldingi. Walter E. Bryant.
General Ornithological Notes. Edited by Walter E. Bryant
California Quail. Calkins, Hagelin, Lott; Birds of North America #473. 1999. reprint.
Catalog of Birds Collected by W.W.Brown, Jr, in Middle Lower California. J.E.Thayer & O.Bangs. Condor v. IX#5: Reprint.
A Catalogue of Birds of Lower California. Walter E. Bryant.
Catalog of a Collection of Birds from Southernmost Lower Calif. L. Belding, in Proceedings of US Nat’l Museum, Vol.5, 1882.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico. 2nd ed. Ernest P. Edwards. 1989.
Field Guide to North American Birds: Western Region. Audubon Society. 1977.
For the Birds. Becky Aparicio & Gary Kramer in Baja Life magazine, Vol 1#3, p28. 1995.
Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.
Mexican Birds. (Peterson Field Guide #20) Roger T. Peterson and Ed L. Chalif. 1973.
Mexico Birds. Kavanagh & Leung. 2009. Plasticised accordion-fold field guide. Waterford Press.
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortes. Bryan Gates. 1993.
Ornithology of Lower Calif. Joseph Grinnel. UC Pubs in Zoology, vol 32#1. 1928. Distributional Summation. hardbound.
Osprey – the Fish Hawk. Lynn Mitchell, in Discover Baja; July, 1992.
Ospreys In Baja. Gustavo D. Danemann in Discover Baja newsletter; Sept-Oct, 1996.
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 1998
Seabirds in the Gulf of Calif: A Vulnerable International Resource. Anderson, et al. Natural Resources Journal; V.16, July, 1976 Sea Birds of Isla Raza. National Geographic; Feb, 1951.
Sierra de la Laguna de Baja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish).
Western Birds. Audubon Handbook. John Farrand, Jr. 1988.
COINS: (Paper Money, Numismatics) Revised: 26 Feb, 2001
The Coins of the Republic of Mexico 1823-1905 and the Empire of Maximilian. Dr. G.W.Vogt.1976.
Paper Money of Mexico. Xeroxed from: Catalog of World Paper Money, 6th ed, v2 (1990), and v3.
CRUISING GUIDES, FLYING: (Sailing, Harbors, Airstrips): Revised: 20 March, 2007
Baja Boater’s Guide; Volume II – Sea of Cortez. Jack Williams. 1988.
Baja Cruising Guide. Terry Harper. 1981.
Baja Cruising Notes; Pacific Coast and Sea of Cortez. Vern Jones. 1972.
Baja Journey; Reveries of a Sea Kayaker. Robin Carey. 1989.
Baja Sea Guide (“Vol II”), Lewis & Ebeling. 1971. A detailed mariners’ guide with good maps/photos.
Beachcombing the Desert. A.Deming and G.Huey. (Espiritu Santo, Partida, & San Francisco). Islands mag; Feb, 1996, pp 90-101.
Los Coronados Islands. Helen Ellsberg. 1970
The Cruise of the Cow. Max Miller. 1st ed; 1951.
Cruising Guide to the Middle Gulf, Sea of Cortez. Gerry Cunningham. 1994.
Cruising the Pacific Coast; Mexico to Alaska. Carolyn and Jack West. 1970.
Cruising the Sea of Cortez. Spencer Murray; 1st ed 1963, & 2nd revised ed 1967.
Explorers of the Baja and California Coasts. Edited by Dr. J.A. Moriarity, Cabrillo Historical Assn. 1978.
The Flight of the Least Petrel. Griffing Bancroft, 1932.
Forgotten Waters. Randolph Leigh, 1941.
Geographic & Hydrographic Descriptions….Kingdom of Calif. Nicolas de Cardona, 1634.
Trans by Mathes. Dawsons#35. el Golfo de California, Mar Nacional. Maria Luisa Garza. 1976.
In Mexican Waters. George H. Banning; 1925.
Island Biogeography in the Sea of Cortez. edit by Ted Case, Martin Cody. 1983
Islas del Golfo de California. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1988.
Journal of the Ocean Bird (Scammon’s notes). David A. Henderson. 1970. Dawson’s # 21.
The Journey of the Flame. Antonia de Fierro Blanco. Translated 1933.
“ “ “ “ “ . Walter Nordhoff (same as above, 1955 ed)
Kayaking the Vermilion Sea; 800 Miles Down the Baja. Jonathan Waterman. 1995.
Keep it Moving (Baja by Canoe). Valerie Fons. 1986.
The Log from the Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck, 1951 &1971 paperback ed).
National Geographic Magazine: (in looseleaf binder)
Nov, 1922: Adventuring Down the West Coast of Mexico. Herbert Corey.
July, 1923: A Cruise Among Desert Islands (mainly islands on west coast of Baja).
Sept, 1941: Cruise of the Kinkajou. & Birds and Beasts of Mexico’s Desert Islands.
Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortes. Bryan Gates. 1993.
Naval Sketches of the War in California. Wm H.Meyers(1846-47). Text by D.W.Knox & F.D.R.,1939.
Paradise to Leeward. Wesley A. Bush. 1954. signed by L. Burr Belden.
Sailing Directions for the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. U.S.Navy Dept. 1937.
Sea Guide, Volume II: Baja California: see “Baja Sea Guide”.
Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck and E. F. Ricketts. 1941/1989.
The Sea of Cortez. Ray Cannon, 1966.
Sea of Cortez Cruising Guide; Vol 2 “Middle Gulf”. Gerry Cunningham. 2003.
Sea of Cortez Guide. Dix Brow. 1982/87.
Sea of Cortez: Mexico’s Habitat Extraordinaire. Henry Genthe. Islands Magazine: Jan/Feb 1987 pp 56-65.
Shipwrecks (of Baja). Steve Robertson in Private Pilot; June, 1997. Beach landing strips.
We Conquered Baja by Outboard. Farney & Foglino. Powerboat Quarterly, Winter, 1959.
Humor and Adventure circumnavigating Baja in a 17’ outboard boat. Bound Xerox.
Wind . Water . Sun. A Solo Kayak Journey Along Baja’s Desert Coastline. Ed Darack. (Autographed). 1998.
Zaca Venture. Wm Beebe. 1938. (cruise around Baja peninsula).
1940 Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California. (G.S.A. Memoir 43). 1950.
DICTIONARIES; Revised: 26 June, 2005
Bilingual Dictionary of Mexican Spanish. Bernard H. Hamel. 1996.
Cliffs Quick Review, Spanish II. 2003.
Desert Life / Vida Desértica; A Vocabulary. 1998. Eng/Span Dictionary of Flora, Fauna, Geology, measurement, etc. #
Food and Drink Terms in Mexican Spanish. Norm Christie. Updated regularly. 4-pages. (Free by Email)
Geology Terms in English and Spanish. Henry Aurand. 1999. (emphasizes Mexican Spanish)
Inglés para Latinos. Segundo Nivel. Wm Harvey, Barron’s. 1999.
Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish. Margarita Madrigal, illustrated by Andy Warhol. 1989
Mexican Slang, plus Graffiti. M.F.Joanes-Reid, C.Lopez, L. Robinson. 2000.
Mexican Spanish. Rough Guide. 1999.
Mexican Spanish. Lonely Planet. 2003.
Spanish for Gringos. Wm C. Harvey. 2nd ed, 1999.#
Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel. (a pocket guide) Baja Books, 1988.
Terms Used in Geophysical Exploration; English – to – Spanish Glossary. R.L.Sheriff, SSC. 1973.
Wordsworth English-Spanish, Spanish-English Dictionary. 1991/96.
World Food: Mexico. Includes culinary Eng-Sp, Sp-Eng dictionary. Bruce Geddes. 2000
DIVING: (SCUBA, Snorkeling, dive sites, wrecks): (See Looseleaf for magazine articles): Revised: 26 Mar, 2010
Another Activity for Divers. Jeff Meyer & Olivia Herald in Pacific Discovery, Sep/Oct 1971.
Re collecting aquarium specimens near La Paz, BCS.
Baja Calif Diver’s Guide. Michael & Lauren Farley, 1984.
Diving Land’s End and Beyond. Stuart Westmorland in Discover Diving, April, 1995. Cabo area.
Diving & Snorkeling Baja California. Walt Peterson / Lonely Planet. 1999.
Diving Mexico’s Baja Calif. Michael & Lauren Farley, 1978.
The Fall of the Sea of Cortez. Discover Diving, Dec, 1994.
La Paz, Mexico. Lynn Laymon. Dive Training magazine, May, 1997.
Sea Lion Pups of Isla Los Islotes . Al Bruton in Discover Diving, Dec, 1995.
The Sea of Cortez is Alive, But Needs Our Help. Eric Hanauer in Discover Diving, April, 1995.
Stalking the Elusive White Seabass (speargun). Terry Maas, in Calif Diving News, Nov95-Jan96
Exploration, Travel, Trip Reports; Under construction Rev: 18 Oct, 2011
Adventuring into Baja California. M. E. Edwards. Travel mag, Vol XXXIII, June, 1919. pages 5-11, 44. great photos. X. ©
FAUNA: (Animals, Insects, Land Mammals, Reptiles): Revised: 29 July, 2014
Amphibians and Reptiles from Lower California. Jean M. Linsdale; Univ Calif Publications in Zoology v38#6, 1932.
Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California. Ron H. McPeak. 2000.
Amphibians and Reptiles of Lower Calif and the Neighboring Islands. Karl P. Schmidt. 1922. Results from the `Albatross’
Expedition, 1911, led by C. H. Townsend. Am. Museum of Nat. Hist Bulletin, Vol.XLVI, art.XI, pp.607-707. Reprint.
Animals of the Southwest Deserts. George Olin. 1954.
Annotated List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Southern Border of Calif. L. Klauber
in Bulletin#11, Zoological Society of San Diego; 1934 .
Baja Bighorns. Gary Kramer in Baja Life, Vol 1#2, p32. 1994.
Bighorn Hunters Bring Hope to Baja People and Wildlife. Sacramento Bee; 5 July, 1999.
Biological Investigations in Mexico. Ed.A.Goldman. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115. Describes
Biological expedition of Edward Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6).Great!
Butterflies of Baja Calif. John Brown, Herman Real, & David Faulkner. 1992. (2 copies).
California’s Desert Lizards. Sherburn R. Sanburn. Outdoor California, Mar.1994.
Coastal Horned Lizard. Dr. Hans Bertsch. Discover Baja, Fall, 2001.
Contents of a Nest of Desert Ant (Pheidole Grallipes) in Baja. Wm H. Clark et al. in Pan-Pacific Entomologist, V.62#2. Apr. 1986.
Contributions Toward a Knowledge of the Insect Fauna of Lower Calif: 1942 (Proc Calif Academy of Sciences):
#1 INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNT. A.E.Michelbacher & E.S.Ross. Vol XXIV, #1
#5 SYMPHYLA. A.E.Michelbacher. Vol XXIV, #5.
#6 DIPTERA: CULICIDAE. Thomas H.G.Aitken. Vol XXIV, #6
Desert Bulldozer (Badger). K.L.Boynton, in Desert Magazine, Dec, 1971, p30.
Diagnoses of Twenty-three New Species and a New Genus of Lizards from Lower California.
M. C. Dickerson. Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vXLI, art X, Oct, 1919.
Dragonflies….. (magazine article: Smithsonian or Natural History ? ) Richard Conniff; 1996.
Ecogeographic Analysis of the Herpetofauna of the Sierra San Pedro Martir Region, Baja Calif.
Hartwell H. Walsh, Jr; Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol 46, #1; December, 1988.
Ecological Assns of Scorpions and Yucca Spp in Baja Norte. Frolich & Clark, in Jour of Idaho Acad of Science, V.12#2, Dec, 1976
Green Iguanas and other Iguanids. John Coborn. 1994. Taxonomy, Care, feeding, ID, etc.
A Guide to Mexican Animals. N. Pelham Wright. 1965.
A Guide to the Desert and Sea of Baja California. Greg Meyer. 1992. (Bay of L.A.)paperback.
He Fights With His Tail (Scorpions). Richard Cassell. Desert magazine, May, 1948, p13.
Herpetofauna associated with Palm Oases….Northern Baja. H.H. Welch, Jr, et al. Southwestern Naturalist, Vol.55#4, Dec, 2010
Herpetology of Lower California, collected papers. John Van Denburgh, Soc for Study of Amphib and Reptiles. 1978.
Home Range and Diet of (lizard) Uta stansburiana elegans in the Central Desert of Baja Calif.
Farley & Clark, in Jour of Idaho Acad of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
Hunting sheep and Antelope in Lower California. “Outing” magazine, Vol.XXXIX,#5; February, 1902. ©
Insects of Baja. A collection of scientific papers provided mainly by Wm Clark. Largely coleoptera & hymenoptera. Blue binder.
Insects as Decomposers in the Central Desert , Baja Ca. D.Ward , in Jour of Idaho Acad of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
In the Company of Cannibals that Sting…and Glow (Scorpions). J.F.Ross, Smithsonian, Apr,1996
Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.
Island Biogeography in the Sea of Cortez. edit by Ted Case, Martin Cody. 1983
Jewels in Flight; Butterflies of Baja. Alex Kerstitch in Baja Life, issue#6, p34. 1997
King of Baja’s Crags (Borrego; desert bighorn sheep). Baja Sun (Newspaper):Sept, 1992.
Land Mollusca of Baja Calif, Mexico. A.G.Smith, W.B.Miller, C.C.Christensen, & B.Roth.
Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol 47, #4; October, 1990.
List of Insects Collected in Lower California. John A. Grossbeck. Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vXXXI, art XXIV, September, 1912.
Mammals Collected by the ‘Albatross’ Expedition in Lower Calif in 1911, With Descriptions of New Species.
Charles H. Townsend. Bull. Of Am Museum of Nalt History; Vol XXXI, 1912; Article XIII: p.117.
Mammals of the SW US and NW Mexico. E. Lendell Cockrum & Yar Petryszyn.
Microscopic Anatomy of the Desert Shrew…. Ostrin & Clark, Journal of Idaho Acad of Sciences, Vol.46#1, June, 2010.
Myrmecophila (flowering plant) with Notes on the Ant Hosts (Hymenoptera Formicidae).
Graves & Clark in Idaho Acad of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
A Natural History Guide to Baja California. Kathleen J. Dickey. 1983.
Natural History Guide to the Pacific Coast and North Central Baja and Adjacent Islands. Dennis Bostic, 1975.
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
Natural History Museum of L.A.County: see list of publications under”Journals, magazines, etc”
The Northern Elephant Seal. C. H. Townsend. Reprinted from “Zoologica”, v1 #8, April, 1912,
in “USS Albatross in Lower Californian Seas”., Am Mus Nat Hist
Notes on Reptiles and Amphibians from the Pacific Coastal Islands of Baja Calif. AmMusNatlHistory Novitate# 1895.
Richard Zweifel. 1958. Results of Puritan-AmMusNatlHistory Expedition to Western Mexico #2.
Observations of Ants……Barrel Cactus in Baja Calif. Blom & Clark, in Southwestern Naturalist, Vol.25#2, May, 1980 (reprint)
Polychaetous Annelids (Segmented Worm) from Lower California, with New Species. Aaron L. Treadwell.
Am Mus Nat Hist: Novitate #74, May 1923.
Prolixocupes lobiceps on Baja Pen: First record of Archostemata (Coleoptera) and Cupedidae. Kavanaugh & Clark, in
Pan-Pacific Entomologist, V.88#4, 2012
Provisional Descriptions of Supposed New Mammals from Calif & Lower Calif.
Walt E. Bryant in (Natl History) Proceedings of the Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol II, 1889
Reptiles and Amphibians of North America. Alan Leviton. undated, but 1975 or earlier.
Reptilian Fauna of Sand Dune Areas of the Vizcaino Desert, and of NW Lower Calif. Walter Mosauer,
Univ of Michigan Museum of Zoology Occasional Paper #329, March, 1936.
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 1998
San Diego Soc of Natural History; Memoirs, Transactions and Occasional Papers: see Christie’s separate index #5 of 80 papers.
: (quarterly journal of The Herpetologists’ League)
San Felipe Road – Snake Hunter’s Disappointment. Joseph R. Slevin. Herpetologica, Vol. 7, 1951. ©
Scorpions – Desert Dwellers from the Sea. K.L.Boynton. Desert Magazine; July, 1969. © (D)
Scorpions. Dr. Herbert L. Stahnke, Arizona State Univ. Revised ed 1959.
Scorpion Man; Exploring the World of Scorpions. Gary Polis, L. Pringle. 1994. (50% Baja)
Scorpions of Baja Calif. Occasional Paper #135; Calif Academy of Sciences. Williams. 1980.
Scorpions of desert oases in the southern Baja California Peninsula. M.L. Jimenez, C. Palacios. J. of Arid Env,74 (2010) 70–74 ©
Sea Turtles in Baja Calif Waters (Gulf of Calif), and Description of a New Subspecies of Northeastern Pacific Green Turtle;
David K. Caldwell, in Contributions in Science (Natural History Museum of L.A. County), #61, Dec. 7, 1962.
Sierra de la Laguna de Bja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish).
Slaughter in Lower California. L.W.Walker in Natural History; Nov, 1947. US hunters causing extinction of borrego & antelope. ©
Spider Island. in Dolphin Log, Jan, 1996.
Spotted Corsair (bug) biting Human. Ralston & Clark, in Idaho Acad of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
Staphylinidae of Marine Mud Flats of So.Calif and NW Baja Calif(Coleoptera). SanDiego Soc of Nat History; V13, #12; 1964.
Tarantula. Liam H. Davis in Outdoor California. March-April, 1996
Las Tortugas Marinas en el Golfo de Calif. Antonio Resendiz Sanchez (Bay of LA). from Baja Symposium XXIII, 1985.
Western Reptiles and Amphibians. Peterson Field Guide. Robert C. Stebbins. 1985.
Wildlife of Mexico (Mammals & Game birds). A.S.Leopold. UCPress 1959/72. Has Skull details.
FICTION: Revised: 16 Dec, 2012
Air & Fire. Rupert Thomson. 1994. Fiction set in Santa Rosalia, BCS.
Back from Bahia de los Muertos. Jane S. Fredricks. 1972.
Baja. Jack Jones. 1982.
Baja Haha. Fred Hoctor. 1984
Best Stories of Baja; Coyotes, Cactus, Mosquitos and Mud. Larry Stanton. 1998.
The Black Pearl. Scot O’Dell. 1967.
Enchiladas, Rice, and Beans. Daniel Reveles. 1994.
The Girl of the Sea of Cortez. Peter Benchley. 1982.
Island of the Angels. Leonard Wibberley. 1965.
Journey of the Flame. Antonio de Fierro Blanco (Walter Nordhoff) 1933.
King of the Moon. Gene Kira. 1997.
The Merlin Effect. T.A. Barron. 1994.
Pilot Down, Presumed Dead. Marjorie Phleger. 1963.
Quest of the Lost Santa Isabel. T. W. Crawford. 1964.
Rico, Bandit and Dictator. Antonio de Fierro Blanco. 1934.
Three Wheels to Baja. Jane Fredricks. 1973. (autographed).
The Vagabundos. Frank Bonham. 1st ed, 1969. (fiction)
FISH: (Fishing, Marine Invertebrates, Marine Mammals): Revised: 12 Oct, 2015
Amphipoda (insect-like crustaceans) Collected by the U.S. Fisheries Steamer ‘Albatross’ in 1911,
Chiefly in the Gulf of California. Clarence R. Shoemaker. Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vLII, art II, June, 1925.
Angler’s Guide to Baja Calif. Tom Miller, 1984.
Angling Baja (fly fishing). Scott Sadil. 1996. Autographed.
Attack of the Sea Tiger. (a nudibranch in Sea of Cortez). Natural History mag, Jan, 1995.
The Baja Catch. Neil Kelly & Gene Kira, 3rd edition, 1997/2001.
Baja On The Fly. Nick Curcione. 1997. Fly-fishing in Baja.
Between Pacific Tides. Ed Ricketts & Jack Calvin (Rev by Hedgpeth). 3rd ed,1975.
Brachyuran Crabs Collected by the U.S. Fisheries Steamer ‘Albatross’ in 1911, Chiefly on the West Coast of Mexico.
Mary J. Rathbun. Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vXLVIII, art XX, Dec 1923.
The California Gray Whale Comes Back. National Geographic; Mar, 1971.
Catalogo de los Marinos de Baja California Sur (Fish ID book). Jose De la Cruz Aguero. 1997.
Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noreste (CIBNOR). Info magazine; acquired Nov, 2002. (English)
Characteristics of the Bahía Magdalena Lagoon Complex; Bull of Southern Calif Academy of Sciences; Vol 107#1, Jan 2008. ©
Corals and Coral Reefs in the Gulf of California Donald Squires. Am Museum of Natl Hist, Vol 118, art 7. 1959.
Curious Case of the Cannibal Squid. Michael Tennesen/Brian Skerry. Humboldt Squid in Sea of Cortez. Natl Wildlife mag; Jan,2005.
Deep Sea Fishes of the ‘Albatross’ Lower California Expedition. C. H. Townsend & J. T. Nichols.
Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vLII, art I, May, 1925
Description of a New Species of Killifish, Lucania Browni, from a Hot Spring in Lower California.
D.S.Jordan & R.E.Richardson, #1572, Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, vXXXIII, p319-321. 1907.
Descriptions of Two New Species of Fishes from Off Cape San Lucas, Lower Calif. B.W.Evermann and H.W.Clark.
Calif Academy of Sciences Proceedings. Vol XVI, #22; Feb, 1928.
Echinoderms from Lower California, with New Species; Supplementary Report. Hubert L. Clark.
Am Museum of Natl Hist, vXLVIII, art VI, Oct, 1923.
The Edge of the Sea of Cortez – Tidewalkers’ Guide to the Upper Gulf of Calif. . Betty Hupp & Marilyn Malone. 2008
Eye to Eye with Orca in the Sea of Cortez. Mathew Jaffe, in Sunset, March, 1993.
Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes of North America. Wm. N. Eschmeyer, 1983. Peterson guide.
Fishes of California & Western Mexico. Drs W. Burgess & H. Alelrod. 1984. (Pac Marine Fishes #8) Among the best fish ID books.
Fishes of the Pacific Coast. Gar Goodson, 1988.
Fishing Baja’s Islas Encantadas. Neil Kelly, Discover Baja; March, 1995.
Foraging Along the Pacific Coast; Mexico to Puget Sd. P.Howorth. 1986. Cooking Strange Foods.
Future of Whales’ (San Ignacio) Lagoon Grows Murky. L.A. Times. Feb?, 1997.
Guide to Marine Invertebrates; Alaska to Baja. Daniel W. Gotshall. 1994.
The Gulf of California – Biodiversity and Conservation. Ed by Richard C. Brusca.
Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of Gulf of California. Rich C. Brusca, 1973.
Hunting the Heartbeat of a Whale (Scammon’s Lagoon). National Geographic; July, 1956.
Jaws III – Almost. Donald Dickson. Mexico West Newsletter; V7,#4; Oct, 1981.
Ladyfish. Neil Kelly in Discover Baja; Sept-Oct, 1996.
Marine Animals of Baja California. Daniel W. Gotshall; 1982.
Marine Mammals from the Coatsof Baja Calif, and Tres Marias Islands. Richard Van Gelder, American Museum Novitates, 1960.
Marine Mammals of California. Robt. T. Orr; Univ of Calif Press, 1972.
The Marine Mammals of the NW Coast of North America. Charles M. Scammon. 1968 Dover reprint of 1874 original.
Marine Mammals of the North-western Coast of North America and the American Whale Fishery.
Charles M. Scammon, 1874. Manessier facsimile edition; 1969.
Mass Mortality of the Reef Coral Pocillopora on the South Coast of B.C.S. Bull.So.Cal Acadamy of Sci, V89#1, 1990. ©
The Mighty Cortez Fish Trap. Jerry Klink. 1974.
Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortes. Bryan Gates. 1993.
Natural History Museum of L.A.County: see list of publications under”Journals, magazines, etc”
A New Genus and Species of Parasitic Copepod (Crustacean) from Lower California. Charles B. Wilson.
Am Mus Nat Hist Novitate #81, June, 1923.
Pacific Coast Fishes. Wm. N. Eschmeyer, 1983 and 1984. A Peterson guide.
Patterns in the Ocean. Andrew Bakun. 1996. Fisheries/Physical Oceanography; includes Baja.
Peces del Golfo de California. (Spanish version of Gulf of Calif Fishwatcher’s Guide) Thomson & McKibbin. 1978.
Pompano; The Grey Ghost of Baja. Abe Cuanang in Baja Life, p58; Vol1#1, 1994.
Poppin’ for Pargo. Jeff Klassen in Baja Life, issue#7, p30. 1997.
Pontinus Vaughani; a New Scorpaenid Fish from Baja Calif. P.S.Barnhart & C.L.Hubbs. Scripps V5#5, 1946.
Predatory Behavior of some Shore Fishes in the Gulf of California. Edmund Hobson, USDI Fish and Wildlife
Research Report #73. 1968.
A Quest for Seafaring Bats. Robert Orr in Pacific Discovery, Jan/Feb, 1953. LA Bay area.
Reef Fishes of the Sea of Cortez. Don Thompson, Lloyd Findley and Alex Kerstitch. 1979. Rev 2000.
The Rockfishes of the NE Pacific. Love, Yoklavich & Thorsteinson, U.C.Press, 2002.
Saving Mexico’s Vanishing Vaquita. Calypso Log (of the Cousteau Society): Aug, 1992.
Sea Lion Pups of Isla Los Islotes in Cabo. Al Bruton in Discover Diving, Dec, 1995.
Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck and E. F. Ricketts. 1941/1989.
The Sea of Cortez. Ray Cannon, 1966.
Sea of Cortez Guide. Dix Brow. 1982/87.
Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates. Alex Kerstitch; 1989.; 2nd edition, 2007
Shore Fishes Collected by the ‘Albatross’ Expedition in Lower Calif, with New Species. Raymond C. Osburn & John T. Nichols.
Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vXXXV, art XVI, May, 1916.
Stalking the Elusive White Seabass (speargun). Terry Maas, in Calif Diving News, Nov95-Jan96.
Starfish: Hans Bertsch, in Discover Baja, pp 6-7, Spring 2006
Los Tiburones: Necesitan de Nosotros. Articles relating to depletion of Sharks, and their conservation. Sp, in rept cover.
Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez III (a field guide). Wesley M.Farmer, 1990.
The Trout of the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Lower Calif. John O. Snyder. UC Pubs in Zoology V21,#17. 1926.
La Trucha Arco Iris; el Pez de la Sierra de San Pedro Martir. G.R.Campos. Noticia de la Calif.#2.
(trout in the Sierra San Pedro Martir)
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Eastern North Pacific; A Guide to Their Identification in the Water
(NUC TP 282). Leatherwood, Evans & Rice. 1972.
World of the California Gray Whale (paperback). Tom Miller, 1975. All whales.
FLORA: Plants, Agriculture, Seaweeds Revised: 20 May, 2021
The Agaves of Baja Calif. Howard S.Gentry. Calif Academy of Sciences Occ Paper #130, 1978.
Algal Composition of Microbiotic Crusts from the Central Desert of Baja. Flechtner, et al. in Gt Basin Naturalist. V.58#4, Oct, 1998.
Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Mulege, BCS. Debra Valov, in Madroño, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 115–160, 2020 ©
Baja California Plant Field Guide. Norman C. Roberts. 1975 (1st ed) hardback, 1989 paperback.
Baja California, Reseña Histórica del Territorio (Sur) y de su Flora. Maximino Martinez. 1947. BCS, emphasizes plants.
Baja In bloom. Jennifer Bierich & Bill Robinson in Baja Life magazine, Vol 1#2, p52. 1994.
Baja Plants and Indians. Lee de Massey, in Desert magazine, Oct, 1968 ©
Biological Investigations in Mexico. Ed.A.Goldman. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115. Describes biological expedition of Edward
Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6).
The Boojum and its Home. Robert R. Humphrey. 1974/79.
Cacti of the Central Desert of Baja Cal. Blom & Bratz, in Journal of Idaho Acadamy of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
Cactus. Joseph Stacey in Arizona Highways, Jan, 1959.
Cactus Propogation. Ladislaus Cutak, in Desert Magazine; Sept, 1960, p19.
Common Seaweeds of the Gulf of California. M.D.Readdie, M.Ranelletti, R.M.McCourt. 2006. Bilingual.
Proceedings of the Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol II, 1889 (book):
A Collection of Plants from Baja Calif, 1889. Townshend S. Brandegee.
Fungi Collected by T.S.Brandegee in Lower Calif in 1889. H.W.Harkness.
Contributions to North American (Lower Calif) Euphorbiacae. C. F. Millspaugh.
Grasses from Lower California. George Vasey.
The Cardon, Largest Cacti in the World (Naturalist XXXII) E.C.Jaeger. Desert mag; Dec 1956.
Cardon and the Night Visitors. Theodore H. Fleming in Natural History magazine, Oct, 1994.
Annetta Carter’s 1947 Baja Expedition: a manuscript; 71 pp plus biographies. (unpublished ?)
Creosote Bush. Edmund C. Jaeger. Desert mag; Nov, 1959.
Desert Dispensary. Sam Hicks. Higuera-Wild Fig-Zalate. Desert mag; Dec 1965 © (D)
Desert Drugstore. (Folk medicines from desert plants). Doug Rigby in Arizona Hwys; Jan 1959.
Desert Islands of Baja Calif. Reid Moran & George Lindsay. Reprint from “Desert Plant Life” Dec 1949 & Oct 1951.
Desert Plants of Baja, G.E.Lindsay. Pacific Discovery (Cal Academy of Sci): Vol XVIII, #4, Jul/Aug 1965
Dudleya Pachyphytum, of Cedros Island, Mex. Moran & Benedict. Cactus & Succulent Journal, Vol.53, 1981.
Fickle Desert Blooms. Diana Kappel-Smith, in Smithsonian; March, 1995.
Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 1992. Large format field guide to plants (in Spanish). WWF.
Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 2015. Luz, Cadena, Leon, Benet.
Flora of Baja Calif. Tina Kasbeer. 1971.
Flora of Baja Calif. Ira C. Wiggins. Stanford Press. 1980.
The Genus Lophocereus.(cactus) George Lindsay. Cactus & Succulent Jrnal, V XXV#6, 1963.
Grasses of Baja Calif, Mexico. Frank Gould & Reid Moran; SanDiego Soc of Natl Hist Memoir 12, 1981.
Growing Crops on Sand Dunes? Larry Wood. from Sea Frontiers magazine, July, 1977. Salt tolerance.
As the Guayule Ball Bounces. Irvin Ashkenazy; Westways, Sept 1977?
How Indians Used Desert Plants. James W. Cornett. 2002.
Hongos Conocidos de Baja California. Nahara Ayala y Carlos Ochoa; UABC. 1998. Mushrooms of Baja (in Spanish)
Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.
Island and Coastal Vegetation and Flora of the Northern Part of the Gulf of California;
Felger & Lowe, in Contributions in Science (Natural History Museum of L.A. County), # 285, Sept 25, 1976.
Island Biogeography in the Sea of Cortez. edit by Ted Case, Martin Cody. 1983
Jojoba is a Desert Toughie (Sunset mag). New West magazine, June, 1978.
Joseph P. Hale and the Orchilla Era in Baja Calif. E.K.Chamberlin 1976 in Westerners Brand Book#4.
Land and Life in …Baja Calif. Eugene K. Chamberlin. 1964 Lecture notes, UC: Plants, History, Geology, etc.
Land of Chamise and Pines. Richard A.Minnich & Ernesto F.Vizcaino. U.C.Press, Botany vol. 80, 1998.
List of Plants Collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in 1890 on Carmen Island. J.N.Rose in USDA (National Herbarium); v1#5, 1892. ©
A Love of Wine. (Vineyards of Baja). Beristain & McDonald in Baja Life, issue#7, p26. 1997.
Mango. Baja Life magazine, issue#8, p14. 1998.
Mesquite, Wonder Tree of the Southwest. March, 1981. Desert mag?
Midget Mammillarias (Cactus) of Baja Calif. George E. Lindsay. Cactus and Succulent Journal: Vol XXXII #6, Nov-Dec, 1960.
Mushrooms : see “Hongos”
Myrmecophila (flowering plant) with Notes on the Ant Hosts (Hymenoptera Formicidae).
Graves & Clark in Idaho Acad of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
A Natural History Guide to Baja California. Kathleen J. Dickey. 1983.
Natural History Guide to the Pacific Coast and North Central Baja and Adjacent Islands. Dennis Bostic, 1975. Great Bibliography.
Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortes. Bryan Gates. 1993.
Natural History Museum of L.A.County: see list of publications under”Journals, magazines, etc”
North America’s Oldest Date Garden. Roy Nixon in Pacific Discovery, Jan/Feb, 1953.
Outstanding appearance of Ruppia maritima along Baja California Sur, México and its influence in trophic networks. ©
The Palm. Edmund C. Jaeger. Desert mag; April, 1959.
Palms of Palomar(Palomar canyon, Sierra Juarez) Randall Henderson. Desert mag; Feb 1947.
Plant Life of a Desert Archipelago. R.S.Felger & B.T.Wilder. 2012.
Plant Records of an Expedition to Lower California. Edward A. Goldman, 1916 in:
Smithsonian Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium. Softbound.
Productivity Pattern in a Baja Population of Yucca Schidigera. Comanor & Clark, Cactus and Succulent Jour, V.60#3, May, 1988
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 1998
Remedios Caseros Naturales; Herbas Curativas. J. Ernesto Alvarado. (Herbal medicine)
Seaweeds of the Pacific Coast. Jennifer & Jeff Mondragon. 2003. #
Sierra de la Laguna de Baja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish).
Strange Plants of the Vizcaino Desert of Central Baja California. Lloyd M. Smith, Baja Symposia IV,1966. (English and Spanish). Studies in the Flora of Lower Calif. Alice Eastwood, in Calif Acad of Sci v18#14, 1929.
Vegetation Restoration during Geothermal Perforation (Tres Virgenes). Vol 21, Sept/Oct, 1997 ©
World Crops derived from the Indians. E.F.Walker; SW Museum leaflet#17, 1967. (in Baja)
FLYING: Airstrips, Regulations, Techniques Revised: 11 March, 2001
Airports of Baja California. Arnold Senterfitt. 17th Ed 1987, and 4th ed w map 1967.
Baja and Whales. Mary K. Jones in Private Pilot, Oct 2000. San Francisquito, Laguna San Ignacio, etc.
Baja By Air. Allen & Phyllis Ellis, 1967.
Flying to Mexico. Government of Mexico. Undated; late 1994?. Rules, airports, etc.
Shipwrecks (of Baja). Steve Robertson in Private Pilot; June, 1997. Beach landing strips.
GEOGRAPHY: Towns, areas, Islands, Travel narratives (under construction) Revised: 11 Jan, 2018
By Path and Trail. W. R. Dean Harris. 1908
Desert Islands of Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. Stewart Aitchison. 2010
Managing the Not-Quite-Historical Resources of Isla Angel de la Guarda in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.
T.Bowen, G.Danemann, C.Shepard, in New Mexico Historical Review, V-89#2, Spring, 2014.
Time Line of Events in San Ignacio (BCS). Jane B. Ames. May, 2014.
GEOLOGY: ( Caves, Hot Springs and Geothermal, Minerals, Mining ): Rev: 19 Jan, 2022 (also see “Paleontology”)
Active Tectonics of the Loreto area, Baja Calif Sur. Mayer & Vincent, in Geomorphology, #27, 1999: pp 243-255. X
Adventures of Stickeen in Lower California. John F. Janes, 1874. ed by Anna M.Hager, 1972. Dawson’s #28. El Triunfo.
Adventuring Off the Beaten Track in Mexico, Miller & Olson. Lapidary Journal:
Part 10: Oct, 1966: NW Baja; Cerro Pinto, Pegmatites, Gavilanes.
Part 11: Nov 1966: NW Baja, Olivia, Fenomeno, Pino Solo, Alamo, Delicias, Socorro. (xerox)
Part 12: Dec 1966: San Felipe – Bahia Gonzaga – Lost Mission – Las Arastras – Laguna Chapala.
A.A.P.G. Bulletin (American Assn of Petroleum Geologists): see “Journals, magazines, etc”
Geologic History of No. Mexico & its Bearing on Petroleum Exploration. L.B.Kellum.V28,#3, Mar,1944.
Lower Cretaceous Pre-Batholithic Rocks of Northern Baja Calif. Silver, Stehli, & Allen. V47#12, 1963.
Marine Geology of Baja Calif Continental Borderland, Mex. L. Doyle & D. Gorsline, June, 1977.
Hydrothermally derived Petroleum: Examples from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of Calif,
and Escanaba Trough, NE Pacific Ocean. Kvenvolden & Simoneit. V.74,#3; Mar, 1990.
Implications for Organic Maturation Studies….Rapid Increase/Stabilization of Vitrinite Reflectance:
Cerro Prieto Geothermal System, Mex. Charles Barker. v75#12; Dec,1991.
Atlas of Coastal Ecosystems in the Western Gulf of California. Markes Johnson & Jorge Ledesma. 2009.
Tracking Limestone deposits on the Margin of a Young Sea
Aurora-Princesa Mines (Alamo area, Baja). Geological Rept by C.F.Toleman; 1921. Downloaded excerpts; 2001 proposal. ©
Bahia de Los Angeles – Geology. A Thesis by Francis J. Murphy, 1985.
Baja California – desde el principio. Geología histórica. Cuautémoc Leon Diez. 1995. (Spanish; Geologic history and paleontology)
Baja California Geology: Field Guides & Papers- SDSU/ GSA, San Diego, 1979. Abbott, P.L. & Gastil,G. See Index #16.
Baja Calif Goldrush of 1889. S.K.Flanigan; Journal of SanDiego History; V26#1, Winter, 1980. ©
Baja California, Mexico; Special Issue of Mineralogical Record; v29#1; Jan/Feb 1998.
Baja Calif Peninsula Metallogenic Province. G.P.Salas, in vol P-3, Geology of North America; GSA, 1991 ©
Baja Calif Coastal Landscapes Revealed. Markes Johnson. 2021
A Baja Geologic Road Log. Downloaded from elchineroconcepts.com. Describes Mexicali to Puertocitos in 9 parts.
The Baja Highway (Geology & Biology). John Minch & Thomas Leslie, 1991.
Baja Moonstones (E.Bahia Concepcion). Cathi Borthwick, in Rock & Gem, Nov. 1985.
Baja Moonstones. Cathi Borthwick. Mexico West Newsletter; May, 1987.
Baja’s Hidden Gold – Treasure along the Mission Trail. Herman Hill / Roger Silliman. 2nd Edition, 2014± .
Banded Rhyolite in Baja’s Pinto Basin (West of Mexicali). E.L.Conrotto. Desert mag; Sept 1957. ©
Beach sands from Baja California Peninsula. Arturo Carranza-Edwards, et al. Sedimentary Geology, 119 (1998) 263–274 ©
A Blast from the Depths (volcanic eruption @ Socorro I.). Lynn Mitchell. Discover Baja newsletter; May, 1993.
Boleo Copper District, Baja Calif. Parts 1 & 2. P.W. Johnson, in Mineralogist, 1962. ©
“Boqueron” Volcanic eruption of San Benedicto in 1952. Pacific Discover, Jan/Feb, 1953.
Caminos de Baja California – Geologia y Biologia. John Minch, Jorge Ledesma, et al. 2003. Autographed.
Carta Geologica de la Baja Calif. Text and Map by Teodoro Flores, Instituto Geologico de Mexico #1. 1931.
The Cedros Island Gold Mine. James, Gary J. Baja Symposium #XXIV, 1986.
The Cerro Mencenares volcanic center. Bigioggero, et al. GSA v. 107# 9, Sept 1995; ; p. 1108-1122 ©
Chromian Sphene; a New Gem find in Baja (near San Quintin). John Sinkankas. Lapidary Journal; April, 1963.
The El Cien Formation, Strata of Oligocene and Early Miocene Age in BCS. S. Applegate.
Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Revista :V 6,#2, 1986.
Clinozoisite from Lower California (norte). A.F. Rogers, in American Mineralogist; v9; 1924, p221. ©
Coastal Geomorphology of a Holocene Hurricane Deposit on a Pleistocene Marine Terrace from Isla Carmen. Johnson, 2018. Reprint
Congreso Geologico Internacional, excursion A-7. 1956. Detailed field trip notes and maps of BCS from La Paz to Vizcaino.
Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the Tertiary of Cedros Island and Adjacent Parts of Lower Calif.
Eric Jordan in Calif Acad of Sciences v15:14, 1926.
Corals and Coral Reefs in the Gulf of Calif. Donald Squires, in Results of the Puritan-AmMusNatlHistory
Expedition to Western Mexico, #7. Bulletin of AmMusNatlHistory v.118, art 7. 1959. Reprint.
Cretaceous Geology of Lower Calif. Anderson and Hanna, in Calif Acad of Sciences v23#1. 1935.
La Cuenca del Rio Tijuana (bi-national watershed environmental rept). Jim King in Calif Coast & Ocean; Summer, 1996.
Cueva Chiquita Bonita. Fernando C. Sahala. Noticia de la California #3; Agosto 1993.
Desert Magazine: About 50 issues with articles about Baja mineral sites. See separate Index #7.
Diagenetic Polyhalite in Recent Salt From Baja California. Wm T. Holser, in American Mineralogist; x v51; 1966, p99.
Dikes and Veins of the Alamo Gold District, Lower Calif. R.S.Moehlman; In Econ Geology; V.30,#7, Nov,1935.
Discovering the Geology of Baja California. Markes E. Johnson. 2002. Punta Chivato area, Baja Calif Sur.
Dry Washing for Desert Gold. Harold O. Weight. Desert Mag, Feb, 1976, Pp. 28-31. © (D)
East Cape Hot Springs: “East Cape brings new meanings to ‘hot’”. Paula McDonald in L.A.Times, 21 May, 2000. ©
Economic Geology, Mexico. G.S.A. Geology of North America, Vol P-3. Includes:
Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, p.23.
Baja Calif Peninsula Metallogenic Province, p.177.
Structure/Stratigraphy of Monterey Fm, San Hilario Area, BCS, p.179.
Geol and Mineral Deposits of El Boleo Copper Mine, Santa Rosalía, p.195.
Erendira Iron Mines. Report by Cotton & Western Mining Inc. 2008. Near San Vicente. In white binder.
Evolution of Late Cenozoic Basaltic Magmatism in Salton Trough. D.Jacobs(Unocal) & C.Herzig, UCRiverside.
Evolution of the Margin of the gulf of California near Loreto. Umhoefer, et al. GSA Bull. v 114#7, July, 2002: §
El Fenomeno Mine. P.W. Johnson, in Mineralogist, Oct, 1963. ©
Fossil Hunters at Catarina (Ammonites). Lewis Walker. Desert magazine, May, 1948, p 24.
A Further Study of Upwelling and Associated Vegetation Along Pacific Baja Calif Mexico.
E.Yale Dawson; Journal of Marine Research; 1951, pp39-58 (missing pp51-56).
Gem Minerals of Baja California. Paul W. Johnson. Lapidary Journal, Oct, 1961 (xerox)
Gems and Minerals of Mexico. Ken & Doris Castro in Gems and Minerals magazine, Nov & Dec, 1981 (Lots of Baja)
Gemstone and Mineral Data Book. John Sinkankas. 1972. paperback. Mineral ID & cleaning, Lapidary, chemicals, etc.
Gemstones and Minerals of Baja Calif; An Annotated Directory. John Sinkankas in Lapidary Journal, Apr 1964.
Gemstones of Baja, Parts 1 & 2. Bob Jones. Rock and Gem magazine; March & April ©, 1989.
Geochemical Evidence of a Thermal Component in Groundwater of San Juan Londo Valley, BCS. GRC Vol. 12, Oct 1988. ©
Geochemical Survey of Medium Temperature Geothermal Rseources from Baja Cal. & Sonora. ©pdf
Barragan, et al, in Journal of Vulcanology, 2001.
Geologia De Mexico, Tomo II: Baja Calif. E.Lopez Ramos, 3rd ed, 1982.
Geologia y Evaluacion Geotermica de la Zona Bahia Concepcion, B.C.S. Geotermia V10 #3, 1994. (SE of Bahia Concepcion) ©
Geologic Adventures in Northern Baja California. Gary Jacobson (NAGT-FWS). 1991. Geology and Field Guide.
The Geologic History of Baja Calif and Its Marine Faunas. Durham and Allison in Symposium:
The Biogeography of B.C. and Adjacent Seas, Part I. Geologic History.
Pacific Section of Society of Systematic Zoology. Systematic Zoology:V9,#2; June 1960.
Geologic Investigations in Baja Calif. Editors: Abbot, Sangines, & Rendina. South Coast Geological Society. 1993. (Index #21)
Geologic Reconnaissance in Baja Calif. N.H.Darton. Journal of Geology, Vol XXIX, #8; Nov, 1921. orig & reprint.
Geologic Road Log; La Paz to Guerrero Negro. J.A. Minch & T.A.Leslie,in “Baja California Geology”, 1979. ©
Geologic Setting and Origin of the Lucifer Manganese Deposit, B.C.S., Mex. Dan Freiberg. Economic Geol, v78#5, Aug. 1983.
Geologic Studies in Baja Calif. SEPM, 1989. Edited by Pat Abbott. See Index #19 for titles of papers and Field Trip stops.
Geologic summary of the Sierra de San Andres Ophiolite (Vizcaino Pen); Thomas E. Moore in B.C.Geology, 1979. ©
Geological Sketch of Lower California. S.F.Emmons and G.P.Merrill in GSA Bulletin v5, 1894. (x)
Geology and Manganese Deposits of Lucifer District (E of Sta Rosalía) Baja Calif, Mexico.
USGS Bull 960-F. 1949. Wilson & Veytia.
Geology and Mineral Deposits of Boleo Copper District, Baja Calif. USGS Prof Paper 273. 1955.
Geology and Natural History of Lower Calif. George P. Merrill. 1895. 2 editions (reprints): 1967 and 1971. Also PDF.
Geology and Neogene History of the Pacific Continental Margin of Baja Calif Sur. W.R.Normark et al,
from: Geol & Resource Potential of the Cont Marg of West North America & Adjacent Ocean Basins. USGS,1987.
Geology and Oil Possibilities, Baja California. GSA Memoir 31. Jack Beal, 1948. Map pocket.
Geology and Ore Deposits of Baja Calif. Edward Wisser. Economic Geology, Vol49#1, Jan.1954.
Geology and Paleontology; Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Dallas Hanna & Leo Hertlein,
in Calif Academy of Sciences v16#6. 1927.
Geology and Petrography of Baja Calif, Mx. Waldemar Lindgren in Proc Cal Academy of Sci, Vol III, 1890. reprint.
Geology and Structure of the Tip of Baja California. Normark, William R & Curray, Joseph R
GSA v79, 1968: p. 1589-1600+ 2 FoldMaps (1 in Color)
Geology of Baja California; a Bibliography of holdings in the Love Library, CSU-SD. John Ambriano. Fall, 1972.
Geology of Baja California: a Bibliography. Mary E.Harris, San Diego St. Univ. Revised, 1991.
Geology of the Baja Calif Peninsula. Virgil Frizzell, editor. SEPM. 1984 See index #17 for list of 23 papers.
Geology of Cedros Island. Frank H. Kilmer. 1984. Autographed. With large colored map.
Geology of the Islas Revillagigedo, Mexico, Pt 2: Geology & Petrography of Isla San Benedicto.
Adrian F. Richards; Calif Academy of Sciences, v33 #12; May, 1966.
Geology of Peninsular California. AAPG, SEPM, SEG, edited by G. Gastil and J. Lillegraven; 1974. Index #22.
Geology of the Santa Rosalía Quadrangle (SW of Punta Prieta), Baja Calif. MSc thesis by Donald L. Fife; SDSC, 1968.
Geology of West-Central Baja Calif Sur (SW of Mulegé), Mexico. McLean, Hausback, and Knapp.
USGS Bull 1579 (1987) and Map MF-1700 (1985).
Geology, ore deposits and hydrothermal venting in Bahía Concepción, BCS. Antoni Camprubi et al, in Island Arc,2008, 17, 6–25 ©
Geology Terms in English and Spanish. Henry Aurand. 1999. (emphasizes Mexican Spanish)
Geomorphic Study of the Cape Region of Baja California. Edwin H.Hammond. 1954.
Univ of Calif Publications in Geography Vol 10, #2 (softcover reprint).
Geotermia (and other C.F.E. publications): see list under “Journals, magazines, etc” section.
The Gold Fields of Lower Calif. Bascom A. Stephens. 1889. (xerox copy)
Gold in Northern Baja California. Edgar B. Heylmun. International California Mining Journal, Nov., 2000 P.44.
Guadalupe Canyon Hot Springs. Mexico West Newsletter; Nov, 1991.
Guide to the Natural History of Bahia de Los Angeles – PartI, Geology. FrancisJ. Murphy. 1985 Xerox
Historical Archaeology of El Triunfo. Lara Veverka; GSA, 2008 ©
History of the Lower California Iron Ores. L.J. Webb, 1952.
Laguna Guerrero Negro. P.W. Johnson, in The Mineralogist; April, 1964, pp 14 – 18. Salt mining and collecting. ©.
Land and Life in …Baja Calif. Eugene K. Chamberlin. 1964 Lecture notes, UC. Plants, History, Geology, etc.
Late Pleistocene & Recent Changes in Land Form, Climate, & Archaeology in Central Baja Calif; Prehistoric Land & Man
Lost Silver Ledge of Santa Catarina. Randall Henderson. Desert Mag, Nov 1952- v.15#11, pp11-12. © (x)
in Lower Calif. Brigham A. Arnold. U.Calif Geogr V.10#4, 1957. (Laguna Chapala to Punta Prieta area)
Lower Cretaceous Pre-Batholithic Rocks of Northern Baja Calif. L.T.Silver; AAPG, Dec, 1963
Magmatic Evolution of the Gulf of California Rift. Michael Sawlan, USGS. (xerox copy)
Main Features of the Tres Virgenes I Geothermal Field. GRC, Volume 22, September 1998 ©
Manganese Deposits of Mexico. Trask & Rodriguez. 1948. USGS Bulletin 954-F. Complete original.
Manganese Deposits of Mexico (Baja part only) Bull. 954-F, Parker Trask & Jose Rodriguez C. 1948. ©
Manganese on Punta Concepcion, Baja Calif, Mexico. James A. Noble . Economic Geology, v45 #8, Dec, 1950. ©
Manganese-Rich Tourmalines from Baja California Norte. R.W.Jones. 1988
abstract in Rocks & Minerals mag, v63#6; Nov, 1988: ©
Marine Geology of the Gulf of California. Ed by van Andel & Shor, 1964. AAPG. ( Loreto: missing 3 charts)
Marine Geology of the Gulf of Calif. AAPG Memoir #3; Ed by van Andel & Shor. 1964. Vol 1= text; vol 2 = 7 maps.
El Marmol. Paul W. Johnson. Gems and Minerals mag, #387; Dec, 1969, p.36.
Mexico: Its Peasants And Its Priests; Or, Adventures And Historical Researches In Mexico And Its Silver Mines During Parts of the
Years 1851-52-53-54, With An Expose Of The Fabulous Character of The Story of The Conquest of Mexico By Cortez. Robert A. Wilson. 1856 Appendix D refers to mining in the Californias. (x) ©
Mexican Pebble People. Lee Martin. in Rock and Gem: March, 1977; v7,#3: Crafts.
Mineral Deposits of Vizcaino, BCS. Francisco Altimirano, in “Baja California Geology”, 1979 ©
The Miners’ Own Book: California Mining. Published by Hutchings & Tosenfield, San Francisco, 1858. ©
The mining boom in Baja California from 1850 to 1890 and the emergence of Tijuana as a border community. ©
Taylor, Lawrence D. Journal of the SW; V43, Dec 2001
Mines in Northern Baja. Edgar B. Heylmun. California Mining Journal; Nov, 1985. P.24.
Mining in Baja California; an interview of Juan Manuel Cullingford L. by Walt Wheelock, 1978.
Miocene and Cretaceous Depositional Environments, Northwestern Baja Calif. Pacific Sect.AAPG vol 54.
Edited by John Minch and James Ashby, 1984. 7 papers relating to northern and northwestern Baja.
Mobility and distribution of Heavy Metals During the Formation of First Cycle Red Beds (San Felipe Area).
R.A.Zielinski, S. Bloch, T.R.Walker. Economic Geology, v78#8, Dec, 1983.
Modest Fortunes; Mining in Northern Baja California. Chaput, Mason, Loperena;
Natural History Museum of LA County; BC Travel Series #51. 1992.
El Molino de Lacy. David A.Montoya & Charlotte Nelson; Noticia de la California #1; Oct, 1992.
Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California. CRM/SECOFI #M-22e. 1999. 1000copies.
Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplfied Geology;
C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts
Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California Sur. CRM/SECOFI #M-20e. 1999. 1000copies.
Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplfied Geology;
C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts
Natural History Museum of L.A.County: see list of publications under”Journals, magazines, etc”
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
Nature’s Onyx Factory (El Volcan). Lewis Walker. Desert magazine, Dec, 1947 p.13.
Nellie Cashman’s Lost Gold (Mulegé) by Louise Auer. Desert mag; Oct, 1963.
New Sapphire Find in Baja California (Sierra Juarez). Paul W. Johnson. Lapidary journal, July, 1963. ©
Nonfuel Mineral Resources in the US-Mexico Border Region (includes Baja Norte). USGS Cir#1098, 1993.
Noroeste Minero; La minería en Sonora, Baja Cal, BCS, durante el porfiriato. Romero G., Heath, Rivas H. 2002
Notes on the Geology and Petrography of Baja California, Mex. Waldemar Lindgren, USGS.
Extract from Proc. Calif Acad Sci, 2nd Series, Vol III; April, 1890.
Obsidian Deposit, Valle de Azufre, BCS. in Arqueología:#19; Enero-Junio 1998. (In Spanish). Copy in Geology looseleaf. #
Obsidian Sources for Baja California, by Thomas Jeffrey Banks, PCAS Quarterly,1971, Vol. 7, No. 1 pp. 24-26.
Obsidian Studies and Their Implications for Prehistory, by Paul D. Bouey, PCAS Quarterly, 1984, Vol. 20, No. 1pp. 55-60.
On the Lower California coast. Capt. C.W. Scammon (whalers, mining) . Overland Monthly , Vol. IV, March, 1870 ©
The Onyx Marbles. George Merrill. Smithsonian; Annual Report for 1893. pp.539-585. Published 1895.
Operación Minera en Marcha. Gobierno del Estado de B.C.S. 1982/84
Organic Gem Materials of Baja. Paul W. Johnson. Lapidary Journal, Aug, 1962: (Pearls, amber, abalone, mother of pearl) ©
Origin of the Boleo Copper Deposit; Santa Rosalía, Lower California.
Marcel E. Touwaide, in Economic Geology Vol.XXV #2, March-April 1930.
Origin of Carmen Island Salt Deposit; Baja California, Mexico. D.W. Kirkland et al, in Journal of Geology, V74 #6, 1966. ©
Origin of the “Manto” Copper Deposits in Lower Calif, Mexico. Hironao Nishihara. V52 #8, Dec, 1957. Boleo area.
El Origen del Golfo de California. A.M.Barajas. Noticia de la California #1; Oct-Dic, 1992.
Pacific Coast Geology of Northern Baja Calif and Adjacent Alta Calif. AAPG/SEPM/SEG. 1970.
For list of road logs, maps and 20 papers, see Index #15.
Petrographical Notes from (northern) Baja California. Waldemar Lindgren; Proceedings of the
Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol II, 1889 (hardbound Proceedings).
El Picacho Del Diablo; the Conquest of Lower Calif’s highest Peak, 1932 & 1937. Norman Clyde. 1975. Dawson’s #36.
Placer Gold in Baja California. Edgar B. Heylmun. International California Mining Journal, April, 1995. P.15.
Placer Gold in Southern Baja. Edgar B. Heylmun. California Mining Journal, Nov, 1990. P.23.
Plate Tectonics and the Gulf of California Region. Nancy Schmidt, California Geology magazine:Nov, 1990.
The Pleistocene Fauna of Magdelena Bay, Lower California. Eric K. Jordan in Contributions from Dept of Geology,
Stanford University, Volume 1, #4, November, 1936.
Pliocene Carbonates and Related Facies Flanking the Gulf of California, Baja Calif. GSA Sp Paper 318. Johnson & Ledesma, 1997.
Las Posibilidades Petroliferas en la Costa Occidental de la Baja Calif. Santillan y Barrera. 1930. (xerox of book)
The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular Calif. Ed by Gordon Gastil & R. Miller;
In G.S.A.Special Paper #279. 1993. See index #20 for locales and maps.
Prehnite, Apophyllite and other Species from El Fenomeno Mine. Sinkankas, in Mineralogist; Dec, 1963 ©
Preliminary Observations of the Geology & Paleontology of the Arroyo Tiburon Area, Bahía Asuncion. Applegate et al, 1979 ©
Recent Discoveries of Gold at Santa Clara, Lower Calif. British Foreign Office , Misc Series, Mexico #136. 1889. ©
Recognition on Space Photographs of Structural Elements of Baja California. Warren Hamilton. USGS PP#718. 1971.
Reconnaissance Geologic Map (with explanatory pamphlet) of Loreto and part of San Javier Quadrangles,
Baja California Sur. USGS map MF-2000. McLean, 1988.
Reconnaissance Geology of Cedros Island, Baja Calif. F.Kilmer in Bull of SoCal Acad of Sciences, v76#2; pp91-98. Aug 1977.
Reconnaissance Geology of the Concepcion Bay Area, Baja Calif, Mex. Carew McFall, Stanford Univ. 1968.
Reconnaissance Geology of the State of Baja Calif. G.S.A. Memoir #140. Gastil, Phillips, Allison, 1975.
Reconocimiento Geologico de las Islas Espiritu Santo y La Partida, BCS. J.J.Aranda-Gomez y J.A.Perez-Venzor.
Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Revista : Vol 6, #2, 1986.
Reconocimiento Geologico de la Zona Geotermica Saquicismunde; Volcan San Juan, BCS. C.F.E., Nov,1986. (bound Xerox,map)
Regional Geology of El Arco Porphyry Copper Deposit. David Barthelmy in “Baja Calif Geology”, 1979. ©
Rhodolith Detritus Impounded by a Coastal Dune, Isla Coronados, Gulf of California.
Sewell, Johnson, Backus, Ledesma, in Ciencias Marinas, Vol.33 #4, 2007. pp483 – 494. reprint.
Rhodoliths.: Journal of Coastal Research: January 2012: Several articles on BCS Rhodoliths.
Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja Calif. John Minch et al. 1998
Rockhounding in Baja. W.R.C.Shedenhelm, 1980.
Rockhounds’ Guide to Baja (Pts 1 – ). W.R.C.Shedenhelm, in Rock & Gem. Apr 75,
The Rush of 89. The Baja California Gold Fever, and Capt J.Friend’s Letters from the Santa Clara Mines.
Rhyolite Domes and Subsequent Offlap of Pliocene Carbonates on Volcanic Islets at San Basilio. Markes Johnson, 2018. Reprint
S.D.S.U.: Coastal Warm Spring Systems along NE Baja (MSc Thesis) SDSU, 205p. QE528 S55 ref.
A Study of Thermal Waters in Valle Trinidad, BC. S.J.Battelle,MSc Thesis.123p. GB1199.8 M4 B38 ref.
Thermal Waters of NW BC Between Guadalupe & SanVicente. R.K.Woidneck MSc Theses.GB1199.8 m4w6.
Geology of El Carrizo & Associated Thermal Springs, B.C.Mex. D.Custenborder in SDSU Geol Dept
Undergrad Research Rept, 1977. v31, pt 1, 19p QE1 C14Ref.
Geothermal Analysis of hydrothermal water from Las Tres Virgenes. T.C.Hall, SDSU GeolDept undergrad research repts , 1982. v41, pt 2, 11p. QE1 C14 ref.
13C/12C ratios of 3 Thermal Springs. SDSU UG Resch Repts, v38, pt4, 18p, QE1 C14 ref.
San Felipe Sulfur. Shedenhelm. Rock and Gem magazine, October, 1976; v6 #10. ©
The San Nicolas Formation: A Proto-Gulf Extensional-Related New Lithostratigraphic Unit at Bahia San Nicolas, B.C.S.
J. Ledesma-Vázquez, A. Carreño , F. Staines-Urias, and Markes Johnson. J. of Coastal Research: Jul., 2006, Vol. 22# 4: ©
Santa Clara Placers, Baja. Edgar B. Heylmun. California Mining journal, June, 1992. P.39.
Scheelite Deposits in the Northern Part of the Sierra de Juarez, Northern Territory Lower Calif, Mexico. Fries & Schmitter;
Geological Survey Bull #946-C. 1945. (Also in Spanish; see: “Yacimientos de Scheelita….”)
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Upper MioceneEl Boleo fm, Santa Rosalia BCS. Ochoa-Landin et al. §
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas, v 17#2; 2000, p83-96.
Sequestration of Carbonate Shell Material in Coastal Dunes on the Gulf of California. Journal of Coastal Research, May, 2006
Paul A. Skudder, David Backus, David Goodwin, Markes Johnson. X
Sierra de la Laguna de Bja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish).
Los Sitos Mas Antiguos de la Bahia de Ensenada. M.T.Duarte. Noticia de la Calif#1; Oct, 1992.
Six Days on a Mule. M.B.Cole. 1928. Re visit to mine on Isla Santa Margarita.
Six Months in the Gold Mines (upper and lower Calif) 1847-49. E.Gould Buffum. 1850. reprint. Partly Baja ©
Spectacular Strike of Red Axinite in Baja. John Sinkankas. Lapidary Journal; July, 1965 (xerox)
Stromatolitic Mats From an Uplifted Pleistocene Lagoon at Punta Chivato on the Gulf of California. Backus & Johnson
PALAIOS, v.29, 2014. (Filed in Misc Geol looseleaf)
Structure of Agua Verde Accommodation Zone; Hosack, 2006. pdf.
Tectonic Decapitation of a Pliocene Mega-Delta on Isla del Carmen in the Gulf of California: And a River Ran Through It.
Johnson, M.E. et al, Journal of Geology, 2016, V 124, pp 55 – 74. Reprint.
Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of Calif and its Margins. Umhoefer, et al, in GSA Today, Aug, 1996. ©
Tectonic Reopening of Mineralizing Channels in Granitic Pegmatites(Pala, Baja). John Sinkankas. Min.Soc.SoCal.; Jan, 2000
Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Circum-Pacific Region; 1985: 4 papers published by Circum-Pacific Council for
Energy and Mineral Resources: 1. Terranes of Peninsular Calif and Adjacent Sonora. Gordon Gastil.
2. Tectonostrat Terranes of Vizcaino Peninsula, Cedros and San Benito Islands, Baja Calif. David L. Kimbrough
3. The Mexican Thrust Belt. Maria Fernanda Campa U.
4. Stratigraphy and Tectonic Significance of the Mesozoic Tectonostrat Terranes of the Vizcaino Peninsula, B.C.S.
Thomas E. Moore.
Terms Used in Geophysical Exploration; English – to – Spanish Glossary. R.L.Sheriff, SSC. 1973.
Tidal Flat Sedimentation on the Colorado River Delta, NW Gulf of California. R.W.Thompson; G.S.A. Memoir 107, 1968.
Topographical Reports of Lt Geo H. Derby. III – Reconnaissance of the Gulf of Calif and the Colorado River, 1850 – 51.
In Quarterly of the California Historical Society , V.XI #4. Dec 1932: ©
Transpeninsular Highway; Rockhounding in Baja. W.R.C. Shedenhelm, in Rock & Gem, May, 1976. ©
El Triunfo; El Rostro de la Soledad. Armando Trasviña Taylor. 2004.
Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Storm Deposits Eroded fromthe Granodiorite Coast on Isla San Diego ©
(BCS, Mexico). Ginni Callahan in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021.
USGS computer search for its Baja references. Sept, 1991. in report cover.
A Genetic Model for the Los Uvares gold deposit, Baja California Sur, Mexico. A. Carrillo and H. Huyck. Thesis 1997. ©
Valle Del Azufre (Obsidian Site). Steven Shackley et al. Am Antiquity: v61#4, p 718. Abstract with maps and photos.
Variations in styles of Rifting in the Gulf of Calif. Axen, et al. Nature, Vol.448, July, 2007: X
Volcanic Island in the Sea of Cortez (Isla San Luis). C. Leon in Explorer News, 1989.
The Way to El Volcan. David Kier. Mexico West Newsletter; Nov, 1982.
Yacimientos de Scheelita en el Parte Norte de la Sierra de Juarez, Distrito Norte de Baja Calif. Fries & Schmitter.
Boletin #2. 1945.
Zoisite from Lower Calif. Oliver C.Farrington in Field Columbian Museum pub 112; geol series v3#4, p55, 1906.
HISTORY: (Military, Politics, Cities and Towns): Under Construction; Revised: 27 Dec, 2015
Antigua California. Harry W. Crosby. 1994.
La Antigua California Prehispanica: la vida costera en el Conchalito. Rosales-Lopez y Fujita. INAH, 2000.
Anza Conquers the Desert. Richard F. Pourade. Copley Book. 1971.
Jose Joaquin Arrillaga; Diary of His Surveys of the Frontier, 1796. Tiscareno and Robinson,1969. Dawson. B.C. Series# 17.
Baja Calif Al Dia (“Lower Calif Up To Date”) Aurelio de Vivanco. 1924. a photographic Baja encyclopedia. Bilingual.
Baja Calif. and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Ken M. Johnson. Reprint from Journal of the West, Vol XI, #2; April, 1972 ©
Baja California Ilustrada. J.R.Southworth, 2nd ed 1989 (1st ed 1899). Bilingual.
Baja California in the Mexican War, 1846-48. Peter Gerhard, in Pacific Historical Review, Vol 14,, #4, Dec 1945. ©
Baja California, Reseña Geográfica y Estadística. León Diguet, Paris, 1912. Spanish.
Baja California, Reseña Histórica del Territorio (Sur) y de su Flora. Maximino Martinez. 1947. BCS, emphasizes plants.
Baja California; 1533 – 1950 – A Biblio-History. Don Meadows. 1951.
La Baja California. Excerpted from “History of Lower California” in “An Illustrated History of Southern California. 1890. ©
The Baja Highway. Homer Aschmann. ©
Bancroft’s Works: Vol XV (North Mexican States), 1884; & Vol XVI (N. Mexican States and Texas),1889. Hubert H. Bancroft.
Biographical Note on Isidro de Atondo y Antillón. W.M.Mathes, Calif Hist Soc Quarterly, XLVII#3, Sept, 1969. ©
Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadística. 1927, 1928.
Borrowed from the Enemy – Words from Spanish and Indian Sources. Chas,F. Lummis, in Masterkey, vXXIII#4, July, 1949.
A Brief History of the Land of Calafia: The Californias, 1533-1795. W. Michael Mathes. 1974 & 1977 eds
California – A History of Upper and Lower California from Their First Discovery to the Present. Alexander Forbes; 1839/2006.
California in 1792; The Expedition of Jose Longinos Martinez. Translated by Lesley B.Simpson, 1938.
The California Coast; Documents from the Sutro Collection. G.B.Griffin 1891/Donald C.Butler. 1969. Bilingual.
The Call to California. J. Copley, R. Pourade, Harry Crosby. 1968. Special edition copy # 115; autographed.
Camp and Camino in Lower California. Arthur W. North, 1910.
The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. W. Michael Mathes. Manuscript, Univ S.F.
The Capture of the Santa Ana at Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. W. Michael Mathes. 1969. Dawson’s #18.
Cartografia y Cronicas de la Antigua California. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1989, 1st ed. Autographed.
Charles Russell Orcutt. Helen DuShane. 1971. Dawson’s #23.
The Conquistador in California: 1535. W.Michael Mathes (autographed). Re Cortez. Dawson’s #31.
The Constanso Narrative of the Portola Expedition. Ray Brandes, 1970.
The Discovery of California. H.R.Wagner. (suggests origin of name “California”) Q of Calif historical Soc, vol 1 #1, Jan, 1923 x
A Description of the Southernmost Part of California and its Inhabitants. Capt.G.Shelvocke, from his “A Voyage Around the
World by Way of the South Sea, 1719-1722”.Pamphlet reprinted as “Pacific Adventures#2 by Book Club of Calif,1940.
Filibusters of 1890. Edited by Anna Marie Hager. 1968. Dawsons #14.Antonio Melendrez, Nemesis of William Walker in Baja
Calif. J.M.Clark. Quarterly of Calif historical soc, vol XII #4, Dec, 1933
First from the Gulf to the Pacific – Kino Atondo Expedition. Edited by W. Michael Mathes, 1969. Dawson’s #16.
Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1969. (pre-publication, typed monograph, autographed.)
Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1972. Autographed booklet.
Indian Place Names of Baja California Sur. Miguel Leon-Portilla. SW Museum Leaflet #38; 1977. Locations described. ©
The Japanese Scare at Magdalena Bay. Eugene Chamberlin. Reprint. Pacific Historical Review, Vol XXIV, #4, Nov.1955: ©
Jewish Refuge and Homeland-Baja Calif. Norton B. Stern, 1973 Dawson’s # 32
Last of the Californios. Harry Crosby, 1981.. Also in Spanish, “Los Ultimos Californios”, 2010.
Magdalena Plain: From the Time of the Jesuits to the Development of the Santo Domingo Valley ©
Eugene Keith Chamberlin, Ph. D. in XVI Symposium, 1978.
The Maritime History of Baja California. Edward W. Vernon. 2009
The Mexican-American War in Baja California. Richard W. Amero, in Journal of San Diego History, Winter, 1984. ©
Naval Sketches of the War in California. Wm H. Meyers (1846-47). Text by D.W. Knox & Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1939.
On the Lower California coast. Capt. C.W. Scammon (whalers, mining) . Overland Monthly , Vol. IV, March, 1870 ©
Paradoxes in the History of Baja Calif. Miguel Leon-Portilla, in Journal of SanDiego History, summer, 1973.
Phantom Ship of the Gran Desierto (Santa Ana treasure; Colorado delta). Harvey Gray in Desert mag, April, 1974. ©
Prehistory of Baja California – Advances in Archaeology of the Peninsula. Eds: Don Laylander & Jerry D. Moore. 2006
Republic of Lower California, 1853-1854. Rufus Kay Wyllys, in Pacific Historical Review,Vol 2, #2, June 1933. ©
Revolutionaries (1913) in the Puebla (San Ignacio): Edith González Cruz. Excerpt from “Constitutionalist Revolution in
Central Baja Calif”, from: Antolologia de Historia Regional, translated and abridged by Jane B. Ames.
Strange Little War: American Foreign Legionaires in Baja Calif, 1911. C. H. Marcoux.
Journal of America’s Military PastVol.XXVI, #1; 1999 ©
Time Line of Events in San Ignacio (BCS). Jane B. Ames. May, 2014.
Travels on the West Slope of the Mexican Cordillera. Cincinnatus, 1857. pages 21 – 23 only. ©
Wells in the Desert; Retracing the Mexican War trails of Kearney and Cooke through Baja California.
Tom Jonas, in Journal of Arizona History,: Autumn, 2009
INDIANS: (Archaeology, Artifacts, Cave Painting, Early Man, Ethnology, Rock Art): Revised: 12 July, 2017
. Aboriginal Containers of Baja Calif, Mexico: A Search for Origins. from Tebiwa (Idaho St.Univ Museum), Vol 13, #2.
pp41-52. Donald R. Tuohy., 1971. xerox copy in folder.
Aboriginal Population of Northwestern Mexico. Carl Sauer; UC Press, 1935.
Annual Report, 1863-64. Includes “An Account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the California Peninsula” part 1 of 2,
Translated and prefaced by Charles Rau from Jacob Baegert. (original leather-bound)
An Account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the California Peninsula, part 2 of 2, Translated by Charles Rau from Jacob Baegert.
copied from Smithsonian Annual Report for 1865. (Xerox copy of Parts 1 & 2 bound in green report folder) ©
Anthropomorphic Data Pertaining to an Atypical Human Skeleton from Northern Baja Calif. Rose A. Tyson;
San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Tech Notes #14. 1975.
La Antigua California Prehispanica: la vida costera en el Conchalito. Rosales-Lopez y Fujita. INAH, 2000.
Antología de la Arqueología de Baja California. INAH. 1999. #
An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northeastern Baja Calif and Southeastern Calif. Adan Treganza, reprinted
from American Antiquity, vol 8, #2, October, 1942.
An Archaeological Study of South-Central Baja California. Eric Ritter (U.C.Davis PhD). 1979.
Archaeological Studies of MesoAmerican Obsidian. T.R. Hester(Editor), 1978 (Doesn’t pertain directly to Baja).
Arqueología de la Sierra de San Francisco. Gutierrez y Hyland. INAH, 2002.
Arqueología en Baja California. Alfonso Alvarado Bravo. 1999. (Spanish)
Arrowheads & Stone Artifacts. C.G.Yeager. 1986.
Arte Rupestre Baja California Sur; La Sierra de San Francisco, El Canon de Santa Teresa. INAH/SALVAT. 1994.
Auka (journal of Culturas Nativas de Baja Calif) (CUNA) (not yet indexed)
Vol.1, #1; July-Oct, 1993. Vol.1, #2; Oct-Dec, 1993.
Vol.1, #3; Jan-Mar, 1994. Vol 1, #4; Apr-Sept, 1994.
Vol 2, #1; Oct 94-April 95. Vol.2 #2; Apr – Sept 95
Vol 2 #3; Oct 95 – Mar 96 Vol 2 #4; Apr – Sept 96
Vol 3 #1; Oct 96 – Mar 97 Vol 3 #2; Apr – Sept 97
Vol 3 #3; Oct 97 – Mar 98 Vol 3 #4; Apr – Sept 98
Vol 4 #1; Oct 98 – Mar 99
Baja Calif in Anthropological Theory: Desert Adaptation, Cul-de-sac, Frontier, Border. John A. Price. 1968.
(original mimeograph, in folder)
Baja’s Murals of Mystery. National Geographic; Nov, 1980.
Bows and Arrows; Parts I & II. Clarence Ellsworth, in Masterkey, vXXIV #1 & 2,; Jan-Feb and Mar-Apr 1950.
Burial Cave in Baja Calif (Bahia de Los Angeles). Massey & Osborne,1961. UC Press, Anthropological Records V.16, #8.
Also, reprint without plates.
California Anthropology; Journal of: (in binder cover)
Vol 2 #2, Winter, 1975: “Some New Observations Relative to the Indigenous Inhabitants of La Paz, BCS” by W.Michael
Mathes. (xerox).
Vol 3 #1, Summer, 1976: “Some Paipai Accounts of Food Gathering” by Judith Joel. (xerox).
Vol 3 #2, Winter, 1976: “Grasset de Saint Sauveur and the Indians of Baja Calif”, by A.B.Elsasser. (xerox)
La Canada de la Vibora: Un Asentamiento Prehistorico de la Region. Alicia R.Chavez. Noticia#2.
Canon de los Artistas. Austin Deuel, 1985.
The Castaldi Collection from Central and Southern Baja Calif. Wm C. Massey. in Contributions of the U.C.
Archaeological Research Facility, #2, Mar, 1966.
The Cave Paintings of Baja. Luisa Porter-Klink. Desert mag; April, 1980.
Cave Paintings of Baja Calif. Harry W. Crosby. revised ed, 1984.
Cave Paintings of San Borja. Adam Kaye, in Mexico West, Sept, 1990.
Chronology, Context & Select Rock Art Sites in Central Baja Calif. Ritter, et al; Site Dating. ©
Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, Volume 25 (2011).
Cochimi and Proto-Yuman: Lexical and Syntactic Evidence for a New Language Family in Lower Calif.
Maricio J. Mixco; University of Utah Anthropological Papers #101. 1978.
The Cocopa. E. W. Gifford. U.C. Pubs in Amer Arch & Ethn, V 31,#5. 1933.
CUNA (journal of Culturas Nativas de Baja Calif) (see under Auka )
CUNA Symposia: 8 Oct, 1994: Baja California Indigena. 11 papers on various Indian & Archaeological subjects.
:12 Oct, 1996: Water Quality in the Kumiai Communities of Baja Calif, and
Building a Kumeyaay Environmental Strategy: a Border 21 Project.
Descendientes de un Pasado Remoto; Etnias del Norte de B.C. Ramirez & Robertson. Noticias#1, Oct 1992.
Desert Genocide. Homer Aschmann, in “El Museo”, published by San Diego Museum Assn, June, 1953,Vol.1 #4. Indian population.
Ethnology and Linguistics of Baja C. Miguel del Barco; trans by Tiscareno. Dawson #44. 1981.
Ethnology of the Baja Calif Indians (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.5). Edited by Mathes, 1992.(see index, attached)
Evocaciones del Olvido (Reminders of a Forgotten Past) (Cave art, Cabo region) Anibal Lopez Espinoza. 2013. bilingual.
An Expedition to the Guaycura Nation in the Californias. James Arraj. 2002. Central BCS.
The First RockArt Datings in Lower Calif. Fullola, J.M et al; International Newsletter on RockArt, 1994; 9:1-4 ©
Fish-traps in Lower California. F.W.Hodge, in Masterkey; vXXIII#3, May, 1949.
Los Grupos Autoctonos de Baja Calif (Indian Tribes of Baja) by Comite Pro-etnias de Baja Calif. 1997.
Historical Sources for a Contact Ethnography of Baja California. Homer Aschmann in Calif Hist Soc Qtrly, June, 1965.
Huellas del Pasado; Cueva de las Huellas. Angelica Leon. Noticia de la Calif #2;
Indian Art and History. Clement Meighan, 1969. Rock Paintings of Baja. Dawson’s # 13.
Indian Place Names of Baja California Sur. Miguel Leon-Portilla. SW Museum Leaflet #38; 1977. ©
Indians of Lower California, by A.B.Elsasser. Pacific Discovery: Vol XXX #3, May/June 1977
Indians of Northern Baja California. Walt Wheelock. (manuscript). Aug?, 1993. ©
Indian Uprising in Lower Calif, 1734-1737. Father Sigismundo Taraval, translated by M.E.Wilbur, 1931.
Published by Quivira Society; copy #9 of 660.
Journal of San Diego History: combined with “San Diego Historical Society Transactions” in looseleaf. See listing under “journals”
V XXIII#3, Summer 1977: In Search of the Original Californian: Herman Ten Kate’s Expedition to Baja. P.W. vanderPas.
V XXVII#3, Summer 1981: Adaptation of the Bajacalifornian to the Environment from Earliest times to the
mid-19th Century. W.Michael Mathes. See Christie Index #8.
The Kiliwa Indians of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs III, U.C. Press. 1939.
Kiliwa Texts. Mauricio J. Mixco. Univ of Utah Anthropological Papers, #107, 1983.
Los Kiliwa. Arnulfo Estrada R. Noticia de la Calif.#4; Agosto-Oct, 1994.
Late Pleistocene & Recent Changes in Land Form, Climate, & Archaeology in Central Baja Calif; Prehistoric Land & Man
in Lower Calif. Brigham A. Arnold. U. Calif Geogr V.10#4, 1957. (Laguna Chapala to Punta Prieta area)
Mountain Tribes of Northern Baja Calif. Wm D. Hohenthal. Thesis, UC Berkeley, 1951.
The Native Tribes of Lower California. Arthur W. North. 1908. In American Anthropologist, Vol 10#2 (reprint)
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
Notes on the Akwa’ala Indians of Lower California. E.W.Gifford & R.H.Lowie. UC Berkeley; 1928.
Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly; (see Christie’s comprehensive index)
Painted Caves of Baja. Clement Meighan. Desert mag; July, 1965. (Clipping only).
“La Peninsula de Baja California”. Special issue, Arqueologia Mexicana: Vol XI#62, July-Aug 2003:
Los Petroglifos de la Baja California. Jorge Engerrand; Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Historia, Etnologia.. 1912.
Pinturas Rupestres y Petroglifos de Baja California Sur (Primera Parte). D.E.H.Gomez (undated).
Precision Tools of San Dieguito Man. E. Creutz. Baja Symposium III, 1965.
Prehistoric Rock Paintings of Baja Calif. Clement W. Meighan. Reprint from American Antiquity, V31 #3, Part 1; January, 1966.
Prehistory of Baja California – Advances in Archaeology of the Peninsula. Eds: Don Laylander & Jerry D. Moore. 2006
Primeros Pobladores de la Baja California. Anita Άlvarez de Williams. 2004. Anthropology.
Projectile Points from the Three Sisters’ Lagoons of West Central Baja California
by Eric W. Ritter and Julie Burcell. PCAS Quarterly; 34(4) 1998:p.29-66. ©
Rock Art Papers: See Index #30.
Baja California Rock Art Dated to 7,500 Years Ago. John Roach, in National Geographic News, July, 2003. ©
San Borjitas Cave Paintings. Elaine Morrall. Mexico West Newsletter; June, 1987.
Seven Rock Art Sites in Baja Calif. C.W.Meighan & V.L.Pontoni. Ballena Press, 1978.
Site and Culture at San Fernando de Velicata. Sauer & Meigs,1927. UC Press,Vol 2# 9: Lower Calif Studies.
Southwest Museum; Masterkey: See list in “Journals” section, under “Masterkey”, 12 titles.
Testimonios Rupestres del Valle de Guadalupe. Jose L. Gonzalez Lopez. Noticia de la Calif.#4; Agosto, 1994.
Tribes and Languages of Baja Calif. Wm C. Massey. SW Journal of Anthropology: Vol 5#2; 1949.
Travelers Among the Cucapa. Anita Alvarez de Williams. Dawson #34. 1975.
Trinidad, “The Trinity” (Rock Art). Kerry Otterstrom, Baja Sun (newspaper)October, 1992.
Vallecitos (Un Museo a la Intemperie). Aurora A.Ramirez Chavez. Noticia de la Calif.#4; Agosto, 1994.
Valle Del Azufre (Obsidian Site). Steven Shackley et al. Am Antiquity: v61#4, p 718. Abstract with maps and photos.
LAND, REAL ESTATE, PROMOTIONS: Revised: 28 August, 2012
Description of Lands in Lower Calif, for sale by the International Co; Patent title. July, 1887. x ©
Magdalena Plain: From the Time of the Jesuits to the Development of the Santo Domingo Valley ©
Eugene Keith Chamberlin, Ph. D. in XVI Symposium, 1978.
San Quentin Division; International Company of Mexico. Land Promotion. Col. D. K. Allen. 1887. (copy) ©
San Vicente Basin, from Santo Tomas Valley South to S. Ramon Bay. Col. D.K. Allen. 1887. Land Promotion. xerox copy.
“Tierra Perfecta” Lower California. A land promotion booklet from 1887. (copy) ©
MISSIONS: (Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, Diaries): Revised: 20 Oct, 2016
An Account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the California Peninsula. Charles Rau from Jacob Baegert.
in Smithsonian Annual Reprt, 1863-64. pp 352-369.
Adventure in Lower California. J. Bigelow Clark in Vogue magazine, Nov. 1, 1956. re: Mission San Borja. ©
Jose Joaquin Arrillaga; Diary of His Surveys of the Frontier, 1796. Tiscareno and Robinson, 1969. Dawson#17.
Backpacking Mision Santa Maria. Norman K. Christie in Baja Life magazine, Vol 1, #3, p40, 1995.
Baja California and its Missions. Tomas Robertson, 1978.
Baja: Land of Lost Missions. Marquis McDonald & Glenn Oster, 1968.
Baja California – Land of Missions. David K. 2016.
Baja California Missions – In the Footsteps of the Padres. David Burckhalter. 2013
Baja California Mission Trail; Loreto to El Rosario. Original Manuscripts by Howard Gulick. 1954, 59.
Baja’s Hidden Gold – Treasure along the Mission Trail. Herman Hill. 2008.
Benevolence in Baja. Robert de Roos. in High Country quarterly (Temecula); #8, Spring, 1969.
The Camino Real and the Missions of Baja. Miguel Leon Portilla et al. 2008. Bilingual, accordian-pleated screenfold 18”x12”.
Demographic Patterns in the Missions of Northern Baja Calif. Robt Jackson in Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. 1991.
Documentos Para la Historia de la BajaCalif. Notas preliminaries de Jorge Flores D. 1940.
(8 page excerpt from Papeles Historicos Mexicanos 2.). Info on location of missions, etc.
A Dominican Document from Baja Calif in 1808. “Church beginning to Crumble” ©
Rev. F.J.Weber in Calif History, V.LVIII #3, Fall, 1979.
The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower Calif. Peveril Meigs. Univ of Calif. pub. 1935. Maps & plans. (hardbound)
Doomed to Fail; Gaspar de Portola’s First Calif Appointees. Harry Crosby. 1989.
The Drawings of Ignacio Tirsch. Doyce B. Nunis, 1972. Dawson’s Baja Calif Travel Series # 27.
El Camino Real in Baja Calif: Loreto-San Diego (update to Kings Hwy Book). Harry Crosby. Journal of San Diego History, 1977.
Exploring Mission San Fernando Velicata. April Althouse. Discover Baja newsletter, Summer, 2001
An Expedition to the Guaycura Nation in the Californias. James Arraj. 2002. Central BCS, San Luis Gonzaga..
From Velicata to San Diego. Lupita Barbosa E. & Martin Barron E. 1984.
Gabriel Gonzalez, Last Dominican in Baja Calif. Peter Gerhard. Pacific Historical Review, May, 1953. ©
A Guide to the Missions of Baja California. Helen DuShane. Desert Magazine; Sept, 1960.
Historic San Fernando. Graham Macintosh, in Discover Baja, Nov, 1995.
Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1969. (pre-publication, typed monograph, autographed.)
Historical Notes on Baja California. Tomas A. Robertson. 1972. Autographed booklet.
History of (Lower) California. F.X.Clavigero, 1789. Translated by Lake and Gray, 1971.
Informe on the New Province of California. Piccolo, F.M., S.J. 1702. Transl by Hammond, 1967. Dawson #10.
In Search of a Lost Mission. David Kier. Discover Baja, Fall 2009 (N. of Sta Getrudes – possibly Santa Agueda ?) ©
Jesuit Gold. C. Polzer, in Desert Magazine, Aug 1962, pp22-27. (also, history of the expulsion) © (D)
Jesuit Gold of Lower California; Tale of Don Fernando X. R. Moncado. Tom Tomson. 1983.
The Jesuits in Baja California. Charles E. Chapman. Catholic historical Review, Vol VI #1, April, 1920. ©
Jesuit Relations – Baja California, 1716 – 1762. Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. 1984. Dawson’s #47.
Kino’s Plan for the Development of Pimeria Alta.. Trans by Ernest J. Burrus, S.J. 1961.
The Legendary Lost Mission (Santa Isabel). Lincoln Bates, in Baja Times, April 1992.
The Letters of Jacob Baegert, 1749-1761. Translated by Elsbeth Schulz-Bischof. Intro& edit by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. Dawson #45.
The Longest Chain…..Missions of Baja. Sam Hicks in High Country quarterly #8, Spring, 1969.
Loreto’s Key Role in the Early History of the Californias. Dr. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1997 . 22-page keepsake.
The “Lost Mission” of Baja Calif. Monograph by Howard Gulick, approx 1955-6. Copy of his file.
The “Lost” Mission of Baja Calif. Peter Gerhard. Reprinted from WesternFolklore Vol 27, #2 (U.Cal Press)April, 1958.
Lost Santa Isabel Mission; Choral Pepper. Desert magazine; Feb., 1966.
The Lost Treasures of Baja Calif. Padre James D. Francez. 1996. 1st ed., signed.
Las Misiones Antiguas; The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. Edward W. Vernon. 2002. autographed.
Las Misiones d Baja Calif (Missions of Baja Calif) 1683-1849. An Historical-Photographic Survey. W.Michael Mathes. 1977.
La Mision del Diablo (San Pedro Martir, San Isidoro). Clyde H. McMorrow, in Brand Book #2, 1971.
Legendary Lost Mission. Lincoln Bates; in Baja Times, April, 1992.
Mision de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Huasinapi. Carlos Lazcano. Noticia de la Calif.#3; 1993. ©
Mission Fruit. Magnaghi, Russell M. Natural History, Oct, 2011; Vol. 119#9 ©
Mision San Francisco de Borja Adac. Greg Niemann & Mitchell Clinton in Baja Life issue#5, p76. 1996.
Mision San Javier. Genevieve Cygne in Baja Life, Vol1#2, p72. 1994.
The Mission of San Javier. Sergio Morales Polo. 2007. vol III of “This is Loreto” collection. Booklet.
(Mision) Santa Catarina de las Yumas. Clyde H. McMorrow, in Brand Book #4, 1976.
Mision Santa Maria de Los Angeles. Carlos Lazcano. Noticia de la California #1; 1992.
Mission of San Ignacio Kadakaaman. Greg Niemann in Baja Life, issue#7, p86. 1997.
Missions and Missionaries of California; Vol I; Lower Calif. Fr.Zephyrin Engelhardt. 2nd Ed, 1929.
The Missions and Missionaries of Baja California. Francis J. Weber. 1968. Dawson’s #11.
The Mission Period of Baja Calif, G.E.Lindsay. Pacific Discovery: Vol XVIII, #4, Jul/Aug 1965
Mission of Santa Gertrudis la Magna. Greg Niemann. Baja Times, April, 1992.
The Missions of Central Baja. by Jane Eppinga. Desert magazine, Aug, 1980. (clipping only).
A Monument of Faith in an Unforgiving Land. (Mision Sta Gertrudes) Mary O’Grady in Wall Street Journal; 26 Dec, 1997. ©
Un Monumento que Esta en Medio de la Nada; Mision de San Francisco de Borja Adac. C.L.Sahagun. Noticia #2.
The Mystery of San Luis Gonzaga [BCS] Massey, Lee, from Baja symposium, 1978. (English and Spanish). ©
Mystery of Santa Maria; Morlin Childers. Desert magazine; June, 1967.
A Natural and Civil History of California. Miguel Venegas. 1758. Original English translation, 1759.
Navigation Methods of Eusebio Francisco Kino, S.J. Ronald L. Ives. Arizona and the West, V.II, # 3, Autumn 1960, pp. 213-43 ©
The Peninsular California Missions. Msgr.Francis Weber. 1979.
Pictorial Record of Baja Calif Mission sites. Manuscript by Howard Gulick, 1954? No photos.
A Pilgrimage to San Borja. John R. Purcell. American Desert magazine, Jan 1993. ©
Quest of the Lost Santa Isabel. T. W. Crawford. 1964. (fiction)
San Ignacio (Una Mision en el Arroyo de los Carrizales). Manuel Ibarra Leon. Noticia Calif.#4.
San Javier; Louise Cave & Glen Vargas in American Desert mag, Jan, 1993. ©
Santo Domingo. Henry M. Brown. English 1993. Span 1994. History and personalities of the area around
Mision Sta Domingo, including Hamilton Ranch, Meling Ranch, Valladares Mine.
San Vicente Ferrer; Historia de un Pueblo, 1780-1980. Martin Barron E. Copy # 284.
Site and Culture at San Fernando de Velicata. Sauer & Meigs,1927. UC Press, Vol 2# 9: Lower Calif Studies.
The Spanish Missions of Baja Calif. (Spanish Borderlands Sourcebooks, Vol.16) Ed by Robt Jackson. 1991
A Trip to Mission San Borja? Brady Wood. MW; March, 1991. See also June, 1991 and July, 1992.
NATURAL HISTORY: (General, Non-Specific to flora, fauna, geology etc. (in progress) Revised: 16 Dec, 2010
Beachcombing the Desert. A.Deming and G.Huey. (Espiritu Santo, Partida, & San Francisco). Islands mag; Feb, 1996, pp 90-101.
Biological Investigations in Mexico. Ed.A.Goldman. 1951. Smithsonian Vol#115. Describes biological expedition of Edward
Nelson and Goldman in Mexico 1892-1906 (Baja 1905-6).
BoLA Field Station – Science Gains a Beachhead in Baja. John Hilton. Desert Magazine, Jan 1961. © (D)
: (green cover)
Central Desert of Baja Calif. Robert D. Bratz, in Journal of Idaho Acadamy of Science, Vol.12#2, Dec, 1976
Island Biogeography in the Sea of Cortez. edited by Ted Case, Martin Cody, Exequiel Ezcurra. 2002
Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.
Islas del Golfo de California. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1988.
Natural History of the Coronado Islands, Baja Calif. Ed by H.T. Kuper, San Diego Assn of Geologists. 1978
A Natural History Guide to Baja California. Kathleen J. Dickey. 1983.
Natural History Guide to the Pacific Coast and North Central Baja and Adjacent Islands. Dennis Bostic, 1975. Great Bibliography.
Natural History Log Aboard the MV Sea Bird; Voyage to Baja Calif and the Sea of Cortes. Bryan Gates. 1993.
Natural History Museum of L.A.County: see list of publications under”Journals, magazines, etc”
Seasonal Precipitation Regimes in Baja Calif. J.R. Hastings & R. M. Turner; reprint from Geografiska Annaler, 1965. Weather.
PALEONTOLOGY : (Fossils, Dinosaurs): Revised: 2 January, 2008
Age Relations & Zoogeographic Implications of Late Pleistocene Marine Invertibrate Fossils from Turtle Bay. Nautilus, 1981
Ammonite Ravine and the Horn of Ammon. Lewis Walker in Pacific Discovery. Jul/Aug, 1951.
Bioestratigrafia Basada en Radiolarios del Triasico en el Noroeste de la Peninsula de Vizcaino, BCS.
V.M.Davila-Alcocer y E.A.Pessagno. Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Revista : Vol 6, #2; 1986.
Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the Tertiary of Cedros Island and Adjacent Parts of Lower Calif.
Eric Jordan in Calif Acad of Sciences v15:14, 1926.
Cuando los Dinosaurios Vivian en Baja Calif. Francisco J.A.Manteca. Noticia #1; Oct 1992.
Digging into Baja’s Past. Judy Goldstein Botello in Discover Baja, Nov-Dec, 1997.
A Fossil Bonanza in the Baja. Science News; 19 Oct, 1974 ©
Fossil Decapod Crustaceans from Mexico. Mary J. Rathbun. Smithsonian # 2851. 1930.
Fossil Diatoms from Southern Baja Calif. Hanna & Brigger; Cal Acad of Sci v30#15; 1966.
A Fossil Hunt. George Lindsay in Pacific Discovery. Nov/Dec,1965. Santiago area, BCS.
Fossil Mammals from BC; New Evidence of Early Tertiary Migrations. W.J.Morris in Science, v153#3742, 16/9/1966 ©
Geology and Paleontology; Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Dallas Hanna & Leo Hertlein,
in Calif Academy of Sciences v16#6. 1927.
Hunting Baja’s Giant Fossil Ammonites. Roger K. Mitchell. Four Wheeler magazine; May, 1964.
Baja Calif: Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs. W.J.Morris in Science, v155 #3769, 24 March 1967: ©
Molluscan fauna of the Pleistocene of San Quintin Bay, Lower California. Eric Jordan; Calif Acad of Sci, v15:7, 1926.
Natural History Museum of L. A. County: Contributions in Science: (in looseleaf binder):
#151 A New Early Tertiary Perissodactyl from Baja California. W.J.Morris, 1968.
#217 Pliocene Avian Remains from Baja California. Hildegarde Howard, 1971.
#232 Prelim Report on Late Cretaceous Mammals from El Gallo Formation, Baja California. J. A. Lillegraven, 1972.
#247 Praekogia Cedrosensis, A New Genus and Species of Fossil Pigmy Sperm Whale from Isla Cedros. 1973.
#434 Paleontology of the Eocene Bateque Formation, Baja Calif Sur, Mexico. R. L. Squires & Robt Demetrion, 1992.
New Crabs from the Eocene of B.C.S…..Fossil Decapods (north of La Paz). Schweitzer et al;
Journal of Paleontology; Supplement to V76#6, Nov. 2002. abstract: ©
Paleoecology and Taphonomy of Recent to Pleistocene Intertidal Deposits, Gulf of California.
Paleontological Society Special Publ # 2, ed by Karl Flessa. 1987. See list of 14 papers, Index #18
Paleontology of the Miocene of Lower Calif. Leo Hertlein & Eric Jordan in Calif Acad of Sci Proceedings XVI #19; 2 Sept, 1927.
Pectins from the Tertiary of Lower Calif. Leo Hertlein; Calif Acad of Sci Procdgs v14:1, 1925.
Pleistocene Invertibrates from NW Baja. James W. Valentine; Cal Acad Sci v36#17, 1969
Pleistocene Invertebrates from Punta China, Baja C. Wm K. Emerson in AmMusNatlHist Bull, v.111#4. 1956. Reprint.
Pliocene Fossils from Rancho El Refugio, and Cerralvo Island, Baja C. Leo Hertlein; Calif Ac of Sciences Proc v30#14; 1966.
Recent Mollusks of the 1940 “E.W.Scripps” Cruise to Gulf of California. W.K.Emerson & E.L.Puffer.
AmMusNatlHistory Novitates #1825; April 1957.
La Sirenas en Baja Calif (Fossil Manatees). Francisco J.A.Manteca. Noticia #3; Agosto, 1993.
Three Late Cenozoic Molluscan Faunules from Baja Calif, with a Note on Diatomite from West of San Felipe.
Leo G. Hertlein; Calif Academy of Sciences Proceedings, v30#19, 1968.
Wasatchian (early Eocene) Mammals and other Vertibrates from Baja Calif: The Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra Fauna.
Michael J. Novacek et al; Bulletin of the Am Mus of Natural History #208. 1991. (near Punta Prieta and Rosarito)
El yacimiento de obsidiana Valle de Azufre, Baja Calif Sur. in Arqueología:#19; Enero-Junio 1998.
SEASHELLS: Revised: 6 January, 2010
Between Pacific Tides. Ed Ricketts & Jack Calvin (Rev by Hedgpeth). 3rd ed,1975.
Biological Survey of Bahia de Los Angeles, Gulf of Calif. III: Benthic Mollusca. Eugene V. Coan.
San Diego Society of Natural History, Transactions V.15#8; Sep,1968.
A Checklist of Intertidal Mollusks for Bahia Willard and the SW Portion of Bahia San Luis Gonzaga, Baja Calif, Mex.
Helen DuShane and Gale Sphon, in the Veliger (Calif MalacoZoology Soc) v10 #3, Jan 1968.
Checklist of Mollusks for Puertocitos, Baja Calif. Helen DuShane, Conchological Club of Southern Cal. Veliger 1962.
Echinoderms from Lower California, with New Species. Hubert L. Clark. Am Mus Nat Hist Bull: vXXXII, art VIII, July, 1913
Five New Epitonid Gastropods (turritella) From the West Coast of the Americas. Helen DuShane, LACMNH #185, 1970.
The Genus Seila (turritella) in the Eastern Pacific (Mollusca : Gastropoda.). Helen DuShane & Bertram Draper in
Veliger, V17 #4, April, 1975
Handbook to the Common Intertidal Invertebrates of Gulf of Calif. Richard C. Brusca, 1973.
Large Terebras (Mollusca) from the Eastern Pacific. G.Hanna & L.Hertlein. Calif Academy of Sciences, Vol.XXX, #3, Aug.1961.
The Marine Shells of the West Coast of California (4 Vols). Ida S. Oldroyd. 1924
Marine Treasures from Punta Penasco. Helen DuShane. Desert mag; Oct 1957.
A New Haliotid (Abalone) from Guadalupe Island, Mex. (Mollusca : Gastropoda) Robert Talmadge,
LA CMNH Contributions in Science #109, 1966.
New Species of Tropical Eastern Pacific Gastropoda. J.H.McLean in Reprint from Malacological Review, v2, 1969.
Notices of new Eastern Pacific Molusca – IV. S. Stillman Berry in Leaflets in Malacology, V1#19, Dec 1960.
Recent Mollusks of the 1940 “E.W.Scripps” Cruise to Gulf of California. W.K.Emerson & E.L.Puffer.
AmMusNatlHistory Novitates #1825; April 1957.
Sea of Cortez. John Steinbeck and E. F. Ricketts. 1941/1989.
Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates. Alex Kerstitch; 1989.
Seashells of Baja. W.R.C.Shedenhelm, in Rock&Gem magazine, v3#4; Apr, 1973, p76 .
Sea Shells of Tropical West America; Marine Mollusks from Lower Calif to Colombia. A.Myra Keen, Stanford U. 1958.
Shell Game. Neal Matthews in Travel Holiday magazine; March, 1997. (Shelling, La Paz to Bahia Concepcion)
Shelling in the Sea of Cortez. Paul E. Violette. 1964.
Shells from the Coasts of Baja California, by Helen C. Smith, PCAS Quarterly, 1972, Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 1.
Tidepool Wonders of the Sea of Cortez III (a field guide). Wesley M.Farmer, 1990.
West American Mollusks of the Genus Conus. G.D.Hanna, Calif Acdy of Sciences Occasional Paper#35; 1963.
West American Species of Lucapinella (limpet). James H. McLean in Veliger v9 #3, Jan. 1967. Reprint.
1940 E.W. Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California (G.S.A. Memoir 43). 1950.
SPANISH LANGUAGE: (Most of these are in my Loreto library) Revised: 7 April, 2016
Los Afanes de un historiador; Homenaje a David Pinera Ramirez. Aide Grijalva, UABC. 1999.
La Antigua California Prehispanica: la vida costera en el Conchalito. Rosales-Lopez y Fujita. INAH, 2000.
Antología de la Arqueología de Baja California. INAH. 1999.
Arqueología de la Sierra de San Francisco. Gutierrez y Hyland. INAH, 2002.
Arqueología en Baja California. Alfonso Alvarado Bravo. 1999. (Spanish)
Arte Rupestre Baja California Sur; La Sierra de San Francisco, El Canon de Santa Teresa. INAH/SALVAT. 1994.
Las Aves de ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.). The Birds of ESSA Field Guide 2000. Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to
The birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.
Baja Calif Al Dia (“Lower Calif Up To Date”) Aurelio de Vivanco. 1924. a photographic Baja encyclopedia. Bilingual.
Baja California; Comentarios Politicos. Braulio Maldonado. 3rd edition, 1960.(Spanish)
Baja California – desde el principio. Geología histórica. Cuautémoc Leon Diez. 1995. (Spanish; Geologic history and paleontology)
Baja California Ilustrada. J.R.Southworth, 2nd ed 1989 (1st ed 1899). Bilingual.
Baja California Monografia Estatal (Spanish); Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 1992.
Baja California, Resena Geografica y Estadistica. Leon Diguet, Paris, 1912. Spanish.
Baja California, Reseña Histórica del Territorio (Sur) y de su Flora. Maximino Martinez. 1947. BCS, emphasizes plants.
Baja California Sur (Spanish) Monografia Estatal; Secretaria de Educacion Publica. 1992.
Bibliografia de Baja Calif (Primer Tomo). Ing. P. Trujillo G., 1967.
Bibliografia Entomologica de Baja Calif. Ing P. Trujillo G. 1967.
Bioestratigrafia Basada en Radiolarios del Triasico en el Noroeste de la Peninsula de Vizcaino, BCS.
V.M.Davila-Alcocer y E.A.Pessagno. Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Revista :Vol 6, #2; 1986.
Birds of the Baja Calif Peninsula: Status, Distribution, Taxonomy. Erickson & Howell, eds, ABA monograph #3. 2001.
The Birds of ESSA (Exportadora de Sal, S.A.) Field Guide [Las Aves de ESSA]. 2000.
Excellent bilingual pictorial field guide to the birds of the Guerrero Negro salt marsh area.
Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. 1927, 1928.
Caminos de Baja California – Geologia y Biologia. John Minch, Jorge Ledesma, et al. 2003. Autographed.
Cartografía y Crónicas de la Antigua California. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1989, 1st ed. Autographed.
Carta Geologica de la Baja Calif. Text and Map by Teodoro Flores, Instituto Geologico de Mexico #1. 1931.
Catalogo de los Marinos de Baja California Sur (Fish ID book). Jose De la Cruz Aguero. 1997.
Congreso Geologico Internacional, excursion A-7. 1956. Detailed field trip notes and maps of BCS from La Paz to Vizcaino.
Diccionario Escolar de Bolsillo Baja California Norte.(aka Enciclopedico BCN) 1956/1984.
Documentos Para la Historia de la BajaCalif. Notas preliminaries de Jorge Flores D. 1940.
(8 page excerpt from Papeles Historicos Mexicanos 2.). Info on location of missions.
Documentos Para la Historia de Tijuana. David P. Ramirez/Antonio P. Corona, UABC. 1995.
Enciclopedico Baja Calif Norte(aka: Diccionario Escolar de Bosillo B.C.N.). 1956/84.
Expediciones a California Durante los Siglos XVI y XVII. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval.(undated)
Expediciones del Coronel Esteban Cantu al Puerto de San Felipe. Dr. Ernesto Sosa Rocha. Great photos.
Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 1992. Large format field guide to plants (in Spanish). WWF.
Flora Iconografica de Baja California Sur. 2015. Luz, Cadena, Leon, Benet.
Geologia De Mexico, Tomo II: Baja Calif. E.Lopez Ramos, 3rd ed, 1982.
Geotermia (and other C.F.E. publications) : see periodical index
Gobierno del Distrito Norte de la Baja California; Memoria Administrativa, 1924-1927.
el Golfo de California, Mar Nacional. Maria Luisa Garza. 1976.
Los Grupos Autoctonos de Baja Calif (Indian Tribes of Baja) by Comite Pro-etnias de Baja Calif. 1997.
Guia Familiar de Baja California (Vital Statistics of Baja) Pablo L. Martinez (autographed), 1965. Bilingual Genealogy of Baja.
Guia Touristica Baja California Sur. Official visitors’ guide. 2002. Bilingual.
Homenaje a Bill Hendricks y La Asociacion Cultural de las Californias. 1992.
Hongos Conocidos de Baja California. Nahara Ayala y Carlos Ochoa; UABC. 1998. Mushrooms of Baja (in Spanish)
Isla el Carmen; Una Guia de Flora y Fauna. OVIS, editors: Benevides, Hernandez, Jimenez. 2001.
Islas del Golfo de California. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1988.
Loreto, Capital de las Californias. reproduction of maps by Juan María de Salvatierra, notes by León-Portilla.. 1997.
Loreto: Madre y Cuna de las Californias. 20-page pamphlet by Armando Trasvina Taylor. Undated.
Mapas, Planos y Diseños de Baja Calif, siglos XVIII y XIX. Sayra Selene Enciso Lizárraga. 2006. Old Maps.
Memoria Administrativa del Gobierno del Distrito Norte de la Baja Calif; 1924-27. Mexicali, 1928.
Minuta del I Concurso de Cocina Regional Sudcalifornia(Traditional Baja Recipes). 1986.
Las Misiones d Baja California (Mission of Baja Calif) 1683-1849. An Historical-Photographic Survey.
Dr. W.Michael Mathes. 1977. Bilingual.
Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California. CRM/SECOFI #M-22e. 1999. 1000copies.
Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplfied Geology;
C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts
Monografia Geologico – Minera del Baja California Sur. CRM/SECOFI #M-20e. 1999. 1000copies.
Includes 1:750,000 plates: A. Geologic; B. Mineral Deposits/Simplfied Geology;
C. Chart : Main Ore Deposits and Mining Districts
Mulegé un Pueblo Heróico; la Defensa de la Soberanía Nacional, 1846-1848. José Andrés Cota Sandoval. 2002. (500 copies)
Noroeste Minero; La minería en Sonora, Baja Cal, BCS, durante el porfiriato. Romero G., Heath, Rivas H. 2002
Noticia de la California (Museo de Historia de Ensenada) #1, Oct-Dec, 1992. 2, winter, 1993. 3, August, 1993.
4, Oct-Dec, 1994. 5, Sept-Nov 1995. Various articles. See Christie Index #9.
Opciones de Desarrollo (Development) en El Oasis de los Comondú. Alba E. Gámez. 2013.
Operación Minera en Marcha. Gobierno del Estado de B.C.S. 1982/84
El Otro Mexico; Biografia de Baja Calif. Fernando Jordan. 1980/89.
Paisaje Urbano y Personajes en Baja Calif Sur. Elizabeth Acosta Mendia. 2005. Mini-bios of BCS people. (sp)
Peces del Golfo de California. (Spanish version of Gulf of Calif Fishwatcher’s Guide) Thomson & McKibbin. 1978.
La Peninsula de Baja California. Article in: Arqueología Mexicana Vol XI#62, July-Aug 2003: Special Baja issue,
Los Petroglifos de la Baja California. Jorge Engerrand; Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Historia, Etnologia.. 1912.
Pinturas Rupestres y Petroglifos de Baja California Sur (Primera Parte). D.E.H.Gomez (undated, but reported as 1972)
Las Posibilidades Petroliferas en la Costa Occidental de la Baja Calif. Santillan y Barrera. 1930. (xerox of book)
Primeros Pobladores de la Baja California. Anita Άlvarez de Williams. 2004. Anthropology.
Reconocimiento Geologico de las Islas Espiritu Santo y La Partida, BCS. J.J.Aranda-Gomez y J.A.Perez-Venzor.
Univ. Nal. Auton. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Revista : Vol 6, #2, 1986.
Remedios Caseros Naturales; Herbas Curativas. J. Ernesto Alvarado
Las Rutas de la Luz; El Paisaje de Baja Calif. 1995.(Art & photography of Baja Calif; Sp text)
Santa Rosalia, Origen e identidad de un Pueblo; 119 Aniversario. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval. 1992.
Sierra de la Laguna de Baja Calif Sur. Laura Arriaga y Alfredo Ortega, eds. 1988. Flora, Fauna Geology (Spanish). #
Sierra de San Pedro Martir; III Semana de la Exploracion y la Historia. En Homenaje a Belester Bernaldez Garza. Sept, 1991.
Síntesis Geográfica de Estado de Baja California Sur. INEGI, 1995.
Y, Anexo Cartografico (12 Maps, 1:1,000,000:Topografia, Geologia, Agricola, Fisiografia, Hidrologia, etc.
Sitios Turísticos con interes Histórico en el Municipio de Mulegé. Jose Andres Cota Sandoval. 1992.
Los Tiburones: Necesitan de Nosotros. Articles relating to depletion of Sharks, and their conservation. Sp, in rept cover.
El Urbanismo y el Patrimonio Arquitectonico de Santa Rosalía. José Andrés Cota Sandoval. 2001. (1000 copies printed)
El yacimiento de obsidiana Valle de Azufre, Baja Calif Sur. in Arqueología:#19; Enero-Junio 1998.
Yacimientos de Scheelita en el Parte Norte de la Sierra de Juarez, Distrito Norte de Baja Calif.
Fries & Schmitter. Boletin#2. 1945. (also in English: see Geological Survey Bull #946-C)
Yo Soy Mulegé. Armando Taylor, 1991.
Cabo San Lucas / San Jose del Cabo:
Lost Cabos…the way it was. Robt E. Jackson. 2002.
Tradition vitivinícola de los Comondú (Winemaking in the Comondus) Gutierrez, et al. 2016. Bilingual.
Opciones de Desarrollo (Development) en El Oasis de los Comondú. Alba E. Gámez. 2013.
Loreto; Some Relevant Facts….. Sergio Morales Polo. 2nd ed, 1997. 28-page paperback., vol I of “This is Loreto” series.
Loreto, Baja California; First Mission and Capital of Spanish Calif. Ann & Don O’Neil. 2001. autographed.
Loreto, Capital de las Californias. reproduction of maps by Juan Maria de Salvatierra, notes by Leon-Portilla.. 1997. (Sp)
Loreto – Future of the 1st Capital of the Californias. Paul Ganster, Oscar Arizpe & Antonina Ivanova. 2007. Bilingual.
Loreto’s Key Role in the Early History of the Californias. Dr. Miguel Leon-Portilla. 1997 . 22-page keepsake.
Loreto: Madre y Cuna de las Californias. 20-page pamphlet by Armando Trasviña Taylor. Undated.
TREASURE: (Treasure Hunting, Pirates): Revised: 30 Nov, 2010
Baja’s Hidden Gold – Treasure along the Mission Trail. Herman Hill. 2008.
Jesuit Gold. C. Polzer, in Desert Magazine, Aug 1962, pp22-27. (also, history of the expulsion) © (D)
Jesuit Gold of Lower California; Tale of Don Fernando X.R.Moncado. Tom Tomson. 1983.
Lost Gold Mine of the Padres. Ed Hay. True Treasure mag, Vol 8,#4, March-April 1974. (Sonora)
Missing – 5,000,000 Pesos. Aaron St. Thomas in Treasure World; Oct/Nov 1973.
Nellie Cashman’s Lost Gold (Mulegé) by Louise Auer. Desert mag; Oct, 1963.
Phantom Ship of the Gran Desierto (Santa Ana treasure; Colorado delta). Harvey Gray in Desert mag, April, 1974. ©
Pirates of the Pacific. Peter Gerhard. 1990 reprint
Shipwrecks and Coyotes (Sand Island, Scammon’s Lagoon) Peter Jensen. Discover Baja newsletter; Fall, 2004.
Track of Manila Galleons. National Geographic; Sept, 1990.
Treasure of San Pedro Martir; Harold Weight. Desert magazine; April, 1975.
Treasure Trove of the Trinidad. Gordon Smith in L.A.Times; 8 January, 1987.
Vizcaino Peninsula: essays and magazine articles collected by Norm Christie in looseleaf. See Christie Index #12.
CUMULATIVE INDICES for Some ROCKHOUND Magazines. Index # 1
Articles Relating to BAJA California by Norm Christie; Revised: 15 February, 2014
Christie collection: . x = xerox copy. © = scanned into computer. Red = Wanted
AMERICAN MINERALOGIST (aka: The Mineralogist): http://www.minsocam.org
x v9; 1924, p221: Clinozoisite from Lower California (norte). A.F. Rogers. ©
x v51; 1966, p99: Diagenetic Polyhalite in Recent Salt From Baja California. Wm T. Holser
Fall, 1955, p202, 219: Calcite; Freaks and Rarities. John Sinkankas.
#289, Oct 1961, p16: Collecting in Baja California. Part 1. P.W. Johnson.
#290; Nov 1961, p26; Collecting in Baja California. Part 2. P.W. Johnson.
#387; Dec, 1969, p.36; El Marmol. Paul W. Johnson.
#529; Nov 1981, p86: Gems and Minerals of Mexico, Part 1: Ken and Doris Castro.
#530; Dec 1981, p26: Gems and Minerals of Mexico, Part 2: Ken and Doris Castro.
V10, 1966, p10: New Cuttable Gem Material from Mexico. F.H. Pough.
Journal of Geology (Univ of chicago Press)
V XXIX, # 8, Nov-Dec 1921: Geologic Reconnaissance in Baja California. N.H.Darton. Complete journal, plus signed reprint.
vol 74 #6, 1966. p.932.: Origin of Carmen Island Salt Deposit, Baja Calif, Mexico. D.W.Kirkland et al. ©
LAPIDARY JOURNAL (bi-monthly until April, 1962) LapidaryJournal@primediasi.com
x Apr 1954, p 20-24: Gem Hunting in Baja Calif. James A. Moore.
v12#4; Oct, 1958, p466-472: Spectacular Find of Sphene Made in Mexico. Hugh Leiper.
v15#1, Apr 1961, p34-48: Story of an Adventure in Baja California (Norte). J.C. Arnold & Dr. Ron Olson.
x v15 , Oct 1961, p456: Gem Minerals of Baja Calif. P.W. Johnson.
x Aug, 1962: Organic Gem Materials of Baja. Paul W. Johnson. ©
v17; April 1963, p4: Chromian Sphene; a New Gem find in Baja (near San Quintin). John Sinkankas.
Contains Subject Index, April 1947 – March 1963
v17#3; July, 1963, p449: New Sapphire Find in Baja California (Sierra Juarez). Paul W. Johnson. ©
v18#1; Apr 1964, p48: Gemstones and Minerals of Baja Calif – An Annotated Directory. Sinkankas.
v19#4; July1965, p436-477: Spectacular Strike of Red Axinite in Baja. John Sinkankas.
v19#12; Mar 1966, p1304-1318: Adventuring Off the Beaten Track in Mexico, pt 3: Chihuahua & Durango.
v20#3; June 1966, p424-435: Adventuring Off the Beaten Track in Mexico, pt 6: Sinaloa & Alamos.
v20#4; July, 1966, p542-49: Adventuring Off the Beaten Track in Mexico, pt 7: Yaqui Land (Sonora).
v20#5; Aug, 1966: Adventuring Off the Beaten Track in Mexico, pt8: NW Sonora. Miller & Olson.
v20#6; Sept 1966, p700-709: ….. Track in Mexico, pt 9: Pimera (Northern Sonora).
v20#7; Oct, 1966, p 830-844: ….. Track in Mexico, pt 10: NE Baja Calif; Cerro Pinto, Pegmatites, Gavilanes
v20#8; Nov 1966, p924: …… Track in Mexico, pt11: NW Baja Calif; Olivia, Fenomeno, Pino Solo, Alamo.
v20#9; Dec 1966, p 1066: ….Track in Mexico, pt 12: San Felipe-Bahia Gonzaga-Las Arrastras-Laguna Chapala.
v20#10; Jan 1967, p1208-1219 ….Track in Mexico, pt 13: Baja; El Marmol, San Quintin, Guadalupe Valley.
v20#11, Feb 1967, p 1310……….. Track in Mexico, pt 14: Chihuahua
v20#12; Mar 1967, p1432-1445: ….Track in Mexico, pt 15: San Luis Potosi-Zacatecas-Saltillo.
v21#2; May 1967, p352-366: ….Track in Mexico, pt 16: Topaz, Zacatecas – San Luis Potosi
v21#3; June 1967, p 457-467: ….Track in Mexico, pt 17: Sinaloa, Nayarit, Durango.
v21#4; July 1967, p 576-585: ….Track in Mexico, pt 18: Sonora
v24; April, 1970, p281: Onyx and Opal Cutting Industry in Baja Calif. C. Walker ©
x29#5; Aug 1975, p914, 931: A Rockhound in Baja. Perry W. Trout.
29#10; Jan 1976, p 1814-1830: Boleo – A Classic Locality Reworked. Edward Swoboda.
MINERALOGICAL RECORD: (first issue; June, 1970)
v29#1; Jan/Feb 1998: Baja California, Mexico; special issue. Photos and maps mainly relating to Santa Rosalia area.
v30#7-8; July-Aug,1962; p4: Boleo Copper District, Baja Calif. Part 1. P.W. Johnson. ©
v30#9-10; Sept-Oct, 1962; p8: Boleo Copper District, Baja Calif. Part 2. P.W. Johnson. ©
v31#5; 1963; p4: El Fenomeno Mine. P.W. Johnson. ©
v31#6 1963, p12: Prehnite, Apophyllite and other Species from El Fenomeno Mine. Sinkankas ©
April, 1964: Laguna Guerrero Negro. P.W. Johnson. Salt mining and collecting. ©
v1 #1; Jan-Feb, 1972: Gems Below the Border. Earl P. Smith
ROCK & GEM (805)644-3824×10, x29 rockgem@aol.com (back orders); rockgemmag@aol.com (editor)
v3#4; April, 1973, p76: Seashells of Baja. W.R.C. Shedenhelm.
Nov, 1974, Rockhound in Mexico – nothing on Baja Calif.
v5#4; April, 1975, p56: Rockhound’s Guide To Baja: Tijuana to Ensenada to Tecate.
v5#5; May, 1975, p50: Rockhound’s Guide to Baja: Mexicali – Sea of Cortez – Ensenada. Shedenhelm.
v6#3; March, 1976, p42: Rockhound’s Guide to Baja: Ensenada to San Quintin ©
v6#5; May, 1976, p18: Rockhounding in Baja: Down “the Road”. W.R.C. Shedenhelm. ©
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi (Durango). Robt W. Jones.
v6#6; June, 1976, p40: Minerals of Mexico (not Baja). Robert Jones.
p48: Rockhounding in Baja: El Marmol. Shedenhelm. ©
v6#9, Sept, 1976, p16: Rockhounding in Baja: El Triunfo. W.R.C. Shedenhelm ©
v6#10; Oct, 1976, p52: Rockhounding in Baja: San Felipe Sulfur. W.R.C. Shedenhelm. ©
v7#3; March, 1977, p53: Mexican Pebble People. Lee Martin.
v7#11; Nov. 1977, p.92: Working with Apache Tears. Perry Trout. ©
v8#6; June, 1978. p.40: Sierra Pinta Jasper (north of San Felipe). Shedenhelm.
v11#10; Oct 1981, p16: Angel-Wing Calcite (Durango). Bob Jones.
P72: Rockhounding in Baja: South to Ensenada. W.R.C. Shedenhelm
v15#11; Nov, 1985, p58: Baja Moonstone (east Bahia Concepcion). Cathi Borthwick.
V63#6; Nov-Dec, 1988: Manganese-Rich Tourmalines from Baja California Norte. R.W.Jones. abstract. ©
v19#3 March, 1989: Polishing Obsidian and Apache Tears. Earl spendlove. P.52 ©
Gemstones of Baja, Part 1. Bob Jones. P.28 (Baja Norte)
v19#4; April, 1989, p68: Gemstones of Baja, Part 2. Bob Jones. (central Baja) ©
v28#6June, 1998: Baja Blue. Bonni MacIntosh ( Boleo Mine) ©
ROCKS and MINERALS http://www.rocksandminerals.org
V63, 1988, P456: Manganese-Rich Tourmalines from Baja Calif Norte. Jones, Zeng, MacKenzie. (wanted)
Note: This list is far from complete, being mainly a list of items in my collection.
Cumulative Index for “Baja” Magazines: Index # 2
Revised: 4 Sept, 2013
Notes: only articles considered by me to be of lasting interest are listed.
Since the 1970’s, great magazines covering Baja California have been going bankrupt, out of business, or taken over and renamed. Many of the same personalities jumped from the last defunct magazine to the new one. Thus, there is no overlap of different magazine titles. Magazines are listed chronologically.
Baja California Bulletin
1974 Special Edition: Kier’s Baja Calif Roadguide. David Kier
The Jesuit Missions of Baja. Ernest Sweeney, S.J.
The Flying Samaritans
Scuba Diving Picnic. D.L.Bergman
Music of Mexico. Kerry Lingo
Rocks! Rocks! (petroglyphs). Mike McMahan.
Surf Fishing in Baja. Mike McMahan.
The Baja Shell Game (seashells). Tom Miller.
Real Estate; Mexican Trust and Foreign Investment Law. Antonio Correa.
Nov-Dec, 1976: Piñata Party. Luisa Porter.
Diving in Baja Sur. Dale Moody.
Baja California Magazine
vXV#2, Mar-Apr 1987: Flat Sided Battler (Pompano). Jerry Klink.
Remainder of issue is contemporary info on Cabo, East Cape.
vXV#3, May-Jun 1987 The Ill Fated La Paz Colony of Hernan Cortez. Luisa Klink.
East Cape Roosters. Jerry Klink
The Not So Remote San Javier. Elaine Morrall.
vXV#6, Dec 1987 Baja’s Infamous Old Road. Jerry Klink.
What’s New at Punta Pescadero. Jerry Klink.
Mexican Pottery
Baja Traveler
v1#1, Winter, 1988: The Gray Whales. Gary James.
Chronology of Friendly Encounters (whales). Norman Cole
Friendly Encounters by Sea Kayak on Bahia Magdalena. Brian Clark.
Cabo, Marlin Capital of the World. Tom Miller.
Windsurfing the East Cape. Mike Doyle.
Baja by RV. Dick Blom.
Baja 1000, the Early Days. Marvin Patchen and Joe Parkhurst.
Baja and Motorcycles. Joe Parkhurst.
Baja’s Tajo Canyon. Bob Vinton.
South of the Border Quail. Gary Krammer.
Fishing the Mulege Area. Neil Kelly.
New Boating Center on the Sea of Cortez (Santa Rosalia). Jack Williams.
World Class Diving in the Sea of Cortez. G. Cotter.
v2#1, Spring, 1989: Primitive Rock Art. Wilson G. Turner.
Springtime Fever for Yellowtail. Ken Stewart.
Fishing Laguna Coyote. (good map) Neil Kelly.
Roosterfishing the East Cape. Bill Beebe.
Bicycling San Jose del Cabo. Bonnie Wong.
Exploring San Pedro Martir. Bob Vinton.
Climbing Picacho del Diablo. Jerry Schad.
Presidente SCORE Baja 1000; the Big dirt Race. Joe Parkhurst.
RV Beach Camping. Dick Blom.
Bringing Home the Socorro Island Dove. Fred & Gloria Jones.
Expert Kayaking on the Cortez. Ed Gillete.
Surfing at Islas de Todos Santos (Ensenada Bay). Dean Karnazes.
Tecate; More than Beer (off-road riding). Joe Parkhurst.
Cruising Baja Both Ways. Janet Steele.
v1#3, Summer 1989: Diving the Sea of Cortez. Ron McPeak.
Feisty Dorado (at Mulege, Punta Chivato). Patti Higginbotham.
Rancho Bueno Lagoon (south of Bahia Magdalena). Bill Beebe.
La Bocana de Santo Tomas; Hiking Baja’s Quiet Coast. Jerry Schad.
Longliners in Baja Get Hooked. Bill Beebe.
The Kino Bay Zoo. Tom Miller.
Borderline Doves (circa Mexicali). Gary Kramer.
Paddling Punta Banda (kayak). Ed Gillete.
Baja’s Elephant Trees. Norman Roberts.
Baja Surfing Scene. Dean Kamazes.
Windsurfing in Northern Baja. Dean Kamazes.
Isla Espiritu Santo and Isla Partida (circa La Paz). Janet Steele.
Fun on Wheels; Dirt Biking Santo Tomas to Punta Baja. Joe Parkhurst.
v2#3, Fall 1989: A Haven for Wildlife. Warren R. Froelich.
Ghosts of the Vizcaino (antelope). Fred & Gloria Jones.
Jungle fishing (Magdalena Bay, Puerto Lopez Mateos area). Lew Watson. ©
Fishing San Felipe. A.H.”Pug” Jones.
Interview with Mexico’s Secretary of Fisheries, Lic. Moreno Uriegas.
The Renaissance of Todos Santos. Patricia Miller.
High Above Todos Santos; Forest Wilderness of Sierra de la Laguna. Jones. ©
Palms of Baja. Norman Roberts.
San Francisco de Borja. Jim hunter & Robt Western.
The Road to San Borja. Janet Steele.
Off the Highway in Baja (off-road tips). Marvin Patchen.
Brant in Baja. Gary Kramer.
Cabo San Quintin; Boardsailor’s Dream.
Bahia de Los Angeles by Water (kayak). Ed Gillete.
v3#1, winter 1990: The Roundup; A Link to the Past (ranching central Baja). Eve Ewing.
Making Eye contact with the Gray Whale. David Wright.
Underwater Wilderness. Alex Kerstitch.
Marvelous Marlin (Cabo). Bill Beebe.
Driving Baja’s Backbone: the Transpeninsular Highway. Dave Houser.
RV Journey to Cabo San Lucas on the Transpeninsular Hwy. Walt Miller.
Mulege winter. Patti Higginbotham.
Winter fishing in Baja (tips). Ken Stewart.
Old Rhinohide. (triggerfish). Lew Watson.
Off the Pavement (off-road tips). Marvin Patchen.
Tormentas, Huracanes, Equipatas, Aguaceros and Chubascos. Norman Roberts.
Arroyo Grande: the Grand Canyon of Baja (East of El Rosario). (good sketch-map) Robt Vinton.
Baja Wilderness First Aid Kit. Robt Vinton, M.D. (part 1)
Guerrero Negro: a Birder’s Haven. Gary Kramer.
v3#2, spring 1990: Driving the San Luis Gonzaga Loop. Bob Vinton.
Enchanted Islands. Ed Gillete.
Mountain Biking Sierra de Juarez. (good map) Robt Vinton.
Mexican Sea Turtles – Activism. Jim Nollman.
Halibut Heaven within 400 miles of the Border(circa Santa Rosalillita). L.Watson
Squid Schools Return to Sea of Cortez. Patti & Tom Higginbotham.
Underwater Life at the Cape. Alex Kirstitch.
In Spring….fishing tips. Ken Stewart.
Threading the Big Needle (needlefish). Lew Watson.
1989 Presidente SCORE Baja 1000. Joe Parkhurst.
Off-road Detour to the Baja 1000 (NW of Comondu’s). Patti Higginbotham.
Punta Pequena (surfing). Dean Karnazes.
Birding in San Quintin. Gary Kramer.
Baja Wilderness First Aid Kit. Robt Vinton M.D. (part 2)
Cirio, Legendary Desert “Boojum”. Norman Roberts.
Baja Explorer:
Eclipse Issue, July 1991: Preparing for the Party of the Century. Maureen Spurr.
Dazzling Sky Show. Warren Froelich.
The Making of an Eclipse. Joe Rao.
Astronomy in Old Baja California. W. Michael Mathes.
Photography: Shooting the Eclipse. Joel Harris.
v1#1, Sep-Oct 1991: Restoring a Lost Dove to Socorro Island (follow-up). Fred & Gloria Jones.
Horn Shark; Birth at the Bottom of the Sea. Alex Kirstitch.
Guadalupe Canyon. Steve Mulligan.
San Ignacio: a Magical Oasis. Marty Hiester.
Fly-fishing the Colonet-Camalu Coast. Scott & Mary Freeland.
A History of Hard Work (Baja Ranching). Harry Crosby.
Postcards from the Edge (old Tijuana postcards). Rik Espinosa.
The Brown Pelican. Francois Gohier.
Cabo’s Late Summer Blues (marlin). Ken Stewart.
Middleweights of the East Cape (dorado, roosterfish, grouper, yellowtail). Kramer.
Sailing on the Sea of Cortez. Peter S. Schroeder.
Marinas of La Paz. Peter Schroeder.
Reef fishing the Turquoise Coast: Santa Rosalía to Concepción. Lew Watson.
Windsurfing the West Side (of the Cape). Dean Karnazes.
Medical Tips (heat, dehydration). Bob Vinton M.D.
Nighttime Photography. Ron Leach.
Mutiny, Mayhem, Murder Paved Cortez’ Way to California. W.Michael Mathes.
v1#2, Nov-Dec 1991: the Vaquita: Extinction is Forever. Omar Vidal.
Attack of the Devilfish (giant squid). Alex Kirstitch.
Touch a Whale in Baja. Gisela Hoschek.
The Candles Still Burn at San Javier. W. David Wright.
Mountain Villages by Mountain Bike. Bonnie Wong.
Los Cabos Under Water. Catherine Cranston.
Baja California, a Developer’s Dream, and Real Estate. Virginia Butterfield.
Surfing Todos Santos. Dean Karnazes.
Windsurfing; the Great East Cape. Dean Karnazes.
Fishing Cerralvo Island, Fall and Early Winter. Gary Kramer.
Exploring the East Side of Bahia Concepción. (good sketch-map) Bob Vinton. ©
The Eclipse and Other Observations. Jane Onstott.
Preventing and Curing Marine Animal Injuries. Bob Vinton, M.D.
Some Baja California Myths Debunked. W. Michael Mathes.
v2#1, Jan-Feb 1992: Baja’s Pacific White Seabass. Abe Cuanang.
Windsurfing Punta Abreojos. Dean Karnazes.
Kayaking with the Whales. Ed Gillete.
Loreto’s Winter Yellows. Gary Kramer.
Wine tour of Baja. Bruce Wipperman.
Domecq Wine Vendimia. David Santiago.
The Pearls of La Paz. Enrique Hambleton.
Cabos’ Most Beautiful homes. Arline Inge.
Beach Camping South of Ensenada. Joe Parkhurst.
Baja Quickie Surf Trip. Duncan Todd Lynch.
Conservation: New Dolphin Protection Program. David Santiago.
Preserving Baja Wetlands. Fred & Gloria Jones.
Hammerheads! Face to Face. Alex Kerstitch.
Water Purification. Bob Vinton M.D.
v2#2, Mar-Apr 1992: Malarrimo, Baja’s Treasured Beach. Patti Higginbotham.
The Weaver of La Paz. Patti Higginbotham.
Fish Camping Bahia San Rafael. Dick Blom.
Windsurfing: Breezin’ Thru Baja Norte. Rick Doyle.
Topwater Tuna on the East Cape. Abe Cuanang.
Cabo’s Best Beaches. Bob Thomas.
Baja Explorer, cont:
Surfing Santa Rosalillita. Dean Karnazes.
Conservation: Restoring the Vizcaino Pronghorn. (antelope).
Baja’s Best Trailer Boat Ramps. (with map) Ken Stewart.
Healthy Eating. Dr. Bob Vinton.
v2#3, May-Jun 1992: Exploring Islands off La Paz. Kay & Hal Pastorius.
Baja Norte’s Secret Coast (Puerto Canoas to Santa Rosalillita). Bob Vinton. ©
Hooked on Roosterfish. Tony Pena.
A Touch of Glass. (glassmaker near Cabo San Lucas). Sabrina Lear.
Pargo of La Paz. Patti Higginbotham.
Rodeo! At Fiesta La Misión. (between Tijuana and Ensenada). Connie Ellig.
L.A. Cetto (Winery). Clare White.
Exploring San Felipe. Bruce Barber.
Punta Baja Tests Isuzu’s Rodeo. Joe Parkhurst.
Baja’s Bighorn; King of the Crags. Gary Cramer.
The Old Matador. Patti Higginbotham.
The Green Angels.
First Aid for Bee and Scorpion Stings. Dr. Bob Vinton.
New Changes in Ejido Law. Dennis J. Peyton.
v2#4, Jul-Aug 1992: Riding the Old Mission Trail. Wm Wheeler & Graham Macintosh.
Chameleons of the Deep Catherine Cranston.
Conservation: Princely Effort Helps Save Gray Whales H.R.H.Prince Bernhard.
How to Get Baja Rigged and Ready (towing a boat to Baja). Barney Davis.
Surfari to Isla Natividad. Dean Karnazes.
To Mike’s Sky Ranch. Joe Parkhurst.
The Flying Samaritans. David Santiago.
How to Be Sun-Smart. Dr. Bob Vinton.
v2#5, Sep-Oct 1992: Exploring Islas Coronados (near Loreto, BCS). Joe Parkhurst. ©
A Whale of a Song. (Humpbacks) Francois Gohier.
Rock Art; great Mural Cave Paintings of Baja Calif. Eve Cochran Ewing.
An Eye for Finding Fish. Michael Hurt.
Off-Road Mulege to San Jose de Magdalena. Patti Higginbotham. ©
Paddling Punta Banda to San Isidro. Ed Gillete.
The Fish is No Lady (Ladyfish). Abe Cuanang.
Reel Action at San Quintin. Tony Betancur.
Sunday Drive to Guadalupe (off-road). Joe Parkhurst.
Exploring in an (Ford) Explorer.
Tony and the Turtles. Walter G. Meyer.
Conservation: Cabo Pulmo Reef. Fred & Gloria Jones.
Sea Cucumbers.
Baja Wilderness First Aid Kit. Dr. Bob Vinton. (part 1)
Beach Launching Made Safe. Capt. Mike Moore.
v2#6, Nov-Dec 1992. Cataviña, Baja’s Rock Garden: Painted Cave. Bill Evarts
Shrine of La Virgin de Guadalupe. Bill Evarts.
Bicycling Cataviña’s Desert Gardens. B. Wong.
Baja’s Paipai Indians; People from an Ancient time. Michael Wilken.
The Sierra Giganta Loop. Bob Vinton. ©
Stalking the Toothy Sierra. Abe Cuanang.
Cone Snails; Deadly Archers of the Reef. Alex Kerstitch.
Conservation: SOS (Salicornia Oil Seed) Guerrero Negro. Carl N. Hodges.
Chevy’s New Blazer; a Truck in Sheep’s Clothing. Joe Parkhurst.
Baja Wilderness First Aid Kit. Dr. Bob Vinton. (part 2)
Baja California magazine
Summer, 1993: Inside FONATUR. Ignacio Lopez Bancalari.
The Sea Otter’s Kelp Forest.
View from the Road; Crewside at 25th Baja 1000. Robin Cox.
Paradise Discovered; Firstimer’s journal of Hwy 1. Franck Walsh.
Just Love; Journey the Sea of Cortez with Brooks Inst of Photo. Jim Holm.
Sportfishing, Long Range Style. A.H.”Pug” Jones.
Fast Boats, Delicious Wines, Superb Food (Wines of Baja Norte) Robin Cox.
BAJA LIFE magazine Revised: 2 February, 2009
The first 11 issues of this magazine provided a wealth of informative, well-written articles relating to Baja.
Subsequent issues were mainly glossy tourism promotionals with lots of young women in skimpy attire. However, the last several issues seem to show a return to articles of interest to real Baja aficionados. Editor Erik Cutter has managed to keep this magazine afloat for 14 years by attracting advertisers to this beautifully formatted publication.
Vol 1, # 1; Spring, 1994:
How to Buy Residential Resort Property in Mexico. Michael E. Hulme. P.18.
Governor Ernesto Ruffo Appel. James Scott. P.20.
Shadows from the Stars (La Grulla Meadows, trout, Sierra San Pedro Martir) Cox & Goddard. P.24.
A Closer Look (Isla Danzante). Andrew Drake. P.28.
Baja, the Ultimate Escape (Kayaking Isla Coronado). Laura Pizzarello. P.34.
Isla San Benedicto, In Troubled Waters. Mike McGettigan. P.36.
Hot Tubs in Paradise; Canon Guadalupe. BL Staff & Rick Goddard.
The Caves of El Coronel (south of Rosarito). Paula McDonald. P.54.
(Pompano) The Grey Ghost of Baja. Abe & Angelo Cuanang. P.58.
Vol 1, # 2; 1994:
Flying Samaritans. P.26.
Baja bighorns. Gary Kramer. P.32.
In the Company of Whales. Bruce Herman & Kristin Kirk. P.42.
Bahia Magdalena. Erik cutter. P. 48. ©
Baja in Bloom. Jennifer Bierich & Bill Robinson. P.52.
Meeting Senor Big (whale shark). Robin Cox & Marty Snyderman. P.60.
Misión San Javier. Genevieve Cygne. P.72
Capilla Nueva; Juncalito’s new church. Juanita Carmen. P.74.
Juan Soldado; Tijuana’s unofficial Patron Saint. Jennifer Bierich. P.80.
Roosters of the East Cape. Gary Kramer. P.84.
Shootin’ the Moon (photographing an Eclipse). Jennifer Bierich & Bob Yen.
Also: Tranquility in La Paz; Hotel Cabo San Lucas; Santa Carmela; Rosarito’s Festival Plaza.
Vol 1, # 3; 1995:
Missiles of October (trophy fishing, Loreto). Barbara Heatherly & Erik Cutter. P.26.
For the Birds. Becky Aparicio & Gary Kramer. P.28.
Fortress of the Ancient Warrior (Cave Painting). Richard Sterling & Fred/Gloria Jones. P.32.
Fly Baja. Don Downie. P36.
Backpacking Misión Santa Maria. Norman K. Christie. P.40. ©
The Road to Discovery (a Baja Excursion). Jennifer Bierich & Robin Cox. P.43.
Trolling for the Grail (Marlin). Bob Hamm. P.46.
Los Cabos Surf Fishing. Enrique Vargas. P.48.
Baja Quail. Gary Kramer. P.50.
Cerralvo Sizzles in the Fall (fishing). Gary Kramer. P.53.
Amelia’s Pots (a potter in Baja Sur). Mari Ross & Dennis Hoover. P.68.
The Tradition Rides On (Bicycling Baja). Greg Niemann. P. 70.
Also: La Jolla de los Cabos; Fiesta Inn; Hotel Solmar;
BAJA LIFE magazine, cont.
Vol 1, # 4; 1995:
Return to Baja Expedition (Retrace the Original Baja 1000 in a Hummer). Peter Brock. P.18.
The Friendly Whales of San Ignacio Lagoon. Paula McDonald. P.38.
Aida Meling. P.46.
Sea of Cortez; Wanted: Dead or Alive? Enrique Vargas. P.58.
Flyfishing Dorado. Gary Kramer. P.62.
Sandy Tips – When You Get Stuck. Maxine Evans. P.70.
Santa Rosalía; Baja a la Francais. Bill Karr. P.74.
Memoirs of the East Cape. Bob Van Wormer. P.77.
Also: Enchanting La Paz; La Concha Beach Resort; Hotel Bahia Los Frailes; Marlin Talk; Volleyball.
Issue # 5; 1996:
Cedros Island. Kay Pastorius. P.8.
Trailering Boats in Baja. Fred & Gloria Jones. P.16.
The blues Singers (Cabo’s Humpbacks) Dr. Harvey Barnett. P.18.
Pipin Ferreras; Free Diving. Beth Gessner & Bruce Herman
Up Close and Personal (La Paz Diving). Maxine Evans. P.26.
Bathed in glory (Bullfighting). Paula McDonald.. p.32.
Tequila; the Essence of Mexico. John Bragg. P.36.
Rx For Survival; Paddling Back the Years. Enrique Vargas. P.38.
Learning the Strokes; Sea Kayaking in Baja. Roger Schuman & Jan Shriner. P.42.
Misión San Francisco de Borja Adac. Greg Niemann & Mitchell Clinton. P.76.
Pangas Sizzle in San Jose. Gary Kramer. P.78.
Memoirs of the East Cape (cont) Bob Van Wormer. P.81.
Also: Diamond Eden; Presidente Los Cabos; Dorado, 1996; Sport fishing Los Cabos;
Issue # 6; 1997:
Turtle Bay. Kay Pastorius. P.8.
The Blue Whales of Baja. Michelle Gilders. P.18.
Sea of Turquoise (Liveaboard on Sea of Cortez). Enrique Vargas. P.24.
Rock and Roll Roosters (Alice Cooper fishing). Mike Meadows. P.26.
Jewels in Flight; butterflies of Baja. Alex Kerstitch. P.34.
The Faithful Dead (Dia de los Muertos). Elizabeth Gessner. P.50.
Middleweights on the East Cape (fishing) Gary Kramer. P.62.
Carrera La Giganta (bicycling) Enrique Vargas. P.90.
Memoirs of the East Cape (cont)
Also: Marlboro Nauticopa; World Billfish series;
Issue # 7; 1997:
Bahia Asuncion. Kay Pastorius. P.12.
Las Vírgenes (volcano wilderness area). Enrique Vargas & Bill Jaynes. P.22. ©
A Love of Wine (Baja’s vineyards). Rocio Olvera Beristain & Paula McDonald. P.26.
Ensenada-City of Many Faces. Mayte Rodriquez-Cedillo. P.28.
Poppin’ for Pargo. Jeff Klassen. P.30.
Titanic Fever (movie set in Rosarito). Paula McDonald & Nicholas Do.
Cortez Anglers Celebrate. Keone Hopuakula. P.60.
Cervesa Tecate ! (The Brewery) Rocio Gonzales Beristain & Eduardo D’Regules. P.64.
Mission of San Ignacio Kadakaaman. Greg Niemann. P.86.
Wish You Were Here (surfing). Walt Phillips. P.88.
Also: Hotel Hacienda, Cabo; The Bungalows; El Nino Returns;
Issue # 8; 1998
Mangos. P.14.
Santiago (East Cape). P.16. ©
A Tribute to Ray Cannon. Fred & Gloria Jones. P.20.
Hunting the Deep Blue (Breath-hold Diving). Terry Maas. P.22.
Julie Riffe Gets Her fish (Lady Spear fisher). A.J.Bernstein. p.28.
Gone With the Wind (Baja in an Open Sailboat). Tom Bol. P.32.
Wings Over Baja: San Ignacio Lagoon. Melissa Cole. P.38.
The Quest for Big Mo (trophy fish at Revillagigedo). Jonathan Roldan. P.56.
What to Pack in Your Baja first Aid Kit. Dr. Steven Dreyer. P.92.
BAJA LIFE magazine, cont.
Issue # 9; 1999
A Land Torn Apart (geology). Ralph Hopkins & Jack Swenson. P.22.
Traversing the Sierra la Laguna. John Bragg & Enrique Vargas. P.31. ©
Fin Whale Encounters in the Sea of Cortez. Carlos Navarro. P.35.
Cabo Pulmo, the Jewel of the East Cape (diving). Beverly Factor. P.36.
Todos Santos; an Eden in Transition. Hillary Hauser. P.70.
Living Desert (of Baja Sur) (fauna & flora). John Mitchell. P.72.
Flying South with the Sams (Flying Samaritans). Steve Dreyer. P.92.
Love for Sale (damiana). James Duke. P.95.
Issue # 10; 2000
The Real Truth About Visitor Cards. Fred & Gloria Jones. P.18.
Baja 2000 (Road Race). Peter Brock. P.22.
The Wild Islands of Cortez. Lindy & Ralph Hopkins. P.38.
Kayaking Isla Espiritu Santo. Carrie Robertson. P.52.
Baja Fishermen Take Action to Save Endangered Sea Turtles. Melissa Paxton. P.60.
Issue # 11; 2001
Escalera Nautica. Fred & Gloria Jones. p.20. Update, p.69.
Tequila. John Bragg. P.26.
Biking Through Baja’s Outback. Carrie Robertson. P.40.
Primer Agua (oasis near Loreto). Enrique Vargas. P.45.
Sands of Magdalena. (photos). Jon Anderson. P.51
Perfect Storm (Hurricane Julietta, Oct, 2001). Enrique Vargas. P.52.
Sea Kayaking (Loreto, Isla Danzante). Linda Ballou, David Cortner. P.56.
Whale Tale (live-aboard tour, Loreto). Linda Gettmann. P.62.
Winds of Change (Mexican fishing law reform). Gene Kira. P.67.
Cavas Valmar Winery. William Trent. P.78.
Format change; “Quarterly” magazine much thinner with more advertising and bikinis and fewer meaty articles:
Issue # 12; 2003
A Desert In Bloom; Baja’s Flowering Plants. Al Blake & Eric Cutter. p.6.
In Search of High Adventure; Cycling the Baja Highway. p.12.
Issue #13, 2003
Riding Back in Time. Carrie Robertson. Mule trip in Sierra Gigante, west of Loreto. p.6.
The Turtle Thief, the Fisherman and the Saint. Wallace Nichols. Turtle exploitation and conservation. p.10.
Issue #14, 2004
Party in my Pepper. Jenna Cavelle. Chili Peppers; history, health, and chemistry.
Loreto Under Water. Dennus Baum, Enrique Vargas. Common fish photos from Loreto National Marine Park.
Issue #15, 2004
Yucca, Nature’s Shampoo. Infomercial by Sarah Howard. p.22.
Mama Espinoza; Flying Samaritans. p.28.
Issue #16, 2005
Grupo Ecologista Antares. p.28. Grupo Tortuguero. p.29.
Issue #17, 2005
The Shark… Friend or Foe ? p.28.
Issue #18, 2005
Turtle Heart. Wallace J. Nichols. pp.10-20. Excellent article on Baja sea turtles and their preservation.
Treasures of the Sierra la Laguna ( 4-day backpack ). Craig Ligibel. Pp 22-32. ©
Issue #19, 2005
Cutting Edge of Baja. Enrique Vargas. P.22. Knife-maker Clemente Higuera A. of Las Pocitos, north of La Paz.
Issue #20, 2006
Loreto, first Capital of the Californias. Enrique Vargas. pp.8-10. A history and description of the city and the Parque.
Loreto Bay Co., Sustainable or Greenwashing ? pp.12-29. Brittany Parkin. Well-researched article about the Loreto Bay
Drive-by Pargo. Andrea Tomba & Gary Noland. pp.36-39. Spearfishing the southern Sea of Cortez.
Issue #21, 2006
Treasures of Todos Santos (BCS). Kaia Thomsen. Pp.10-23, 26-31. History, art boutiques, etc. Major article.
Viva la Revolución. Enrique Vargas. Pp34-35. A short history of the 1910 event.
Issue #22, 2006
Laguna Chapala to Gonzaga Bay (via Coco’s Corner). Norman Christie. Pp10-16. Adventures off-highway. ©
Baja Birds. Kaia Thomson. Pp 18-25. Great photos.
Living in La Paz. Enrique Vargas. Pp28-31.
Fang Ming. Kaia Thomson. 34-35. Diving this wreck offshore Isla Espiritu Santo, near La Paz.
Issue #23, 2007
Baja Sur (South of La Paz) – Off the Beaten Path. K. Thomson & E. Vargas. Describes some less-visited areas. P.10+.
Issue #24, 2007
Summer Rain. Kaia Thomson. Great photos and descriptions of flora and fauna. P. 10 +.
Chasing Rays. Andy Murch. Photos and text about rays (fish) in the Sea of Cortez. P.26 +.
Issue #25, 2008
Todos Santos: Paddle or Pamper. Colleen & Craig Ligibel . Describes T.S. and its activities. P. 10 +
Issue #26, 2008
Islas Revillagigedos. Kaia Thomson. P 10+.
Dance of the Kildeer. Photos and Text of this bird and its eggs. P 40-41.
Publications Relating to BAJA CALIFORNIA
In the collection of Norman K. Christie
OCCASIONAL PAPERS Revised: 1 April, 2001
#35 West American Mollusks of the Genus Conus – II. G. Dallas Hanna; 1963.
#37 New Birds from Cerralvo Island, Baja Calif, Mex. Richard C. Banks; 1963.
#86 The Sefton Foundation Orca Expedition to the Gulf of Calif; Mar-Apr, 1953.
General Account. Paul H. Arnaud, Jr.; 18 Sept, 1970.
#115 Diplocentrid Scorpions from B.C.S., Mex (Scorpionida: Diplocentridae). Stanley C. Williams; 1975.
#130 Agaves of Baja California. Howard S. Gentry; 28 Dec, 1978.
#135 Scorpions of Baja Calif, Mex, and Adjacent Islands. S.C. Williams, 1980.
#137 Paleobiogeography and Genetic Differentiation of the Baja Calif Herpetofauna. Robert Murphy; 1983.
PROCEEDINGS Revised: 4 January, 2014
V 3, 1867: Notice of the Occurrence of a Tungstate of Lime and Copper in Lower California. J. D. Whitney. x ©
Volume II, 1889 (Hard-bound Volume) (by page # ). Map and Plates at rear.
Petrographical Notes from Baja Calif, Mexico. Waldemar Lindgren.
20. Descriptions of the Nests and Eggs of Some Lower Calif Birds, with a Description of the Young Plumage
of Geothlypsis beldingi. Walter E. Bryant.
25. Provisional Descriptions of Proposed New Mammals from Calif and Lower Calif. Walter E. Bryant.
73. New Birds from Lower California. Alfred W. Anthony.
83. General Ornithological Notes :
Nesting Habits of the California Brown Pelican.
Occurrence of Phaethon oethereus and Capture of cophagus carolinus in Lower Calif.
117. A Collection of Plants from Baja California. Townshend S. Brandegee.
118. Contributions to North American Euphorbiaceae. C. F. Millspaugh, M.D.
A Collection of Euphorbiaceous Plants made by Brandegee in 1889, on the
Mainland of Lower Calif, and the Adjacent Islands of Magdalena and Santa Margarita.
210. Grasses of Lower California. George Vasey.
231. Fungi Collected by T.S. Brandegee in Lower California, in 1889.
237. A Catalog of the Birds of Lower California. Walter E. Bryant.
Volume III, 1890: Notes on the Geology and Petrography of Baja California, Mexico. Waldemar Lindgren; 1890. reprint.
10:4 Description of a New Lizard (Dipsosaurus dorsalis lucasensis) from Lower California. John Van Denburgh; 1920.
11:4 A List of Amphibians and Reptiles of the Peninsula of Lower California, with Notes on the Species in
the Collection of the Academy. John Van Denburgh & Joseph Slevin; 1921.
11:6 Preliminary diagnoses of New Species of Reptiles from Islands in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.
John Van Denburgh & Joseph Slevin; 1921.
11:17 Preliminary diagnoses of More New Species of Reptiles from Islands in the Gulf of Calif, Mexico.
John Van Denburgh & Joseph Slevin; 1921.
12:6 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. General Account. Joseph R. Slevin; 1923.
12:7 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bees (I). T.D.A. Cockerell; 1923.
12:8 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. New Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies).
M.C. Van Duzee; 1923.
12:9 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Geometrid Moths. W.S.Wright; 1923.
12:10 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Tineid Moths. Annette F. Braun; 1923.
12:11 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Hemiptera (true bugs). Edward P. Van Duzee; 1923.
12:12 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Tenebrionidae. Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr.; 1923.
12:13 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bombyliidae (Bee Flies). Frank R. Cole; 1923.
12:14 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Cocciddae (Scale Insects). G.F. Ferris & J.B.Kelly; 1923.
12:15 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Dermaptera (earwigs) and Orthoptera (roaches, mantids,
crickets, grasshoppers). Morgan Hebard; 1923.
12:16 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. A revision of the genus Anisembia, with a description of
a new species from the Gulf of Calif. Joseph C. Chamberlin; 1923.
12:17 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. New and Little-known Pseudoscorpions, principally from
the Islands and Adjacent Shores of the Gulf of Calif. Joseph C. Chamberlin; 1923.
12:18 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Chilopods (centipedes) and Diplopods (millipedes)
from Islands in the Gulf of Calif. Ralph V. Chamberlin; 1923.
12:19 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Melyridae (lesser flower beetles). F.E.Baisdell; 1923.
12:20 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Noctuidae (Moths):
A new subspecies of Escaria clauda Grote. Wm Barnes & F.H.Benjamin; 1923.
12:21 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Anthomyidae and Lonchaeidae (kelp flies and allies)
J.R. Malloch; 1923.
12:22 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bembicini (digger Wasps). Charles L. Fox; 1923.
12:23 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Observations on Surface Distribution of Marine Diatoms
of Lower Calif in 1921. W.E. Allen; 1923.
12:24 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Birds. Joseph Malliard; 1923.
12:25 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Diptera (houseflies, mosquitoes, gnats) from the Islands
and Adjacent Shores of the Gulf of Calif. Frank R. Cole; 1923.
12:26 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Land and Freshwater Molluscs. G. Dallas Hanna; 1923.
12:27 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bees (II). T.D.A. Cockerell; 1924.
12:28 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Spider fauna of the Shores and Islands of the
Gulf of California. Ralph V. Chamberlin; 1924.
12:29 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Marine Algae. Wm A. Setchell & Nat L. Gardner; 1924.
12:30 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. The Botany ( Vascular Plants ). Ivan M. Johnston; 1924.
12:31 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. A New Mouse (Peromyscus slevini) from the Gulf
of California. Joseph Malliard; 1924.
13:1 Preliminary diagnoses of Four New Snakes from Lower Calif, Mex. Van Denburgh & Slevin, 1923.
13:20 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Chrysididae from Lower Calif. Leland H. Taylor. 1924.
13:21 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Bees (III). Grace Sandhouse & T.D.A. Cockerell; 1924.
13:23 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Crustacea (Brachyura) (crabs). Mary Rathbun; 1924.
13:24 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Crustacea [Macrura (crayfish) and Anomura].
Waldo L. Schmitt; 1924.
13:25 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Opisthobranchiate Mollusca. Frank M. MacFarland; 1924.
14:1 Pectins from the Tertiary of Lower California. Leo G. Hertlein. 1925.
14:4 A new Species of Mollusk (Dentalium hannai) from Lower Calif, with notes on other forms. Fred Baker; 1925.
14:9 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Phalangida. Ralph V. Chamberlin; 1925
15-1 Expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, in 1925. General Report by G. Dallas Hanna. March, 1926
15:6 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Mollusca, family Triforidae. Fred Baker; 1926.
15:7 Expedition to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, in 1922. Eric K. Jordan; 1926
No. 4. Molluscan fauna of the Pleistocene of San Quintin Bay, Lower California.
15:14 Expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands, Mex. In 1925. Eric Jordan; 1926.
VII: Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the Tertiary of Cedros Island and Adjacent Parts of Lower Calif.
16:5 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Marine Mollusca, order Opisthobranchiata.
Baker & Hanna, 1927.
16:6 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Geology and Paleontology. Hanna & Hertlein; 1927.
16:13 Expedition of the CAS to the Gulf of Calif in 1921. Chrysomelidae [Coleoptera (Beetles)]. H.C.Fall; 1927.
16:19 Paleontology of the Miocene of Lower Calif. Leo Hertlein & Eric Jordan; 1927.
16:22 Descriptions of Two New Species of Fishes from off Cape San Lucas, Lower Calif. Evermann & Clark; 1928.
17:7 Some Pyramidellidae from the Gulf of California. Fred Baker & Dallas Hanna; 1928.
18:14 Studies in the Flora or Lower Calif and Adjacent Islands. Alice Eastwood; 1929.
19:4 Some Rissoid Mollusca from the Gulf of Calif. Fred Baker, D. Hanna & A. Strong; 1930.
19:5 Some Mollusca, family Epitoniidae, from the Gulf of Calif. Baker, Hanna & Strong; 1930.
19:9 Killfish of San Ignacio, and the Stickleback of San Ramon, Lower Calif. George Myers; 1930.
23:1 Cretaceous Geology of Lower California. Frank Anderson & Dallas Hanna; 1935. (2 copies)
23:15 Mollusca of families Cerithiopsidae, Cerithiidae, and Cyclostrematidae from the Gulf of Calif and
Adjacent Waters. Baker, Hanna & Strong; 1938.
23:41 Odonate (dragonflies) Collections of the CAS from Baja Calif and Tepic, Mexico of 1889-1894.
Philip P. Calvert; 1947.
Volume 24: Contributions Toward a Knowledge of the Insect Fauna of Lower California.
24:1 Introductory Account. A.E. Michelbacher & E.S. Ross; 1942.
24:2 Coleoptera (order comprising beetles): Cerambycidae (Beetles). Gorton Linsley; 1942.
24:3 Coleoptera: Buprestidae (wood-boring beetles of a metallic luster). Edwin C. Van Dyke; 1942.
24:4 Neuroptera (ant lions, lacewings, alderflies): Myrmeleonidae. Nathan Banks; 1942.
24:5 Symphyla. A.E. Michelbacher; 1942.
24:6 Diptera: Culicidae (Mosquitos). Thomas G. Aitken; 1942.
24:7 Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae. Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr. 1943.
24:8 Lepidoptera (butterflies): Rhopalocera. Frederick H. Rindge; 1948.
24:9 Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants): Eumeninae. Richard M. Bohart; 1948.
24:10 Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae (dung beetles, June bugs). Lawrence W. Saylor; 1948.
24:11 Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Limnebiidae. Hugh B. Leech; 1948.
24:12 Coleoptera: Cleridae. William F. Barr; 1950.
Index and Errata to Volume 24 (XXIV)
27:3 Tricoptera of Lower California. Herbert H. Ross; 1951.
29:8 A New Fish, Chaetodon falcifer, from Guadalupe Island, Baja Calif, with Notes on Related Species.
Carl L. Hubbs; 1958.
30:1 Investigations in the Natural History of Baja Calif. Ira Wiggins; 1960.
30:3 Large Terebras (Mollusca) from the Eastern Pacific. G. Dallas Hanna & Leo G. Hertlein; 1961.
30:5 Preliminary Report on Hesperiidae of Baja Calif. [Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths]. Don MacNeill; 1962.
30:6 A History of Explorations for Vertebrates on Cerralvo Island, Baja Calif. Richard c. Banks; 1962. (2)
30:7 Midwinter Reconnaissance of the Herpetofauna of the Cape Region of Baja Calif. Leviton & Banta; 1964.
30:8 Genus Alvordia (Compositae) of Baja Calif, Mexico. Annetta Carter; 1964.
30:9 A Quantitative Analysis of Molluscan Collections from Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja Calif. Myra A. Keen; 1964.
30:10 Bats from Islands in the Gulf of Calif. Robert T. Orr & Richard c. Banks; 1964.
30:11 Sea of Cortez Expedition of the CAS June 20 – July 4, 1964. George E. Lindsay; 1964.
30:12 New Species of Plants from Baja Calif. Ira L. Wiggins; 1965.
30:14 Pliocene Fossils from Rancho El Refugio, Baja Calif, and Cerralvo Island, Mexico. Geo. Hertlein; 1966.
30:15 Fossil Diatoms from southern Baja Calif. Hanna & Brigger; 1966.
30:16 The Gulf Islands Expedition of 1966. George Lindsay; 1966.
30:17 Shallow Water Foraminifera from Cape San Lucas, Lower Calif. Clifford Church; 1968.
30:18 Diguet – Mabille Land and Freshwater Mollusks of Baja Calif. Dallas Hanna & Allyn Smith; 1968.
30:19 Three Late Cenozoic Molluscan Faunules from Baja Calif, with a Note on
Diatomite from West of San Felipe. Leo G. Hertlein; 1968.
33:12 Geology of the Islas Revillagigedo, Mexico; Part 2: Geology and Petrography of Isla San Benedicto
Adrian F. Richards; 1966.
33:13 Speciation and Systematics of the Gekkonid Lizard genus Phyllodactylus of the Islands of the
Gulf of Calif. James R. Dixon; 1966.
35:14 Diplocentrid Scorpions from B.C.S., Mexico. Herbert L. Stahnke; 1968.
36:11 Observations on the Vizcaino Desert and its Biota. Ira C. Wiggins; 1969.
36:17 Pleistocene Invertebrates from NW Baja Calif. James W. Valentine; 1969
37:8 Scorpion Fauna of Baja Calif; Eleven New Species of Vejovis (Scorpionida Vejovidae). Stan Williams; 1970.
37:12 New Scorpions of the eusthenura group of Vejovis from Baja Calif. Stanley C. Williams; 1970.
40:4 A New Genus and Species of eublepharine Gekko (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Baja Cal. Robt Murphy; 1974.
40:5 Two New Blind Snakes (Serpentes Leptotyphlopidae) from Baja Calif, With a Contribution to the
Biogeography of Peninsular and Insular Herpetofauna. Robert W. Murphy; 1975.
40:6 Rockfishes, genus Sebastes (Scorpaenidae), of the Gulf of Calif, Including Three New Species, With a
Discussion of their Origin. LoChai Chen; 1975.
44:7 Acanthogilia, A New Genus of Polemoniaceae (Phlox family of Plants) from Baja Calif. Day & Moran; 1986.
46:1 Ecogeographic Analysis of the Herpetofauna of the Sierra San Pedro Martir region, Baja Calif, with a
Contribution to the Biogeography of Baja Calif. Herpetofauna. Hartwell H. Welch; 1988.
47:4 Land Mollusca of Baja California, Mexico. Smith, Miller, Chritensen & Roth; 1990.
California Academy of Sciences magazine:
Issues and Articles pertaining to Baja California and the Sea of Cortez:Collected by Norman K. Christie Revised: 5 February, 2000
1948: MarApr: Road to Cape San Lucas
1949: SepOct: Seven Seas to Cedros (Cedros Island Expedition)
1950: JanFeb: Treasures and Tricks of the Tide (Cedros, Pt 2)
JulAug: Turtle Hunters of Scammon’s Lagoon (Cedros, Pt 3)
1951: JulAug: Elephant Seals Come Back
Ammonite Ravine and the Horn of Ammon
1953: JanFeb: Quest for Seafaring Bats.
Baja California in Review
North America’s Oldest Date Garden.
“Boqueron”; Eruption of San Benedicto in 1952.
El Mision.
Fisherfolk of the Sea of Cortez
1957: JanFeb: Whales Aground in Cortez’ Sea
SepOct: Sierra San Pedro Martir.
Flight from Hunger.
1959: JulAug: Strange Cirio
1962: JanFeb: Onyx of El Marmol
MarApr: Counting Gray Whales in the Gulf of California
1963: SepOct: Giant Seahorse Returns
1965: JulAug: Mission Period of BC.
Expedition to Sea of Cortez.
Desert Plants of BC.
Down Baja by Mule.
Baja’s Island of Birds (Isla Raza)
NovDec: Fossil Hunt
1966: JanFeb: Nature Photography
SepOct: Gulf Island Expedition of 1966
1967: NovDec: Destination: San Benito Islands
1968: NovDec: Isla Ildefonso
1969: SepOct: Capt Scammon
1970: MarApr: Natural Values of Baja California
1971: SepOct: Another Activity for Divers
Existing on Cedros Island.
1972: MayJun: Fog Desert
1974: JanFeb: Idrioddities
1975: MayJun: Reptile Hunting in BC
1976: NovDec: Baja California Mini Expedition
1977: MayJun: Indians of Lower Calif.
1978: NovDec: Friendly Whale
1981: NovDec: Baja Calif Circumnavigated
1991: Spring: Death of a Bryde’s Whale in Sea of Cortez
Numbers 1 – 31; 1963 – 1993
Originally compiled by Jackie M. Dooley, 1991
Edited, updated, and reformatted by Norman K. Christie, 1999
* = scanned/digitized by Norman Christie
This index lists the papers from the 31 meetings of the Baja California Symposium, sponsored annually by the binational Asociacion Cultural de las Californias (Cultural Association of the Californias). The first symposium was held at El Alisal, the historic Charles F. Lummis House in Los Angeles, CA in 1963, and 1993 marked the 31st and last symposium, in El Centro, CA.
The citation for each paper includes author(s), title, and language(s) in which the paper was published. “Not Published” indicates that a paper was given orally at the Symposium, but no text was published. Each entry is assigned a unique number based on the number of the symposium at which it was presented, followed by an item number for the particular paper. A Subject Index follows the bibliography and is keyed to these numbers.
In some cases, papers listed in the table of contents and/or published in the proceedings were not orally presented. More detailed information is sometimes provided in the proceedings of that specific year, or, in the bibliography of symposia 1 – 14 compiled by Glen Dawson and Edwin Carpenter (entry# 15.1). The present bibliography was updated from Jackie Dooley’s work, partially based on Glen Dawson’s comprehensive set of proceedings, so it is hoped that this represents a complete a listing. It is inevitable, however, that some presentations are missing, since not all proceedings were issued in bound form, thus possibly rendering some papers fugitive. Some impromptu talks, films, slide shows, traditionally welcomed at the symposia, never appeared on the pre-printed table of contents, and so memory may be lost. If any reader of this Cumulative Index knows of papers not herein recorded, it would be appreciated if a copy could be sent to Norm Christie (see addresses at end)
Revised: 21 December, 2000)
I. Los Angeles, CA; 11 May, 1963
Proceedings not formally published.
1.1. Aschmann, Homer: Historical Sources For a Contact Ethnography of Baja California.
(presented at 1963 Symposium, but published in California Historical Society Quarterly, June 1965, and in reprints.
II. San Diego, CA; 9 May, 1964.
Panel Discussion; Not Published.
III. Mexicali, BC; 24 April, 1965.
3.1. Phillips, Richard P.: Terremotos y el Valle Imperial (Spanish)
3.2. Cruetz, E.: Precision Tools of San Dieguito Man. (English and Spanish).
3.3. Alvarez Valadez, Guillermo: Notes on the Colorado River in Lower California. (Eng and Sp)
3.4 Zavala Abascal, Antonio: Las Misiones Dominicas, el Turismo y Leyenda Negra de Tijuana y de Baja California. (Spanish)
3.5 Martinez, Pablo L.: English Translation of Introduction to “Guia Familiar de Baja California”.
3.6 Davis, Emma Lou: Early Indians of Baja California. (Not Published).
IV. Costa Mesa, CA; 23 April, 1966.
4.1 Smith, Lloyd M.: Cirio, Cardon, Torote, and Datilillo: Strange Plants of the Vizcaino Desert of Central Baja California. (English and Spanish).
4.2 Mercado Sanchez, Pedro:An Historical Review of the Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas. (English)
4.3 Servin, Manuel P.: The Mexican-American in California. (English)
4.4 Owen, Roger C.: The Social Evolution of Northern California Indian Bands. (English).
V. Tijuana, BC; 29 April, 1967.
5.1 Raitt, Helen et al: [Short Articles on the History, Function, and Organization of the Asociacion Cultural de las Californias and its Symposia.] (English and Spanish)
5.2 Vega, Juan: The Mexican Geographic and Statistics Society, and its Branches in Baja California. (English and Spanish)
5.3 Aschmann, Homer: Historical Accounts and Archaeological Discoveries: Working Together, Two Scholarly Disciplines Enlarge Our Understanding of the Extinct Indians of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
5.4 Robles Garibay, Guillermo: Sketch of the Necessities of Electric Energy in the State of Baja California and the Form in Which They Are Satisfied by the C.F.E. (Comision Federal de Electricidad). (English and Spanish).
5.5 Ortega C., Guillermo: Missional Patronage of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
5.6 Castillo Escobar, Ricardo: Cave Paintings of Baja California. (English and Spanish)
5.7 Conklin, Deane T.: Tijuana: Genesis and Early History. (English and Spanish).
VI. San Bernardino, CA; 20 April, 1968.
6.1 Simpson, Ruth D.: Early Man in the American Southwest. (English and Spanish).
6.2 Walther Meade, Adalberto: Old Main Towns of the Northern Part of the Frontier of Lower California, and Their Significance. (English and Spanish).
6.3 Valenzuela, Jose G.: The Boundary Line Between Mexico and the United States. (Eng & Sp).
6.4 Ayala, Ruben: Our Debt to Baja California. (Not Published).
6.5 Hicks, Sam: Prehistoric Caves of Baja California. (Not Published).
VII. Tecate, BC, and San Diego, CA; 26, 27 April, 1969.
7.1 Walther Meade, Adalberto: The Northern District of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
7.2 Carter, Annetta: Some Historical and distributional Aspects of the Flora of the Sierra de la Giganta , BCS, Mexico. (English and Spanish).
7.3 Penalosa, Victor M.: Tecate, Su Origen. (Spanish).
7.4 Smith, Cornelia S.: The Saga of Abbe Chappe: A French Astronomer in Baja California, 1769. (English and Spanish).
7.5 Valenzuela, Jose G.: Statistical Data About the Peninsula of Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
7.6 Phillips, Richard P.: Scientific Investigations in Baja California, Past and Present. (Eng & Sp).
7.7 Grijalva Ortiz, Nicolas: School of Marine Sciences, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. (English and Spanish).
7.8 Hendrix, William O.: Guillermo Andrade and Land Development on the Mexican Colorado River Delta, 1874-1905. (English and Spanish).
7.9 Lopez Lopez, Raul: A Visit to the Sites of the Missions of the State of Baja California. (E&S).
7.10 Lindsay, George E.: Natural Resources of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
VIII. Ensenada, BC; 9 May, 1970.
8.1 Henderson, David: Scammon’s Lagoon: Focus in the Desert. (English and Spanish).
8.2 Guerrero Olvera, Vicente: Hydrology as a Basis for the Study of Hydraulic Utilities in Baja California. (English and Spanish).
8.3 Mathes, W. Michael: Sebastian Vizcaino and the California Peninsula. (English and Spanish).
20. Nishikawa, Katsuo: Fisheries and Oceanography Development in Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
21. Mathes, W. Michael: In Memoriam: Erle Stanley Gardner, 1890-1970. (English).
IX. Santa Ana, CA; 9 May, 1971.
9.1 Nash, Robert A.: The Chinese Fishing Industry in Baja California. (Eng and Sp). (Also published in: Bulletin of Chinese Historical Society of America, v.8, #9; November, 1973).
9.2 Leon-Portilla, Miguel: The Historical Archives of Baja California Sur: Their Antecedents and Recent Creation. (English and Spanish).
9.3 Ibarra Hernandez, Ruffo: The Development of Railroads in Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
9.4 Grant, Campbell: Petroglyphs and Rock Paintings of Baja California. (Eng and Sp).
9.5 Perez Siliceo, Emilio: Weather Modification in Mexico and the Ensenada Project. (Eng & Sp).
X. Mexicali, BC; 29-30 April, 1972.
10.1 Burton, Erlinda: Prehistoric Cultures of Imperial Valley. (English).
10.2 Nunis, Doyce B.: Baja California, 1848-1868, Years of Toil and Strife. (Eng and Sp).
10.3 Panian, Henry: Juarez and the Leese Concession in Baja California. (English and Spanish).
10.4 Licona Elizondo, Sergio and Madrid Felix, Quintin: Rehabilitation Works of Colorado Irrigation district, Mexicali, BC and San Luis R.C., Sonora. (English and Spanish).
XI. Corona del Mar, CA; 5 May, 1973.
11.1 Jimenez Moreno, Wigberto: The Language and Indigenous Culture of Baja California. (E&S).
11.2 Alvarez de Williams, Anita: The Cucapa Indians of the Colorado River Delta. (Eng & Sp).
11.3 Leon-Portilla, Miguel: The Contribution of Miguel del Barco (1706-1790) to the History of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
11.4 Ramos Galvan, Miguel: The State of Baja California: Its Infrastructure of Public Works, Its Present Economy, and Its Future Development. (English and Spanish)
11.5 Logan, Richard F.: A Plea for Planning in Baja California. English and Spanish).
XII. La Paz, BCS; 27-28 April, 1974.
12.1 Mathes, W. Michael: The Missions of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
12.2 Pinera Ramirez, David: Urbano Ulises Lassepas and His Mission in Baja California,
83. (English and Spanish).
117. Trasvina Taylor, Armando: The Literature of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
118. Castro Agundez, Jesus: The Transpeninsular Highway. (English and Spanish).
119. Carballo Lucero, Javier: Possibilities for Transforming the Territory of Baja California Sur into a State. (English and Spanish).
120. Leon-Portilla, Miguel: Indian Place Names of Baja California Sur. [Published separately in “Masterkey” (Southwest Museum, L.A.) Jan-Mar, 1977.] English.
XIII. Riverside, CA; 26-27 April, 1975.
13.1 Moran, Reid: The Plant Life of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
13.2 Toncini, Carlos: La Casa de los Ninos, a Distinctive Orphanage in the City of La Paz, BCS. (English and Spanish).
13.3 Alonso, Jose M. The Mexican National Astronomical Observatory’s New Site in San Pedro Martir, Baja Calif: Its Present State and Future Development. (English and Spanish).
13.4 Arnold, Brigham: The Earliest Traces of Man in the Two Californias. (Eng and Sp).
13.5 Uriarte de Lang, Maria Teresa: Funeral Customs of the Baja California Indians. (Eng & Sp).
13.6 Crosby, Harry: Convention and Variation in the Great Mural Rock Paintings of Prehistoric Baja California. (English and Spanish).
XIV. Tecate, BC; 1-2 May, 1976.
14.1 Michelson, Ralph: The Territoriality of Native Americans in Baja California: Two Views; The Natives’ and Ours. (Not presented or published).
14.2 Pinera Ramirez, David: The Beginnings of Civil Colonization in Baja California. (E & Sp).
14.3 Navarro Cuevas, Gabriel: The New Colorado River-Tijuana Aqueduct. (English & Spanish).
14.4 Hedges, Ken Rock Art of the Northernmost Part of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
14.5 Castro Agundez, Jesus: The New State of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
14.6 Swingle, John: Roadside Shrines of Baja California. (Not Published).
XV. San Diego, CA; 7-8 May, 1977.
15.1 Dawson, Glen & Carpenter, Edwin: The Baja California Symposiums, 1963-1976. (Eng & Sp).
15.2 Romano Pacheco, Arturo: Some Cranial Traits of the Pericu Indians. (English and Spanish).
15.3 Pompa y Padilla, Jose Antonio: Dental Traits of the Pericu. English and Spanish).
15.4 Hernandez Gomez, David Eduardo: Six Little-known Prehistoric Sites in the Municipio of Mulege. (English and Spanish).
15.5 Michelson, Ralph: The Territoriality of the Native Americans in the Northern Highlands of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
15.6 Gilmore, Raymond M.: Wildlife and People in Baja California. (English & Spanish).
XVI. La Paz and San Jose del Cabo, BCS; 27-28 May, 1978.
16.1 Mathes, W. Michael: Yenecamu: Historical Highlites of Cabo San Lucas, 1535-1822. (E & S).
16.2 Massey, Lee: The Mystery of San Luis Gonzaga [BCS]. (English and Spanish).
16.3 Cota Sandoval, Andres: Condition of the Missions of Baja Following the Departure of the Franciscans, 1773. (English and Spanish).
16.4 Kemble, John H.: The Sea Otter Trade in Baja California. (English and Spanish).
16.5 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: The Magdalena Plain: From the Time of the Jesuits to the Development of the Santo Domingo Valley. (English and Spanish). *
16.6 Palacios Aviles, Raul: Evolution of Agriculture in the Southern California Desert. (Eng & Sp).
XVII. Ensenada, BC; 28-29 April, 1979.
17.1 Olguin Hermida, Jorge: The Founding of Ensenada. (English and Spanish).
17.2 Martinez, Fabio A.: A Study of the Economy and Ecology of Cedros and San Benito Islands. (English and Spanish).
17.3 Castro Agundez, Jesus: Interns in Rural Schools of Baja California Sur. (Engl & Span).
17.4 Robertson, Tomas A.: Baja California and Its Missions. (Not Published).
17.5 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Attempts at Colonization of California: Landing of Pilot Fortun Jimenez de Bertandona, Establishment of Port of Santa Cruz (La Paz) by Captain Hernan Cortez Pizarro. (English and Spanish).
73. Gonzalez Mora, Romulo: The Whaling Industry and the New Oil Industry of the Jojoba. (E&S)
74. Ritter, Eric W. The Archaeology of South-Central Baja California. (English & Spanish).
XVIII. Loreto, BCS; 23-24 May, 1980.
18.1 Cortes Verdugo, Mario: Baja California and Federalism. (English and Spanish).
18.2 Carter, Annetta: The Vegetation of the Sierra de la Giganta, BCS: Its Scientific and Potential Economic Importance. (English and Spanish).
18.3 Vargas Aguiar, Mario: Monograph of the Municipality of Mulege. (English and Spanish).
18.4 Mathes, W. Michael: Concho-San Dionisio-Loreto: Historical Vignettes of the Capital, 1684-1829. (English and Spanish).
18.5 Pinera Ramirez, David: Some Aspects of the Urban History of Baja California Through the Public Property Registry. (English and Spanish).
18.6 Castro Agundez, Jesus: San Luis Gonzaga, Nowadays. (English and Spanish).
18.7 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Education in Old California. (English and Spanish)
18.8 Payen Nunez, Carlos: Anuiti: Antecedentes; Mision de San Jose del Cabo; Rebelion e Identidad Pericu; Los Gobiernos; El Estado, El IV Municipio. (English and Spanish).
XIX. Los Angeles, CA; 16-17 May, 1981.
19.1 Minnich, Richard A.: Burning in Northwest Baja California. (English and Spanish).
19.2 Kvammen, Lorna J.: Demographic Pressures and Agricultural Development in the Guadalupe Valley, Baja California. (English and Spanish).
19.3 Rodriguez C., Fernando J.: Baja California: Its Coast and Highlands Along the Sea of Cortez. (English and Spanish).
19.4 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Legislative Basis of the Archivo Historico “Pablo L. Martinez” of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
19.5 Coulter, Alicia: Summary on the Museum of Man, Nature, and Culture of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
19.6 Kirchner, John A.: Mineral Railways of Baja California Sur. (English and Spanish).
XX. Tecate, BC; 22-23 May, 1982
20.1 Kennedy, Laura Cummings: Special homage to the Late Tomas Robertson. (Not Published).
20.2 Crosby, Harry: Manuel del Ocio, California’s First Millionaire. (English and Spanish).
20.3 Walther Meade. Adalberto: The Partido Norte of Baja California. (Spanish).
20.4 Ramirez Lopez, Jorge: Historical Data Concerning Tecate. (Spanish).
20.5 Robertson, Michael Wilken: Tradition and Change Among the Paipai of Baja. (Eng & Span).
20.6 Rodriguez C., Fernando J.: Macahue, A Desert Enigma. (Not Published).
20.7 Reyes, Mario: The Flora of Baja California. (English and Spanish).
20.8 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: Tecate, California, or “Tecatito”.(English) (also, reprint).
XXI. La Paz, BCS; 27-29 May, 1983.
21.1 Mathes, W. Michael: San Bruno, First Mission and Fort in the Californias, 1683. (Eng & Sp).
21.2 Hutton, Marjorie M.: Economic Development and Urbanization in Valle de San Quintin. (E&S).
21.3 Kirchner, John A.: Gypsum and Manganese in Baja California Sur: Isla San Marcos and Mina Lucifer. (English and Spanish).
21.4 Kennedy, Laura C: A Magical Mystery Tour of Tijuana’s Rickety Buses by Night.(Eng & Sp)
21.5 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Pichilingue: Una Concesion Norteamericana en Sudcalifornia. (Sp)
21.6 Walther Meade, Adalberto: California, el Nombre.
XXII. Glendale, CA; 5 May, 1984.
22.1 Mercade, Jose A. et al: The Baja California field Studies Program of Glendale community College: A Roundtable Presentation. (English).
22.2 Kennedy, Laura C: A Magical Mystery Tour of Tijuana’s Rickety Buses by Night. (English).
22.3 Aschmann, Homer: In Memoriam: Howard E. Gulick. (English).
22.4 Mathes, W. Michael: In Memoriam: Jesus Castro Agundez. (English).
22.5 Dice, James: The Vegetation of Cedros Island. (English).
22.6 Banks, Thomas J.: The Endangered Deer of Cedros Island. (English).
22.7 Smith, Ronald: Form and Feeling: Deer versus Rabbit in the Cave Paintings of the “Great Mural” Region of the Sierra de San Francisco. (English).
22.8 Strand, Carl L.: An Historical and Geological Approach to Determining the Source and Magnitude of the February 23, 1892 Northern Baja California Earthquake. (English).
22.9 Strange, Bill: Book Talk for Beginning Baja California Adventurers. (English).
XXIII. San Felipe, BC; 1-2 June, 1985.
23.1 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: Alarcon and the Californias. (English and Spanish).
23.2 Alvarez de Williams, Anita: Indian Wheat. (English and Spanish).
23.3 Resendiz Sanchez, Antonio: Marine Sea Turtles of the Gulf of California. (English & Spanish). ©
23.4 Walther Meade, Adalberto: San Felipe, Outpost on the Gulf of California. (Eng & Sp).
23.5 Banks, Thomas J.: Rock Art Survey and Site-Surface Mapping in the Bahia de Los Angeles Area, Baja California. (English and Spanish).
23.6 Apodaca Chavira, Irma: Observation of the Passage of Venus Through the Disc of the Sun by Francisco Diaz Covarrubias, 1874. (English and Spanish).
23.7 Barrett, Ellen C., edited by Marie Northrup: 103 Years of Consuls, Vice Consuls, Agents and Commercial Agents Representing the united States in Baja California, 1855-1958. (English).
23.8 Northrup, Marie E.: A Tribute to the Late Ellen C. Barrett. (English and Spanish).
23.9 Moises Coronado, Eligio: Franciscans in Baja California: A Chronology. (Eng & Span).
23.10 In Memoriam: Helen C. Smith. (Not Published).
23.11 In Memoriam: Wigberto Jimenez Moreno. (Not Published).
XXIV. San Jose del Cabo, BCS; 15-18 May, 1986.
24.1 Cunningham, Richard: Native Watercraft of the Baja California Sphere. (English).
24.2 Alvarez de Williams, Anita: Juan de Ugarte. (English).
24.3 McIntosh, Beverly Childs: Birds and Consag Rock. (English).
24.4 Kirchner, John A.: Railroad Without Rails: the Unfulfilled Railway concessions of Baja California. (English).
24.5 James, Gary J.: The Cedros Island Gold Mine. (English).
24.6 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: Norteamericanos and Baja California. (English).
XXV. Redlands, CA; 16 May, 1987.
25.1 Tiscareno, Froylan: Del Barco’s “Historia Natural y Cronica: a Translator’s Perspective. (Eng)
25.2 Chaput, Donald: Mining and the Birth of Ensenada. (English).
25.3 Mason, William: Ensenada, 1882-1900. (English).
25.4 Proffitt, Ted: The Tijuana Aircraft Industry of the 1920’s. (English).
25.5 Zarate Loperena, David: Jatnil, Great Chief of the Kamiai. (Not Presented or Published).
XXVI. Bahia de los Angeles, BC; 7-8 May, 1988.
26.1 Aschmann, Homer: Historical Notes on Bahia de los Angeles. (English).
26.2 Meyer, Greg: The Seabirds of Bahia de los Angeles. (English).
26.3 Breese, Dawn: Marine Mammals of the Canal de Ballenas, Gulf of California. (English).
26.4 Wheelock, Walt: Manuel Ocio: Baja’s First Tycoon. (English).
26.5 Ewing, Eve: Rock Art of the Greater Bahia de los Angeles Region of Baja Calif. (English).
26.6 Resendiz Sanchez, Antonio: Marine Turtles in Captivity. (English and Spanish).
26.7 Murphy, Eileen: TV and Bahia de los Angeles. (English).
26.8 Ceballos Corona, Enrique, and Anthony Povilitis: A Report on the Mule Deer of Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico, 1 February-6 March, 1985. (English and Spanish).
26.9 Zarate Loperena, David: Semblanza del Soldado de Cuera. (Spanish).
26.10 Dooley, Jackie M.: The Baja California Collection at the University of California, San Diego, Library. (English).
26.11 Chaput, Donald: Bahia de los Angeles as a Mining Center. (English).
26.12 Mercade, Jose A.: In Memoriam: Arnulfo Ocana Bernal, 1915-1986. (English).
26.13 Chamberlin, Eugene K.: In Memoriam: Helen Ritchey Ellsberg, 1910-1988. (English).
26.14 Ortiz Figueroa, Jesus: La Tenencia de la Tierra en Tijuana Segun Fuentes Documentales, 1880-1900. (Spanish).
26.15 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Las Colonias Militares de la Frontera. (Spanish).
26.16 Sandez de Gutierrez, Graciela: Baja California: la Cornucopia de la Abundancia. (Spanish).
XXVII. El Sauzal de Rodriguez (Ensenada) y El Valle de Guadalupe, BC; 17-18 June, 1989.
27.1 Mason, William: The Founding of the Real del Castillo. (English and Spanish).
27.2 Walther Meade, Adalberto: The Village of Real del Castillo in the Valley of San Raphael. (E&S)
27.3 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Ensenada, Capital of Baja California, 1882-1914. (Eng & Span).
27.4 Ortiz Figueroa, Jesus: Bandits and “Rurales” in Baja California. (English & Spanish).
27.5 Wheelock, Walt: Changing of the Guard: From Franciscans to Dominicans, 1773. (Eng & Sp). ©
27.6 Mathes, W. Michael: Last Mission of the Californias: Mission of Guadalupe, from founding to Annihilation. (English & Spanish).
27.7 Gonzalez Encinas, Clemente: La Firma de Cantu: Historia de Camino Nacional. (Spanish).
27.8 McKeown, John S., et al: A Fossil Dicotyledonous Wood from the Miocene Comondu Formation of Baja California Sur. (English)
27.9 Maggiano, Ron: “In Every Way Clean, Desirable Citizens”: the Russian Colony of the Santa Maria Valley. (English).
27.10 Wheelock, Walt: Old Myths Die Hard. (English).
27.11 Chaput, Donald: Governor Jorge Ryerson. (English).
XXVIII. Rosarito, BC; 2-3 June, 1990.
28.1 Mason, William: Maneadero. (English).
28.2 Fetterman, Ysabel Peabody: Vignettes of Baja California. (English).
28.3 Vinton, Robert C.: Leave the Pavement Behind. (English).
28.4 Von Werlhof, Jay: An Earthen Art Site in Northern Baja California. (English).
28.5 Zarate Loperena, David: Testimonios de Santo Tomas: la Muerte del Padre Eudaldo Surroca en 1803. (Spanish).
28.6 Gonzalez Encinas, Clemente: El Gobernador Esteban Cantu Jimenes y su Obra de Gobierno, 1915-1920. (Spanish).
28.7 Kennedy, Laura Cummings: A Comparison of Tijuana’s Cholo Slang and Los Angeles Black Teenage English. (English and Spanish).
28.8 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Rancho el Rosarito de Machado en el Siglo XIX. (Spanish).
XXIX. Mexicali, BC; 1-2 June, 1991.
Beige binder:
29.1 Crosby, Harry: The Role of Padre Kino and Sonoran Missions in the Development of Jesuit California. (English).
29.2 Mathes, W. Michael: Peninsular Incunabula: the First Baja California Imprints. (Eng & Sp).
29.3 Walther Meade, Adalberto: The Mexicali Valley of Today. English and Spanish).
29.4 Dawson, Glen: In Memoriam: Annetta Carter. (English).
29.5 McIntosh, Beverly Childs: The Juan Batista de Anza Trail, Past, Present, and Future, Baja to Riverside, California. (English).
29.6 Iglesias Serafin, Federico: Monument 204: San Luis Rio Colorado. (Spanish).
Spiral bound:
29.7 Romero Navarette, Lourdes: The Mexicali Region During the Colonial Era. (Spanish).
29.8 Padilla Corona, Antonio: Antecedents to the First Traces of Urbanization of Mexicali. (Sp).
29.9 Pinera Ramirez, David: The Burgeoning of Mexicali in the context of Mexico’s Northern Frontier. (Spanish).
29.10 Samaniego Lopez, Marco Antonio: Reciprocal Migration of Mexican and U.S. Workers During Prohibition, 1920-1933: The Case of Baja California and California. (Spanish).
XXX. Santa Rosalia, BCS; 6-7 June, 1992.
30.1 Dooley, Jackie M.: Index to the Proceedings of the Baja California Symposium, Numbers 1-29 (1963-1991).
30.2 Cota Sandoval, Jose Andres: Santa Rosalia: Regional History Focusing on Social and Political Development. (English and Spanish).
30.3 Kirchner, John: A Tale of Two Locomotives: Boleo No.7 and I.I.D. No.151. (English).
30.4 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: The 1918 Report by Engineers Lopez and Espinosa on the Compania El Boleo. (Spanish).
30.5 Daily, Marla: The Santa Cruz Island, CA-Tepic, Nayarit Connection. (English).
30.6 Padilla Corona, Antonio: The Urban Origin of Santa Rosalia. (Spanish).
30.7 Vinton, Bob: The Other Side of the Rainbow Sea: Exploring the Eastern Side of Bahia Concepcion. (English
30.8 Mathes, W. Michael: Medicine in the Jesuit Missions of Baja California. (English & Spanish).
30.9 Wilken Robertson, Michael: Mr. Utt and the Trout (Slide show, Not Published).
30.10 Merritt, Dan: The Need to Protect the Willard-Gonzaga Bay Estuary, Gulf of California. (Eng).
XXXI. El Centro (Imperial county), CA; 5-6 June, 1993.
31.1 Bogdan, Steve: Imperial Irrigation District (I.I.D.) No.151. (English)
31.2 Martinez Zepeda, Jorge: Los Grupos Etnicos de Baja California. Un Enfoque General.
(The Groups Indigenous to Baja California; Proposal for the Study of their Ethnohistory. (Span).
31.3 Crosby, Harry: The Role of the Rio Colorado in the Long Dispute over California’s Geographic Form (excerpt from his book, Antigua California). (English).
31.4 Porretta, Phil: Locating the Site of Mission Bicuner.
31.5 Polich, John: George Chaffey and His Critics; Bringing of Water to the Colorado River Delta. (English)
31.6 Jacobson, Eric: Harriman and Roosevelt; the Great Colorado River Flood of 1905-07. (English).
31.7 Padilla Corona, Antonio: Tijuana y Tia-Juana. Pasado Utopico y Realidad Presente.
Tijuana and Tia Juana; Utopian Past and Present Reality. (Spanish).
31.8 Samaniego Lopez, Marco Antonio: Las Dificultades del Primer Gobernador Nativo de Baja California. (Difficulties Faced by the First Native-Born Governor of California). (Spanish).
31.9 Chamberlin, Gene: A Historical Landmarks Tour of Imperial County. (English)
31.10 Sanchez Ramirez, Oscar: Colonia Lerdo: Pioneer Settlement of the Mexicali Valley. (Sp).
31.11 Kerig, Dorothy Pierson: Notes on the Ethnic Chinese in Mexicali’s Population. (English).
31.12 Hendricks, W.O.: Imperial Valley Townsite Names. (English).
31.13 Hann, Carol: The Old Plank Road Across the Sand Hills. (Video, Not published).
31.14 Wilken-Robertson, Michael: Two short Videos on the Pai Pai. (Not Published).
Entries refer to Symposium and Item numbers. For example, “16.6” is the 6th paper listed under Symposium # XVI. Revised by: Norm Christie, 21 December, 2000
* = scanned/digitized by Norm Christie
Agriculture 16.6, 19.2, 23.2
Aircraft 25.4
Alarcon, Hernando de 23.1
Andrade, Guillermo 7.8
Animals See: Zoology
Archaeology See: Prehistory
Archives 9.2, 18.5, 19.4, 26.10
Astronomy 7.4, 13.3, 23.6
Bahia de Los Angeles 23.5, 26.1, 26.2, 26.5, 26.7, 26.11
Bahias San Luis Gonzaga, Willard 30.10
Baja California (Norte) 7.1, 11.4, 11.5, 18.5, 20.3, 27.11, 28.6, 30.10, 31.8
Baja California Sur 12.3, 12.5, 14.5, 17.3, 18.8, 21.5
Baja California Symposium 5.1, 15.1
Barco, Miguel del 11.3, 25.1
Barrett, Ellen C. 23.7, 23.8
Bibliography 15.1, 22.9, 26.10, 29.2, 30.1
Bicuner, Mision 31.4
Birds 24.3, 26.2
Boats 24.1
Books See: Literature
Border (US – Mexico) 6.2, 6.3, 29.6, 26.15, 29.9, 29.10
Botany 4.1, 7.2, 13.1, 16.6, 17.6, 18.2, 20.7, 22.5, 23.2, 27.8
Cabo San Lucas 16.1
California (Alta, U.S.) 4.3, 16.6, 29.5, 29.10
Cantu Jimenez, Esteban 27.7, 28.6, 31.8
Carter, Annetta 7.2, 18.2, 29.4
Castro Agundez, Jesus 22.4
Cedros Island 17.2, 22.5, 22.6, 24.5, 26.8
Chappe, Abbe 7.4
Children 13.2
Chinese 9.1, 31.11
Colonization 14.2, 17.5, 21.5
Colorado River 3.3, 7.8, 10.4, 11.2, 14.3, 29.6, 31.3, 31.5, 31.6
Consag Rock 24.3
Cucapa 11.2
Deer 26.8
Diaz Covarrubias, Francisco 23.6
Dominicans 3.4, 27.5
Earthen Art 28.4
Earthquakes 3.1, 22.8
Economics 11.4, 11.6, 21.2, 29.10
Education 4.2, 7.7, 17.3, 18.7, 22.1, 26.10
Electricity 5.4, 8.2
Ellsberg, Helen Ritchey 26.13
Ensenada 9.5, 17.1, 25.2, 25.3, 27.3, 27.10
Fauna See: Zoology
Fishing 8.4, 9.1, 30.9, 30.10
Flora See: Botany
Food 23.2, 26.16
Fossil 27, near end
Franciscans 16.3, 23.9, 27.5
Gardner, Erle Stanley 8.5
Genealogy 3.5
Geography 5.2, 6.3, 12.6, 19.3, 30.7, 31.3, 31.12
Geology 21.3, 22.8, 27.8
Geothermal Energy 5.4
Guadalupe 27.6
Guadalupe Valley 19.2
Gulf of California See: Sea of Cortez
Gulick, Howard E. 22.3
Health, Medicine 30.8
Highways 12.4, 27.7
History (General) 8.3, 9.2, 10.2, 11.3, 14.2, 16.5, 17.5, 18.1, 18.4, 18.5, 19.4, 21.5, 21.6, 23.1, 23.7, 23.9, 24.6, 26.9, 27.4, 29.5
Idiom See: Slang
Imperial Valley, CA 3.1, 10.1, 31.9, 30.3, 31.12, 31.1, 31.9, 31.12, 31.13
Indians 1.1, 3.2, 3.6, 4.4, 5.3, 6.1, 6.5, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 12.6, 13.5, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 17.6, 17.7, 18.8, 19.5, 20.5, 23.2, 24.1, 25.5, 28.4, 30.5, 31.2
Jesuits 16.5, 29.1
Jojoba 17.6
Juarez, Benito 10.3
Kamiai 25.5
Kino, Padre Eusebio 29.1
La Paz 13.2, 17.5
Land 7.8, 10.3, 19.1, 26.14
Lassepas, Urbano U. 12.21.00
Leese Concession 10.3
Lerdo, Colonia 31.10
Literature 12.3, 15.1, 22.9, 26.10, 29.2, 30.1
Loreto 18.1, 18.4
Macahue 20.6
Machado Family 28.8
Magdalena Bay 16.5*
Maneadero 28.1
Marine Science 4.2, 7.7, 23.3, 26.3, 26.6
Medicine See: Health
Mexicali 10.4, 29.3, 29.7, 29.8, 29.9, 31.10, 31.11
Mining 7.10, 19.6, 20.2, 21.3, 24.5, 25.2, 26.4, 26.11, 30.3, 30.4
Missions 3.4, 5.5, 7.9, 12.1, 12.2, 16.2, 16.3, 17.4, 18.7, 18.8, 21.1, 23.9, 24.2, 27.5, 27.6, 29.1, 30.8
Mulege 15.4, 18.3, 30.7, 31.4
Obituaries/ Memoria 8.5, 20.1, 22.3, 22.4, 23.8, 23.10, 23.11, 26.12, 26.13
Ocio, Manuel del 20.2, 26.4
Orphanage 13.2
Paipai 20.5, 31.14
Peabody, George 28.2
Pearls 20.2
Pericu 15.2, 15.3, 18.8
Plants see Botany
Population 19.2, 29.9
Prehistoric era 5.3, 6.1, 6.5, 10.1, 13.4, 15.4, 17.7
Railroads 9.3, 19.6, 24.4, 30.3, 31.1
Real del Castillo 6.2, 27.1, 27.2, 31.8
Rock Art, Cave Paintings 5.6, 9.4, 13.6, 14.4, 22.7, 23.5, 26.5
Rosarito 28.8
Russian Colony 27.9
Ryerson, Jorge 27.11
San Benito Island 17.2
San Bruno 21.1
San Dieguito Indians 3.2, 28.4
San Felipe 23.4
San Jose del Cabo 16.1, 18.8
San Luis Gonzaga (BCS) 16.2, 18.6
San Marcos Island 21.3
San Quintin 21.2
Santa Maria Valley 27.9
Santa Rosalia 30.2, 30.6
Santo Domingo Valley 16.5 *
Santo Tomas 28.5
Sauzal 27.10
Scammon’s Lagoon 8.1
Sea of Cortez 19.3, 23.3, 23.4, 26.3
Sea Otters 16.4
Sierra de la Giganta 7.2, 18.2
Slang 28.7
Soldiers 26.9, 26.15, 27.4
Statistics 5.2, 7.5
Surroca, Padre Eudaldo 28.5
Tecate 7.3, 20.4, 20.8
Television 26.7
Tijuana 3.4, 5.7, 14.3, 21.4, 22.2, 25.4, 26.14, 28.7, 28.8, 31.7
Turtles 23.3, 26.6
Ugarte, Juan de 24.2
Venus, Transit of 7.4, 23.6
Vizcaino, Sebastian 8.3
Water 8.2, 10.4, 14.3, 31.5
Weather 8.2, 9.5
Whales, Whaling 8.1, 16.5, 17.6, 26.3
Wheat 15.6, 22.6, 24.3, 26.2, 26.3
Zoology 15.6, 16.4, 22.6, 23.3, 26.3, 26.6, 26.8, 30.9
Relating to Baja California Collected by: Norman K. Christie Revised: 16 December, 2010
V:1 Zonal Status of Sierra San Pedro Martir with descriptions of a new Kangaroo Rat and Woodpecker.
Huey; 1927.
V:2 Birds in Spring at San Felipe with descriptions of a new Woodpecker. Huey; 1927.
V:5 New Kangaroo Rat and Brush Rabbit from Lower California. Huey; 1927.
V:7 New Louisiana Heron and Round-tailed Ground Squirrel from Lower Calif. Huey; 1927.
V:8 New Silky Pocket Mouse and Pocket Gopher from Lower California. Huey; 1928.
V:11 Trimorphodon (Lyre Snake) of California. Klauber; 1928.
V:13 New Fox from the Cape region. Huey; 1928
V:15 New Pocket Gopher and Antelope Ground Squirrel from Lower Calif. Huey; 1929.
V:18 Loliolopsis chiroctes, new genus and species of Squid from Gulf of Calif. Berry; 1929.
6#10 Comments on Marsh Sparrows of southern and Lower Calif. With descriptions of a new race.
Huey; 1930.
6#13 New Verdin from central Lower California. Huey; 1930. (titmouse-like bird)
6#16 New race of Bell Sparrow from Lower California. Huey; 1930.
6#26 New subspecies of Peromyscus from the Gulf Coast of Lower Calif. Huey; 1931.
7#2 Two new Ground Squirrels from Lower California. Huey; 1931.
7#6 New Meadow Mouse from Lower California. Huey, 1931.
7#7 New White-footed Mouse from Lower California. Nelson and Goldman; 1932.
7#16 Descriptions of heretofore unknown Mammals from islands in the Gulf of California. Burt; 1932.
8#5 Three new species of Pinnixa from the Gulf of Calif. Glassell; 1935.
8#14 New or little-known Crabs from the Pacific Coast of northern Mexico. Glassell; 1935.
9#11 Silky Pocket Mice with a description of a new race. Huey; 1939.
9#21 New Cardinal from central Lower California. Huey; 1940.
9#23 New coastal form of Brush Rabbit from vicinity of San Quintin. Huey; 1940.
9#24 New species of Legless Lizard from San Geronimo Island. Shaw; 1940.
9#28 New Chuckwalla from Santa Catalina Island in the Gulf of Calif. Shaw; 1941.
9#31 Observations on Plants and Insects in northwestern Baja California with descriptions of new Bees.
Cockerell; 1941.
9#35 Two new Wrens and a Jay from Lower California. Huey; 1942.
10#4 New Snake of genus Sonora, Lower California. Klauber; 1943.
10#13 Preliminary studies on Black-throated Sparrows of Baja Calif. Van Rossem; 1945.
10#14 Pocket Gophers of Baja Calif, with descriptions of nine new forms. Huey; 1945.
10#16 New Wood Rat , genus Neotoma, from Vizcaino desert region. Huey, 1945.
11#1 Gopher Snakes of Baja Calif, with descriptions of new subspecies of Pituophis catenifer. Klauber; 1946.
11#3 Undescribed race of Mangrove Warbler from Baja Calif. Van Rossem; 1947.
11#4 Three new races of Pocket Gophers (Thomomys) from Baja Calif. Huey; 1949.
11#10 Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys) of Baja California. Huey; 1951.
12#1 New form of Perognathus formosus from Baja Calif. Huey; 1954.
12#4 Analysis of Herpetofauna of Baja Calif. Lowe and Norris; 1954.
12#5 Snakes of the islands of the Gulf of Calif. Cliff; 1954.
12#9 Additional notes on Pliocene and Pleistocene fauna of Turtle Bay area. Chace; 1956.
12#12 New species of Megathymus (Lepidoptera: Megathymidae) from Baja Calif. Harbison; 1957.
12#13 Notes on metamorphosis of Agave-boring Butterfly from Baja Calif. Comstock; 1957.
12#15 New race of Wood Rat (Neotoma) from Gulf side of central Baja Calif. Huey; 1957.
12#16 Late Pleistocene faunas from northwestern coast of Baja Calif. Valentine; 1957.
12#20 New Mollusk from San Felipe. Chace; 1958.
12#23 New race of Pocket Gopher (Thomomys) from San Fernando Mission, Baja Cal. Huey; 1960.
12#24 Two new races of Perognathus spinatus from Baja Calif. Huey; 1960.
12#25 Comments on Pocket Mouse, Perognathus fallax with descriptions of two new races from
Baja California. Huey; 1960.
12#28 Marine Mollusks from Los Angeles Bay, Gulf of Calif. McLean; 1961.
13#1 Belvedere Expedition of the Gulf of California. Lindsay; 1962.
13#3 Birds of the Belvedere Expedition to the Gulf of Calif. Banks; 1963
13#4 Second new species of Megathymid from Baja California. Harbison; 1963.
13#6 Two new Opisthobranch Molluscs from Baja Calif. Farmer, 1963.
13#7 Mammals of Baja California. Huey; 1964.
13#9 New Marine Beetle from Gulf of California. Moore; 1964.
13#12 Staphylinidae of marine mud flats of southern Calif and NW Baja Calif. (Coleoptera). 1964,
13#16 Terrestrial Molluscs of the Belvedere Expedition to Gulf of Calif. Emerson & Jacobson; 1964.
13#17 Invertebrate Megafossils of Belvedere Expedition to Gulf of Calif. Emerson & Hertlein; 1964.
13#19 Additions to Nudibranch fauna of east Pacific and Gulf of Calif. Collier & Farmeer; 1964.
13#20 Mammals of Cerralvo Island, Baja Calif. Banks; 1964. (2)
14#3 Notes on Birds of NW Baja California. Short & Banks; 1965.
14#4 Notes on Bats from the Cape region of Baja Calif. Jones, Smith & Alvarez; 1965.
14#7 Pinniped populations of Islas Guadalupe, San Benito & Cedros . Rice, Kenyon & Lluch; 1965.
14#11 Biogeography and distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians on Islands in the Gulf of California.
Soule & Sloan; 1966.
14#15 Night Snakes of Baja California. Tanner; 1966.
14#17 Birds and Mammals of La Laguna, Baja Calif. Banks, 1967.
14#20 Notes on Avifauna of NW Baja Calif. Shaort & Crossin; 1967.
14#21 Occurrence of Pacific Lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, off Baja Calif.
With remarks on nomenclature. Hubbs, 1967.
15#2 New Panamic Nudibranchs (Gastropoda: opisthobranchia) from Gulf of Calif. Lance; 1968.
15#6 Biological survey of Bahia Los Angeles; I: General Account. Barnard & Grady; 1968.
15#7 II: Benthic Polychaetous Annelids. Reish; 1968.
15#8 III: Benthic Mollusca. Coan; 1968
15#13 IV: Benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea). Barnard; 1969
15#11 Five new taxa of Haplopappus (Compositae) from Baja Calif. Moran; 1969.
15#17 Twelve new Dicots (flora) from Baja California. Moran; 1969
16#2 Shallow water Anomuran Crab fauna of SW Baja Calif. Haig, Hopkins & Scanland; 1970.
16#4 Eastern Pacific Crown of Thorns Starfish populations in lower Gulf of Calif. Dana & Wolfson; 1970.
16#5 Evolution of Peromyscus on northern Islands in the Gulf of Calif. Lawlor; 1971.
16#10 Herpetofauna of Pacific coast of north-central Baja Calif with description of new subspecies of
Phyllocactylus xanti. Bostic; 1971.
17#3 Paleontology and paleoncology of the San Diego formation in NW Baja Calif. Rowland; 1972.
18#1 Elephant Seals (Mirounga Angustirostris) on Los Coronados Islands, with analysis of
Breeding population. Hubbs; 1975.
19#3 First records of Risso’s Dolphin (Grampus griseus) from Gulf of Calif. With detailed notes on
mass stranding. Leatherwood, Hubbs & Fisher; 1979.
20#4 Two new Idoteid isopods from Baja Calif and Gulf of Calif, and analysis of evolutionary history of
genus Colidotea (Crustacea: Isopoda: Idoteidae). Brusca; 1983
#1 Revision of the Mexican Pyrgomorphidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) II
A Reappraisal of the Genus Ichthiacris I. Bolivar, 1905, with descriptions of three new species
From Baja California. Kevan; 1 July, 1990.
#4 A new Long-nosed Snake (Rhinocheilus lecontei) from Isla Cerralvo, BCS.
Grismer; 16 September, 1990.
#28 Annotated checklist of the Marine Mammals of the Gulf of Calif.
Vidal, Findley & Leatherwood; 1 November, 1993.
Want List: #14, Nov 1992. Camarones carideos… 13 pages. Ruben Rios
#5 Atlas of Monthly mean Sea Surface and subsurface Temperatures in the Gulf of California.
Robinson; 1973.
#12 The Grasses of Baja California. Gould & Moran; 1981.
GRINGO GAZETTE Index to Articles of Reference or Lasting Interest to ME re Baja.
Vol. 1
#4; Sept 1995: Hurricane”Flossy”in San Felipe. June Snow.
Tips from Sun & Wind (Power). Ricardo.
Nopal. Joyce Wissler
Mexican Independence Day (16 Sept, 1810).
#7; Dec 1995: Maiz. Joyce Wissler.
#8; Jan 1996: None
#12; May 1996: How to Propagate a Tamarisk. Junio. p.4.
Vol. 2:
#1; June 1996: None
2; July 1996: Baja’s Weird Boojum. Ken Jones. p.23.
#3; Aug 1996: Pitahaya. Joyce Wissler.
#8; Jan 1997: None
#9; Feb 1997: Water and Wine, in Spanish. Junio. p.8.
Eggs. Junio. P.14.
#10; Mar 1997: Lighthouse at Campo El Vergel. Pat Pollereno. p.8.
#11; Apr 1997: Puerto Nuevo; Lobster Village. Bob Schade. p. 5.
#12; May 1997: Chicharra (insect). p. 9.
Nautical Spanish terms. p. 14.
Vol. 3:
#2; July 1997: Mexican Bricks. Dick Elliott. p. 3.
The San Felipe Arches. Bruce Barber. p. 4.
Automotive Spanish terms. p. 12.
#3; Aug 1997: None
#5; Oct 1997: Gulf of California, Part 1. Dr. Roy Houston. p. 13.
Around the House Spanish. p. 15.
#8; Jan 1998: Macho. Joyce Wissler. p. 4.
Gulf of California, Part 3. Dr. Roy Houston. p. 8.
Cat’s Claw. Joyce Wissler. p. 14.
#10; Mar 1998 : Tile Maker. Elias Gonzales Varela. p. 6.
Gonzaga Bay. Bruce Barber. p. 8.
Irish Soldiers of Mexico. Walter Jones. p. 10.
John Riley and the San Patricios. Walter Jones. p. 14.
Gulf of California, Part 4. Dr. Roy Houston. p. 19.
Vol. 4:
#1; June 1998: None
#2; July 1998: Mike’s Sky Ranch (Winters in Baja). Gary Winters. p. 3.
Mexico Involvement in WWII, Part 2. Whinner. p. 5.
Cucapa Indian Museum. Elias Gonzales Varela. p. 9.
#3; Aug 1998: History of the Cucapa. Joyce Wissler. p. 4.
Mexican Involvement in WWII, Part 3.
#4; Sept 1998: Arroyo Matomi, Palm Canyon. Bruce Barber. p. 7.
List of Campos between San Felipe & Puertocitos, owners and locations. p.13.
#6; Nov 1998: Dangerous Marine Life, Part 1. Dr. Roy Houston. p. 4.
#10; Mar 1999: Baja and the Gadsden Purchase. Dick Stubbs. p. 17.
Yellow-bellied Sea Snake; solved mystery. p. 21.
Dangerous Marine Life, Part 3. Dr. Roy Houston. p. 23.
#11; Apr 1999: None
Vol. 5:
#1; June 1999: None
#2; July 1999: Coming and Going in Spanish ( Ir and Venir ) Joyce Wissler.
#3; Aug 1999: Blue-footed Booby (cover Story). Junio.
Churches of San Felipe. Joyce Wissler.
#4; Sept 1999: None
#5; Oct 1999: Care and Feeding of a Marine Radio. Ricardo. p. 4.
#6; Nov 1999 None
#7; Dec 1999: Battery Maintenance (Tips from the Sun and Wind). Dick Zalewski. p. 4.
Bats. Joyce Wissler. p. 24.
#8; Jan 2000: Voltage Drop. (Tips from the Sun and Wind). Ricardo. p.18.
#11; Apr 2000: History of the Mariachi. Patti Liker. P.16.
#12; May 2000: None
Vol. 6:
#1; June 2000: Origin of the Guitar. Elena Vasquez. p. 17.
#2; July 2000: How to Have a Beautiful Garden. Vittorio Locatelli. p. 5.
Diamondback Rattlesnake. (Winters in Baja). Gary Winters. p. 6.
Tomatoes. Junio. p.18.
#3; Aug 2000: Hello South Campo’s Gardeners: Palo Verde. Vittorio Locatelli. p.9.
#5; Oct 2000: God, St Francis, and the Gringo’s Lawn. Jac Jacqmin. P.6.
Spanish Fish Names. Junio. p.10.
Shrubs. Hello Gardeners. Vittorio Locatelli. p.15.
Care of CD’s. Junio. p.18.
#6; Nov 2000: Follow-up to Fish names. P.2.
Five Trees. Hello Gardeners. Vittorio Locatelli. p.4.
Day of the Dead. Joyce Wissler. p.6.
#7; Dec 2000: Cardon. Joyce Wissler. p. 18.
Palms, Cactus, Watering.. Hello Gardeners; Vittorio Locatelli. p. 21.
#8; Jan 2001: Ground Cover. Hello Gardeners; Vittorio Locatelli. p. 5.
Agua Caliente. Bruce Barber. p. 12.
#9; Feb 2001: Vines, Bougainvillea. Hello Gardeners;
#10; Mar 2001: Creosote bush. Hello Gardeners; Vittorio Locatelli. p. 11.
Microwave Water explosions. Sharlene Desens. p. 14.
#11; April 2001: New Hospital in San Felipe. Dr. Victor Abasolo T., Medical Director. p. 3.
Pruning Shrubs and Trees. Univ of Nevada via Vittorio Locatelli. p. 15.
#12; May 2001: Desert Lily. (Editor’s Bits and Pieces) p. 2.
Planting wildflower seeds. Vittorio Locatelli. p. 11.
#13; June 2001: Drink Water. Junio. p. 6.
Wildflowers. Hello Gardeners; Vittorio Locatelli. p. 10.
Vol. 7:
#1; July 2001: Lose Your Wallet? What to Do Before. Donna Botzer. p. 6.
No August issue
#2; Sept 2001: First Hispanic Governor of California. Gus Herrera. P.9.
Heroine of Mexican Independence. Junio. p.12.
#3; Oct 2001: Baja Gardeners: Soils and Watering. Vittorio Locatelli. p.7.
#4; Nov 2001: What’s in a Name: “Gringo”. p.2.
No-Seeums. Junio. p.3.
#5; Dec 2001: None
#6; Jan 2002: “How Do They Stand It?” Plant compensation for limited water. V. Locatelli.
Birds of the Mexicali Valley. Alberto Tapia Landeros / Joyce Wissler.
#7; Feb 2002 El Dorado Ranch Swap Meets. John Wozny
#8, Mar 2002 The Pinacate. Bruce Barber. p.11.
#9, April, 2002 None
#10, May 2002 Creating an Energy Efficient Landscape. Vittorio Locatelli. p. 9.
FM-3 pp. 18, 19.
#11, June 2002 Cactus, Agave, Yucca and Ocotillo. Vittorio Locatelli. p.23.
Sept, 2002 How to Create an Energy Efficient Landscape. Vittorio Locatelli. p.9.
A Trip to Copper Canyon. Bob Schade. p.16.
Oct, 2002 Lack of Water Threatens Cocopas. John Wozny. p. 3.
Gardeners: seedling pots hint. Vittorio Locatelli. p.5.
Highway Adventurer in Northern Baja. Bob Schade. p. 7.
Nov, 2002 Mexican Beers. John Wozny. p. 3.
No-See-Ums. Walt “Jarhead” Jones. p. 15.
Dec, 2002 La Posada – Noche Buena – Los Reyes Mago. (Mexican Xmas Holidays) John Wozny.
Bananas. Sharlene Desens. p.16.
January, 2003: Senora Maria Nieves Mejia Placencia; WEATHER-LADY. Frank Martinez. p.3.
Antonio Reyes Vaca (Okie Landing) part 1. Bruce Barber. p.13.
Tips for Marine Radios. Prem Brown. P.19.
Feb. 2003: Alamos, Sonora; a Colonial Jewel. Maureen Martinez. p.3.
Antonio Reyes Vaca (Okie Landing) part 2. Bruce Barber. p.9.
Gardening: Nopal, Prickly Pear, Beavertail. Vittorio Locatelli. p.14.
March, 2003: “Gobernadora”, the Creosote Bush (herbal medicine). John Wozny. p.3
April, 2003: Hot on the Trail (Chili Peppers). p.3.
May, 2003: Chipotle (“Hot on the Trail”) Junio. p.10.
June, 2003: Cholla / Cactus Wren. John Wozny. p.3.
Propogating the Creosote Bush. Vittorio Locatelli. p.17.
September, 2003: Cachanillas. John W. Wozny. p.5.
Desert Willow & Trumpet Bush. Vittorio Locatelli. p.11.
October, 2003: Day of the Dead. John Wozny. p. 3.
Pruning. Vittorio Locatelli. p. 6.
Chinese in Mexicali and San Felipe. John Wozny. p. 11.
November, 2003: none
December, 2003: Short-Handled Shovel (Digging a Septic Tank) p.18.
January, 2004: The Tamarisk. Junio. p. 8.
Texas Ebony. Vittorio Locatelli. p.14.
The San Quintin Mammoth (PCC Science Program). P 18.
February, 2004: Tamarisk; addition to Junio’s article. Vitorio Locatelli. p.14.
March, 2004 none
April, 2004 none.
May, 2004 none
September, 2004 The Golden Eagle. p. 14.
Issues with # and dates missing from this list are not in the collection of Norm Christie.
“None” implies that the issue contains no articles of long-term reference value,
in the opinion of this collector.
Issues of Gringo Gazette missing from collection of Norman K. ChristieRevised: 15 Sept, 2001
Vol. 1: # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11
Vol. 2: # 4, 5, 6, 7,
Vol. 3: #1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
Vol. 4: #5, 7, 8, 9, 12
Vol. 5: #9, 10
Vol. 6: #4
Below are the GG issues missing from my collection, itemized by year / month.
1995: June, July, Aug, Oct, Nov
1996: Feb, Mar, April, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec
1997: June, Sept, Nov, Dec
1998: Feb, April, May, Oct, Dec
1999: Jan, Feb, May
2000: Feb, Mar, Sept
Revised: 30 Nov, 2010
(x)=Xerox copy. ( D)= downloaded © = scanned into computer
Jan 1941
Jan 1946, Guadalupe Canyon p4. (x)
Aug 1946- Cantu Palms, west side of Laguna Salada. Randall Henderson
Feb 1947: Palms of Palomar (actually, Santa Isabel Canyon), Sierra Juarez) Randall Henderson.
June 1947. Palms of Clouburst Canyon. Randall Henderson. Pp.21-26. (D)
Dec, 1947: Nature’s Onyx Factory (El Volcán). Lewis W. Walker.
May, 1948: Fishing Village on the Gulf (San Felipe). Randall Henderson.
He Fights With his Tail (Scorpions). Richard Cassell.
Fossil Hunters at Catarina (Ammonites). Lewis Walker.
June, 1948: Daddy of the Palm Canyons (Canon del Tajo). Randall Henderson.
Feb, 1949 We found the Cave of Lost Art
July, 1950 pp4-8. Ma Mora Canyon in Baja. Randall Henderson. (D)
Mar 1951: Picacho del Diablo. Norton Allen. P.7. (D)
July 1951- We Camped with the Pai Pais: Arroyo Agua Caliente. Randall Henderson. (D)
Aug, 1951: Mescal Roast. Randall Henderson.
July 1952- Tribesmen of Santa Catarina. Henderson. p. 5. (D)
Nov 1952- Lost Silver Ledge of Santa Catarina. Randall Henderson. v.15#11, pp11-12. © (D)
Jan, 1953: We Climbed El Diablo From the Desert Side (Picacho del Diablo). Randall Henderson.
April 1953 The Ancients Were Here. (NW of San Felipe) Randall Henderson.
Oct 1953 – Mexican Tour – For motorists. Randall Henderson. Sites along Hwy 2 near USA border.
Feb 1955- Cattle Ranch Among the Palms (Palomar Canyon area). Randall Henderson.
Aug, 1955: Three Days in Devil’s Canyon (Canon del Diablo). Randall Henderson.
Oct 1955- Cirio, p 19: Grey Ghosts of Vizcaino Desert (D)
Nov, 1956: Elephant Trees of Vizcaino. Edmund C. Jaeger.
Dec 1956: The Cardón, Largest Cacti in the World (Naturalist XXXII) E.C. Jaeger.
June, 1957: Vacation in Baja Calif. C.R. Appleby.
Sept 1957: Banded Rhyolite in Baja’s Pinto Basin (West of Mexicali). E.L. Conrotto. ©
Oct 1957: Marine Treasures from Punta Peñasco. Helen DuShane.
Apr 1958 – Dirt Road Holiday; pg. 5; Helen DuShane (D)
June, 1958: “Dry Lake” (Laguna Salada area). Edmund C. Jaeger.
Jan, 1959: Trail to a Baja Salt Spring. (near Bahía Gonzaga). Louise Werner. (x)
April, 1959: Stuck in the Sand (and what to do about it). Randall Henderson. (x)
The Palm. Edmund C. Jaeger. (x)
July 1959 Desert Vines. Edmund C. Jaeger.
Aug, 1959: To Baja California with a Naturalist. Edmund C. Jaeger.
Oct, 1959: To the Bay of Angels (Pt 1) by John Hilton.
Nov, 1959: Bahía de Los Angeles (Pt II). John Hilton. (x)
Creosote Bush. Edmund C. Jaeger. (x)
Dec, 1959: Whispering Canyon on Isla Angel la Guarda (Pt III) by John Hilton.
Jan, 1960: Isla Encantada (Pt IV). John Hilton. (x)
Mexico’s Desert Highway. (Mexicali east to Sonora). Nell Murbarger. (x)
June 1960: Of Men and the Road (Driving the Old Baja Road). J.S. Palmisano
The Strange and Wonderful Agave. Edmund C. Jaeger.
Sept, 1960: A Guide to the Missions of Baja California. Helen DuShane.
Five Gem and Mineral Field Trips on the Colorado Desert. Glenn & Martha Vargas.
(Trip #3 is about Pinto Basin Banded Rhyolite and Petrified Wood; west of Mexicali)
Jan 1961 – Science Gains a Beachhead in Baja; pg 22; John Hilton. BoLA Field Station © (D)
Feb 1961 Hunting the Desert Whale. Erle Stanley Gardner. Pp.26-33. (D)
April, 1961: Rugged Roads; Whimsical Whales. Erle Stanley Gardner
May, 1961: Virgin Beach (Isla Arena) Erle Stanley Gardner, p18, ©
also Gadsden Purchase, Randall Henderson, p.41. Ocotillo. Edmund C. Jaeger.
Aug 1962 Jesuit Gold. C. Polzer. pp22-27. (also, history of the expulsion) © (D)
Jan, 1963: We Explored the Dump Yard of the Pacific (Vizcaino Bay). Midge Hamshaw.
Oct, 1963: Nellie Cashman’s Lost Gold (Mulegé) by Louise Auer. ©
Feb, 1964: The Ruthless Road to Baja, by L. Burr Belden.
May, 1964: Bewitched by Baja. By Choral Pepper.
Beachcombing on the Bay. By Jack Pepper (San Felipe)
June, 1964: Bewitched by Baja (Pt 2); Baja’s Pacific Beaches, by Jack Pepper.
July, 1964: Bewitched by Baja (pt 3). San Ignacio & Scammon’s Lagoon). Choral Pepper.
August, 1964: Bewitched by Baja (Serpent Cave); Choral Pepper.
Scorpions; John Goodman.
Sept, 1964: Bewitched by Baja (Mulegé) (final part).
Oct 1964: Moonlight Cruise on a Shrimp Boat. Sam Hicks
Desert Dispensary. (Damiana, etc) Sam Hicks
Dec, 1964 A Whale of a Trip to Baja. Ira Huffman. Scammon’s Lagoon.
Jan, 1965: Baja’s Buried bones. By Jack Pepper. (archaeology in the Mulegé area)
Feb 1965 – Maligned Baja. (Southern Baja Sur) Katherine Taylor
April, 1965: Pai Pai Land. By Betty & Bill MacKintosh
La Paz Ferry. By Cliff Cross.
Desert Dispensary; the Cardón. By Sam Hicks. (pain-killer and disinfectant from Cardón)
June, 1965: Just Below the Border, Baja Triangle Trip, Choral Pepper.
July, 1965: Painted Caves of Baja. Clement Meighan.
The Terrible Tarantula (and Tarantula Hawk). Tim St. George
Nov, 1965 Ghost Pueblo of Baja (El Alamo). John R. Condit.
Dec, 1965 Desert Dispensary. Sam hicks. Higuera Cimarrona (Wild Fig). (D)
Feb., 1966: Lost Santa Isabel Mission; Choral Pepper.
April, 1966: Road to Old Socorro (Meling Ranch).
June, 1966: Magic of Baja (Gardner Expedition, Pt 1, Bahías Gonzaga & L A). C. Pepper.
July, 1966: Magic of Baja (Part 2). Choral Pepper.
Aug-Sept, 1966: Magic of Baja, part 3. Baja Sur.
Oct, 1966: Magic of Baja (pt 4) (San Ignacio area, and Gardner Caves). Choral Pepper.
Santa Maria Magdalena controversy (letter to editor) p. 39.
Nov, 1966: Magic of Baja, part 5. Area around Gardner Cave.
Dec, 1966: Magic of Baja (Gardner Expedition) final part. Choral Pepper.
Jan 1967- Search for the Golden Goddess (Mission Santa Isabela Ed Houck
Land of Spurs and Canyons (western Laguna Salada). Betty MacIntosh
Feb 1967: Search for the White Palm. R. O. Schnabel. (Mainly near Guaymas, Sonora).
Letters from Clement Meighan (yellow crosses in Gardner Cave), and Campbell Grant (Baja Tree).
June, 1967: Mystery of Santa Maria; Morlin Childers.
Baja By Blimp; Choral Pepper.
Feb 1968 p 34. Short Trip to Baja. (San Felipe-Puertecitos) Judith Richardson. P.34 (D)
Sept 1968 Agave; Century Plant. Theresa Maine. P.22
New San Felipe. Al Pearce. p 32
Oct 1968 – Baja’s Plants and Indians; pg. 31-33. Lee de Massey ©
Jan 1969 – Back Country Travel; Bill Bryan; pg. 38
We Conquered Baja; Carol Bryan; pg. 34
Mar 1969 – Southern Baja the Easy Way. Bill Hayden. Loreto, La Paz, Ferries.
Apr 1969 – Baja’s Enchanted Islands (Islas Encantadas, Punta Final). Piet Van de Mark
May 1969 p 20. Jewel of Sierra Juarez. John Robinson. P.20-21. (D)
July, 1969 Scorpions – Desert Dwellers from the Sea. K.L.Boynton. pp.26-29. © (D)
Clamming at El Gulfo. Erle Stanley Gardner. p 12-15, 33: (D)
Aug, 1969: Mucho Fun Along the Border of Baja. Jack Delaney. TJ to Mexicali.
Dec, 1969: How to Avoid a Border Incident. Jack Delaney. Border crossings; customs & immigration.
March, 1970: Baja’s Canyon de Guadalupe. Sherilyn Mentes.
Jan, 1971: Baja’s Round Valley (near Tecate). Dick Bloomquist.
June 1971 – Baja’s Barely Beaten Byways. (outside of La Paz) George Reiger
Dec, 1971: Restless Colorado River (near Pinacate, San Luis, Puerto Peñasco). Harvey Gray.
Highlands of Baja (Meling Ranch area). Bill Mack.
June, 1973: The Best of Baja. Enid Howard.
April, 1974: Phantom Ship of the Gran Desierto (Santa Ana treasure; Colorado delta). Harvey Gray. ©
Baja for Charter. (Angel la Guarda island). Ernie Cowan.
Rambling on Rocks. (a rockhound drives Hwy 1). Glen & Martha Vargas.
July 1974 – Run on Mexico Hwy 1 (in a motor home). Jim Smullen
Oct 1974 – We Walked a Mission Trail, part I. George Leetch. Agua Verde area ©
Desert Acrobat (Ringtail Cat) ©
Nov, 1974: We Walked a Mission Trail, part II. George Leetch. Loreto Area. ©
March, 1975 Erle’s Beach. C. Wesley Hamshaw. Scammon’s lagoon area. ©
April, 1975: Treasure of San Pedro Martir; Harold Weight.
Alamos, Sonora.
July, 1975: Baja California (south from Puertecitos, L.A. Bay, San Borja, El Mármol). Thos. L. Bryant.
Dec, 1975: Pacific Islands of Baja Norte (Guadalupe, San Benito, San Martin). Betty Mackintosh.
Golo Valley – Nellie Cashman – Santa Rosalia, Choral Pepperp.24
Feb, 1976 Dry Washing for Desert Gold. Harold O. Weight. Pp. 28-31.
Boleo Mine, Vargas, p.42. ©
Collared Lizard
March, 1976 Rambling in Rocks – Boleo mine. Vargas ©
April, 1976 Rambling in Rocks – Santa Rosalía. Vargas ©
May, 1976: Mike’s Sky Ranch – a Baja Bonus. Diane Thomas.
Dec, 1976: Boom Camps of Baja’s Southern Cape. By S. Van Wormer. (mining; San Antonio, El Triunfo)
Oct 1978 – Baja California By Canoe; pg. 12; George Leetch. Puertecitos to Mulegé.
Jan, 1979: Cabo San Lucas. Ruth Armstrong.
Feb, 1979 Wheels for Baja. Don MacDonald ( choosing & outfitting a Baja vehicle )
March, 1979 Wheels for Baja, part 2.
June, 1979 The Boojum of Baja. Barbara Bigham.
April, 1980: San Felipe. Donald MacDonald and Gary Squier.
The Clam Man. Mary Twyman
Cave Paintings. Louisa Porter-Klink.
Aug, 1980: The Missions of Central Baja. by Jane Eppinga.
Oct 1980 – Where are the (Cave) Paintings ? (Letters)
Tale of Two Missions (Santa Clara, Vizcaino Peninsula). Choral Pepper
Feb 1981: p.50: The Top of Baja. John Putney. (about San Pedro Martir) (D)
May, 1981: Sanguinez; Baja’s Prison of Hope. Mary Eileen Twyman. Mulegé.
July, 1981: Desert Insects. Susan Durr Nix.
The Day 20,000 Cans of Tecate Washed Ashore. Brian Wiersema & Sam Young.
August, 1981: The Seri Indians. William Adams. Isla Tiburon.
The Lost Grave of a Neglected Hero. (Capt Melchoir Diaz). Choral Pepper.
Apr-May, 1984: Baja’s Enchanted Islands. Piet Van de Mark. Las Islas Encantadas. © (x)
(This is an identical reprint of the same article in April 1969 Desert mag.)
American Desert Magazine
Jan-Feb 1993 : A Pilgrimage to San Borja. John R. Purcell. © (x)
Cirio, Copalquin y Cardon. Katherine Barrows.
San Javier – Hidden Valley in Baja. Louise Cave. © (x)
Are there Collectible minerals in Baja California ? Glenn & Martha Vargas © (x)
Note: This list is not official , and may omit some issues with articles relating to Baja because they are not in my collection, and I have not seen them. Help for this list was received from Tom Budlong and John Marnell.
If recipients of this list know of other articles, I would appreciate details and a Xerox copy of the article.
A complete index of all articles in all issues of Desert Magazine has been professionally published, but it is now out of print and expensive if found 2nd-hand:
Desert Magazine Index; by Tom Budlong and Joan Brooks. ISBN : 08706-2281-1
Printed in a limited edition of 500 copies. Arthur H. Clark co., Spokane WA
Articles Pertaining to BAJA CALIFORNIA
By Norman K. Christie (x) = xerox copy (©) = scanned into computer
Jan 1965; vXI #1: The Discovery and Earliest Explorations of the Gulf of Calif. James R. Moriarty. reprint.
Winter, 1971, vXVII#1: Immigrants on the Gila and Baja California Routes to San Diego in 1849. J.R.Moriarty.
Summer,1973; vXIX #3: Paradoxes in the History of Baja Calif. Miguel Leon-Portilla. ©
Fall, 1974; vXX #4: The Mission of Ulises Urbano Lassepas to Baja Calif. David Ramirez, Transl by Ronald Young.
Fall 1975; vXXI #4: Problems of the Serra Route from Loreto to San Diego. Ronald L. Ives.
Spring, 1976; vXXII #2: El Camino Real in Baja Calif; Comments on “Problems of the Serra Route”. Harry Crosby.
Fall 1976; vXXII #4: Memories of Early Days in Baja California. Margaret Brown Baldwin.
:Some Reflections on California, 1776. W. Michael Mathes.
Winter 1977; vXXIII #1: El Camino Real in Baja Calif: Loreto to San Diego. Harry Crosby. ©
: The Beginnings of Secular Colonization in Baja Calif. David Pinera Ramirez.
Summer 1977; vXXIII #3: Kondo Masaharu and the Best of All Fishermen. Don Estes.
: In Search of the Original Californian: Herman Ten Kate’s Expedition to Baja. P.W. van der Pas.
Fall 1979; vXXV #4: Music in the Jesuit Missions of Baja Calif.(1698-1767). Prelim Investigation by A.E.Lemmon.
Winter, 1980; v26 #1: Baja Calif Goldrush of 1889. Sylvia K.Flanigan. ©
Fall 1980; vXXVI #4: The Discredited Revolution: The Magonista Capture of Tijuana in 1911. Richard G. del Castillo.
Winter, 1981; vXXVII #1: Mud Volcanoes, Faults and Quakes of the Colorado Delta Before the 20th Century. C.L.Strand. Summer 1981; vXXVII #3: Adaptation of the Bajacalifornian to the Environment from Earliest times to the
mid-19th Century. W.Michael Mathes.
Spring, 1983 vXXIX #2; A Brief Glimpse of Kumeyaay Past; Interview With Tom Lucas, Kwaaymii of Laguna Ranch.
: Hotel Riviera del Pacifico: Social, Civic, Cultural Center of Ensenada.
Winter 1984; vXXX #1: Ensenada: Background, Founding and Early Development. Maria de Novelo.
: The Mexican-American War in Baja California. Richard W. Amero. ©
Winter, 1988; vXXXIV #1: Writing History with Picture Postcards: Revolution in Tijuana. Paul Vanderwood.
Winter 1989; vXXXV #1: A History of Santa Rosalia in Baja Calif. Maria E. B. De Novelo.
Fall, 1999, v45 #4: The History of the Calif China Products Co. of National City, 1911-1917. A. D. Bevil. ©
Actually, about Charles and Walter Nordhoff, who wrote Peninsular California, and Journey of the Flame.
Articles Not in Christie collection
Available over internet:
Winter 1972 The Historical Archives of Baja California Sur: their antecedents and recent creation
Fall 1972 Utopia in Baja California: The Dreams of José de Gálvez
Fall 1987 The British Are Coming: or, The Army of India and the Founding of Ensenada
Winter 1999 Magonista Revolt in Baja California, 1911 Capitalist Conspiracy or Rebelion de los Pobres?
Winter 2000 Captain Edward William Funcke: Hunting in Baja California for a Living
Journal of San Diego History is published by the San Diego Historical Society.
Cumulative Index of all articles at: http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/journal.htm
Index of Articles in
Noticia de la California
Al Encuentro de la Baja California
A publication of : Museo de Historia de Ensenada.
This excellent magazine, devoted entirely to Baja California, was first published in October, 1992 and was planned as a quarterly. Funding problems caused delays in publication, and the eventual suspension of publication after issue #5 in 1995
Articles (all in Spanish) included Geology, Paleontology (fossils), History, Flora and Fauna, Missions, Indian sites, etc
#1, Oct-Dec, 1992:
Misión Santa María de Los Angeles
450 Años de Historia de Ensenada
Cuando los Dinosaurios Vivian en Baja California
Descendientes de un Pasado Remoto; Etnias del Norte de Baja California
La Fiesta de San Javier
El Origen del Golfo de California
El Molino de Lacy (near Punta Final, Bahia Gonzaga)
Un Personaje Extraordinario de la Baja California (Capitan Rivera y Moncada)
Los Sitios mas Antiguos de la Bahia de Ensenada (Geological History of Bahia de Todos Santos)
Cueva de las Huellas
Misión de San Francisco de Borja Adac
El Cura del Desierto (Don Arturo Grosso / Laguna Chapala)
El Cañón de Santa Rosa
La Trucha Arco Iris (Rainbow Trout), el Pez de la Sierra de San Pedro Mártir
El Jardín Histórico del Centro Cultural Riviera (Ensenada)
La Cañada de la Víbora: Un Asentamiento Prehistórico de la Región (Petroglyphs in Sierra Juárez)
Museo de Historia de Ensenada
Cueva Chiquita Bonita (a Cave in Guadalupe Canyon)
La Sirenas en Baja California (Fossil Manatees in Baja)
Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Huasinapí ©
Baja California: Paraíso del Surf (Surfing in Baja)
El Cañon de Guadalupe: una Joya de Nuestros Desiertos
El Valle de Guadalupe, Antes de los Rusos (The Wine Country before the Russian Molokans)
Index to Noticia de la California, cont.
#4, Oct-Dec, 1994:
Projecto Arquitectonico del Museo de Historia de Ensenada (Building the Anthropological/Historical
Testimonios Rupestres del Valle de Guadalupe (Rock Art)
Molokanos; De Rusia a Ensenada, un Viaje sin Retorno. (The Molokan settlements near Ensenada)
Los Kiliwa (History of the Kiliwa Indians)
Vallecitos (Cave Paintings)
Picacho del Diablo
San Ignacio; Una Mision en el Arroyo de los Carrizales
#5; Sept-Nov, 1995
Recorriendo Antiguos Senderos; Museo de Historia, Sala Indigena
Los Indigenas Kumai, Antes y Despues del Impacto Misional
Las Amonitas (ammonite fossils)
Santo Tomás; Historia y Presencia de un Pueblo Misional
El Hechizo de Culturas Ancestrales Encuentro con el Pasado
Jugando Cañuelas Kiliwa; Rescatemos Viejas Tradiciones
Totoaba; La Extincion de una Especie, Origen de Nuevas Poblaciones (Totouava)
Ecoturismo en Baja California
NOTE: © = Article scanned into computer; copy available.
Revised: 13 Dec, 2004
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