Today, if you are a U.S. citizen you are likely planning some type of special meal or event, wherever you happen to find yourself right now on this planet and typically that involves picnics, barbecues, gatherings with family and friends, hamburgers, hot dogs and pie along with cold beer, margaritas and fireworks.
As Mexico is home to many U.S. expats as well as Mexicans with dual citizenship with the U.S., celebrations commemorating the day south of the border are not all that uncommon. If you happen to be traveling to Mexico right now or live here, you may have seen some local markets even displaying some 4th of July promotional sales on holiday related products.
No matter which side of the political fence you root for, it’s a day to put those partisan squabbles aside and for us all to come together as one to remember the date when our forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence, claiming freedom for the nation from British rule as we continue to enjoy these annual celebrations that we grew up with; holiday traditions passed onto us from our parents, grandparents and they from the generations of their families before them.

While each family gathering on this day is unique as we remember the holiday in our own way, the one common denominator it seems common to all is food.
And here at Casa Gomez we are not the exception as I will be firing up the BBQ later and covering the different grills with pre-oven baked, wrapped brisket, different styles of chorizo, kabobs, baked potatoes and a pot of chile beans while Cristina is making some home made tortillas.
To help me watch over and tend to all this delicious spread, I’ll be holding a margarita in a salted rim glass with a shot of Grand Marnier to help keep my spirits up while popping open an occasional oyster or two along the way.

Wishing all of our friends and family a happy Fourth of July and if you choose to light off fireworks this evening, I ask that you try to fire them off in an area far away from the overly sensitive ears of our four footed friends. If you have pets and live in an area where fireworks are expected, be sure to bring your pets safely indoors.
So, where are you today, what are you planning and most important – what’s on your grill?
Yesterday, on the Fourth of July, we attended the yearly parade/celebration in our small community of Santa Margarita on the Central Coast of California. It was a fantastic event, and we met folks from as far away as the San Francisco bay area who came down to attend. After the parade the local park was abuzz with a live band, arts and crafts booths, BBQ’ed hot dogs and hamburgers, etc. What made the day especially wonderful was that it was the birthday of my wonderful wife (50 years this December) Shelley, who turned 72, and she is even more beautiful than when we met at Rancho los Amigos Hospital in Downey, CA. For dinner we enjoyed slow smoked beef ribs along with Shelley’s home made cole slaw and a fine Chardonnay. All in all a wonderful Forth here in Margaritaville!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day as well! Rancho Los Amigos – is that the one up on Imperial Highway? If so, the mother of a buddy of mine from my Boy Scout troop worked there as a nurse during the late 60’s.
Yes, I did my Orthotic internship there in 1968, my wife Shelley worked there as an Occupational Therapist.
You may have known my fellow scout’s mom; can’t recall her first name but their last name was Quackk (not quack) and I recall her telling us that many there loved to kid with her, calling her nurse “Quack”. I remember when she gave us a tour of the facility – it already had a long history, even back then.
Happy BDay to your best half!